
#8 – NLH PokerAtlas Title Event (4 Flights)

Thu, May 25 - Tue, May 30

Buy-in: $1,100

Guarantee: $500,000

Thu, May 25 11:00am
Fri, May 26 11:00am
Sat, May 27 11:00am
Sun, May 28 11:00am
Day 2
Mon, May 29 1:00pm
Final Table
Tue, May 30 4:00pm

Title Event Flight D: Shuffle Up and Deal

$800 NLHE PokerAtlas Tour Title Event
Flight D
$300,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 1: 100/200 with a 200 ante
Entries: 20

Cards are in the air for the PokerAtlas Tour $800 buy-in no-limit hold’em Title Event at Resorts World in Las Vegas.

Blinds begin at 100-200 with a big blind ante of 200 for the first 40-minute level of the day, and the players start with stacks of 40,000.

This is a multi-day event with four starting flights in total and a $300,000 guarantee. Day 2 will see the top 8% advance to Monday, and the top 12.5% from each starting flight making the money.

Title Event Flight B: Jordyn Miller Doubles

$800 NLHE PokerAtlas Tour Title Event
Flight B
$300,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 5: 300/500 with a 500 ante
Entries: 43

Jordyn Miller

All the cards were out on the table, and Jordyn Miller was all in holding 7 of clubs6 of clubs from the cutoff on a final board reading Ace of hearts5 of spades4 of spades3 of clubs-brick. Stephen Bierman had him covered with 3 of hearts2 of hearts, but the higher straight won the pot. Miller was up to 192,000 after collecting the pot, while Bierman was left with just 4,500.

Jordyn Miller – 192,000 (384 bb)
Stephen Bierman – 4,500 (9 bb)

Praise Ogwo Takes Down First-Ever Tour Title Event

Starting today’s play more than 5 million chips clear of his nearest rival, Praise Ogwo increased his lead steadily en route to a runaway victory in the inaugural PokerAtlas Tour series $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

Ogwo earns $111,380 for his win, takes the Atlas trophy, the TCH winner’s trophy AND the Player of the Series award, for this is his second win in 12 series events – he also took down the $1,100 PLO for $19,575.

The final hand completed with Ogwo’s A.Q catching a Queen in the window against the Tens of Kamoro Yusuf, and holding for the win.

This final table played on the TCH LiVE stream on a 30-minute delay, so Ogwo had time after having his winner’s photo taken to walk over and watch the final hand play out.

He was holding his phone in his hand, waiting to send out texts about his victory.

“I am trying not to spoil it for my parents, they are still watching” he said as he juggled all three trophies and his phone.

Here’s how the final table paid out:

  1. Praise Ogwo – $111,380
  2. Kamoru Yusuf – $64,690
  3. Derek Normand – $46,690
  4. Paul Lentschke – $40,000
  5. Lawrence Wayne – $23,900
  6. Adrian Curry – $18,480
  7. Andrew Huey – $15,090
  8. David Shaw – $12,590
  9. Linh Dinh – $10,420

See the Results tab for official results.

The 12-event series – held May 18-30 – paid out a total $1,243,760 to the players. The PokerAtlas Tour returns to the Texas Card House properties Aug 17 – Sept. 4 for its next series, being hosted simultaneously at properties in Dallas and Las Colinas.


Ogwo Wins Title Event

Level 29 . Ante 120k . Blinds 60k.120k . Entries 1.561

Praise Ogwo opens to 265,000, Kamoru Yusuf raises to 800,000, Ogwo clicks in back to 1,760,000, Yusuf jams for about 6 million, Ogwo calls and all the chips get in the middle preflop.

  • Ogwo shows A Q
  • Tens for Yusuf

Wow, that’s a Queen in the window, followed by two 8’s. Yusuf spins away from the table and Ogwo sheepishly grins about his FinalTableRunGreat.

No Ten on the runout, there’s even an Ace on the River, and Yusuf is eliminated in second place, cashing for $64,690

Praise Ogwo – 22,408,000 – (all the bb), $111,380

Paul Lentschke – 4th Place – $40,000

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 3.561

Shortly after the players agree to shift a small portion of second-place money to make fourth an even $40,000, we have

Paul Lentschke moves all in for his last 5.5 bb and Praise Ogwo calls to try and score yet another final table knockout.

  • Lentschke shows Kc . Qh
  • Ogwo has Tens

The flop goes 8c . 6h . 4s, the runout 5c . 2c and Lentschke is eliminated in fourth place, cashing for $40,000

Praise Ogwo – 16,300,000 (163 bb)

Lawrence Wayne – 5th Place – $23,900

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 4.561

Chipleader Praise Ogwo opens for 220,000, Lawrence Wayne moves in for 690,000 and Ogwo calls for a micro-portion of his stack

  • Wayne has As . Kc
  • Ogwo has Jd . 9d

Ogwo flops draw with Kh . 7d . 5d, Wayne has TopTop.

Ogwo improves his draws with the turn 8s (there’s always a sweat, amirite?), and Ogwo gets there, as he’s done ALL the final table, with the river 4d fo a flush FTW.

Wayne is eliminated in fifth place, cashing for $23,900

Praise Ogwo – 15,400,000 (154 bb)

Adrian Curry – 6th Place – $18,480

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 5.561

Adrian Curry calls a 220,000 raise from Praise Ogwo and off to the flop we go.

Both players check the 7h . Kh . 2d flop, Curry leads for 175,000 on the 7d turn, a call from the dominant stack owned by Ogwo.

River is 5d,

  • Curry shows Ad . 5h for two pair, King kicker
  • Owgo shows 5s . 5c for a rivered boat FTW, and Curry is eliminated in sixth place, cashing for $18,480

Praise Ogwo – 15,230,000 ( bb)

Andrew Huey – 7th Place – $15,090


Andrew Huey

Level 27 . Ante 80k . Blinds 40k.80k . Entries 6.561

Andrew Huey moves all in for 465,000 and draws a call from Lawrence Wayne and Kamoru Yusuf, seven-handed at the PokerAtlas Tour Title Event final table at Texas Card House Houston.

4h . Jd . 8h 6c . Qs. is the runout, Yusuf and Wayne check it down.

  • Huey shows As . 3s
  • Wayne shows Ad . 7d
  • Yusuf shows Td . 9d for a straight FTW, and Huey is eliminated in seventh place, cashing for $15,090

Kamoru Yusuf – 2,900,000 (36 bb)

David Shaw – 8th Place – $12,590

Level 27 . Ante 80k . Blinds 40k.80k . Entries 7.561

David Shaw leads out with Nines, Paul Lentschke moves in for 12 bb with As . Js. and Shaw calls, leaving himself just 1 bb.

The runout goes 4h . 4c . Jh . 8d . 6d and Lentschke moves to 2,390,000 (30 bb)

Shaw moves in the very next hand with Ac . 3s, called by Derek Normand’s Jc . Th

This runout goes 5d . 8d . Jd . 2c . Js and Shaw is eliminated in 8th place, cashing for $12,590.

Derek Normand – 3,215,000 (40 bb)

Linh Dinh – 9th Place – $10,420

Linh Dinh

Level 26 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 8.561

All in for his last 595,000, Linh Dinh is called by Adrian Curry to be at risk, nine-handed at the final table

  • Fours for Dinh
  • Queens for Curry

The board runs out Kd . 9c. 7h . 2d . Jc and Dihn is eliminated in ninth place, cashing for $10,420

Adrian Curry 3,200,000 (53 bb)

Final Table Set for Title Event

Level 24, 14:54 Left . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 9.561

From a four-flight starting field of 561 entries – and a full Day 2 playing down to this stage – we are at one single, final table of nine in the inaugural PokerAtlas Tour $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

Priase Ogwo (pictured) has a dominant stack to start play Tuesday at 4 pm on the TCH Live stream – shown on a 30-minute delay with hole cards, and a guest appearance by Norman Chad on first break tomorrow.

Ogwo’s 7,695,000 is more than 5 MILLION chips clear of Adrian Curry’s 2,650,000 No. 2 stack.

Here’s how the final table lays out, with verified chip counts included.

Ogwo Goes Str8 Flush to Set Final Table

Praise Ogwo

Level 24 , 14:54 Left . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 9.561

Chris Bello and overwhelming chip-leader Praise Ogwo get all the chips in the middle on the flop of As . 8s . 2c, Bello at risk of being the Title Event final table bubble.

  • Ac . 2d for Bello for TopAndsBottom
  • 7s . 4s for Ogwo for a flush draw

The 5s turn gives Ogwo a flush, Bello looking to pair the board.

River 6s and Ogwo – who was slapped in the face with the deck for the last three hours – rivers a straight flush to bring Day 2 to a close

Bello cashes for $10,420 in 10th, Ogwo to more than 7 million of the 22.4 million chips in play, and we’ll return shortly with Day 3 Seat Assignments and verified chip counts.

The Shawckroach

Level 24 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 10.561

All in for his last 475,000, David Shaw is once again at risk against Adrian Curry, and he needs a boatload of help.

  • Shaw shows Ks . Jd
  • Curry fans Ad . Qc

The dealer’s spread of 3h . As . 9s gives Curry Top pair and that’s a backdoor flush draw for Shaw.

Turn is Kd, Curry well in front

River … Kh and both tables explode as Shaw doubles for the thirds time in the last 9 hands.

Another Double for Shaw

Level 24 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 10.561

DOwn to 7bb, David Shaw is all in preflop with Ad . 4d, up against the Qh . Th of table-chipleader Adrian Curry

The 9d . Ks . As flop is top pair for Shaw, a Broadway gutter for Curry.

