
#9 – NLH Mystery Payday (7 Flights)


Thu, Aug 24 - Sun, Aug 27

Buy-in: $600

Guarantee: $500,000

Thu, Aug 24 11:00am
Thu, Aug 24 5:00pm
Fri, Aug 25 11:00am
Fri, Aug 25 5:00pm
Sat, Aug 26 11:00am
Sat, Aug 26 5:00pm
9G - Turbo
Sun, Aug 27 9:00am
Day 2
Sun, Aug 27 2:30pm

Stay Tuned … Derek Normand Calls His Shot in the Mystery Payday

Once upon a time Babe Ruth allegedly called his shot by pointing to center field before hitting a home run. Tonight at TCH Dallas the poker version of that happened when Derek Normand called his shot and came back from a short stack to start the final day (with 99 players returning) to win the Mystery Payday event at the PokerAtlas Tour series. Normand kept saying, “Stay tuned,” throughout the day on his path to victory as a calling card to the successful end result.

Normand took home not only the top prize worth $53,680, the unique PokerAtlas trophy, and another $45,000 in bounties for good measure along the way. Normand was having a great time along the way, and it was fun to watch him enjoy the ride. Normand took out five of the nine players at the final table. By the time the heads-up final began between Normand and Bradley Coultas, Normand had a 4:1 chip advantage. The final hand saw Normand flop a pair of queens to win the title, and Coultas was eliminated in second place, good for $38,300. A consolation prize for Coultas was the fact that he pulled the biggest bounty envelope in the field worth $50,000.

If you would like to see a full replay of the action, check out the TCH LiVE live stream on YouTube.

Final Table Results:

1: Derek Normand – $53,680
2: Bradley Coultas – $38,300
3: Christopher Laieta – $24,740
4: Stuart Qualia – $18,300
5: Kyle Birdwell – $14,130
6: Matthew Dalka – $11,700
7: Marad Arani – $9,420
8: Shakil Farishta – $7,190
9: Christopher Meza – $5,025

Derek Normand Wins Mystery Payday ($53,680) – Bradley Coultas Eliminated in Second Place ($38,300)

Level 29 . Ante 200k . Blinds 100k.200k . Remaining Players . 1 of 994

Derek Normand raised to 450,000 preflop, and Bradley Coultas called before the flop was dealt Queen of clubs10 of diamonds9 of clubs. Normand bet 375,000, Coultas check-raised to 1.5 million, and Normand called before the turn was dealt 2 of hearts. Coultas moved all in for 2.9 million, and Normand called to cover him. The two players then flipped over their cards.

Normand: King of diamondsQueen of spades
Coultas: 6 of clubs5 of clubs

River: 5 of hearts

Coultas was eliminated in second place, good for $38,300 (along with the $50,000 bounty envelope pull), and that made Normand the champion of the Mystery Payday. Normand took home the top prize worth $53,680, the one-of-a-kind PokerAtlas Tour trophy, and $45,000 in bounties as well. Stay tuned for a recap of the final table, and the story of how Normand called his shot on the path to victory today. Stay tuned …

Christopher Laieta Eliminated in Third Place ($24,740)

Level 28 . Ante 150k . Blinds 75k.150k . Remaining Players . 2 of 994

Christopher Laieta completed from the small blind, and Derek Norman checked his option on the big blind preflop before the flop was dealt Ace of clubs6 of clubs3 of spades. Normand bet 175,000, and Laieta check-raised, and Normand reraised to 525,000. Laieta called before the turn fell 4 of diamonds. Normand bet 1.85 million, and Laieta check-called before the river was dealt Queen of diamonds.

Normand moved all in, and Laieta check-called for 5.55 million. Normand showed Queen of clubs4 of clubs for two-pair, and that was enough to top the King of heartsJack of diamonds held by Laieta. Normand stacked up a dominant 22.6 million after the hand, and Laieta was eliminated in third place, good for $24,740. Normand takes a nearly 4:1 chip advantage into the heads-up final against the 6,025,000 of Bradley Coultas.

Derek Normand – 22,600,000 (150 bb)
Christopher Laieta  – Eliminated in Third Place ($24,740)

Stuart Qualia Eliminated in Fourth Place ($18,300)

Level 28 . Ante 150k . Blinds 75k.150k . Remaining Players . 3 of 994

Derek Normand raised to 300,000, and Stuart Qualia reraised to 1 million. Normand reraised all in, and Qualia called all in for 2.25 million. The two players then tabled their cards.

Normand: Ace of heartsKing of hearts
Qualia: 8 of hearts8 of diamonds

Board: 7 of hearts7 of diamonds6 of clubsJack of hearts6 of hearts

Qualia was eliminated in fourth place, good for $18,300, and Normand stacked up 9.4 million after the hand.

Derek Normand – 9,400,000 (62 bb)
Stuart Qualia – Eliminated in Fourth Place ($18,300) 

Kyle Birdwell Eliminated in Fifth Place ($14,130)

Level 28 . Ante 150k . Blinds 75k.150k . Remaining Players . 4 of 994

Stuart Qualia raised to 325,000 preflop, Kyle Birdwell reraised to 900,000, and Qualia called before the flop was dealt 6 of spades4 of diamonds2 of spades. Birdwell moved all in for 2.5 million, and Qualia called. Here is a look at their cards.

Qualia: 9 of hearts9 of diamonds
Birdwell: Ace of hearts9 of clubs

Turn and River: 4 of hearts6 of hearts

Birdwell was eliminated in fifth place, good for $14,130, and Qualia stacked up 7.4 million after the hand.

Stuart Qualia – 7,400,000 (49 bb)
Kyle Birdwell – Eliminated in Fifth Place ($14,130) 

Matthew Dalka Eliminated in Sixth Place ($11,700)

Level 27 . Ante 125k . Blinds 75k.125k . Remaining Players . 6 of 994

Matthew Dalka raised to 300,000 preflop, and Derek Normand reraised all in for 1.9 million. Dalka called to cover so they flipped over their cards.

Normand: Queen of spadesQueen of diamonds
Dalka: Ace of clubs9 of spades

Board: 10 of spades9 of diamonds4 of clubs4 of diamonds8 of clubs

Dalka was eliminated in sixth place, good for $11,700, and Normand stacked up 6.9 million after the hand.

Derek Normand – 6,900,000 (55 bb)
Matthew Dalka – Eliminated in Sixth Place ($11,700)

Marad Arani Eliminated in Seventh Place ($9,420)

Level 27 . Ante 125k . Blinds 75k.125k . Remaining Players . 6 of 994

Marad Arani got all in for 2.95 million preflop with Ace of heartsKing of spades, and Derek Normand had him covered holding 10 of hearts10 of diamonds. The final board read 8 of hearts3 of spades2 of spades8 of clubs4 of hearts, and Arani was eliminated in seventh place, good for $9,420. Normand stacked up 8.4 million after the hand.

Derek Normand – 8,400,00 (67 bb)
Marad Arani – Eliminated in Seventh Place ($9,420)


Shakil Farishta Eliminated in Eighth Place ($7,190)

Level 26 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Remaining Players . 7 of 994

Kyle Birdwell raised to 400,000 preflop, and Shakil Farishta reraised all in for 700,000. Birdwell called to cover him so they flipped over their cards.

Birdwell: King of heartsKing of diamonds
Farishta: Queen of diamondsJack of spades

Board: Jack of hearts9 of spades2 of diamonds3 of diamondsKing of spades

Farishta was eliminated in eighth place, good for $7,190, and Birdwell stacked up 3,395,000 after collecting the pot.

Kyle Birdwell – 3,395,000 (33 bb)
Shakil Farishta – Eliminated in Eighth Place ($7,190)

Chrisopher Meza Eliminated in Ninth Place ($5,025)

Level 25 . Ante 80k . Blinds 40k.80k . Remaining Players . 8 of 994

Christopher Meza raised to 165,000 preflop, and Stuart Qualia called before the flop fell Queen of heartsJack of clubs10 of diamonds. Qualia checked, Meza bet 160,000, and Qualia raised to 430,000. Meza reraised all in for 2,070,000, and Qualia called to cover. The two players then turned over their cards.

Qualia: Queen of clubsJack of hearts
Meza: Ace of heartsQueen of diamonds

Turn and River: 6 of diamondsJack of diamonds

Meza was eliminated in ninth place, good for $5,025, and Qualia stacked up 5.78 million after the hand.

Stuart Qualia – 5,780,000 (72 bb)
Christopher Meza – Eliminated in Ninth Place ($5,025)

Final Table Seat Draw with Chip Counts

Level 25 . Ante 80k . Blinds 40k.80k . Remaining Players . 10 of 994

Here is a look at the seat redraw with the chip counts for the final table in the Mystery Payday. The players will return at 10:45, and after they get setup action will begin.

When they return there will be 25:41 remaining in Level 25 with blinds at 40,000-80,000 with a big blind ante of 80,000.

The final table will be live streamed on TCH LiVE, and the live updates will be timed accordingly to coincide with the 30-minute delay so there will be no spoiler alert slips. The live stream will begin around 11:30 p.m.

Seat 1: Derek Normand –  5,290,000
Seat 2: Bradley Coultas – 3,420,000
Seat 3: Shakil Farishta – 1,180,000
Seat 4: Stuart Qualia – 3,505,000
Seat 5: Christopher Meza – 2,085,000
Seat 6: Kyle Birdwell – 2,410,000
Seat 7: Matthew Dalka – 3,380,000
Seat 8: Christopher Laieta – 5,635,000
Seat 9: Mamad Arani – 2,320,000

Hoan Nguyen Eliminated in 11th Place

Level 25 . Ante 80k . Blinds 40k.80k . Remaining Players . 10 of 994

Hoan Nguyen got all in short after tanking for close to two minutes with Jack of spadesJack of diamonds on the small blind, but he ran right into Queen of spadesQueen of clubs held by Bradley Coultas on the big blind. The board ran out Queen of hearts9 of spades8 of diamondsKing of diamonds9 of diamonds, and Nguyen was eliminated in 11th place, good for $4,225 in prize money. Coultas stacked up 3.23 million after the hand.

Bradley Coultas – 3,230,000 (40 bb)
Hoan Nguyen – Eliminated in 11th Place ($4,225)

Chip Count Update

Level 24 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Remaining Players . 15 of 994

The chip leader after the break in play is Mamad Arani with 4.9 million. Other top stacks include Bradley Coultas (3,400,000), Christopher Meza (2,985,000), Christopher Laieta (2,920,000), and Matthew Dalka (2,625,000). Other notables still in the hunt include Derek Normand with 2.3 million, who started the day short and called his shot on a deep run by saying, “Stay tuned.”

