Derek Normand Wins Mystery Payday ($53,680) – Bradley Coultas Eliminated in Second Place ($38,300)

Level 29 . Ante 200k . Blinds 100k.200k . Remaining Players . 1 of 994

Derek Normand raised to 450,000 preflop, and Bradley Coultas called before the flop was dealt Queen of clubs10 of diamonds9 of clubs. Normand bet 375,000, Coultas check-raised to 1.5 million, and Normand called before the turn was dealt 2 of hearts. Coultas moved all in for 2.9 million, and Normand called to cover him. The two players then flipped over their cards.

Normand: King of diamondsQueen of spades
Coultas: 6 of clubs5 of clubs

River: 5 of hearts

Coultas was eliminated in second place, good for $38,300 (along with the $50,000 bounty envelope pull), and that made Normand the champion of the Mystery Payday. Normand took home the top prize worth $53,680, the one-of-a-kind PokerAtlas Tour trophy, and $45,000 in bounties as well. Stay tuned for a recap of the final table, and the story of how Normand called his shot on the path to victory today. Stay tuned …