Christopher Laieta Eliminated in Third Place ($24,740)

Level 28 . Ante 150k . Blinds 75k.150k . Remaining Players . 2 of 994

Christopher Laieta completed from the small blind, and Derek Norman checked his option on the big blind preflop before the flop was dealt Ace of clubs6 of clubs3 of spades. Normand bet 175,000, and Laieta check-raised, and Normand reraised to 525,000. Laieta called before the turn fell 4 of diamonds. Normand bet 1.85 million, and Laieta check-called before the river was dealt Queen of diamonds.

Normand moved all in, and Laieta check-called for 5.55 million. Normand showed Queen of clubs4 of clubs for two-pair, and that was enough to top the King of heartsJack of diamonds held by Laieta. Normand stacked up a dominant 22.6 million after the hand, and Laieta was eliminated in third place, good for $24,740. Normand takes a nearly 4:1 chip advantage into the heads-up final against the 6,025,000 of Bradley Coultas.

Derek Normand – 22,600,000 (150 bb)
Christopher Laieta  – Eliminated in Third Place ($24,740)