The runout goes Kh . 2d and Shaw lives to see another hand or several, or Day 3.

Shaw Survives of FT Bubble

Level 24 . Ante 40k . BLinds 20k.40k . Entries 10.561

“All right, this is the hand, boys,” calls out David Shaw before the dealer begins pitching.

Shaw is down to 4 bb and dangerously close to placing multiple bb’s in the pot preflop when his turn rolls around.

Shaw honors his pledge once he receives cards and action folds to Kamoru Yusuf in the SB who cannot find a fold, but Linh Dinh calls-blind to put Shaw at rish.

  • Shaw shows Qc . 9c
  • Dinh turns up 6d . 5d and Yusuf says he folded  6 . 5

The 3h . 7s . Qs flop gives Dinh a gutter draw as well as his live cards. The Js . 8s runout, however, keeps Shaw alive, while Yusuf says he had a winning Spade.

10bb for Shaw, play on.

Rash of Eliminations

As noted in the TCH Tournaments blog,

Michael Bell ($6,100) finishes 15th in the $500k GTD $1,100 Title Event.

Alejandro Reynoso ($7,340) falls in 14th.

13th goes to Dennis Brand ($7,340)

A payout of $8,780 for Gary Horn in 12th.

The Kings of Jason Fitzpatrick (11th, $8,780) cracked by the Jacks of Praise Ogwo

Livestream Tomorrow 4 pm

Level 23 . Ante 30k. Blinds 15k.30k . Entries 12.561

We are three eliminations away from establishing the Livestream Final Table of Nine in the $500k GTD $1,100 Title Event.

Join us tomorrow on TCH Live to watch all the action on a 30-minute delay with guest commentary and hole cards. We’ll embed the stream into the blog coverage here as well.

ALSO, tune in as the broadcast begins for the LIVE announcement of the next stop on the PokerAtlas Tour.

Feed The Players Some BBQ

Thanks to PokerAtlas and The Pit Room on Richmond, players in today’s $50,000 Guarantee $600 NLG – the Finger Licker – are treated to a full BBQ spread on an extended dinner break.

The play clock also paused with 16 remaining in the Title Event so those 16 didn’t feel left out, invited to c’mon over and join in the feast.

Payouts 25-47 in Title Event

Level 22 . Ante 25k . Blinds 15k.25k . Entries 22.561

Here’s the players earning a Day 2 tournament cash by finishing in 25-47th place in Event 8 of the May 2023 PokerAtlas Tour $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

  • $3,660 payouts – 25. Steve Mrozinski; Venkat Chivukula; 27. Karim Bevans; 28. Jeremy Evans; 29. Adolfo Becerril; 30. Ahmad Mohassel; 31. Brian Wee; 32. William Newby
  • $3,330 payouts – 33. Nic Vu; 34. Gabriel Andrade;35. Dejuante Alexander; 36. Michael Holst; 37. Chris McCauley; 38; Sang Ngo; 39. Christopher Laieta; 40. Chezz Romero
  • $2,500 payouts – 41. Robert Champion; 42. Zachary Hammons; 43. Marco Filho; 44. Joseph Caffaro; 45. Christian Vaca; 46. Mark Davis; 47. Vincent Hoang

3-Table Layout

Level 21 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 24.561

From a Day 2 starting field of 47 players, we’re down to three tables-of-eight in the TItle Event.

Here’s the players in their new seats, with chipcounts included.

Table 7

  1. Nathan Gay – 1,665,000
  2. Alejandro Reynoso – 1,155,000
  3. Jason Fitzpatrick – 930,000
  4. Christopher Bello – 500,000
  5. Kareem Marshall – 335,000
  6. Eric Eldridge – 1,275,000
  7. Andrew Huey – 425,000
  8. KC Panjwani – 555,000

Table 8

  1. Willie Neugebauer – 425,000
  2. Ryan Mowery – 155,000
  3. Tzu Yen – 940,000
  4. Gary Horn – 1,370,000
  5. Adrian Curry – 2,000,000
  6. Victor Park – 550,000
  7. Linh Dinh – 1,145,000
  8. Derek Normand – 1,400,000

Table 15

  1. Paul Lentschke – 1,205,000
  2. Kamoru Yusuf – 925,000
  3. Prasie Ogwo – 1,685,000
  4. Jamie Ho – 645,000
  5. Michael  Bell – 1,240,000
  6. David Shaw – 870,000
  7. Dennis Brand – 880,000
  8. Lawrence Wayne – 385,000

Fitzpatrick Eliminates Chivukula

Level 21 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries

Venkat Chivukula gets his last 10 bb in the middle preflop and draws Jason Fitzpatrick as his lone caller.

  • A . 6 for Chivukula
  • Jacks for Fitzpatrick

The runout goes T . 4 . 4 . 8 . K and Chivukula is eliminated in 26th palce, cashing for $3,660

Jason FItzpatrick – 900,000 (45 bb)

Curry Snags Small Pot

Level 21 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 27.561

Whoa, hold on, FLOOR, we’re at 27, c’mon Justin Hammer, why isn’t the 3-table redraw taking place? Oh, wait, this is an 8-max, the redraw is at 24, my bad.

The rather pedestrian pace continues in Day 2 of the Title Event as Karim Bevans limps into a pot, Adrian Curry limps in as well, Nathan Gay just completes with a MillyStack, and Kamoru Yusuf checks his option.

The dealer fans 6h . Qs . 3s, action folds to Curry who bets 40,000 and his tablemates step away.

Three from redraw, dinner from The Pit Room, courtesy of PokerAtlas, at 6:15 pm.

Adrian Curry – 1,225,000 – (61 bb)

Normand Eliminates Wee

Level 20 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 30.561

Down to a nub, Brian Wee is all in with Q . 5 and he runs in to the A . Q of Derek Normand, all-in preflop and needing help to stay in the Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

Possible help arrives on the A . J . K flop, Wee now drawing to a Broadway chop.

The turn Jack is not helpful, neither is the river 9 and Wee cashes for $3,660 in 320th place.

Derek normand – 675,000 (45 bb)

Brand’s Pair Better

Level 2o . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entires 29,561

Dennis Brand opens for 35,000, Praise Ogwo comes along, the blinds step aside and off to the flop they go.

The dealer-fan of 7h . Th . 7c draws ne betting action, while the 4d turn receives a 35,000 bet-and-call.

River is 2h, Ogwo goes 60,000 and Brand clarifies the bet before check-calling.

  • Ogwo shows Fives for a flopped two pair
  • Brand shows Sixes for a flopped BetterTwo

Dennis Brand – 830,000 (55 bb)

Praise Ogwo – 1,545,000 (103 bb)

Horn Leads on First Break

Level 20 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 36.561

Gary Horn leads the field – one if five players with more than 1 million in chips – on first break in Day 2 of the $500k GTD $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

Horn (1,580,000), Michael Bell (1,550,000), Praise Ogwo (1,270,000), Linh Dinh (1,270,000) and Nathan Gay (1,035,000) make up TeamMillyChip.

Take a look at the Chip Count tab for updated full-field counts on every break for every player in every tournament, all series long, the PokerAtlas Chipzapalloza ™️

Bell Can’t Believe the Call From Evans

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 39.561

Michael Bell’s table is a wee bit more than passive right now, as Bell rakes five consecutive pots preflop with only a 30k bet, everyone folding to his now 1.5 MillyStack.

Bell goes 30,000 for a sixth time and Jeremy Evans gives a small speech before being the first BB is a while to call Bell preflop.

EricaTheDealer fans 3h . 3d . Js, Bell flips out a 25,000 chip and Evans calls.

Turn is 2d, there’s no action, Evans checks the Jd river and Bell doesn’t bite to fire.

Evans shows only 3c – that’s flopped trips that run out to a Boat. Bell makes a comment indicating surprise, EricaTheDealer properly requires Evans to show both cards to win the pot .. and he reveals 8h.

38o wins the pot and Bell is exasperated.

“What the hell, calling me with 38-off, I am offended,” Bell says with a sarcastic laugh. “What the hell is that, buddy?”

Evans grins and rakes, moving to 890,000 as Bell “slips” to 1,510,000.


Eldridge Makes Normand Lay Down Kings

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 41.561

Eric Eldridge opens, Derek Normand boosts the action to 76,000. Eldridge adds to the counts, moving the betting to 175,000, and Normand light-raises to 274,000, Eldridge making the call.

The dealer fans 5s . Ad . 7c and both players opt to see a turn without betting.

Eldridge leads out for 150,000 on the 8d turn and Normand gives a sort speech before mucking Kings face-up. Eldridge does not show, he just rakes.

  • Eric Eldridge – 1,380,000 (115 bb)
  • Derek Normand (33 bb)

Peaceful Start to Day 2

Level 18 . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 43.561

The Day 2 field is playing at a nice, relaxed, Memorial Day Weekend holiday pace, not a ton of action or need to ramp up the aggression.

We’re down just four players in the first 45 minutes, all cashing for $2,500.

44. Joseph Caffaro; 45. Christian Vaca; 46. Mark Davis; 47. Vincent Hoang.

Day 1 Title Event Payouts

Level 18 . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 47.561

Here’s the players who earned a Day 1 tournament cash in Event 8 of the May 2023 PokerAtlas Tour series – $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

Terance Perez $2,250
Joe Eckford $2,250
Brenda Clayton $2,000
Chander Jain $2,000
William Ohagan $2,000
Joe Eckford $2,000
Raymond Garcia $2,000
James Green $2,000
Salim Ishikov $2,000
Nada Siddik $2,000
Jake White $1,600
Jeff Ortiz $1,600
Dejuante Alexander $1,600
Jessica Richards $1,600
Jeremy Evans $1,600
Sean Hollifield $1,600
Jonathan Dull $1,600
Benjamin Anderson $1,600
William Brewster $1,600
Edin Hasanovic $1,600
Lisa Fleishman $1,600
Charles Carragher $1,600
William Ohagan $1,600
Benjamin Anderson $1,600

47 Return to Play Down to Final Table

Level 17, 1:39 Left . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 47.561

From a four-flight starting field of 561 entries, the $500,000 Guarantee PokerAtlas Tour $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston is down to 47 players – all in the money – returning today at 1 pm to play down to the final table of nine.

