
#19 – NLH Title Event (10 Flights)


Wed, Aug 30 - Tue, Sep 5

Buy-in: $1,000

Guarantee: $1,500,000

Wed, Aug 30 11:00am
Wed, Aug 30 4:00pm
Thu, Aug 31 11:00am
Thu, Aug 31 4:00pm
Fri, Sep 1 11:00am
Fri, Sep 1 4:00pm
Sat, Sep 2 11:00am
Sat, Sep 2 4:00pm
Sun, Sep 3 11:00am
Sun, Sep 3 4:00pm
Day 2
Mon, Sep 4 2:00pm
Final Table (Livestream)
Tue, Sep 5 6:00pm

Truong “Tommy” Huynh Wins Inaugural PokerAtlas Tour $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event ($258,010)

Truong Nguyen celebrates his win in the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event

Truong “Tommy” Huynh is the last man standing in the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event

The tournament drew 1,879 entries over 10 starting flights, producing a total prize pool of $1,672,310. Huynh led one of those 10 starting flights, taking a top-five stack into Monday’s Day 2 with 150 players remaining.

Thirteen hours later, Huynh was one of nine standing, making the final table sitting third in chips. He fell to the bottom of the pack when play got short handed before beginning his ascent.

Huynh’s major defining moment of the final table came during four-handed play, when he got ace-three in for stacks against ace-king and hit a three on the river to double through then-chip-leader Cord Garcia. From there, he never looked back, eliminating all three remaining competitors within a 45-minute span.

The win is Huynh’s largest of his career. Before the final table began, he told the PokerAtlas Tour staff that his largest career score came at the Rio Las Vegas for 84k. He said his goal was to win the tournament, and he made good on that goal tonight.

Furthermore, Huynh’s win bookends a series where his close friend Johnny Donnelly took down the opening event of the series — the $500 Dallas Duel $1 million guaranteed — for $164k.

Please refer to the Results tab above for complete results from the Title Event.

If you’d like to watch the stream again, check the post directly below, where we will keep the replay published permanently.

Thank you to all who participated and worked the events throughout this series, and thanks to everyone who followed. We’ll see you next time.

Cord Garcia – 2nd Place – $180,040

Cord Garcia – Seat 5 – 20,470,000

Level 33 . Ante 300k . Blinds 125k.300k . Entries 1.1879

Truong Huynh makes a set of fours and takes 10 million off Cord Garcia, who misses a flush draw, and chips up to 64 million.

Huynh open-jams on the button and Garcia calls for his last 8 million.

Garcia:Ace of clubs7 of clubs
Huynh: Ace of diamonds10 of hearts

The board runs out Queen of hearts5 of clubs3 of diamonds2 of clubs6 of diamonds — Garcia turns a flush draw, but the river bricks and Huynh’s ten kicker remains best to win the pot and eliminate Garcia, who becomes the runner-up of the inaugural 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

Cord Garcia – 2nd Place – $180,040

Heads-Up Chip Counts

Level 32 . Ante 250k . Blinds 125k.250k . Entries 2.1879

Truong Huynh catches heat with three left and vaults even further up the counts after cracking third-place finisher Jason Bullock’s aces.

As a result, Huynh enters heads-up play with 60% of the chips in play, holding roughly 45 million to Garcia’s 30 million.

Earlier in the final table, Huynh was down just 3.5 million: earlier this level, he was one card away from being eliminated.

Jason Bullock – 3rd Place – $115,930

Jason Bullock – 3rd place – $115,930

Level 32 . Ante 250k . Blinds 125k.250k . Entries 2.1879

Jason Bullock opens on the button to 750k and Truong Huynh calls in the small blind. Cord Garcia comes along from the big, and the three go to a King of hearts9 of clubs3 of spades flop.

Huynh checks and Garcia fires out 1 million. Bullock calls and Huynh check-raises to 7.5 million. Garcia gets out of the way and Bullock calls all in for slightly less.

Bullock: Ace of diamondsAce of clubs
Huynh: King of clubs10 of diamonds

Huynh puts Bullock in with top pair and runs into an overpair, putting the latter in commanding shape to double up to nearly 17 million. The turn is a safe 4 of diamonds, but the 10 of clubs river gives Huynh two pair and knocks Bullock out in third place.

Jason Bullock – 3rd place – $115,930

Eduardo Cuaderes – 4th Place – $86,660

Eduardo Cuaderes

Ante 32 . Ante 250k . Blinds 125k.250k . Entries 3.1879

Eduardo Cuaderes open-jams for 7.3 million in the cutoff and Truong Huynh calls on the button, much to the chagrin of Cuaderes.

Cuaderes: 5 of diamonds5 of hearts
Huynh: 8 of diamonds8 of hearts

A five is nowhere to be seen on the Queen of hearts4 of hearts3 of hearts3 of spades4 of diamonds runout, leaving Huynh’s eights best to bring Cuaderes’s run to an end in fourth place.

Eduardo Cuaderes – 4th place – $86,660
Truong Huynh – 34,200,000

Huynh Doubles Thru Garcia

Level 32 . Ante 250k . Blinds 125k.150k. Entries 4.1879

Truong Huynh limps in from the cutoff and Cord Garcia raises to 900k on the button. Huynh limp-jams for 8.85 million and Garcia calls.

Huynh: Ace of hearts3 of clubs
Garcia: Ace of spadesKing of clubs

Huynh is in trouble before finding three chop outs on the 7 of diamonds7 of hearts2 of clubs flop. The 5 of clubs turn adds wheel outs, all of which weren’t needed after the 3 of diamonds gives him two pair on the river and improves beyond Garcia’s better ace.

Huynh doubles to 18.375 million and Garcia is down to 28.5 million.