You can check out each and every chip count from the break at the tab just above. In honor of Tournament Director Justin Hammer’s affinity for Hamilton we will be dropping a series of memes from the hit Broadway show into the blog throughout the day.

Bradley Coultas Claims the $50,000 Bounty in the Mystery Payday

Level 23 . Ante 50k . Blinds 25k.50k . Remaining Players . 16 of 994

Bradley Coultas has claimed the $50,000 envelope pull in the Mystery Payday event. That is just a few thousand dollars shy of the first-place prize in the tournament thanks to the well-timed pull.

Coultas received a round of applause from the TCH Dallas poker room as he collected his prize from Tournament Director Justin Hammer, then returned to his seat in the tournament.

Payouts 19-36

Level 23 . Ante 50k . Blinds 25k.50k . Remaining Players . 18 of 994

Here’s the players earning a tournament cash by finishing in 19-36th place in Event 9 of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday.


Final Two Tables Seating Chart

Level 23 . Ante 50k . Blinds 25k.50k . Remaining Players . 18 of 994

Here is a look at the seat draw for the final three tables in the Mystery Payday.

Table 4
Seat 1: Louis Lee
Seat 2: Justin Custer
Seat 3: Christopher Laieta
Seat 4: Fen Chen
Seat 5: Shakil Farishta
Seat 6: Stuart Qualia
Seat 7: Justin Allen
Seat 8: Matthew Dalka
Seat 9: Jonathan Bennett

Table 9
Seat 1: Christopher Meza
Seat 2: Suju Abraham
Seat 3: Hoan Nguyen
Seat 4: Bradley Coultas
Seat 5: Kyle Birdwell
Seat 6: Mamad Arani
Seat 7: Nicholas Banyas
Seat 8: Ryan Page
Seat 9: Derek Normand

Stuart Qualia Eliminates One

Level 22 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 20.994

The hijack was all in with 7 of diamonds7 of spades in the hole, and Stuart Qualia had him covered holding Jack of clubsJack of hearts on the big blind. The final board read Jack of spades6 of clubs3 of clubs8 of heartsQueen of hearts, and Qualia took out his opponent to stack up 2,975,000 after collecting the pot. That gives him one of the largest stacks in the field just before the final two tables are reached.

Stuart Qualia – 2,975,000 (74 bb)


Custer Doubles, Scores a KO

Level 22 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 23.994

Mamad Arani opens for 80k, Hayden Fortini undershoves for 40k, Derek Normand 3-bets to 290k, Justin Cutter 4-bet-rips for 430k, Arani departs and Normand calls.

How’s THAT for preflop action?

  • Ace of spades 9 of clubs for Fortini
  • Ace of hearts Queen of diamonds for Custer
  • King of hearts 8 of spades for Normand, who declares, “No way I don’t win this hand.”

The dealer fans 2 of clubs 6 of diamonds 6 of hearts Ace of clubs Queen of hearts and Custoer doubles through Normand while earning Fortini’s bounty. Custer steps up to join Justin Hammer on stage, and he adds $400 to his pocket vis his Mystery draw.

Justin Cutter – 1,080,000


Final Three Tables Seating Chart

Level 21 . Ante 30k . Blinds 15k.30k . Remaining Players . 27 of 994

Here is a look at the seat draw for the final three tables in the Mystery Payday.

Table 4
Seat 1: Louis Lee
Seat 2: Bradley Coultas
Seat 3: Christopher Laieta
Seat 4: Fen Chen
Seat 5: Shakil Farishta
Seat 6: Russell Koch
Seat 7: Justin Allen
Seat 8: Ryan Hardin
Seat 9: Jonathan Russell

Table 8
Seat 1: Matthew Dalka
Seat 2: Nichaolas Banyas
Seat 3: Kris Burchfield
Seat 4: Andriy Kovalchuk
Seat 5: Cristobal Romano
Seat 6: Jonathan Bennett
Seat 7: Hoang Nguyen
Seat 8: Sean Firth
Seat 9: Stuart Qualia

Table 9
Seat 1: Christopher Meza
Seat 2: Suju Abraham
Seat 3: Ravee Sundara
Seat 4: Justin Custer
Seat 5: Kyle Birdwell
Seat 6: Mamad Arani
Seat 7: Hayden Fortini
Seat 8: Ryan Page
Seat 9: Derek Normand

Chip Count Update

Level 20 . Ante 25k . Blinds 15k.25k . Remaining Players . 28 of 994

The chip leader after the break in play is Matt Dalka with 3.3 million. Other top stacks include Derek Norman (2,800,000), Christopher Meza (2,665,000), Mamad Arani (1,930,000), and Stuart Qualia (1,660,000). Other notables still in the hunt include Kris Burchfield (395,000), and the last woman standing in the field, Chris Read, was a recent bustout before the last break.

You can check out each and every chip count from the break at the tab just above. In honor of Tournament Director Justin Hammer’s affinity for Hamilton we will be dropping a series of memes from the hit Broadway show into the blog throughout the day.

Jonathan Russell Doubles Up

Level 20 . Ante 25k . Blinds 15k.25k . Remaining Players . 31 of 994

Jonathan Russell was all in with 8 of hearts8 of diamonds in the hole under the gun, and Hayden Fortini had him covered holding Ace of diamondsKing of clubs on a final board reading Ace of hearts8 of clubs2 of clubsJack of spadesQueen of hearts. Russell doubled up to survive with 1,155,000, and Fortini was down to 430,000 after the dust settled.

Jonathan Russell – 1,155,000 (46 bb)
Hayden Fortini – 430,000 (17 bb)

Andriy Kovalchuk Eliminates Two

Level 18 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Remaining Players . 36 of 994

All the cards were out on the table when UTG+1 was all in with 8 of hearts8 of diamonds, late position was also all in holding 10 of spades10 of clubs, and Andriy Kovalchuk had them both covered after he woke up with Ace of spadesAce of clubs.

The final board read 5 of hearts5 of diamonds4 of clubs4 of diamonds2 of diamonds, and Kovalchuk took out both opponents to stack up 1.43 million. He also now holds two mystery payday bounty chips at his disposal to use later today.

Andriy Kovalchuk – 1,430,000 (71 bb)


Custer Backdoors a Flush to Survive

Level 19 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 35.994

Justin Cutter moves in preflop over a raise from Louis Lee, and Lee calls to put Cutter at risk right as the Mystery Payday moves to its final

Cutter shows 10 of diamonds 10 of spades

Lee flips up Ace of clubs Queen of clubs

Drama begins to rapidly fade when the dealer fans Queen of spades in the window, followed by 5 of spades 9 of diamonds, Cutter needing help.

Some help arrives on the 6 of spades turn, and Cutter falls back in his seat, expressing amazement, when the river 2 of spades lands to keep his Mystery Payday game going with 35 left in the tournament.


37-45th in Mystery Payday

Level 19 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 35.994

Here’s the players earning a tournament cash by finishing in 73-90th place in Event 9 of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday.

  • 37 .Deniel Zambrano $1,230
  • 38. Daniel Marx $1,230 Highland Park Il
  • 39. Alejandro Armas $1,230 Katy Tx
  • 40. Sul Peak $1,230 Dallas Tx
  • 41. Reid Walker $1,230 Dallas Tx
  • 42. Mark Wong $1,230 Irving Tx
  • 43. Jordan Richard $1,230 Diamondhead Ms
  • 44. Rajanikanth Nadam $1,230 Plano Tx
  • 45. Badr Imejjane $1,230 Dallas Tx
  • 46. Yafang Liu $1,090 Frisco Tx
  • 47. Aaron Hohenstein $1,090 St Louis Mo
  • 48. Andrew Chubick $1,090 Dallas Tx
  • 49. Christopher Wingard $1,090 Jackson Tn
  • 50. John Song $1,090 Irving Tx
  • 51. Bobby Kumar Sambangi $1,090 Plano Tx
  • 52. Jiping Wu $1,090 Frisco Tx
  • 53. Mario Lucero $1,090 Wilmington De
  • 54. Cavin Ehia $1,090 Arlington Tx

Qualia’s Kings Cracked

Level 19 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 39.994

Stuart Qualia – according to his tablemates – can’t have a hand unless it is Kings .. and he’s just done it again, enticing Pen Chen all-in to the Kings’ Den.

Ace of hearts 10 of hearts for Chen

King of clubs King of spades again for Qualia

Well, what happens when any of y’all have Kings all-in against ANY ace? Yep, Ad in the window, followed by 4 of clubs 7 of spades 5 of hearts 2 of hearts and Chen doubles from 340,000 to 730,000 including the blinds and ante.

Qualia ‘slips’ to 1.360,000


$1.5 Million GTD Title Event Begins Wednesday

The highlight of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas beings Wednesday with the opening two flights of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

There’s two flights daily – at 11 am and 4 pm through the weekend. That’s right, y’all, opening flights on SUNDAY also, offering 10 total starting flights. Day 2 is on Monday because that’s the Labor Day holiday, and the final table livestream takes place Tuesday.

Players open competition in this Best Stack Forward tournament with 40,000 stacks, playing 30-minute levels while registration is open, 40-minute levels when level 10 begins and registration closes, and moving to hour-levels on Day 2 when Level 19 begins.

Opening flights play until the money bubble pops, paying 1-in-8 entries. Play continues until the final 8 percent of each flight Bag-n-Tag, advancing to Monday’s Day 2 Restart at 2 pm.

Day 2 plays down to the final table, that action begins Tuesday at 6 pm.


You can win your way in to the Title Event through one of MANY TCH Dallas $150 satellites, and here’s the remaining schedule of $150’s.

  • Sunday – 9 pm
  • Monday – 9 pm
  • Tuesday has $150’s at 11 am, 3 pm and 7 pm
  • Wednesday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Thursday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Friday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Saturday – 2 pm and 9 pm

Chip Count Update

Level 17 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Remaining Players . 57 of 994

The chip leader after the break in play is Derek Normand with 1,350,000. Normand was one of the shorter stacks at the start of play today, but he came over to the media table before the start of play to say, “Stay tuned.” He called his shot and ran that stack up to the chip lead. Other top stacks include Nikola Mircetic (1,210,000), Russell Koch (1,000,000), Kenny Tran (990,000), and Mamad Arani (980,000).

