Matthew Dalka Eliminated in Sixth Place ($11,700)

Level 27 . Ante 125k . Blinds 75k.125k . Remaining Players . 6 of 994

Matthew Dalka raised to 300,000 preflop, and Derek Normand reraised all in for 1.9 million. Dalka called to cover so they flipped over their cards.

Normand: Queen of spadesQueen of diamonds
Dalka: Ace of clubs9 of spades

Board: 10 of spades9 of diamonds4 of clubs4 of diamonds8 of clubs

Dalka was eliminated in sixth place, good for $11,700, and Normand stacked up 6.9 million after the hand.

Derek Normand – 6,900,000 (55 bb)
Matthew Dalka – Eliminated in Sixth Place ($11,700)