Tour Tournament Director Justin Hammer sends cards in the air and off we goooooo.

Here’s what everyone is playing for.




Dinh Bags Top Flight D Bag

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 19.240

Linh Dinh ran strong all throughout the final flight in the $500,000 Guarantee-covered PokerAtlas Tour $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.  Dinh (1,363,000) bags the top stack among 19 players advancing to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart that plays down to a Final Table of nine.

Here’s the Day 2 Qualifiers from Flight D and their verified chipcounts.

  • Linh Dinh – 1,363,000
  • Michael Bell – 1,014,000
  • William Newby – 903,000
  • Venkat Chivukula – 812,000
  • Nathan Gay – 678,000
  • Jeremy Evans – 568,000
  • Derek Normand – 560,000
  • Kamoru Yusuf – 529,000
  • Gary Horn – 491,000
  • Adolfo Becerril – 427,000
  • Kareen marshall – 412,000
  • Brain Wee – 384,000
  • Victor Park – 322,000
  • Andrew Huey – 290,000
  • Willie Neugebauer – 208,000
  • Sang Ngo – 183,000
  • Christian Vaca – 177,000
  • Robert Champion – 167,000
  • Mark Davis – 146,000


Double-Elimination Ends Flight D

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 19.240

Terance Perez and Joe Eckford fall on the night’s final hand, chopping one Day 1 and one Day 2 payout – each earning $2,250 as Flight D comes to a close, moving 19 players on to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart in the Title Event.

Joining Perez and Eckford as Day 1 cashes is a $2,000 payout for Nada Siddik, James Green’s son Alex and Salim Ishikov.


Flight D’s $1,600’s

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 24,240

Here’s the players earning a $1,600 Day 1 tournament cash by finishing in 25-30th place in Event 8 of the May 2023 PokerAtlas Tour series at Texas Card House Houston – $500,000 GUarantee $1,100 Title Event.

25. Benjamin Anderson; 26. William Ohagan; 27. Charles Carragher; 28. Lisa Fleishman; 29. Edin Hasanovic; 30. William Brewster.

Flight D Bubble

Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 31.240

IainTheTD Pauses the play clock with 26:50 remaining in Level 16, peeling two minutes per hand until one more is eliminated and the final 30 earn a tournament cash.

Welcome to the final Title Event money bubble.

21-24th cash for $2,000; 25-30th cash for $1,600; 20 advance to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart.

$111,380 to Title Event Champ

Level 15 . Ante 5. Binds 2500.5k . Entries 40.240.

Registration is closed in Event 8 of the May 2023 PokerAtlas Tour series $500,000 Guarantee  $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston – the first-ever Title Event in tour history – and the scoreboard shows 561 entries.

The players create a prize pool valued at $549,780, paying the final 71 participants. There’s 23 Day 1 payouts totaling $40,400, with 48 players advancing to Monday’s Day 2, playing for an additional $509,380.

Tuesday’s Champion receives the top cash payout of $111,380 and the Atlas Trophy.

Here’s all the scheduled Title Event payouts.

Ishikov Tops Fight D after 12 Levels

Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 52.240

Grinding down toward 30 who cash and 20 who bag in Flight D of the Title Event, it is Salim Ishikov (310,000) with the chiplead. Chasing Ishikov up Chipcount Mountain is Andrew Huey (291,500), Ethan Machen (287,000), Victor Park (283,000), Niraj Kataria (247,000) and the rest o’da crew.

Follow Chip Count updates in the Chip Count tab on every break, for every player, in every tournament, all series long.

Ngo Back From Brink

Level 12 . Ante 3500 . Blinds 1500.2500 . Entries 61.240

Sang Ngo moves in for 32,500, Jiang Yu is over-the-top all-in for 74,000 and Linh DInh sure looks as though he wants to call, but into the muck go his cards, and Ngo waits to see what Yu shows before he flips.

  • Yu shows A . Q
  • Ngo prepares to head into the parking lot as he shows A . J
  • the flop goes 5c . 7h . 4h and Ngo is ready to flee, but he hits the Js turn. The river 2s is a blank and Ngo remains, moving up to 71,500 – Yu down to 41,500

240 for Flight D

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 240

Registration is closed in the fourth and final starting flight in the $500,000 Guarantee PokerAtlas Tour series $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston and the scoreboard shows 240 entries.

Play continues tonight until down to 20 players who both make the money and also advance to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart.

Players finishing today in 21-24th place cash for $2,000, those finishing in 25-30st cash for $1,600 and their Title Event tournament competitions come to a close.

Samuels Defeats a Slowroll

Level 9 . Ante 1200 . Blinds 600.1200

Niraj Kataria opens with a limp, the unmentioned player in the 1 seat moves all in with less than one-half of a starting stack and Suzan Samuels moves in for what appears to be close to an equal stack, leaving only these two combatants going for all the chippies available in this pot.

Samuels shows Kc . Qs and her challenger does not show, does not show, STILL does not show, and finally tables cards stacked one atop the other, only showing 9d. The dealer reaches over and exposes 9h as well, and off to the flop they go.

Yep, King in the window, y’all saw that coming, didnt’cha?

The board runs out 8c . 4c . 8d . Ks and Samuels goes boat FTW to move to 1 bb shy of a starting stack just a few moments before players leave for the registration break.

This just in to the newsroom, PokerKarma does not like slowrolls.


Heald Offers Nada Nada Mas

Level 9 . Ante 1200 . Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 225

Nada Siddik opens for 4,000, drawing interest from both blinds, in the forms of Ethan Machen and Christopher Heald.

The Qh . 9c . 3d flop draws a bet of 6,000 from Heald, a call from Siddik and a check-fold from Machen.

Siddik makes it 15,000 on the Ks turn, and Heald shows Ts . Td as he folds face-up, retaining his 53,200 and offering no more chips to the stack of Siddik, aka nada mas to Nada.

Nada Siddik – 127,000 (106 bb)

Hemen Takes Half of Vaca’s Stack

Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 202

Ronald Hemen opens for 2,300, Trung Pham joins, then Christian Vaca accelerates the pace to 10,000. Hemen joins, Pham departs.

Neither player offers betting units on the 6h . 2s . 9c flop, Hemen makes it 15,000 on the Ac turn and Vaca – down to 10,600 – opts to choose a different time to spin up his remaining 13bb.

Ronald Hemen – 67,000 (84 bb)

Guarantee Covered

Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 191

Midway through Level 7 and today’s Flight D field is at 190 entries. This pushes the $1,100 Title Event prize pool – unofficially – to greater than the $500,000 Guarantee, with registration and the unlimited-entry period available until 5:45 pm when Level 10 begins.

On behalf of the entire PokerAtlas and Texas Card House Houston teams – thank you for your support.


I Hear The Sound of Sweats

Level Second Break . Entries 174

Six levels complete, players on a 15-minute break, and the volume just went UP over at Table 18, where the latest $110 10-player Single-Table Sweats are underway.

Place $110 in one of 10 cupholders to lock up your ‘seat,’ watch the dealer pitch the cards, put out the flop, keep the turn card down, peel the river and then call, 1-by-1, for hands to be revealed until a Title Event winner is declared.

Burleson Rakes a Small Pot

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 163

Adolfo Becerril opens for 2,600 and draws one lone caller in the form of Samuel Burleson.

Becerril adds 3,200 to the pot on the Tc . 6d . 8d flop, only to have Burleson bump the action to 10,000. Looking down at his 161,00 behind, Becerril opts to fold his Sevens face-up.

Burleson shows he was slightly better, turning over As . 8c.

Samuel Burleson – 44,000 (73 bb)

D Tops 150 and Keeps Growing

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Ante 300.600 . Entries 154

The first five 40-minute registration-era levels are in the books and the scoreboard shows 154 entries, with registration and the unlimited-entry period available until 5:45 pm when Level 10 begins.

Unofficially, this places the overall field up to 475 entries and the prize pool is more than $465,000. The guarantee is topped with entry 191 today, 37 from here.


Ngo’s Flush Leaves Tao With a Nub

Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 147

The dealer fans al All-Diamonds Q . 4 . 2 flop, and before y’all can blink, Sang Ngo and Thang Tao have their respective stacks in the middle

  • Tao shows Queens for Top Set
  • Ngo shows Kd . 9d for a King-High flush

Tao looks for the board to pair, does not achieve his hoped-for results and falls to just five 100-chips, as NGO’s flopped flush holds.

Hasanovic Assists in Stone’s Departure

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 117

Edin Hasanovic opens for 1,200 and Tucker Stone bumps the action to 3,500 and Hasanovic is the lone challenger to the flop.

The dealer fans 5d . Ts . Qs and Stone CBets 4,000. Hasanovic pauses for a count, then tosses out three red 5k chips, accelerating the action to 15,000.

Stone wastes little time in releasing his cards, leaving himself 20,900 behind. Before I can post this hand, Stone’s stack evaporates.