Kris Burchfield had a nice run during the first few levels of play as well to take his stack up to half-a-million when his pocket kings held up after five players called his initial raise in the hand preflop and he dodged the flush draw of his final opponent to win the hand. Burchfield, who is also in contention for the Master Blaster trophy that goes to the player who fires the most bullets during the tournament series just pulled a $5,000 Mystery Payday bounty shortly after the restart in play.

You can check out each and every chip count from the break at the tab just above. In honor of Tournament Director Justin Hammer’s affinity for Hamilton we will be dropping a series of memes from the hit Broadway show into the blog throughout the day.

Jordan Richard Doubles Up

Level 17 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Remaining Players . 61 of 994

Jordan Richard got all in from the small blind with Ace of heartsKing of clubs in the hole, and Nicholas Banyas had him covered holding Ace of spadesQueen of diamonds on the hijack. The board ran out Jack of clubs8 of clubs4 of clubs4 of spades9 of diamonds, and Richard doubled up to survive with 487,000. Banyas held 515,000 after the hand.

Jordan Richard – 487,000 (48 bb)
Nicholas Banyas – 515,000 (51 bb)

Payouts 73-90

Level 17 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Remaining Players . 70 of 994

Here’s the players earning a tournament cash by finishing in 73-90th place in Event 9 of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday.

  1. Tyler Melton $820 Sanger Tx
  2. Mohamad Alahmad $820 Fort Worth Tx
  3. Mitchell Anderson $820 Dallas Tx
  4. Yuzhang Chen $820 Dallas Tx
  5. Abdiasiis Hirsi $820 Arlington Tx
  6. Christopher Larkin $820 Fate Tx
  7. Jared Ingles $820 Dry Prong La
  8. Gregg Merkow $820 Plano Tx
  9. Joel Woods $820 Crowley Tx
  10. Wei Zhang $750 Carrollton Tx
  11. Yale Hamrick $750 Mansfield Tx
  12. Amir Alpert $750 Houston Tx
  13. Tabish Hasan $750 Redlands Ca
  14. Douglas Drees $750 Hurst Tx
  15. John Hardie $750 Frisco Tx
  16. Tiep Bui $750 Garland Tx
  17. Shirley Pierce $750 Allen Tx
  18. La Sengphet $750 Plano Tx

Aaron Hohenstein Doubles Up

Level 16 . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Remaining Players . 74 of 994

Aaron Hohenstein was all in with 8 of hearts8 of spades in the hole from the hijack, and Mamad Arani had him covered holding King of diamondsJack of diamonds on the small blind. The board was dealt 10 of spades10 of hearts8 of clubsAce of spades7 of diamonds, and Hohenstein doubled up to survive with 273,000. Arani was still cruising with 725,000 after the hand.

Aaron Hohenstein – 725,000 (72 bb)
Mamad Arani – 273,000 (27 bb)


Day 2 Mincashes

Level 15 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Remaining Players . 85 of 994

Here’s the players earning a $680 tournament cash by finishing in 91-104th place in Event 9 of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday.

  • 91 Kaushik Kannan $680 Frisco Tx
  • 92 Walter Rutledge $680 Lantana Tx
  • 93 Sherri Title $680 Dallas Tx
  • 94 Zihao Chen $680 Richardson Tx
  • 95 Pedro Fernandez Cavazos $680
  • 96 Gilbert George $680 Desoto Tx
  • 97 Danny Croy $680 Rockwall Tx
  • 98 Benjamin Thompson $680 Little Elm Tx
  • 99 Michael Rudolph $680 Austin Tx
  • 100 Jordan Richard $680 Diamondhead Ms
  • 101 Andrew Chubick $680 Dallas Tx
  • 102 Michael Rudolph $680 Austin Tx
  • 103 Joseph Phan $680 Fort Worth Tx
  • 104 Arnold Cox $680 Pleasant Grove Al

Day 2 Begins in the Mystery Payday Event

Level 15 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Remaining Players . 99 of 994

Cards are in the air for Day 2 in the Mystery Payday event at the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas stop. Every player remaining is in the money, and bounty chips get a pull from the envelopes that are worth up to $50,000 if you’re lucky enough to not throw away your shot.

There are 99 players returning from the total field of 994 that has created a total prize pool worth $506,140. The field will play down to a champion tonight with the final table of nine live streamed on TCH LiVE. Until then you can follow along with the live updates that also include the chip counts for every player in the field at every break for the rest of the day.

In honor of Tournament Director Justin Hammer’s affinity for Hamilton we will be dropping a series of memes from the hit Broadway show into the blog throughout the day.

$53,680 to Winner

Level 15, 28:15 Left . Ante 8k. Binds 4k.8k . Entries 104.994

With registration closed in Event 9 of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $600 Mystery Payday – the scoreboard shows 994 total entries. Day 2 begins at 2:30 pm with 104 players returning to play down to a winner.

Here’s the scheduled tournament cashed, the previous post shows the Mystery Payday drawing awaiting those who score knockouts today.

  • 1st – $53,680
  • 2nd – $38,300
  • 3rd – $24,740
  • 4th – $18,300
  • 5th – $14,130
  • 6th – $11,700
  • 7th – $9,420
  • 8th – $7,190
  • 9th-10th – $5,025
  • 11th-12th – $4,225
  • 13th-15th – $3,550
  • 16th-18th – $2,940
  • 19th-21st – $2,420
  • 22nd-24th – $2,050
  • 25th-27th – $1,690
  • 28th-36th – $1,410
  • 37th-45th – $1,230
  • 46th-54th – $1,090
  • 55th-63rd – $990
  • 64th-72nd – $900
  • 73rd-81st – $820
  • 82nd-90th – $750
  • 91st-104th – $680

Top Mystery Payday is $50,000

Turbo Level 15 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 17.114

With registration closed in all seven flights, there’s 994 total Mystery Payday entries and 104 Day2Bag going in action today at 2:30 pm.

Here’s a look at the 104 Mystery Payday amounts going out.

  • 1 – $50,000
  • 1 – $25,000
  • 2 – $10,000 (1 at Final Table, 1 in general poopulation)
  • 4 – $5,000
  • 8 – $2,500
  • 7 – Title Event $1,000 entry + $400 cash
  • 36 – $1,000
  • 45 – $400
  • Total Mystery Payday payouts = $198,000

114 for Turbo

Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 114

Registration is closed in the seventh of seven flights in the $500,000 Guaranteed $600 Mystery Payday – Event 9 of our 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series –  and the scoreboard shows 114 Turbo Flight entries. The players contribute $58,710 to the overall prize pool.

Play continues down to the final 12 entrants who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and then taking a slight pause before cards go back in the air for Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm.

The tournament is unofficially at 994 entries and the prize pool surpassed the $500,000 Guarantee.

Stay tuned for the announcement of how many bounty Mystery Payday envelopes exist, what their amounts are, and what the cash tournament payouts are.

90 Through 5

Level 6 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 90

The first five 15-minute Turbo levels are in the books and the PokerAtlas Scoreboard shows 90 entries for the Last Chance Turbo.

Registration and the unlimited entry period remains in effect until 11:15 a.m. when Level 9 begins.

This should wrap up around 1:45 -2:15 pm or so, with a short break before the Day 2 Final kicks off at 2:30 pm.

Big Day of Events Today

There’s a boatload of activity going on today as the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series closes out its second of three weekends of action.

Registration closes at 11:15 am for the Last Chance Turbo flight of the $500,000 Guaranteed $600 Mystery Bounty

1 pm is a $100,000 Guaranteed $600 NLH

2 pm is the Day 2 Final restart in the Mystery Payday

But wait, there’s more

5 pm is a $25,000 Guaranteed $500 NLH, with a twist. Win a pot with 7-2 and every player at the table has to give you 1 small-blind from each of their stacks.

Over at TCH Las Colinas at 1 pm is a $10,000 Guaranteed $400 Omaha Mix including orbits of Omaha 8, PLO 8 and Big O.

Good Morning, Turbo Players

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200

Cards are in the air for Sunday morning Last Chance Turbo, the seventh of seven flights in Event 9 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday – including Mystery Day 2 Payouts up to $50,000.

Players begin competition with 30,000 stacks and play 15-minute Turbo levels this morning. Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of Level 9 at 11:15 a.m.

Plays continues until the final 10 percent of the starting field pops the money bubble and receives a short break from that moment in time until the Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm … and that’s where the Mystery Payouts begin.

Knock out a player this afternoon in Day 2 and receive a Mystery Payout ranging from $400 all the way up to one lucky player who finds the surprise $50,000 Payout. One $10,000 Mystery Payout is reserved for the nine players who make it to Sunday night’s livestreamed Final Table, to add some extra suspense on the stream.

This is a Best Stack Forward event, so players surviving multiple Day 1 flights advance to Day 2 and play their largest chip stack. Lesser stacks are removed from play and receive a Day 2 mincash.

Flight 1F Ends With 18 Survivors

Flight F has reached the final 18 players, and they have all advanced to Day 2 on Sunday at 2:30 pm. That puts the total number of players remaining at 92, and the turbo flight fires up at 9 a.m. to give players one last chance to advance. Blinds will come back at 4,000-8,000 with a big blind ante of 8,000 for the last 25 minutes of Level 15. Registration closes at 11:15 a.m. tomorrow in the the Flight G turbo, and that’s when the prize pool and payout structure will be determined.

The chip leader at the end of play is Hieu Dang with 783,000 after pacing the field for most of the late stages of play tonight. Rounding out the top five are Christopher Wingard (589,000), Kenny Tran (527,000), Alejandaro Armas (448,000), and Russell Koch (409,000). You can see all of the chip counts for the remaining field from every flight at the chip counts tab just above.

And to finish off the Thunderdome theme for the day, we leave you with this at the end of the night:

Bubble Time in Flight F

Level 15 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 19.173

Russell Koch’s Sevens hold, sending one to the rail and pausing the game clock with a few moments left in Level 15.

PokerAtlas Executive Tour Director Justin Hammer peels two minutes per hand until the field reduces to 18 who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and advancing to Sunday’s 2:30 pm Day 2 Final restart.

Welcome, ladies, gentlemen and poker players alike … to the Money Bubble.

