Ogwo Wins Title Event

Level 29 . Ante 120k . Blinds 60k.120k . Entries 1.561

Praise Ogwo opens to 265,000, Kamoru Yusuf raises to 800,000, Ogwo clicks in back to 1,760,000, Yusuf jams for about 6 million, Ogwo calls and all the chips get in the middle preflop.

  • Ogwo shows A Q
  • Tens for Yusuf

Wow, that’s a Queen in the window, followed by two 8’s. Yusuf spins away from the table and Ogwo sheepishly grins about his FinalTableRunGreat.

No Ten on the runout, there’s even an Ace on the River, and Yusuf is eliminated in second place, cashing for $64,690

Praise Ogwo – 22,408,000 – (all the bb), $111,380