Edin Hasanovic – 107,900 (270 bb)

$400,000 and Growing

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 88

The Prize Pool Guarantee Countdown clock shows Event 8, the $1,100 Title Event, has now surpassed $400,000, climbing toward the guarantee of $500,000 for this four-flight poker tournament.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until 5:45 pm when Level 10 begins.

The first $110 10-player SIngle-Table Sweat fires once this level completes.

Sammy Helps Launch the Poker Boom

Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 .Entries 70

Come along with me, ladies, gentlemen and poker players alike, on a trip down memory lane to 20 years ago last Tuesday. Peer back into the dimly-lit Binion’s Casino and Poker Room in downtown Las Vegas, where today’s player at Table 14, Seat 2, is about to become part of poker history.

The game’s best player at the time – Phil Ivey – falls in 10th place and the World Series of Poker Final Table is established. Just beyond all the television camera lights is tournament director (at the time) Matt Savage on one knee, proposing to now-wife Maryanne. One by one, the table’s combatants dwindle down until there’s just two remaining.

At one end is a most-definitely-recreational player named Chris Moneymaker.

At the opposite end is today’s Table 14, Seat 2, cigarette dangling from the lips of Sammy Farha.

While most everyone in-the-know in the poker community expects Sammy to roll over this unknown, the end could have been announced by Al Michaels with a Do You Believe in Miracles call.

Sammy Farha, laying down top pair to a ridiculously-brave bluff, helps launch the poker boom as Moneymaker runs that bluff to victory in the WSOP Main Event bracelet on May 23, 2003.

Welcome, Sammy, to the inaugural PokerAtlas Tour Title Event.

Eric Harkins Historical photo of Sammy Farha

125 to Go

Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 66

We are early in Level 2 here on the final Title Event registration day and the board shows 66 Flight D entries, this means we are unofficially 125 entries away from hitting the $500,000 Guarantee.

Follow along today with blog posts updating the countdown to $500k, and the count-up from that point to where the prize pool ends up.

Early Flight D Arrivals

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 60

Scattered among the direct-buys and those who have a live stack in play by virtue of winning an entry via satellite/sweat for this final Title Event flight is Hieu Dang, Niraj Kataria, Scott Gronroos, Wes Cutshall, Kenneth Warner, Kamoru Yusuf, Sang Ngo, Brian Craft, Victor Park, Gregory Fishberg, Hien Tieu, Shawn Calvit, Suzan Samuels, Joe Eckford and Sanjeev Vora and Michael Villareal.

Who is Already in Day 2?

Level 1 . Ante o . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 53

Here’s the players who have already made the money AND advanced in to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart in the $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 PokerAtlas Tour series Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

As of now- and likely to hold – play resumes Monday with 1 minute and change remaining in Level 14’s 4k/8k/8k.

  • Eric Eldridge – 1,420,000
  • Adrian Curry – 1,120,000
  • Alejandro Reynoso – 940,000
  • Praise Ogwo – 833,000
  • Gabriel Andrade – 759,000
  • Paul Lentschke – 729,000
  • Nic Vu – 508,000
  • Karim Bevans – 505,000
  • Tzu Yen – 481,000
  • Steve Mrozinski – 460,000
  • David Shaw – 457,000
  • Christopher Bello – 433,000
  • Jamie Ho – 416,000
  • Dennis Brand – 390,000
  • Joseph Caffaro – 388,000
  • Marco Filho – 326,000
  • Jason Fitzpatrick – 322,000
  • KC Panjwani – 320,000
  • Lawrence Wayne – 319,000
  • Christopher McCauley – 295,000
  • Christopher – 283,000
  • Zachary Hammons – 257,000
  • Ahmad Mohassel – 255,000
  • Michael Holst – 255,000
  • Dejuante Underscore Alexander – 190,000
  • Ryan Mowery – 165,000
  • Vincent Hoang – 85,000
  • Chezz Romero – 78,000

Day 2 Qualifiers

Level 17, 1:39 Left . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 47.561

Here’s the players who have already made the money AND advanced in to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart.

  • Eric Eldridge – 1,420,000
  • Linh Dinh – 1,363,000
  • Adrian Curry – 1,120,000
  • Michael Bell – 1,014,000
  • Alejandro Reynoso – 940,000
  • William Newby – 903,000
  • Praise Ogwo – 833,000
  • Venkat Chivukula – 812,000
  • Gabriel Andrade – 759,000
  • Paul Lentschke – 729,000
  • Nathan Gay – 678,000
  • Jeremy Evans – 568,000
  • Derek Normand – 560,000
  • Kamoru Yusuf – 529,000
  • Nic Vu – 508,000
  • Karim Bevans – 505,000
  • Gary Horn – 491,000
  • Tzu Yen – 481,000
  • Steve Mrozinski – 460,000
  • David Shaw – 457,000
  • Christopher Bello – 433,000
  • Adolfo Becerril – 427,000
  • Jamie Ho – 416,000
  • Dennis Brand – 390,000
  • Joseph Caffaro – 388,000
  • Brain Wee – 384,000
  • Marco Filho – 326,000
  • Jason Fitzpatrick – 322,000
  • Victor Park – 322,000
  • KC Panjwani – 320,000
  • Lawrence Wayne – 319,000
  • Christopher McCauley – 295,000
  • Andrew Huey – 290,000
  • Christopher – 283,000
  • Zachary Hammons – 257,000
  • Ahmad Mohassel – 255,000
  • Michael Holst – 255,000
  • Willie Neugebauer – 208,000
  • Dejuante Underscore Alexander – 190,000
  • Willie Neugebauer – 208,000
  • Sang Ngo – 183,000
  • Christian Vaca – 177,000
  • Robert Champion – 167,000
  • Ryan Mowery – 165,000
  • Mark Davis – 146,000
  • Vincent Hoang – 85,000
  • Chezz Romero – 78,000

Sweat Your Way in to Flight D

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries

Still looking for a way to win your way in to Flight D – the final starting flight – of this $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 Title Event?

While it may be a sweat, the chance still exists in $110 Single-Table Sweats offered on each of the day’s first three registration breaks (and more often on request).

All interested parties gather around one single table, chairs pushed in, $110 per person in the cupholders to lock up one of 10 ‘seats,’ and the cheering begins as the dealer pitches four cards to each spot.

Face-up goes the flop, face down goes the turn, face up goes the river and one-by-one, the players begin peeling to make a better hand than what is already shown.

Each player Sweats the action, as do spectators awaiting the next one – or simply enjoying the sweat. The cheers begin as cards begin to be peeled, and soon, hands go into the muck as one after another misses,

The victorious hand’s owner wins an entry in the $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 PokerAtlas Tour Title Event here at Texas Card House Houston – all for winning one face-up $110 poker hand

The Single-Table Sweats are extremely popular, close to 30 have already run, jump in and get a Title Event seat before registration closes today at 5:45 pm.

Let’s Get This Final Flight Party Started

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 42

We are gathered here today to celebrate the final flight of the inaugural PokerAtlas Tour series $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

Players begin celebrating today by placing 40,000 stacks in the air and competing at 40-minute level increments in this 8-max Title Event format, with registration and the unlimited-entry period open until about 5:45 pm when Level 10 begins.

Flight D is scheduled to play not just until the money bubble pops, but down to the final eight percent of the field advancing on to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart. Monday runs until the final table is established, those nine return Tuesday at 4 pm for the livestream final table.

Eldridge Bags a Monster in Flight C

Level 20, 53:26 Left . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 13.156

That’s a wrap on the third of four flights in the $500k GTD $1,100 Title Event, play concluding at 1:40 am. As of this moment, Monday’s Day 2 is scheduled to roll back more than two full levels from this point, back to 1 minute and change remaining at 4k.8k.8k’s Level 17.

The three players earning $2,000 Day 1 tournament cash includes William Ohagan (14th); Joe Eckford (15th) and Raymond Garcia (16th).

Here’s the 13 players earning that coveted Day2Bag and their verified chipcounts

  • Eric Eldridge – 1,420,000
  • Adrian Curry – 1,120,000
  • Alejandro Reynoso – 940,000
  • Karim Bevans – 505,000
  • Steve Mrozinski – 460,000
  • Dennis Brand – 390,000
  • KC Panjwani – 320,000
  • Christopher McCauley – 295,000
  • Ahmad Mohassel – 255,000
  • Michael Holst – 255,000
  • Dejuante Underscore Alexander – 190,000
  • Ryan Mowery – 165,000
  • Vincent Hoang – 85,000

11 AM Start for Flight D

Cards go in the air today at 11am for the final starting flight in the $500,000 Guarantee PokerAtlas Tour series $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

Players open with 40,000 stacks, playing 40-minute opening-flight levels. Registration and the unlimited-entry period is available until 5:45 pm when Level 10 begins.

Play continues today post-reg-break until the money bubble pops AND there’s a ladder-up, with the final 8 percent moving on to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart.

Thursday’s opening Flight A drew 77 entries and the day also saw 25 seats awarded via Sweats and Satellites. Friday’s Flight B added 88 entries and 20 more seats via Sweats/Satellites. Saturday’s Flight 1C added 156 more entries and also sent 20 players via satellite into today’s Flight D.

The tournament begins Sunday with a 321-entry field and the prize pool in excess of $310,000

Tonight’s $1,600’s in Flight C

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 16.156

Now at 45 minutes longer than Flight A and still three eliminations from the end-of-play, let’s take pause to see who has earned a $1,600 Day 1 tournament cash in Flight C of the $500k GTD $1,100 Title Event.