Chip Count Update

Flight F . Level 15 . Ante 8,000 . Blinds 4,000.8,000 . 23 Players Remaining

The chip leader after the break in play is Hieu Dang with 857,000 as he runs away from the rest of the field. Other top stacks include Daniel Marx (350,000), Kenny Tran (347,000), Jonathan Russell (308,000), and Alejandro Armas (306,000). Notables still in the hunt include Derek Normand (195,000) and Ray Henson (42,000).

You can check out each and every chip count from the break at the tab just above. We’re in a Mad Max Thunderdome type of mood today so a series of memes shall follow. We’re holding our breath for a quick end of day bubble when this flight bags and tags when 18 remain.

Chip Count Update

Flight F . Level 16 . Ante 4,000 . Blinds 2,000.4,000 . 42 Players Remaining

The chip leader after the break in play is Ilyas Muradi with 341,000. Other top stacks include Caleb Barber (305,000), Christina Read (269,000), Jonathan Bennet (244,000), and Christopher Wingard (238,000). Notables still in the hunt include Kris Burchfield (138,000) and Ray Henson (98,000).

You can check out each and every chip count from the break at the tab just above. We’re in a Mad Max Thunder Dome type of mood today so a series of memes shall follow. We’re holding our breath for a quick end of day bubble when this flight bags and tags when 18 remain.

Uber-Close Master Blaster Race

Level 11 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 52.173

Poker players are competitive by nature, often trying to one-up one another, and that can even relate to how often someone buys in to a poker tournament.

We all know that one person who empties the clip while aiming for something more than a deer. Some of those folk has their sights set on the first-ever, inaugural, world premiers of the PokerAtlas Tour Master Blaster award offered to the individual with the most tournament series buy-ins.

While protecting just a bit of their reputations by withholding the amount spent, we can say there’s only TWO buy-ins separating the top four combatants, and 6-10th are separated by just three buy-ins.

Now, for your viewing enjoyment – in no particular order – here’s your Master Blaster Top 10 from the start of Event 1 through end-of-reg today.

Sonny Sundara, Kris Burchfield, Daniel Baik, David Shaw, David Moreno, Bao Huynh, Yafang Liu, Gary Collier, Emmanuel Ignacio and Michael Rudolph.

Trevor Argue Busts One

Level 10 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . 62 Players Remaining

There was 95,000 in the pot, and the board read Jack of hearts10 of clubs7 of clubsAce of hearts when Alejandro Armas bet 20,500 from the button. Trevor Argue raised all in for 93,500 from middle position, and the cutoff was already all in from previous action when the decision came back to Armas. He tanked for a few minutes before the clock was called, and then let the last of his allotted time expire before folding his cards. The two remaining players then revealed their cards.

Argue: King of clubsQueen of hearts
Middle Position: King of heartsJack of clubs

River: Ace of hearts

Argue took out middle position and stacked up 207,000 after collecting the pot. Armas was at 143,00 after the hand.

Trevor Argue – 207,000 (103 bb)
Alejandro Armas – 93,500 (46 bb)

173 For Flight F

Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 173

Registration is closed in the sixth of seven flights in the $500,000 Guaranteed $600 Mystery Payday – Event 9 of our 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series –  and the scoreboard shows 1xx entries. The players contribute $89,095 to the overall prize pool.

Play continues down to the final 18 entrants who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and advancing to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm.

The tournament is unofficially at 880 entries and the prize pool is more than $450,000.

There’s a 9 am Sunday 15-minute-levels Last Chance Turbo offered for one final shot at a bag – or bags – before Day 2 begins.

Xia, Tran Lead Flight F on Reg Break

Level 9 . Ante 1,500 . Blinds 1,000.1,500 . Entries 173

The chip leaders at the conclusion of registration are Wayne Xia (247,000) and Kenny Tran (242,000). Top stacks rounding out the top five include Jonathan Bennett (213,000) Kaushik Kennan(203,000) and Saeed Mazrouei (197,000). Other notable stacks include Kris Burchfield (117,500), Ray Henson (51,000) and Drake Roetker who mega-late-regges, aiming for an ExtraBag.

You can check out each and every chip count from the break at the tab just above. We’re in a Mad Max Thunder Dome type of mood today so a series of memes shall follow once Luccrazy is back on his keyboard.

So That’s How

Level 8 . Ante 1200 . Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 164

Emmanuel Ignacio opens UTG for 3,300, and with little time wasted, his next-door neighbor Joel Findlay bumps the action to 11,000.

Rapid-fire folds, all around the felt, even Ignacio surrenders with little resistance.

Findlay shows Jacks and everyone at the table nods in a, “That’s how you win with those,” type of realization.

Registration in this flight closes in 20 minutes, we’ll return at that time with final entry numbers for the flight, how many are advancing to Day 2, and full-field chipcounts, ‘cuz that’s how we do it at the PokerAtlas Tour.

Kannan Calls Out Read’s Bluff

Level 7 . Ante 1k . Blinds 500.1k . Entries 152

We pick up action with 39,500 in the pot postflop, Chris Read, Kris Burchfield and Kaushik Kannan to the flop.

A bet from Read on the 6 of clubs Jack of hearts 7 of clubs  fan by Angie The Dealer gets a call from Kannan and a fold from Burchfield.

The 6 of hearts turn pairs the board, gets a 22,000 bet from Kannan and a check-call from Read.

River 9 of hearts and Read immediately puts Kannan all in for his last 58,600. Kannan spends about 3 minutes in silent contemplation, then becomes verbal.

“I have a flush,” he says to Read, who offers no recognition of the comment.

Kannan talks aloud to himself for about two more minutes, then calls and tables 8 of hearts 7 of hearts  for a flopped middle pair that went runner-runner.

Read starts to muck while nodding she’s lost the hand, then she flips the semi-bluff Ace of diamondsKing of spades onto the felt.

“I can’t believe you called me there,” Read says with more than a hint of amazement as Kannan rakes.

  • Kaushik Kannan – 231,000
  • Chris Read  – 17,000

Flight 1E Ends With 24 Players Advancing

Flight E . Level 16 . Ante 10,000 . Blinds 5,000.10,000 . 24 Players Remaining

Flight 1E has ended with the final 24 players advancing to Day 2 that starts tomorrow at 2:30 pm. The chip leader at the end of play is Trong Pham with 709,000. Other top stacks were bagged up by Douglas Dree (667,000), Abhishek Sikri (636,000), Cristobal Romano (452,000), and Philip Jackson (436,000).

You can check out each and every chip stack remaining on the chip counts tab up above. The live reporting will now focus on the remaining playdown of Flight 1F, which currently has 149 entries in the field with just about an hour left with registration still open. Stay tuned for live updates and chip counts tonight from the PokerAtlas Tour stop at TCH Dallas.

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again … Again

Flight E . Level 16 . Ante 10,000 . Blinds 5,000.10,000 . 25 Players Remaining

There was 70,000 in the pot, and the flop read Ace of spades7 of spades6 of diamonds when Cristobal Romano got all in for 200,000 holding King of spades10 of spades. Walter Rutledge had him covered with Ace of diamonds10 of diamonds, and the turn and river were dealt 3 of spades2 of clubs. Romano was far behind when the money got in, but the turn rescued him with the straight.

Cristobal Romano – 470,000 (47 bb)
Walter Rutledge – 87,000 (8 bb)

Hand-for-Hand Play Begins – Let’s See How This Goes …

Flight E . Level 16 . Ante 10,000 . Blinds 5,000.10,000 . 25 Players Remaining

The field is one player away from the end of day bubble in Flight E in the Mystery Payday. Action will finish for the night when the next player busts. It’s been a tale of two bubbles for the end of these flights thus far, with action taking either a single-digit number of hands to get to the bag and tag, or multiple hours over double-digit hands (48 hands was the record) before play ended. We will see what fate the remaining players are dealt this time around.

Chip Count Update

Flight E . Level 15 . Ante 8,000 . Blinds 4,000.8,000 . 28 Players Remaining

The chip leader after the fourth break in play is Douglas Drees (635,000). Other top stacks include Gilbert George (490,000), Trung Pham (466,000), Abhishek Sikri (430,000), and Sul Peak (375,000). Derek Norman is holding in with 118,000, and Event 8 winner James Gravatt is also still in the mix with 155,000.

You can check out each and every chip count from the break at the tab just above. We’re in a Mad Max Thunder Dome type of mood today so a series of memes shall follow. We’re holding our breath for a quick end of day bubble when this flight bags and tags when 24 remain.

Big Sunday in the PokerAtlas Tour

There’s a boatload of activity Sunday as the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series closes out its second of three weekends of action.

Cards begin pitching at 9 am for the Last Chance Turbo flight of the $500,000 Guaranteed $600 Mystery Bounty

1 pm is a $100,000 Guaranteed $600 NLH

2 pm is the Day 2 Final restart in the Mystery Payday

But wait, there’s more

5 pm is a $25,000 Guaranteed $500 NLH, with a twist. Win a pot with 7-2 and every player at the table has to give you 1 small-blind from each of their stacks.

Over at TCH Las Colinas at 1 pm is a $10,000 Guaranteed $400 Omaha Mix including orbits of Omaha 8, PLO 8 and Big O.

Flight F Field Update

Flight F . Level 4 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 .97 Entries

There are now 97 entries in Flight F for the Mystery Payday event, and registration remains open until the start of Level 9 well over two hours from now. The reporting will focus on Flight E until they bag up for the night, and then we will turn our attention over to F to end the night here at TCH Dallas.

Daniyal Gheba Busts One

Flight E . Level 14 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000.6,000 . 39 Players Remaining

All the cards were out on the table when the button was all in short with Ace of diamondsAce of clubs, and Daniyal Gheba had him covered holding 9 of spades8 of clubs on a final board reading Ace of heartsJack of diamonds10 of hearts4 of clubsQueen of hearts. Gheba eliminated his opponent to stack up 132,000 after collecting the pot.

Daniyal Gheba – 132,000 (22 bb)

Bijun Du Doubles

Flight E . Level 13 . Ante 5,000 . Blinds 2,500.5,000 . 49 Players Remaining

Bijun Du was all in for less than 20,000 with Queen of spades9 of diamonds under the gun, and Walter Rutledge had him covered holding Ace of clubsQueen of hearts from the big blind. The final board was fanned out Queen of diamonds5 of diamonds2 of heartsJack of clubs9 of spades, and Du scored the double to stack up 40,000 after collecting the pot. Rutledge was at 115,000 after the hand.

