Roetker Rakes a Small One

level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 59

Derek Normand limps (I know, right?), then Drake Roetker does the same (um, whaaaat?), and Josh Thibodaux checks his option.

No action on the 9s . 9c . Tc flop, Normand bets 900 on the 6d turn, Roetker makes it 2,500, Thibodaux steps aside and Normand joins.

River is Ah, Roetker bets 5,000 and Normand releases what he says was Jc . 7c for a busted straight flush gutter.

Drake Roetker – 63,000 (126 bb)

Derek Normand – 83,000 (166 bb)