William Smith Bubbles Flight D

Level 16 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000-6,000 . Entries 14/105

Phu Vo opens to 15,000 in the cutoff and Stuart Wilkinson calls on the button. Daniel Baik calls in the small blind and William Smith three-bet shoves for 111,000 in the big blind. Only Wilkinson calls.

Smith: Jack of clubs10 of clubs
Wilkinson: 8 of hearts8 of diamonds

Nothing changes on a runout of Queen of clubs5 of hearts4 of heartsQueen of spades3 of clubs and Wilkinson holds to eliminate Smith in 15th place. All remaining players are now in the money and guaranteed at least $1,400.

The clock is back to running, and we march on until eight remain.

Stuart Wilkinson – 735,000
Phu Vo – 188,000
Daniel Baik – 126,000
William Smith – Eliminated