Bijun Du – 40,000 (8 bb)
Walter Rutledge – 115,000 (23 bb)

Simon Webster Doubles Up

Flight E . Level 12 . Ante 4,000 . Blinds 2,000.4,000 . 53 Players Remaining

Simon Webster got all in for 58,000 preflop under the gun with King of spadesKing of clubs in the hole, and Daniyal Gheba had him covered UTG+1 holding Ace of diamonds5 of hearts. The board hit the table 6 of clubs5 of clubs4 of diamondsJack of clubs6 of hearts, and Webster doubled up to survive with 126,000. Gheba was down to 80,000 after the hand.

Simon Webster – 126,000 (31 bb)
Daniyal Gheba – 80,000 ( 20bb)

Chip Count Update

Flight E . Level 12 . Ante 4,000 . Blinds 2,000.4,000 . 57 Players Remaining

The chip leader at the third break in play is Yafang Liu with 342,000. Top stacks rounding out the top five include Trung Pham (324,000), Sul Peak (280,000), Angel Castropinto (252,000), and Neal Son (244,000). Other notable stacks include Derek Normand (74,000) and Ray Henson (39,000).

You can check out each and every chip count from the break at the tab just above. We’re in a Mad Max Thunder Dome type of mood today so a series of memes shall follow.

Dustin Foster Doubles Up

Level 11 . Ante 3,000 . Blinds 1,500.3,000 . 68 Players Remaining

Dustin Foster moved all in preflop for 21,500 with Ace of hearts3 of hearts in the hole, and Darryl Sample called to cover him holding King of clubs10 of clubs. The board ran out Jack of clubsJack of hearts4 of spades9 of diamonds8 of hearts, and Foster doubled up to survive with 50,500. Sample held 68,000 after the hand.

Dustin Foster – 50,500 (16 bb)
Darryl Sample – 68,000 (22 bb)

Start the Night Flight

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 38

Cards are in the air for the sixth of seven flights in Event 9 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday – including Mystery Day 2 Payouts up to $50,000.

Players begin competition with 30,000 stacks and play 30-minute levels throughout the entire first day of competition in this two-day tournament. There’s also a 9 am Sunday Last Chance Turbo offered.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of Level 9 at 9:30 pm.

Tonight’s flight plays down to the final 10 percent of the starting field, where the money bubble pops, advancing the finalists on to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm … and that’s where the Mystery Payouts begin.

Knock out a player on Day 2 and receive a Mystery Payout ranging from $400 all the way up to one lucky player who finds the surprise $50,000 Payout. One $10,000 Mystery Payout is reserved for the nine players who make it to Sunday night’s livestreamed Final Table, to add some extra suspense on the stream.

This is a Best Stack Forward event, so players surviving multiple Day 1 flights advance to Day 2 and play their largest chip stack. Lesser stacks are removed from play and receive a Day 2 mincash.

Mstr Lynch Busts One

Level 11 . Ante 3,000 . Blinds 1,500.3,000 . 75 Players Remaining

All the cards were out on the table when Mstr Lynch was all in holding Ace of clubsQueen of clubs from the small blind, and his opponent was also all in and covered holding Jack of clubsJack of hearts UTG+1. The final board read AAce of diamonds4 of clubs2 of hearts2 of clubs7 of clubs, and Lynch took out his opponent to stack up 115,000 after collecting the pot.

Mstr Lynch – 115,000 (38 bb)

Rajashekar Reddy Varakala Takes One Out

Level 10 . Ante 2,000 . Blinds 1,000.2,000 . 92 Players Remaining

A player in late position was all in holding Ace of heartsKing of hearts, but he ran smack dab right into the middle of the Ace of spadesAce of diamonds held by Rajashekar Reddy Varakala on the big blind. The final board read Queen of heartsJack of diamonds9 of clubs8 of diamonds6 of clubs, and Varakala eliminated his opponent to stack up 123,000 after collecting the pot.

Rajashekar Reddy Varakala – 123,000 (61 bb)


Chip Count Update

Level 9 . Ante 1,500 . Blinds 1,000.1,500 . Entries 238

The chip leader at the second break in play is James Gravatt with 162,500. Top stacks rounding out the top five include Ladarryl Alexis (154,000), Finnegan O’Dell (151,500),
Sul Peak (146,500), and Philip Jackson (138,000). Other notable stacks include Kris Burchfield (45,000), Derek Normand (30,000), and Ray Henson (86,000).

You can check out each and every chip count from the break at the tab just above. We’re in a Mad Max Thunder Dome type of mood today so a series of memes shall follow.

238 for Flight E

Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 238

Registration is closed in Flight E of the $500,000 Guaranteed $600 Mystery Payday – Event 9 of our 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series –  and the scoreboard shows 238 entries. The players contribute $122,750 to the overall prize pool.

Play continues down to the final 24 entrants who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and advancing to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm.

The tournament – through five of seven flights – is unofficially at more than 700 entries and the prize pool is more than $360,000.

Flight D begins today at 5 pm and there’s a 9 am Sunday 15-minute-levels Turbo also offered for one final shot at a bag – or bags – before Day 2 begins.

Michael Rudolph Doubles Up

Level 8 . Ante 1,200 . Blinds 600.1,200 . Entries 234

There was a few thousand in the pot, and the flop read Jack of diamonds9 of hearts5 of spades when Michael Rudolph got all in for more than 15,000 from the button holding Jack of hearts8 of hearts. Justin Kruger had him covered under the gun with King of clubsQueen of hearts in the hole, and the turn and river ran through it to bring 6 of heartsAce of spades. Rudolph doubled up to survive with 37,200 after collecting the pot, and Kruger was at 9,600 when the dust settled.

Michael Rudolph – 37,200 (31 bb)
Justin Kruger – 9,600 (8 bb)

William Zaiss Busts One

Level 7 . Ante 1,000 . Blinds 500.1,000 . Entries 223

All the cards were out on the table when the big blind was all in short holding Ace of clubsJack of clubs, and William Zaiss had him covered holding King of hearts10 of diamonds from middle position. The final board read 10 of hearts9 of spades5 of diamonds2 of diamonds2 of hearts, and Zaiss eliminated his opponent to stack up 62,000 after collecting the pot.

William Zaiss – 62,000 (62 bb)

Mircetic Bags Top Flight A Stack

Level 15 . 28:15 Left . Ante 8k . Binds 4k.8k . Entries 10.94

From a starting field of 94 entries, Day 1 in the $500,000 Guaranteed $600 Mystery Payday completes with 10 players who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and also advancing to Sunday’s 2:30 pm Day 2 Final restart.

Nikola Mircetic (607,000) leads the 10 moving on to Sunday.

Remember, every person can play every flight and can Bag every flight as this is a Best Stack Forward contest.

Head over to the Chip Counts tab to see all 10 Day 1 Qualifiers and their stacks.

Ray Henson Made The Trip From Houston

Level 6 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 204

Ray Henson arrived at the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas tournament series yesterday from Houston, and he is currently making a run in the Day 1E field. Henson has been a poker professional for many years now, and his total earnings are over $3.2 million. Henson has multiple six-figure scores to his credit, as well as five World Series of Poker Circuit gold rings on his poker resume.

He also has a dozen tournament victories booked in the course of his poker career.

We will keep a close eye on his progress in the Mystery Payday along with the other events he is planning to play during his time here in the Dallas area.

Chip Count Update

Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 194

The chip leader at the first break in play is Venkata Shiva Kalyan Yerva with 125,900. Other top stacks include Daniyal Gheba (109,800), Ladarryl Alexis (97,700), David Carter (96,800), and Thomas Neville (92,000) to round out the top five. Other notable stacks include Kris Burchfield (47,100), Derek Normand (37,200), and Ray Henson (24,200).

You can check out each and every chip count from the break at the tab just above. We’re in a Mad Max Thunder Dome type of mood today so a series of memes shall follow (sometimes with a side of Mario Kart spliced in for good measure). Here is Venkata Shiva Kalyan Yerva leapfrogging the competition during the early stages of play to the top of the leaderboard Furiosa style.

$2,500 NLH and PLO High Rollers Next Week

Level 4 . Ante 500. Blinds 300.500 . Entries 167

While everyone is preparing for tomorrow’s TCH Dallas run at top cash payouts and Mystery Payouts as well, it is also time to look forward to next week and some large payouts coming for y’all.

Both TCH Dallas and Last Colinas play host to a pair of $2,500 High Roller tournaments, with a two-day NLH starting Tuesday and a two-day PLO starting Wednesday.

Tuesday’s $2,500 NLH has a $100,000 Guarantee, play begins at Las Colinas at 2 pm, with 60,000 stacks and 40-minute levels. Registration is open until 8:45 pm, Day 1 plays to a final table. The final table action moves Wednesday to TCH Dallas on the livestream table, starting at 2 pm.

Wednesday’s $2,500 PLO follows the same path as its Tuesday cousin, also with a $100,000 Guarantee, play opening at Las Colinas at 2 pm, with 60,000 stacks, 40-minute levels.  and registration open until 8:45 pm. Day 1 plays to a final table. The final table action moves Thursday to TCH Dallas on the livestream table, starting at 2 pm.


Alphabet Soup Duel

Level 4 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 179

All the cards were out on the table when Venkata Shiva Kalyan Yerva was all in with 4 of diamonds4 of clubs from the button, and Serbjeet Ahluwalia had him covered holding 6 of spades5 of clubs. The final board was laid out 10 of clubs7 of hearts4 of spades8 of diamonds10 of hearts, and Yerva doubled up to survive with 122,000. Ahluwalia was at 13,500 after the hand.

Venkata Shiva Kalyan Yerva – 122,000 (244 bb)
Serbjeet Ahluwalia – 13,500 (27 bb)


Bag Up and Chill: Travel Options in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

Poker Live Updates Founder Dan Ross with Chef Tiffany Derry at Roots Southern Table

Bag up and have a day off in the Dallas/Fort Worth area during the tournament series? Well here are some suggestions for you to enjoy that day off in the surrounding areas of TCH Dallas and Las Colinas. Your first and closest option would be the downtown Dallas area. A good first stop would be the observation deck atop Reunion Tower to get an overview of the city before you explore (there is a restaurant and bar at the top as well).

The Sixth Floor Museum chronicles the infamous assassination of President John F. Kennedy from the room where it happened. It chronicles his presidency, the assassination on that fateful November day, and the myriad conspiracy theories surrounding the event. You can also wander the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza after the museum visit. If you want some other museum options that touch on lighter material then the best stops would be the Dallas Museum of Art, the Nasher Sculpture Garden, and Crow Collection.