17. Jeremy Evans ; 18. Sean Hollifield; 19. Jonathan Dull; 20. Benjamin Anderson.

Pelton’s Straight Run Over by Flush on Bubble

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k .Entries 20.156

According to the TCH Tournaments blog, Chan Pelton turned a straight against the pair and a flush draw of chipleader Eric Eldridge, was able to get his stack in the middle, and saw the stack disappear on the Flight C Money bubble to a rivered flush.

The final 20 are in the money, play ends when down to 13 moving on to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart.

Bubble Time in Flight C

Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 21.156

WesTheTD pauses the play clock with 18 minutes and change remaining at 3k/6k/6k, peeling two Level 16 minutes per hand until one more player finds the rail, sending 20 in to the money in Flight C of the four-flight $500,000 GTD $1,100 Title Event.

17-20th cash for $1,600; 14-16th cash for $2,000; the final 13 Bag-n-Tag, returning Monday at 1 pm to play Day 2. All players are eligible to play Sunday’s 11a start Flight D, for TCH Houston is a Best Stack Forward house.

Anderson Backs Down Hoang

Level 14 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 24.156

Benjamin Anderson opens for 14,000 and draws Vincent Hoang as his lone caller. There’s 20,000 more from Anderson on the Qc . 4c . Kh flop and a snap-call from Hoang.

Anderson adds 35,000 more on the Ts turn and Hoang can’t find a call, keeping 123,500 behind.

Benjamin Anderson – 315,000 (63 bb)


No More Four Dehart or Soleymani

Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 29.156

William Dehart is not exactly flush with chips, neither is Amir Soleymani, and while Ryan Mowery also has a less-than-stellar stack, he has more than either of his other two competitors who combine to create a three-way all in at Table 5.

  • Dehart shows fours
  • Soleymani ALSO shows Fours
  • K . J for Mowery

No paint on the flop, no paint on the turn, Jack on the river and Mowery scores a double-elimination, moving to 175,000 and dropping the Flight C field to 29.

Bevans Wins With Same Hand

Level 13 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 32.156

Action for this one folds around to the blinds, with Shawn Calvit completing, but Karin Bevans wants to play for more. A raise to 14,000 from Bevans, a call from Calvit and off to the flop.

The dealer fans 4c . Qd . Kd and Calvit check-calls a 15,000 bet from Bevans.

Neither players offers a bet to the Th turn, and they watch the dealer put out four to Broadway with Barry Greenstein of Hearts. Calvit leads out for 15,000, Bevans re-pops to 42,000 and Calvit decides this is time to surrender.

  • Calvit shows a King as he mucks, Bevans also shows a King
  • Calvit turns over his 9 kicker
  • Bevans also shows a 9 kicker as he rakes.

Karim Bevans – 300,000 (75 bb)

Eldridge Eliminates Cutshall

Level 12 . Ante 2500 . Blinds 1500.2500 . Entries 41.156

After a reasonable amount of preflop action, the dealer fans 7 . 6 . 5 and the action ramps up.

Jessica Richards bets 10,000, Eric Eldridge makes it 35,000, then Wes Cutshall jams for about 125,000. Richards weighs her options, and decides to muck, Eldridge snap-calls and up go the cards.

  • 8d . 6d for Cutshall for middle pair and an open-ended draw
  • 7c . 6s for Eldridge for a flopped TopTwo
  • Richards says she mucked an 8

The runout Ad . 5d gives both players two pair, Eldridge with the dominant pair and stack, eliminating Cutshall with all of tomorrow’s Flight D available for his shot at a Day2Bag.

Eric Eldridge – 545,000 (218 bb)

Grinding Down Toward a Cash

Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 59.156

The first post-reg-break level wraps up with 59 players aiming to be one of 20 to cash in Flight B – and most importantly, aiming to be one of the final 13 to earn a coveted Day2Bag.

Chris Staats, Jason Gooch, Jolyne Thompson and David Valden are among the most recent to lose their stacks to challengers.


156 for Flight C

Level 9 ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 156

Registration is closed in the third of four starting flights for the inaugural PokerAtlas Tour series Title Event – a $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 at Texas Card House Houston – and the scoreboard shows 156 entries.

The players contribute $153,0450 to the prize pool, pushing the three-flight total unofficially to 321 entries and a prize pool of more than $310,000.

Play continues tonight until down to 13 players all advancing to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart. The players finishing in 17-20th place cash for $1,600, the players finishing in 14-16th cash for $2,000.

All players are eligible to play Sunday’s flight D starting at 11 am, for Texas Card House Houston is a Best Stack Forward House. Registration and the unlimited-entry period for the Title Event permanently ends Sunday at 5:45 pm.

Bui Grabs a Small Pot

Level 9 . Ante 1200 . Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 153

This is the final 40-minute registration level for Flight C.

David Valden opens for 3,000, David Valden joins from the SB, Jolyne Thompson declines from the BB, and off to the flop they go.

No betting action on the 5s . 6d . Kh flop, and none on the Ad flop either.

The dealer fans Qh on the river and Bui offers two blue 5k chips as a bet. Valden quickly calls, and quickly mucks when Bui shows As . Qc for running two pair.

Thanh Bui – 107,500 (90 bb)


New Batch of Flight C Bodies

Level 8 . Ante 1k . Blinds 500.1k . Entries 146

Ya gotta love a 3-day holiday weekend where there’s plenty of time to get the pokers going. Registration and the unlimited-entry period open until 5:45 pm today (and tomorrow, btw) allows the likes of Cean Cha, Schuyler Thornton, Karim Bevans, Chan Pelton, Rob Valden and more to get a late stack in play.

Curry Leads after Second Break

Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 139

There’s a poker tournament in Houston and Adrian Curry is crushing. In other breaking news, today is Saturday.

Curry is the only player through the 200,000-chip ceiling after six 40-minute levels in Flight C of the Title Event. Curry’s 270,900 leads the way, followed up Chipcount Mountain by Rick Welch (197,200), Eric Eldridge (184,00), Ravee Sundara (181,200), Chukwuebuka Onyejiaka (179,000) and the rest of the folks with live stack.

Slide on into the Chip Count DM’s tab and see how each player is doing. The PokerAtlas Tour updates the entire field’s stacks on every break, in every tournament, in every series.

Nothing to See Here, Folks

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 123

Dennis Brand opens for 1,700 and Jackson Patterson joins. Drake Roetker – winner of the $200,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday here at Texas Card House Houston – raises to 6,200 and the raising is only beginning.

Jason Gooch – yes, he’s not yet multi-tabling this and the $1,100 PLO – opts to move all-in for 37,770. Brand moves aside and Patterson thinks for a bit before rather-uncomfortably mucking his hand

Roetker snap-calls and up go the cards

  • Patterson praises himself when he sees Gooch show Two Red Kings
  • Everyone laughs a bit when Roetker shows Two Black Kings

No flush-draw-option on the flop and the competitors pull back their respective stacks, chopping up what was previously bet.

Everyone loves a chop pot, nothing to see here, folks, you are free to move about the poker room, your mileage may vary, try the veal, remember to tip your dealer.

Triple Digits

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 101

Late in Level 4 and the scoreboard shows 101 entries – the full-filed sitting at 266 with registration tonight open until 5:45 pm and all of Sunday’s registration to go. Make that 102, and there’s the current Day 2 chipleader -Praise Ogwo – buying an $1,100 entry in the PLO High Roller starting here in a few minutes.

This Place Gets LOUD On Breaks

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 83

They all gather around one single table, chairs pushed in, $110 per person in the cupholders to lock up one of 10 ‘seats,’ and the cheering begins as the dealer pitches four cards to each spot.

Face-up goes the flop, face down goes the turn, face up goes the river and one-by-one, the players begin peeling to make a better hand than what is already shown.

Each player Sweats the action, as do 20-30 spectators awaiting the next one … “FOUR,” yells one player, “I got a straight,” yells the next as he peels. “Queen-high flush,” says yet another, and soon, hands go into the muck as one after another misses,

Queen-high flush wins an entry in the $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 PokerAtlas Tour Title Event here at Texas Card House Houston – all for winning one face-up $110 poker hand

The Single-Table Sweats are extremely popular, and 20 have already run, jump in and get a Title Event seat before registration closes Sunday at 5:45 pm.

Yusuf Rakes

Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 59

Trung Pham goes 500, Kamoru Yusuf calls the 500, Collin Roundtree goes 2,500 and both existing participants choose to remain active.

Roundtree adds 3,200 more on the 8d . 9h . As flop, only Yusuf calls.

The turn is 5s and Roundtree bumps the action to 8,200. Yusuf takes a moment, and tosses in calling chips.

River is 8s, putting a potential flush on the board, and Roundtree quickly puts all his remaining blue and yellow betting units in the middle – 21,000 in all – leaving himself only two black 100-chips behind.

Yusuf verbalizes he doesn’t care for the bet, but can’t see himself letting this go, so he does find a call and Roundtree declares Yusuf is good.

  • Roundtree shows Qc . 2s for flopped air that became a stage 2 smog alert
  • Yusuf shows Ac . Jc for FLoppedTop that holds.

Kamoru Yusuf – 78,000 (390 bb)

47 Through 1

Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 47

The first 40-minute registration-era level is in the rear-view mirror and the PokerAtlas Tour scoreboard shows 47 entries for Flight C of the $500k GTD $1,100 at Texas Card House Houston.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period for this third of four starting flights is available until 5:45 pm when level 10 begins.

Early Flight C Arrivals

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 40

Eight tables in play in the early Flight C goings at Texas Card House – let’s take a look around the spacious tournament arena here in Houston and see who has a 40,000 stack in action.

I see Ed Sebesta, Wes Cutshall, William Dehart, Trung Pham, Aclee Dudley, Kamoru Yusuf, Rachelle Park, Joe Eckford, Stuart Wilkinson, Miraj kataria, Takehiko Kanazawa and Mark hennessy.

