We haven't lost a player or seen a full double up in almsot two hours, but we have had some fun hands.
In one had, James Baker limped under the gun for 80,000, Gallagher and Hernandez called behind, and Kenna James raised to 400,000 from the big blind. Only Baker made the call.
James lead out for 600,000, almsot a third of his stack, on a board of 2sTh5s and Baker quickly raised to 1,300,000. James thoguht for quite some time before folding, and looked pleased with himself after Baker showed a ten for top pair.
Another hand saw the aggressive Hernandez raise the button and Baker call the big blind. On a KKJ flop Hernandez bet 100,000 and Baker called. The turn was a 6 and Baker lead for 100,000. Hernandez looked confused by the lead, but eventually called.
On a river 9, both players checked and Baker lost with 73o vs Hernandez 33.
A big pot also played out between Hernandez and Baker a few minutes later when Hernandez raised the button and Baker called from the big blind. Hern bet the 356 flop and Baker called. The turn was a king, Hernandez bet bigger and again Baker called.
When another king fell on the river, Baker lead out for the same bet Hernandez had made on the turn, 350,000. Hernandez raised to 1,200,000 and Baker tanked before folding. Hernandez showed K5 for a full house.
Hernandez and Baker have most of the chips, while Kenna James is still fighting and Kumar and Gallagher have been quiet.