If fine dining is your thing, then look no further than the restaurant at the Mansion on Turtle Creek, which is famous for its tortilla soup and lobster tacos. The #FunTour2Point0 crew also highly recommends Roots Southern Table brought to you by chef Tiffany Derry. The duck fat fried chicken, crab fried rice, and the most interesting take on shrimp and grits we’ve ever seen were all fantastic, and the service was second to none as well. If you want some nightlife options in Dallas after dinner head towards the West End Historic District and Deep Ellum neighborhood.

If you have the time, a drive over to Fort Worth is well worth a day-trip if you want to take in the cowboy culture that made Texas famous. The sister city of Dallas used to be an epicenter of the cattle drives that have been featured in books and television shows like Lonesome Dove and 1883. The Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District still has daily cattle drives that come down the middle of the street.

There are also many museum options in Fort Worth that chronicle the romanticism of the Wild West, including the Kimbell Art Museum, Amon Carter Museum, Cowboy Hall of Fame, and the Will Rogers Memorial Complex. When the sun sets on the West in Fort Worth there are many saloons at the ready as well. Two of your first stops should be the historic White Elephant Saloon, and Billy Bob’s, which is rumored to be the largest nightclub in the world.

And if the timing aligns you can catch a Texas Rangers or Dallas Cowboys game over at their massive stadiums in Arlington. Daily tours of both modern coliseums are available as well when the teams are on the road. Enjoy your bag up and chill day off, and we will see you back at the PokerAtlas Tour stop in Dallas when you’re done relaxing maxing and ready for more poker.


Bag an Extra Stack and Take a Shot at $50,000

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 100

Our $500,000 Guaranteed $600 Mystery Payday is a Best Stack Forward event, so all players can not only play all flights, they can earn coveted Day2Bags in all flights.

  • But why do that, you ask?
  • Is a shot at $50,000 a good reason?
  • I thought so, now sit right back while I tell y’all a tale about how to do that.

Bags more than once and you earn a Day 2 mincash. But wait, there’s more.

Every bag advanced to Day 2 is eligible for a Mystery Payday also, ranging from $400 up to one $50,000 Payday.

Well, if you bag more than once, you pull a bag out of play, in essence you eliminate yourself, so you start the tournament by pulling a Mystery Payday envelope to see if you have the $50k Top Payday before cards even go in the air.

Seating is currently available un Flight E, c’mon down and get your Bag.

Two More Flights Today

Cards are in the air at 11 am today for the fifth of seven flights in Event 9 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday – including Mystery Day 2 Payouts up to $50,000.

Players begin competition with 30,000 stacks and play 30-minute levels throughout the entire first day of competition in this two-day tournament. There’s also a 5 pm flight offered today, then closing out registration options with a special 9 am Sunday Turbo.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of Level 9 – that’s a 3:30 pm close for today’s morning flight, and a 9:30 pm close for this evening’s flight.

Each flight plays down to the final 10 percent of the starting field, where the money bubble pops, advancing the finalists on to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm … and that’s where the Mystery Payouts begin.

Knock out a player on Day 2 and receive a Mystery Payout ranging from $400 all the way up to one lucky player who finds the surprise $50,000 Payout. One $10,000 Mystery Payout is reserved for the nine players who make it to Sunday night’s livestreamed Final Table, to add some extra suspense on the stream.

This is a Best Stack Forward event, so players surviving multiple Day 1 flights advance to Day 2 and play their largest chip stack. Lesser stacks are removed from play and receive a Day 2 mincash.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 7 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

Arani Bags Top Flight D Stack

Level 15 . 5:08 Left . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 14.131

From a starting field of 131 entries, Flight D plays just five bubble hands, coming to a close with 14 players advancing to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm.

Mamad Arani (783,000) bags the top stack from this flight. Here’s a temporary look at the final counts.


Nikolay Vorobyev Eliminated on End of Day Bubble

Flight D Level 15 . Ante 8,000 . Blinds 4,000.8,000 . 14 Players Remaining

Nikolay Vorobyev got all in short with Ace of diamondsKing of spades in the hole, and Cavin Ehia had him covered holding 8 of diamonds8 of clubs. The final board read 10 of clubs10 of diamonds3 of clubs5 of spades4 of clubs, and Vorobyev was eliminated on the end of day bubble. Ehia stacked up 513,000 after collecting the pot.

Cavin Ehia – 513,000 (64 bb)

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

Flight D Level 15 . Ante 8,000 . Blinds 4,000.8,000 . 15 Players Remaining

Tabish Hasan got all in preflop for 101,000 under the gun with Ace of clubsAce of spades, and Jiping Wu had him covered holding Queen of diamondsQueen of clubs from middle position.

The board ran out 9 of clubs2 of clubs8 of diamonds5 of diamondsKing of clubs, and Hasan doubled up to survive with 222,000, and Wiping was down to 240,000 after the hand.

Tabish Hasan – 222,000 (27 bb)
Jiping Wu – 240,000 (30 bb)


Cavin Ehia Doubles Up

Flight D Level 15 . Ante 8,000 . Blinds 4,000.8,000 . 16 Players Remaining

There was 140,000 in the pot, and the board read Ace of spadesQueen of heartsJack of diamonds6 of diamonds when Cavin Ehia moved all in for 153,000 from the small blind. Brett Horton tanked before calling to cover him on the cutoff so the two players tabled their cards.

Ehia: Queen of clubsQueen of diamonds
Horton: Ace of diamondsKing of spades

River: 7 of clubs

Ehia doubled up to survive with 446,000, and Horton was down to 80,000 after the hand.

Cavin Ehia – 446,000 (55 bb)
Brett Horton – 80,000 (10 bb)

Chip Count Update

Flight D Level 14 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000.6,000 . 16 Players Remaining

The chip leader after the break in play is Mamad Arani with 582,000. Other top stacks include Michael Bishop (463,000) Mohamad Alahmad (414,000),  Victoria Vandigriff (383,000), and Matthew Dalka (271,500). The field is two players away from the bursting the end of night bubble so the final battle of the day is about to begin.

You can see each and every chip count from the remaining field on the tab at the top of the page. In honor of Reilly from the tournament staff, who also sounds exactly like John C. Reilly, there will be a number of references in today’s updates from the more than 110 movies in the actor’s filmography.

Horton Hears A Call

Flight D Level 14 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000.6,000 . 18 Players Remaining

There was 94,000 in the pot, and the board read 9 of clubs6 of hearts3 of diamonds2 of spades4 of hearts when Cavin Ehia moved all in from the small blind. Brett Horton tanked on a decision for his tournament life from the cutoff for a few minutes with 103,000 left behind. He called after a few minutes when the clock was called and flipped over 8 of clubs6 of clubs. That move was proved correct when Ehia showed Ace of heartsQueen of diamonds. Horton doubled up to survive with 300,000, and Ehia was down to 170,000 after the hand.

Brett Horton – 300,000 (50 bb)
Cavin Ehia – 170,000 (28 bb)

Joseph Chan Doubles Up

Flight D Level 13 . Ante 5,000 . Blinds 3,000.5,000 . 21 Players Remaining

All the cards were out on the table when Joseph Chan was all in for 58,000 with Ace of clubs2 of spades in the hole, and Victoria Vandigruff had him covered holding 8 of hearts8 of spades in early position.

The final board read Jack of spades2 of diamonds2 of clubs3 of spades7 of hearts, and Chan doubled up to survive with 129,000 after collecting the pot. Vandigruff was at 365,0000 after the dust settled.

Joseph Chan – 129,000 (25 bb)
Victoria Vandigruff – 365,000 (73 bb)

Chip Count Update

Flight D Level 12 . Ante 4,000 . Blinds 2,000.4,000 . 27 Players Remaining

The chip leader after the break in play is Michael Bishop with 336,000 to pace the field. Other top stacks include Mohamad Alahmad (306,000), Denver Jayroe (288,000),  Victoria Vandigriff (287,000), and Aaron Hohenstein (271,500). Recent notable eliminations include Derek Normand, Kris Burchfield, and Ray Henson.

You can see each and every chip count from the remaining field on the tab at the top of the page. In honor of Reilly from the tournament staff, who also sounds exactly like John C. Reilly, there will be a number of references in today’s updates from the more than 110 movies in the actor’s filmography.

Michael Bishop Busts One

Flight D Level 11 . Ante 4,000 . Blinds 2,000.4,000 . 28 Players Remaining

All the cards were out on the table when Mehdi Daruwala was all in with Queen of spadesJack of clubs UTG+1, and Michael Bishop had him dominated holding King of spadesJack of spades on the hijack.

The board bricked out so Daruwala was eliminated from the tournament. Bishop stacked up 335,500 after collecting the pot.

Michael Bishop – 335,500 (83 bb)
Mehdi Daruwala – Eliminated


Cavin Ahia Doubles Up

Flight D Level 11 . Ante 3,000 . Blinds 1,500.3,000 . 33 Players Remaining

There was 26,000 in the pot, and the flop read Ace of spades4 of spades3 of clubs when Joseph Chan bet 18,000 UTG+1. Cavin Ahia raised all in for 76,500 from middle position, and Victoria Vandigruff tanked before calling to cover him on the cutoff. Phan folded so the remaining two players revealed their cards.

Ahia: Ace of clubsQueen of spades
Vandigruff: Ace of hearts7 of clubs

Turn and River: 8 of hearts6 of clubs

Ahia doubled up to survive with 179,000, and Vandigruff was still cruising with 298,000 after the hand.

Cavin Ahia – 179,000 (59 bb)
Victoria Vandigruff – 298,000 (99 bb)


Chip Count Update

Flight D Level 9 . Ante 1,500 . Blinds 1,000.1,500 . 89 Players Remaining

The chip leader after the second break in play is Mohamad Alahmad with 343,500 to pace the field. Other top stacks above 200,000 include Victioria Vandigriff (282,000), Mehdi Daruwala (224,500). Other notable stacks include Derek Normand (30,000), Kris Burchfield (34,000), Adam Levy (42,000), and Ray Henson (37,000).

You can see each and every chip count from the remaining field on the tab at the top of the page. In honor of Reilly from the tournament staff, who also sounds exactly like John C. Reilly, there will be a number of references in today’s updates from the more than 110 movies in the actor’s filmography.