Oh Say Can You 1C in Title Event

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 24

Cards are in the air for the third of four flights in the $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 PokerAtlas Tour series at Texas Card House Houston. Players open with 40,000 stacks, playing 40-minute opening-flight levels. Registration and the unlimited-entry period is available until 5:45 pm when Level 10 begins.

Play continues today post-reg-break until the money bubble pops AND there’s a ladder-up, with the final 8 percent moving on to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart.

Thursday’s opening Flight A drew 77 entries and the day also saw 25 seats awarded via Sweats and Satellites. Friday’s Flight B added 88 entries and 20 more seats via Sweats/Satellites. The prize pool sits at $161,700 with two flights reminaing.

Ogwo Bags Top Flight B Stack

Level 18 32:57 Left . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 8.88

From a starting field of 88 entries, Flight B comes to a close with eight players advancing to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart in the four-flight $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 PokerAtlas Tour Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

Praise Ogwo scores the final elimination of the day, moving to 833,000 and the top stack among the final eight.

There’s two more starting flights, 11 am both Saturday and Sunday, two more chances to cash and earn a coveted Day2Bag.

Head on over to the Results tab to see final chipcounts for Flight B.

Jain Bubbles Day 2 in Flight B

Level 18 . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 8.88

On the second hand back from break, Chander Jain gets his 270k stack in the middle preflop, up against a stack-covering Praise Ogwo

  • Tens for Jain
  • Ac . Qh for Ogwo

The Kc . 8h . 7h flop gives Ogwo backdoor flush and Broadway draws. He needs neither when the turn Ah falls, and Jain is eliminated when the river 5d lands.

Jain cashes for $2,000, the eight remaining players move on to Monday’s Day 2 Restart at 1 pm. We’ll be back soon with final Flight B stacks.


Vu Takes From Jain

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 9.88

Christopher Bello opens for 17,000, Chander Jain calls, then Nic Vu makes it 57,000 from the SB, with Derek Normand taking a hit from his vape pen right next to the table and only Jain opting to come along to the bet from Vu.

Vu leads for 40,000 on the Kc . 2h . Ad flop, Jain joins. Neither player chooses to place a bet on the 4d turn, as Normand really was vaping inside the poker room, each player with right about 275,000 behind.

River is 8c and Vu slows down to 30,000, while Normand sheepishly puts his vape pen away, Jain calling after a short pause.

Vu shows Ac . 9c and is semi-shocked to see his 9 plays, as Jain shows As . 6s and Normand exits the tournament arena of his own volition.

Nic Vu – 525,000 (66 bb)

One Away in Flight B

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 9.88

Dillon Kilgore moves all in for about 100,000 on the completed board of 4s . 8c . Th .6h . 8d and Christopher Bello calls.

Kilgore shows Ah . 7h for a busted flush draw, Bello’s Ac . 4c is TwoPairGood to bust the bubble, sending 11 into the money in Flight B of the Title Event.

Jessica Richards is out quickly in 11th, earning a cash of $1,600.

DJ Alexander finds the rail a few hands later, also earning a $1,600 cash.

The players move to one table of nine, one $2,00 cash payouts away from the end-of-play.

Richards Doubles Through Jain

Level 16 . Ante 6k. Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 12.88

Jessica Richards moves in preflop, Draws one caller in Chander Jain, then Richards goes over to the other table to tell everyone she’s all in – does this entice Nic Vu into folding to a 3-bet? Makes you go hmmmmmm.

Anywho, the other table completes when Vu opts to fold to the 3-bet from his next-door neighbor Chris Laieta, and up go the cards of Richards and Jain.

  • Aces for Richards
  • T . 9 for Jain

Jain flops bottom pair on the K . 9 . x fan, sees the turn King make that two pair, but no 9 appears on the river and Wes calls for one more Bubble Play hand in Flight B.

Bubble Time in Flight B

Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 12.88

WesTheTD calls for dealers  to hold up, he then begins peeling two minutes per hand from the play clock until one more FlightB player is eliminated, sending 11 into the money in the $500,000 Guarantee PokerAtlas Tour series $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

11 cash tonight, the final eight move on to Monday’s Day 2 Restart at 1 pm.

Vu Eliminates Warner

Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 18.88

Kenneth Warner gets his stack in preflop, Nic Vu calls and Dexter Baier mucks to the all-ins, then almost immediately – loudly – complains about his own unwillingness to bet.

  • Warner shows Eights
  • Vu shows Nines
  • Baier’s hands go to his head as he exclaims he mucked Tens

No 8 appears anywhere, no 9 either, and Baier continue to lament his fate as Vu rakes and Warner departs.

Nic Vu – 337,000 (84 bb)

Ogwo Snags Some Chips

Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 21.88

Praise Ogwo opens for 8,000 and draws a call from Nic Vu and also from Dexter Baier in the SB.

The dealer fans Ah . Qs . 6s and Ogwo makes it 12,000 to go, with Vu stepping away and Baier check-calling.

The turn 3h draws no interest from either player, while Baier opts to make it 28,000 on the 6d river, a snap-call from Ogwo.

Ogwo shows everyone the winning Ah . 5c for two pair good

Baier shows only some of the table Qh . Jh for a lesser two pair.

  • Praise Ogwo – 305,000 (102 bb)
  • Dexter Baier – 200,000 (67 bb)

Nowling Leads After 12 Levels

Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 23.88

The 23 remaining Flight B players are back from a quick break, we take pause to look at counts for everyone and see Jeff Nowling with the chiplead at 407,000.

Chasing Nowling up Chipcount Mountain is Joseph Caffaro (308,000), Jamie Ho (232,000), Nic Vu (230,000) and Christopher Bello (227,000) rounding out the Top-5 right now.

Be sure to check each tournament’s Chip Count tab after every break to see the counts for every live stack – and everyone who is already on the rail.

$1,100 PLO Saturday

Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 30.88

Houston loves PLO, you know Houston loves PLO, we know you know Houston loves PLO, therefore we’re offering an $1,100 PLO with $50,000 Guaranteed Saturday starting at 2 pm.

Players open this single-day event with 45,000 stacks, playing 40-minute levels, with registration and the unlimited-entry period available until 6:30 pm when Level 7 begins.

Again, this is a single-day event, so get’cher PLO on and play to be the owner of one of the Atlas trophies, and stash your winnings in the globe.

Hero Call Good

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 36.88

Action folds around to Derek Normand, and Derek’s never seen a pot he refuses to open, so he leads for 3,000. Only Marco Filho comes along, he of the BB.

The dealer fans Jh . 5s . 2s, Filho check-calls the 2,500 CBet from Normand.

Turn is Qh, 8,500 more from Normand, another check-call from Filho.

Four Spades on the board as the dealer completes by placing down 7s. Normand goes 11,500 this time and Filho pauses a considerable amount of time before calling, prompting Normand to comment about being called by a Jack.

Normand then says, “Five,” and turns over Kh. 5h for a flopped middle pair, no flush

Filho shows Jd . 4h for flopped top, no pair and #HeGood

  • Marco Filho – 136,000 (91 bb)
  • Derek Normand – 58,000 (39 bb)


11 Cash in Flight B

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 88

Registration is closed in the second of four starting flights for the inaugural PokerAtlas Tour series Title Event – a $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 at Texas Card House Houston – and the scoreboard shows 88 entries.

The players contribute $86,240 to the prize pool, pushing the two-flight total to more than $161,000.

Play continues tonight until down to 8 players all advancing to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart. The players finishing in 10-11th place cash for $1,600, the player finishing in 9th cashes for $2,000.

All players are eligible to play all four flights, for Texas Card House Houston is a Best Stack Forward house.

Sweats, There’s More Sweats

Level Registration Break . Entries 84

The players at Texas Card House Houston are showing they have some Gambol Gambol in them, putting $110 onto the felt in one of 10 cupholder-marked spaces and sweating the action to see if they win an $1,100 PokerAtlas Tour Title Event seat.

One of this break’s three winners was down to just a 6,500 stack in Flight B, so he surrendered the stack and thanks to winning a sweat, he’s re-entered on reg break with a new 40k stack.

Three more Sweats, 13 run so far, and I took the over on 50 total by end-of-reg Sunday.

Small Pot for DJ

Level 9 . Ante 1200 . Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 84

William Nguyen opens for 2,300, Scott Dulaney calls, then DJ Underscore Alexander makes the action worth 8,700 betting units. Dulaney is the only player to come along to the flop.

The dealer fans As . Jd . Ac and Dulaney snap-folds to a tiny bet from Alexander, who rakes and moves to 83,000 with only a few minutes remaining before Level 9 concludes.

Jess Starts Climbing Back

Level 8 . Ante 1k . Blinds 500.1k . Entries 72

Well, you see, you know, what happened was …

Jessica Richards got it in good with two pair against one bigger pair and a flush draw, only to have the board pair and corrupt her.

Down to a nub, Jess looks to RunItUP, and she jams 1.5 BB, drawing three callers.

Nic Vu bets 3,000 on the Ac . 2d . 5d flop and Christopher Laieta calls, with Sanjeev Vora mucking

The turn Kh draw no interest, Vu makes it 4,000 on the 9s river and he rakes the sidepot.

Jess shows Ah . Qh,

Nic shows As . 3s

Jess is good for the main pot

Carry on

Pham Leads After 6 Levels

Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 64

The first six 40-minute registration-era levels are in the books and Trung Pham leads the way in Flight B of the Title Event.

Pham’s 161,500 is one of four stacks to crack the 100k ceiling so far, he’s joined by Xiao Probst (112,800), Jonathan Horowitz (104,100) and Josh Thibodaux (101,500).

Check the Chip Count tab after every break in every tournament for stacks fo every player.

10 Sweats so Far

Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 64

Y’all gotta love the energy inside Texas Card House Houston on Title Event flight breaks as players flip $110 down on the felt for Single-Table Sweats.

Have you ever been at the World Series of Poker when the Main Event is on the money bubble, where camera and players jam up against the table to sweat the action? That’s what’s happening here, players getting their money in, dozens more gathering around to watch the hand play out and cheer as one gains an $1,100 Title Event entry.

Three Sweats on the last break, 10 o far for this tournament, my over/under is 50 by the time Sunday’s reg closes.

Roetker Rakes a Small One

level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 59

Derek Normand limps (I know, right?), then Drake Roetker does the same (um, whaaaat?), and Josh Thibodaux checks his option.

No action on the 9s . 9c . Tc flop, Normand bets 900 on the 6d turn, Roetker makes it 2,500, Thibodaux steps aside and Normand joins.

River is Ah, Roetker bets 5,000 and Normand releases what he says was Jc . 7c for a busted straight flush gutter.

Drake Roetker – 63,000 (126 bb)

Derek Normand – 83,000 (166 bb)

Eating Your Way Around TCH Houston

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 59

Texas Card House Houston has players in a prime location to enjoy a wide array of food when playing the pokers. The FunTour2Point0 reporters are always on the lookout for things to do away from the felt, and here’s some recommendations for lunch and dinner near the card room.

Right next door is Amalfi, offering excellent Italian food – I was able to dive in to a plate of Risotto Del Mar yesterday and all the mussels, clams, lobster, shrimp and calamari made me a happy camper.

Look to the opposite side of the card room and there’s Fuad’s with its old-school piano-bar charm and dynamite food.

Just a few strides across the parking lot puts you at Mezza Grille, a location Jason Gooch keeps high on his list of recommendations for first-time HTown visitors.

Do Sweets pique your curiosity? How about visiting a family producing homemade chocolates since the pate 1800’s? Chocolat Zeina is a few paces past Amalfi.

Did you say crawfish, gumbo and po’boys? BB’s Tex-Orleans is a full 1-minute walk away.

Is coffee your thing? The single BEST we do each time we’re in Houston is a Cafe Cortadito Doble (sweet) at Azucar Cuban Bakery about 6 blocks from here, almost at Voss. Dive into the pastries, pies and more while you’re there, bring me some chocoflan while you’re at it.

Poker foodies know we ALWAYS have to move Himalaya to the top of our list whenever we’re in town. Make the short drive and indulge in Steak Tikka, Goa Shrimp and tell Kaiser we sent you.


56 Through 5

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 56

The first five 40-minute level s are in the books and the Flight B field sites at 56 entries with registration and the unlimited-entry period available until 5:45 pm when Level 10 begins.

Four starting flights, y’all have all of Sunday’s registration times to get a stack in play, fun to be able to have a three-day weekend to give players the pace to be in a flight when they want.


Pham Snags Some Chippies

Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 52

Trung Pham opens for 1,000 and draws interest only from Brian Lightfoot and Gary Horn in the respective SB and BB.

Pham adds 1,000 on the 5c . 4d . 6c flop, Lightfoot departs and Horn comes along.

The 5s turn pairs the board, Pham increases the pressure to 5,700 and Horn departs,

Trung Pham – 46,500 (93 bb)

Braker Leads After First Break

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400

Players are back to the felt after first break and the first Single-Table Sweats of Flight B, let’s pause to take a look at updated chipcounts.

Jonathan Braker’s 79,400 sits atop Chipcount Mountain, he’s being pursued by Dexter Baier (78,600), Christopher Cummings (76,900), Rodney Wallace (68,100), Max Moss (66,200) and the rest o’da crew.

Take a look at the Chip Counts tab to see the PokerAtlas Tour exclusive of providing counts on Every break for Every player in Every tournament, all series long.

Adding to the Flight B Field

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 34

Among the most recent Flight B Title Event arrivals is Brenda Clayton, KC Panjwani, Josh Thibodaux, Troy Zimmerman, Dmitry Shilnikov and Alejandro Armas.

The first SIngle-Table Sweat is about 10 minutes away, registration for Flight B closes at 5:45 pm, there’s $180 multi-table 3-seats-guaranteed satellites at 5 pm and 9 pm .. and great cash-game action 24/7 at Texas Card House Houston.

Sweats Are Real, Sweats Are Good

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 31

Each Title Event tournament break has groups of players gathered around a single table, the voices getting more boisterous … and eventually a loud cheer erupts as one person celebrates their good fortune.

Welcome to $110 Single-Table Sweats, where 10 players enjoy the fast-paced action of one hand face-up to see who is awarded an entry in the $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 Title Event.

Each player is dealt four cards face down, the dealer then puts out the flop, does the turn card face-down, and up goes the river.

The first player to act peels one card to crate somer version of a made hand, stopping the peeling once any type of ‘made hand’ exists. Action moves to the next player to peel until a better hand is revealed, or they ‘bust.”

This action continues all around the table until only “active” hands are in the game, everyone who is still “drawing live” to the unexposed turn card.

Up that final card goes and the sheering begins.

C’mon down, y’all and Sweat for a Seat, the first one today in in fewer than 30 minutes.

Early Arrivals

level 2 . Ante 100 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 16

Among those with a 40,000 stack in action for Flight B is Trung Pham, Ed Sebesta, Gregory Fishberg, Max Moss, Kenneth Warner, Dexter Baier, Christopher Cummings and Xiao Probst.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period is available until 5:45 pm when Level 10 begins, playing down today until 8 percent of the field Bag-n-Tag.

Starting Flights All Weekend

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 12

There’s three more chances to earn a tournament cash and a coveted Day2Bag in the inaugural PokerAtlas Tour Title Event – today’s Flight B and 11 am starts both tomorrow AND Sunday.

We’re using Memorial Day Monday for Day 2, and the final table livestream is set for Tuesday afternoon.

Texas Card House Houston is a Best Stack Forward house, so all players can enter, cash and bag in all four flights, playing only their BestBag on Day 2.

We’re Ready for Day 2

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 8

Are you ready for Flight B? We’re ready for Flight B. Cards are in the air for the second of four flights in the $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 PokerAtlas Tour series at Texas Card House Houston.

Players open with 40,000 stacks, playing 40-minute opening-flight levels. Registration and the unlimited-entry period is available until 5:45 pm when Level 10 begins.

Play continues today post-reg-break until the money bubble pops AND there’s a ladder-up, with the final 8 percent moving on to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart.

Thursday’s opening flight drew 77 entries and the day also saw 25 seats awarded via Sweats and satellites to Flights B, C or D.

Andrade Bags Top Flight A Stack

From a starting field of 77 entries, play in Flight A of the $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 PokerAtlas Tour series at Texas Card House Houston comes to a close with seven players both making the money and advancing to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart.

Gabriel Andrade goes on a heater the final hour to bag the top stack of 759,000.

Here’s the final seven and their verified chip counts.

Flight B begins Friday at 11 am.

Andrade Doubles Through Lentschke

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 9.77

Chipleader Paul Lentschke opens for 23,000, then Gabriel Andrade moves in for 157,000. Action folds back around to Lentschke who snap-calls to put Andrade at risk, 9-handed and playing down to 7 in Flight A of the $500k GTD $1,100 Title Event.

  • A . J for Lentschke
  • A . K for Andrade

Both players catch the 5 . A . 3 flop, Lentschke still needing a jack to improve. The runout 4 . T seals the double for Andrade, who moves to 334,000 (42 bb). Lentschke “slips” to 585,000 (74 bb).


25 Extra Seats Tonight

Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 9.77

Flight A is two eliminations away from end-of-play, and there’s 25 players who now have a seat locked up for one of the next three Title Event flights, thanks to satellites and sweats.

The two $180 satellites paid out a total of 20 $1,100 Title Event seats, while five more seats went out in $110 single-table Sweats.

There’s more Sweats on each tournament break tomorrow, and there’s $180 satellites at 5 pm and 9 pm.

Win Your Way in tomorrow.

Pay Those Players

Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 10.77

The elimination of Russel Koch in 11th sends the final 10 players – Paul Lentschke, Gabriel Andrade, David Shaw, Zachary Hammons, Lawrence Barksalot Wayne, Brenda Clayton, Jeff Ortiz, Jake White, Tzu Yen and Chezz Romero – into the money in FLight A of the Title Event.

Play continues until down to 7 tonight.

  • 8th = $23,000
  • 9-10th = $1,650

Bubble Time in Flight A

Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 11.77

The eliminations of William Ohagan and Max Moss brings Flight A down to 11 players and time for the first money bubble of the Title Event.

Two minutes per hand peels from the play clock each hand until there’s one more elimination, leaving the final 10 in the money. Play tonight continues until seven players Bag-a-Stack, advancing to Monday’s 1pm Memorial Day version of Day 2 competition.

Bully Ball

Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 15.77

Paul Lentschke is running over the final few tables in Flight A of the $500k GTD $1,100 Title Event. Chipleader for the past 3 or so hours, he’s now up to 615,000 and pressuring tablemates on just about every hand.

Tzu Yen opens for 13,000 and Lentschke makes the call this time from the BB.

The flop goes 9s . 8h . 7d and Lentschke challenges Yen to come along by betting 25,000 in to the 33,500 pot. Yen looks at his 135,000 and retreats

Paul Lentschke – 647,000 (130 bb)

Ohagan Doubles Through White

Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 16.77

MichaelThe TD is about to break Table 11 as the field is down to 16, but there’s action at the table, so he pauses to see William Ohagan get his final 56,000 in the middle, called by Jake White.