131 for Flight D

Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 131

Registration is closed for Day 1D in the Mystery Payday event with 131 entries in the field. The players contribute $67,465 to the overall prize pool.

Play continues down to the final 14 entrants who Cash-n-Bag, advancing to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm.

The tournament – through four of seven flights – is unofficially at 469 entries and the prize pool is more than $240,000.

New Record Hands on Bubble

Level 17 . Ante 13k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 15.141

What started with the feel of a nice walk through a field, ended in what was more like Hansel and Gretel’s forest adventures – as Flight C in the $500,000 Guaranteed $600 Mystery Payday burned through the end of Level 14, laid to waste of Level 15, eviscerated all of Level 16 and stumbled across the line after three hands in Level 17.

This flight sets a new All-Time Record with 48 completed hands on the money bubble before concluding with 15 players advancing to Sunday’s 2:30 pm Day 2 Final Restart.

By the time the witch fell into the oven, we had Kyle Birdwell almost 300k clear of his competitors. Birdwell’s 830,000 being chased by Deniel Zambrano’s 534,000 and Eric Chang’s 498,000 as the nearest in pursuit.

Check the Chip Counts tab for all Day 2 Qualifiers and all flight bustouts.

Chip Count Update

Flight D Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 116

The chip leader after the first break in play is Victoria Vandigriff with 183,600 to pace the field. Other top stacks above six figures include Gary Collier (144,300), and Mohamad Alahmad (103,200). Other notable stacks include Derek Normand (63,000), Kris Burchfield (29,000), and Ray Henson (25,300).

You can check out each and every chip count from the field at the chip counts tab above. Registration remains open for Day 1D for two more hours before the end of the second break in play.

Welcome to the Bubble

Level 15 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 16.141

PokerAtlas Executive Tour Director Justin Hammer pauses the play clock early in Level 15, peeling two minutes per hand until one more Jackrabbit Railbird Hazy IPA goes and the final 15 Cash-n-Bag.

Welcome, to the Flight C Money Bubble.

We’ll return soon with the 15 final chipcounts and their respective owners.

88 Through 3 in Flight D

Flight D Level 4 . Ante 500 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 88

The first three 30-minute registration-era levels are in the books and the PokerAtlas Scoreboard shows 88 entries in the fourth of seven $500k GTD $600 Mystery Payday flights.

Among those with a live stack in play is Sherri Title, Ray Henson, Sam Talent, Mykel Comroe, Simon Webster, Ilyas Muradi, RuRussell Koch, Pajl Saranec, Derek Normand, Kiran Suresh and Bradley Peterson.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period is available until Level 9 begins at 9:30 pm.

Meanwhile Over At TCH Las Colinas

While the majority of the poker tournament action during the PokerAtlas Tour stop in Dallas will be taking place at TCH Dallas, the mixed-game tournaments and the bulk of the cash games will be hosted over at TCH Las Colinas just a short drive away. The poker room over at Las Colinas opened a short time ago, and it includes some nice features. TCH Social has a full food and drink menu where players can eat either table-side or at restaurant lounge area near the bar. Another special feature at the property includes two golf simulators for players to enjoy while they’re away from the felt. A fun promotion run by the poker room is the Bad Beat Bacon offer where anytime you get aces full or better cracked in hold’em, or quads or better cracked in Omaha you get a plate of brown sugar and chili coated thick cut bacon.

You can find a number of restaurants a few steps from the poker room, including The Reserve, The Ranch, Hudson House, and Brasao Brazilian Steakhouse. There is also a Starbucks in the parking lot, and Jam + Toast for your coffee and breakfast fix. A few doors down from the poker room is Michael’s of Las Colinas, which has a selection of live music throughout the week along with standup comedy on their lineup of shows in addition to a restaurant and bar.

29 Remain in Flight C

Level 12 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 29.141

Richard Jordan (397,000) leads the final 29 Flight C players, playing down to 15 who Cash-n-Bag in the $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday.

Jordan is being chased by Kyle Birdwell (310,000), Mark Wong (270,000) and the remaining players.

Take a look at the Chip Counts tab for all live stacks and all recorded bustouts through 11 levels.


Flight D Firing Now

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200

Cards are in the air for the fourth of seven flights in Event 9 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday – including Mystery Day 2 Payouts up to $50,000.

Players begin competition with 30,000 stacks and play 30-minute levels throughout the entire first day of competition in this two-day tournament. There’s 11 am and 5 pm flights offered today and Saturday, with a special 9 am Sunday Turbo also available.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of Level 9 – that’s a 3:30 pm close for morning flights, and a 9:30 pm close for evening flights.

Each flight plays down to the final 10 percent of the starting field, where the money bubble pops, advancing the finalist on to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm – and that’s where the Mystery Payouts begin.

Knock out a player on Day 2 and receive a Mystery Payout ranging from $400 all the way up to one lucky player who finds the surprise $50,000 Payout. One $10,000 Mystery Payout is reserved for the nine players who make it to Sunday night’s livestreamed Final Table, to add some extra suspense on the stream.

This is a Best Stack Forward event, so players surviving multiple Day 1 flights advance to Day 2 and play their largest chip stack. Lesser stacks are removed from play and receive a Day 2 mincash.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 7 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

Off to the Races – HORSE Updates Coming Soon

Level 10 Ante 2,000 . Blinds 1,000.2,000 . 46 Players Remaining from 141

We are heading over to the Texas Card House Las Colinas location for a bit to cover the action in the HORSE event, so stay tuned for updates from that tournament soon. We will circle back to TCH Dallas a little later this evening to follow the play down in the Mystery Payday as 1C plays down. Day 1D in the Mystery Payday also begins at 5 pm.

La Sengphet Out in Front

Level 10 Ante 2,000 . Blinds 1,000.2,000 . 46 Players Remaining from 141

La Sengphet was the chip leader at the second break in play today, and she will be looking to add to her career earnings of $1,266,107 with a deep run in this event. The resident of Plano, Texas is a regular on the tournament circuit, and she can often be found playing in tournaments all over the country. Her largest career cash was for $259,370, and she has a pair of six-figure scores on her poker resume. Sengphet also has 18 tournament victories on her consistent list of results.

Official Field Size Set at 141 Entries

Level 9. Ante 1,500 . Blinds 1,000.1,500 . 57 Players Remaining from 141

Registration is closed for Day 1C in the Mystery Bounty event with 141 entries in the field. There are now 57 players remaining, and the field will play down to the final 15 before action ends later tonight.

La Sengphet is the chip leader with 234,000, and other stacks above 200,000 include Christopher Laieta (213,000), Kyle Birdwell (211,000), and Jordan Richard (201,500).

Other notable counts are held by Derek Normand (64,900), T.J CLoutier (56,000), and Kris Burchfield (33,500).

You can check out every single chip count from the break on the chip counts tab at the top of the page.

Break Time

Level 9. Ante 1,200 . Blinds 600.1,200 . 136 Entries

The players are taking their second 15-minute break of the day. Stay tuned for chip counts from every player in the field a short time from now. There are currently 136 entries in the field, with registration open until the end of the break at 3:30 pm. In honor of Reilly from the tournament staff, who also sounds exactly like John C. Reilly, there will be a number of references in today’s updates from the more than 110 movies in the actor’s filmography.

Derek Normand Arrives

Level 8. Ante 1,200 . Blinds 600.1,200 . 130 Entries

Derek Normand recently joined the tournament on Day 1C at the Mystery Payday event with the field size now up to 130 entries. The Lake Charles, Louisiana resident holds close to $700,000 in career earnings. His largest career cash was good for $86,950, and he has three tournament titles to his credit. Normand is always an active player at the table so we will keep an eye on him throughout the day.

Big O Rescheduled for Labor Day

Last Sunday’s $500 Big O at TCH Las Colinas started out as a very popular event with a great turnout. A nearby vehicle crash, however, severed power poles and knocked out power to the entire area – including the poker room – from mid-afternoon until well into the evening.

The tournament had to be canceled, but we’re bringing it back on Labor Day.

Come out to TCH Las Colinas on Labor Day starting at 2 pm for the $25,000 Guarantee Big O, with 30,000 starting stacks, 30-minute levels and registration open until 5:30 pm.


Kris Burchfield Wins One

Level 7 . Ante 1,000 . Blinds 500.1,000 . 125 Entries

There was a few thousand in the pot, and the flop read King of heartsQueen of diamonds2 of clubs when Kris Burchfield bet 1,800 UTG+1. The hijack decided to come along for the ride, and then both players checked the 8 of clubs on the turn.

The river delivered the 9 of diamonds, and Burchfield bet 7,200. The hijack tanked for a few moments before folding his cards. Burchfield took down the pot uncontested to stack up 43,800 after the hand.

Kris Burchfield – 43,800 (43 bb)

Kris Burchfield Joins the Field

Level 6 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . 115 Entries

Kris Burchfield is one of the more recent notable additions to the field on Day 1C in the Mystery Payday event. He holds more than $450,000 in career tournament earnings, and the Texas resident hails from Houston. His largest cash was good for $44,091, and he made a deep run in the 2022 World Series of Poker $10,000 buy-in pot-limit Omaha championship to add another $41,985 to his earnings. Burchfield also has a pair of tournament wins on his poker resume.

Chip Count Update

Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . 106 Entries

Check out the chip counts tab just above at the top of the page for a full report on the chip counts for the entire field early on Day 1C in the Mystery Payday event.

Daniyal Gheba is out front with 117,200, Kyle Birdwell holds 91,400, and Robert Rickamn rounds out the top three with 88,100.

Other notable stacks are held by Kris Burchfield (28,700), and T.J. Cloutier (26,800).


Break Time

Level 4 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . 101 Entries

The players are taking their first 15-minute break of the day. Stay tuned for chip counts from every player in the field a short time from now. There are currently 101 entries in the field, with registration open over two more hours until 3:30 pm. In honor of Reilly from the tournament staff, who also sounds exactly like John C. Reilly, there will be a number of references in today’s updates from the more than 110 movies in the actor’s filmography.

T.J. Cloutier Eliminated by Seneca Easley

Level 4 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500

T.J. Cloutier moved all in preflop for 2,900 under the gun, a player in middle position called, and Seneca Easley reraised to 12,000 to isolate. Middle position got out of the way so the remaining two players revealed their cards.

Easley: Ace of clubsAce of spades
Cloutier: Ace of diamondsKing of spades

Board: 9 of diamonds7 of diamonds3 of spadesKing of diamonds5 of hearts

Cloutier was eliminated on the hand, but he immediately re-entered the tournament. Easley stacked up 49,500 after collecting the pot.

Seneca Easley – 49,500 (99 bb)
T.J. Cloutier – Eliminated

Poker Hall of Famer T.J. Cloutier in the Field

Level 3 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400

Poker Hall of Fame member T.J. Cloutier is playing in today’s Day 1C flight. The Texas resident has more than $10.4 million in career earnings, and six World Series of Poker gold bracelets to his credit. Back when we started covering poker tournaments back in the poker boom days around 2006, Cloutier might have traveled the tournament circuit more than anyone, and he was one of the most feared players in any tournament he entered. Cloutier hasn’t been playing as many tournaments these days, so it will be fun to cover the poker legend throughout the day.


Level 2 Begins

Level 2 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 66

Blinds are up for the start of Level 2 in Flight 1C of the no-limit hold’em Mystery Payday event at the PokerAtlas Tour TCH Dallas / Las Colinas tournament series. The binds are at 200-300 with a big blind ante of 300. In honor of Reilly from the tournament staff, who also sounds exactly like John C. Reilly, there will be a number of references in today’s updates from the more than 110 movies in the actor’s filmography.  So with that said it’s time to “Shake and bake!”

Oh Say Can You Flight C

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200

Cards are in the air for the third of seven flights in Event 9 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday – including Mystery Day 2 Payouts up to $50,000.

Players begin competition with 30,000 stacks and play 30-minute levels throughout the entire first day of competition in this two-day tournament. There’s 11 am and 5 pm flights offered today and Saturday, with a special 9 am Sunday Turbo also available.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of Level 9 – that’s a 3:30 pm close for morning flights, and a 9:30 pm close for evening flights.

Each flight plays down to the final 10 percent of the starting field, where the money bubble pops, advancing the finalist on to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm – and that’s where the Mystery Payouts begin.

Knock out a player on Day 2 and receive a Mystery Payout ranging from $400 all the way up to one lucky player who finds the surprise $50,000 Payout. One $10,000 Mystery Payout is reserved for the nine players who make it to Sunday night’s livestreamed Final Table, to add some extra suspense on the stream.

This is a Best Stack Forward event, so players surviving multiple Day 1 flights advance to Day 2 and play their largest chip stack. Lesser stacks are removed from play and receive a Day 2 mincash.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 7 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

Lee Bags Top Flight B Stack

Level 16 . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 11.103

After a PokerAtlas Tour All-Time Record 36 hands on the bubble, Flight B comes to an end with 11 players advancing to Sunday’s 2:30 pm Day 2 Final restart in the $500,000 Guaranteed $600 Mystery Payday.

Louis Lee (512,000) bags the top stack, follow3ed closely by Nichilas Banyan (502,000). Take a look at the Chip Counts tab for all 11 Day 2 Qualifiers and all who busted the flight.

There’s two more flights tomorrow – at 11 am and 5 pm – same for Saturday, plus a 15-minute-levels Turbo Sunday at 9 am before Day 2 begins.

This is The Bubble That Never Ends

Level 15 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 12.103

  • This is the bubble that never ends
  • It goes on and on, my friend
  • Some people started folding and stalling, not knowing why they were.
  • And, they’ll continue forever, just because
  • This is the bubble that never ends…

That’s 5 hands down, 10 hands down, 15 hands down, 20 hands down, and now TWENTY FIVE hands played on the money bubble, and they are STILL playing in Flight B of the $500,000 Guaranteed $600 Mystery Payday.


Bubble Time in B

Level 13 . Ante 5k . Blinds 3k.5k . Entries 12.103

IainTheFloor pauses the PokerAtlas Scoreboard a few minutes before Level 13 expires, peeling away two minutes per hand until 11 remain and one does not – welcome to the Flight B money bubble in the Mystery Payday.

We’ll be back soon with final counts for the 11 Day 2 qualifiers


Lee Leads Flight B After 11 Levels

Level 12 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 22.103

Half of the remaining field earns a coveted Day2Bags as Level 12 begins in Flight B of the Mystery Payday.

Louis Lee (334,000) lead Tyler Melton (289,000), Chase Bricker (236,000) and the rest of the field.

Check out the Chip Counts tab for all live stacks and all bustouts.

103 for Flight B

Level 9 Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 103

Registration is closed in the second of seven flights of the $500,000 Guaranteed $600 Mystery Payday at TCH Dallas and the scoreboard shows 103 entries. The players contribute $53,045 to the combined prize pool.

Play continues today until down to 11 players who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and also advancing to Sunday’s 2:30 pm Day 2 Final restart where the Mystery bounty Paydays start taking place.

There’s two more flights tomorrow, at 11 am and 5 pm ..  and also for Saturday.

But wait, there’s more, there’s a 9 am 15-minute-levels Turbo flight on Sunday also.

Woods Expands Lead

Level 12 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 18.94

Back from the third break of the day, there’s 18 players remaining in Flight A of the Mystery Payday and Joel Woods stretches his chiplead over his 17 remaining challengers.

take a look at how many chips Woods has how many the other 17 have, and who already busted Flight A in the Chip Counts tab above for Flight A

Flight B Going Now

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 22

Cards are in the air for the second of seven flights in Event 9 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday – including Mystery Day 2 Payouts up to $50,000.

Players begin competition with 30,000 stacks and play 30-minute levels throughout the entire first day of competition in this two-day tournament. There’s 11 am and 5 pm flights offered today, tomorrow and Saturday, with a special 9 am Sunday Turbo also available.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of Level 9 – that’s a 3:30 pm close for morning flights, and a 9:30 pm close for evening flights.

Each flight plays down to the final 10 percent of the starting field, where the money bubble pops, advancing the finalist on to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm – and that’s where the Mystery Payouts begin.

Knock out a player on Day 2 and receive a Mystery Payout ranging from $400 all the way up to one lucky player who finds the surprise $50,000 Payout. One $10,000 Mystery Payout is reserved for the nine players who make it to Sunday night’s livestreamed Final Table, to add some extra suspense on the stream.

This is a Best Stack Forward event, so players surviving multiple Day 1 flights advance to Day 2 and play their largest chip stack. Lesser stacks are removed from play and receive a Day 2 mincash.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 7 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

94 for First Mystery Payday Flight

Level 9 Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 94

Registration is closed in the first of seven flights – that includes a Sunday morning 15-minute-levels Turbo, y’all – of the $500,000 Guaranteed $600 Mystery Payday at TCH Dallas and the scoreboard shows 94 entries. The players contribute $47,940 to the combined prize pool.

Play continues today until down to 10 players who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and also advancing to Sunday’s 2:30 pm Day 2 Final restart where the Mystery bounty Paydays start taking place.

Flight B launches today at 5 pm

Woods Leads Flight A on Registration Break

Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 94

Players are back in their seats and the registration break is closed in Flight A of the Mystery Payday, and the chip counts shows Joel Woods has 225,000 betting units, more than any other participant. Nathan Hays (205,000), Antonio Velasquez (187,000), John Hardie (170,000) and Brant Jolley (135,000) round out the room’s top five stacks.

Take a look at the chip counts tab above to see all live stacks and all bustouts recorded through eight levels.

Hays Leads on First Break

Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 68

We’ve moved through the first break today and on to Level 5 in the $600 Mystery Payday with $500k GTD, and the PokerAtlas scoreboard shows 68 entries.

There’s the innovative, industry-leading PokerAtlas Tour chipcounts now available for al players i this event. We see Nathan Hays (121,100) as the only player so far to bust through the 6-figure-stack glass ceiling.

Take a gander upward towards the Chip Counts tab to see every live stack and all recorded bustouts through the first four levels of action.

Off We Go in Flight A

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200

Cards are in the air for the first of seven flights in Event 9 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday – including Mystery Day 2 Payouts up to $50,000.

Players begin competition with 30,000 stacks and play 30-minute levels throughout the entire first day of competition in this two-day tournament. There’s 11 am and 5 pm flights offered today, tomorrow and Saturday, with a special 9 am Sunday Turbo also available.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of Level 9 – that’s a 3:30 pm close for morning flights, and a 9:30 pm close for evening flights.

Each flight plays down to the final 10 percent of the starting field, where the money bubble pops, advancing the finalist on to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm – and that’s where the Mystery Payouts begin.

Knock out a player on Day 2 and receive a Mystery Payout ranging from $400 all the way up to one lucky player who finds the surprise $50,000 Payout. One $10,000 Mystery Payout is reserved for the nine players who make it to Sunday night’s livestreamed Final Table, to add some extra suspense on the stream.

This is a Best Stack Forward event, so players surviving multiple Day 1 flights advance to Day 2 and play their largest chip stack. Lesser stacks are removed from play and receive a Day 2 mincash.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 7 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

Mystery Payouts Begin Thursday

Thursday at TCH Dallas is the first two of seven flights in Event 9 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $500,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday – including Mystery Day 2 Payouts up to $50,000.

Players begin competition with 30,000 stacks and play 30-minute levels throughout the entire first day of competition in this two-day tournament. There’s 11 am and 5 pm flights offered today, tomorrow and Saturday, with a special 9 am Sunday Turbo also available.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of Level 9 – that’s a 3:30 pm close for morning flights, and a 9:30 pm close for evening flights.

Each flight plays down to the final 10 percent of the starting field, where the money bubble pops, advancing the finalist on to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 2:30 pm – and that’s where the Mystery Payouts begin.

Knock out a player on Day 2 and receive a Mystery Payout ranging from $400 all the way up to one lucky player who finds the surprise $50,000 Payout. One $10,000 Mystery Payout is reserved for the nine players who make it to Sunday night’s livestreamed Final Table, to add some extra suspense on the stream.

This is a Best Stack Forward event, so players surviving multiple Day 1 flights advance to Day 2 and play their largest chip stack. Lesser stacks are removed from play and receive a Day 2 mincash.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 7 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

Mystery Payday Day 2 Level 24 Chip Counts

Flight F Mystery Payday Final Chip Counts

FLight E Mystery Payday Final Chip Counts

Flight D Mystery Payday Level 11 Chip Counts

FLight C Mystery Payday Final Chip Counts

Flight B Mystery Payday Final Chip Counts

Mystery Payday Flight A FInal Chip Counts

Javier Urreiztieta

Ray Henson

Event 8 – PKO – winner James Gravatt

Nestor Garcia

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