A . J for Ohagan

Queens for White

5 . A . 8 goes the flop, Ohagan to the lead. The T . 9 runout keeps Ohagan ahead and NOW they can move to their new tables.

Shaw Doubles Through Berry in Flight A

Level 14 . Ante 4k . 2k.4k . Entries 18.77

David Shaw moves in for his last 46,000 and Robyn Berry gives a courtesy call, Shaw asking for a courtesy double with 18 left in Flight A of the $500k Guarantee $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

  • Tens for Shaw
  • K . T for Berry

Game over (mostly) when there’s a Ten in the window, Berry blanks the rest of the runout and Shaw is courteous while raking in his new-found 100,000 (25 bb) in chips

Berry slips to 140,000 (35 bb)

Lentschke Leads After 12 Flight A Levels

Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 24.77

Down to 24 FLight A participants, playing until 8 remain – in the $500k GTD $1,100 Title Event at Texas Card House Houston.

Paul Lentschke works his 40k starting stack up to 298,000 to lead the final 24, followed up Chipcount Mountain by Jake White (232,000), Nicholas Riali (214,000), Robyn Berry (188,500), Zachary Hammons (186,000) and da rest o’da crew.

Check the Chip Counts tab for all chip updates on every break, for every player, for every event, all series long.

12 Seats Coming from 5 pm Satellite

Level 12 . Ante 2500 . Blinds 1500.2500 . Entries 88

Today’s 5 pm $180 Title Event Satellite draws an 88-entry field, sending 12 players on to any of the next three flights in the $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 at Texas Card House Houston.

There’s another 3-seats-guaranteed $180 satty tonight at 9 pm, with 5 pm and 9 pm 3-seats-guaranteed satellites on Friday, and 5-seats-guaranteed $180’s Saturday at 5 pm and 9 pm.

Berry Eliminates Panjwani

Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 32.77

Robyn Berry – winner of the $50,000 Guarantee $300 PokerAtlas Tour Houston Kickoff – opens for 4,000. Action folds to KC Panjwani who moves all in for 28,000. Action moves around to Berry and she snap-calls, and sees she’s behind.

  • A . J for Panjwani
  • A . T for Berry

Well, you see, what happened was … ErikaTheDealer spreads K . K . T and Berry flops two pair.

The runout of 9 . 6 eliminated Panjwani, while Berry moves to 326,500 (1633 bb)

77 for Flight A Title Event

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 77

Registration is closed in the first of four starting flights for the inaugural PokerAtlas Tour series Title Event – a $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 at Texas Card House Houston – and the scoreboard shows 77 entries.

The players contribute $75,460 to the prize pool.

Play continues tonight until down to 7 players all advancing to Monday’s 1 pm Day 2 Restart. The players finishing in 9-10th place cash for $1,600, the player finishing in 8th cashes for $2,000.

All players are eligible to play all four flights, for Texas Card House Houston is a Best Stack Forward house.

Chipsalot for Barksalot

Level 9 . Ante 1200 . Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 75

Lance Tokuda opens for 3,500, Larry Barksalot calls, as does Carl Nece, then William Smith bumps the action to 11,200 – not before asking Nece to see what he has behind (~30k). Tokuda, Barksalot and Nece call, and off to the flop we go.

The dealer fans 9h . 5s . 3h, Smith leads out from the BB for 16,500, Tokuda steps aside and Barksalot moves in for 65,100. Nece snap-undershoves for 24,100 and Smith wonders aloud what just happened.

Smith verbalizes a belief Barksalot is on a flush draw, and while there’s no bark, there is a reply of, “I cannot speak at the present time.”

Smith does call and it is Nece who is on the flush draw.

  • Ah . Th for Nece for a flush draw
  • Two Black Queens for Smith for an overpair
  • 5c . 5d for Barksalot for middle set.

The board runs out 2s . 4c and Nece is (temporarily) eliminated, Smith falls to 23,200 and Barksalot, otherwise known as Lawrence Wayne, moves to 200,000.

Sebesta Leads After 6 Levels

Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 62

That’s six 40-minute levels in the book in Flight A of the $500k GTD $1,100 Title Event, and Ed Sebesta leads the way with a 128,700 stack.

Daniel Schmiech (113,400) and Lance Tokuda (108,800) are the only other participants with six-figure stacks at this stage of the festivities.

Head over to the Chip Count tab and check out how everyone is progressing. Counts are updated on every break, for every play, in every tournament, all series long.

Sanjeev Wins a Sweat

Level Second Break . Entries 59

Title Event players are on their second break of the day – three more 40-minute levels remain in registration – and it is time for more $110 10-handed Sweats where everyone plays one hand face-up and the winner earns a Title Event entry.

Four Sweats are in the books time for Sweat No. 5 and someone already has trips. Sanjeev Vora – he of three PLO Payday bags and $3,600 in Bag Bonuses – peels a Queen-high straight and he collects a Title Event entry.

$110 Single-Table-Sweats take place on every break in all Title Event Day 1 flights. I have the Over on 50 total Sweats this weekend, that’s 10-percent of the entire guarantee … help me win my prop bet.

Warner Flops a Set

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 48

Joseph Cappuccio opens for 1,200, Salim Khoury bumps the action to 2,200, Christopher Cummings joins in from the button, then Thomas Vinas asks Khoury to see what he has behind (36,000) before opting to call, with the bb stepping aside.

The dealer spreads a 6d . 5d . Ts flop, action folds to Cummings who bets 4,000, Vinas jumping up the action to 14,000 and getting everyone to lay down their hands.

Vinas shows 5h . 5s for a flopped middle set and he rakes.

Thomas Vinas – 56,500 (113 bb)



Moss Takes a Few

Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 46

Max Moss goes 3x preflop, only the blinds of Bryan Goldsmith and Paul Lentschke come along.

The flop comes out Ts . Kd 5s, Moss leads for 1,500 more, Goldsmith steps aside and Lentschke check-calls.

Turn is 4s, Lentschke checks again, Moss bets 1,500 for a third time and Lentschke retreats.

Max Moss – 35,000 (70 bb)



Max Moss, Bryan Goldsmith, Paul Lentschke

Satellites at 5 pm and 9 pm

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 41

At least six people are going to win a PokerAtlas Tour $500k GTD $1,100 Title Event seat tonight in 5 pm and 9 pm $150 + $30 satellites. There’s a 3-seat guarantee in each satellite tonight.

Players open with 15,000 stacks and play 15-minute levels. Registration and the unlimited-entry period is available until the start of Level 9 for each satellite.

There’s one Title Event seat awarded for every $150 in the prize pool, three seats guaranteed.

There’s 3-seat-guarantees Friday at 5pm and 9pm, with 5-seat guarantees Saturday at 5 pm and 9 pm.



Huggins Leads After First Break

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 41

There’s 41 entries through the first three levels and James Huggins (90,900) leads the pack, followed up Chipcount Mountain by Andrew Vodinh (78,600), Brian Lightfoot (69,300), Paul Lentschke (64,200), Carl Nece (57,400) and the rest o’da field.

Check the chip counts tab after every break to see updated counts for every player in the field.

Let’s Take a Break

Level 3 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 36

Despite what SOME people say, I think Justin Hammer is a good lot. I mean, check this out, he just let players in Flight A of the PokerAtlas Tour $500k GTD $1,100 Title Event take a 15-minute break after only two hours of the pokers.

The first $110 Sweat is now underway, we’ll explain Sweats in a post soon-to-appear on



Day 1 Flights All Weekend Long

Level 2 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 32

Memorial Day Weekend competition gives Texas Card House Houston and the PokerAtlas Tour the ability to push the envelope a bit and extend opening flights of the $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 Title Event to having a Sunday Day 1.

There’s 11 am starts today, Friday, Saturday AND Sunday. Memorial Day starts at 11 am as well, the final 8 percent of the field grinding to make the final table.

Speaking of the final table, that takes place starting Tuesday at 4 pm, a livestream on a 30-minute delay taking place.

20 So Far

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 20

Early in the initial level of Title Event Flight A and the scoreboard shows 20 players. Let’s take a quick look at see who is here.

I see Ed Sebesta – one of everyone’s absolute favorite players on the planet – KC Panjwani, Carl Nece, Paul Saranec, Brenda Clayton, Bryan Goldsmith, Fernando Aguilar and Beau Smith.


Ed Sebesta, KC Panjwani, Carl Nece, Paul Saranec, Brenda Clayton, Bryan Goldsmith, Fernando Aguilar, Beau Smith

Let’s Start the Main Event

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 10

Welcome to the first-ever Title Event in the history of the PokerAtlas Tour – a $500,000 Guarantee $1,100 at Texas Card House Houston.

Players open with 50,000 stacks and play 40-minute levels throughout their first day of competition. Registration and the unlimited-entry period is available until the start of Level 9 at about 5:45 pm.

Play today continues not only until the money bubble pops at 1-in-8 entries, but continuing until down to 8 percent of the field advancing to Monday’s 11 am Day 2.

There’s three additional flights, 11 am starts on Friday, Saturday AND Sunday. Day 2 is on Memorial Day, and we’re bringing the Final Table back Tuesday at 4 pm for a Livestream of festivities.

Final Day 2 Chipcounts – Scroll Down for the Day 1 Historical Counts


Flight D Chip Counts – Scroll Down for Flights A-C


Flight C Chip Counts – Scroll Down for Flights A and B



Final Flight B Chip Counts – Scroll Down to see Flight A

Final Flight A Chip Counts


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