Four-Handed Chipcounts

Eduardo Cuaderes

Level 32 . Ante 250k . Blinds 125k.150k. Entries 4.1879

The opening two hours of our PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event are down and players are on a short break. Here’s a look at updated chipcounts on break. Follow the TCH LiVE Stream above and you can see counts on each played hand.

  • Cord Garcia  – 38,325,000 – 153 bb
  • Eduardo Cuaderes  – 18,125,000 – 72bb
  • Jason Bullock  – 13,175,000 – 53 bb
  • Truong Huynh  – 3,500,000 – 14 bb

Jael Lewis – 5th Place – $65,140

Jael Lewis – 5th place – $65,140

Level 31 . Ante 200k . Blinds 100k.200k . Entries 4.1879

Jael lewis raises to 500k in the cutoff and Cord Garcia three-bets to put her all in for 2.2 million effective. Lewis snap-calls.

Lewis: King of spadesKing of hearts
Garcia: Ace of diamonds10 of hearts

The board runs out 5 of diamonds4 of diamonds2 of spadesAce of hearts2 of hearts – Garcia picks up extra outs to a wheel on the flop before pairing his ace, which remains best through the river to eliminate Lewis from the tournament.

Jael Lewis – 5th place – $65,140
Cord Garcia – 22,500,000

Eric Chang – 6th Place – $52,880

Eric Chang – Seat 3 – 5,750,000

Level 31 . Ante 200k . Blinds 100k.200k . Entries 5.1879

After losing two-thirds of his stack when Cord Garcia flopped trip Sixes against his top pair, Eric Chang soon finds himself all-in preflop for 1.2 million.

Garcia raises to 2.6 million and Jason Bullock comes along to create a 2.8m sidepot.

The dealer fans Ace of clubs 7 of diamonds 5 of spades and both players check, thy also check the 2 of spades turn, Garcia leading for 1 million on the Ace of spades river and Bullock lays down 4 of clubs 4 of diamonds

Chang shows 9 of clubs 6 of clubs , Garcia showing the nut flush with his Mom and Dad of Spades, aka King of spades Queen of spades

  • Eric Chang – 5th place – $52,880
  • Cord Garcia – 19,800,000


Christopher Laieta – 7th Place – $43,540

Christopher Laieta – 7th Place – $43,540

Level 30 . Ante 150k . Blinds 75k.150k . Entries 6.1879

Cord Garcia opens to 400k ;utg and Christopher Laieta three-bet shoves for 2.8 million in the hijack. Eduardo Cuaderes re-jams for 7.2 million on the button and everybody else folds.

Laieta: Ace of heartsQueen of hearts
Cuaderes: 8 of clubs8 of diamonds

The board runs out Ace of spades6 of clubs4 of diamondsJack of spades8 of spades — Laieta hits his ace on the flop and looks poised to win the coin flip and double, only for a two-outer on the river to spell the end of his tournament run in seventh place.

Eduardo Cuaderes – 10,600,000
Christopher Laieta – 7th Place – $43,540

Dustin Schoonover – 8th Place – $34,400

Dustin Schoonover – 8th place, – $34,400

Level 30 . Ante 150k . Blinds 75k.150k . Entries 7.1879

Dustin Schoonover moves all in preflop for 1.9 million and draws no callers, picking up the blinds and antes. A few hands later, Eric Chang opens for 300,000, Jason Bullock 3-bets to 750,000, then Schoonover moves in for 2.1 million.

Chang steps aside, Bullock asks for a count, and calls

  • King of diamonds Jack of diamonds for Schoonover
  • Ace of hearts  Queen of hearts for Bullock

The runout goes 7 of clubs King of spades 8 of spades 2 of diamonds 10 of diamonds and Schoonover is eliminated

  • Dustin Schoonover – 8th place – $34,400
  • Jason Bullock – 20,400,000

Por Seak – 9th Place – $25,870

Por Seak

Level 30 Ante 150k . Blinds 75k.150k . Entries 9.1879

After starting the day as the shortest stack with 1.35 million, Por Seak finds himself down to 650k in the small blind and three-bet shoves over an open to 300k from Eric Chang. Chang calls.

Seak: King of diamondsQueen of diamonds
Chang: King of spadesQueen of clubs

The flop comes King of clubs10 of clubs3 of clubs, giving Chang a flush draw that could spoil Seak’s opportunity at a chopped pot. The turn is a safe 9 of diamonds, but the 6 of clubs lands on the river to spell doom for Seak. The table wishes him condolences for how the runout finished, and he makes his way from the table.

Eric Chang – 7,750,000
Por Seak – 9th Place – $25,870

Cards In The Air! Live Updates at 6 p.m.

Dallas Title Event Final Table

Level 30 Ante 150k . Blinds 75k.150k . Entries 9.1879

Cards are in the air for the final table of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event. All nine players are guaranteed $25,870 and play is underway to determine who will earn the top prize of $258,010.

The final table will be live-streamed starting at 6 p.m. at TCHLiVE, and we’ll be posting live updates alongside the broadcast as to not provide any spoilers.

Shuffle up and deal!

Here’s Your FInal Table Nine

Level Ante 125k . Blinds 75k.150k . Entries 9.1879

Por Seak – Seat 1 – 1,350,000


Dustin Schoonover – Seat 2 – 2,325,000


Eric Chang – Seat 3 – 5,750,000


Truong Huynh – Seat 4 – 12,590,000


Cord Garcia – Seat 5 – 20,470,000


Jason Bullock – Seat 6 – 17,205,000


Christopher Laieta – Seat 7 – 3,570,000


Jael Lewis – Seat 8 – 3,560,000


Eduardo Cuaderes – Seat 9 – 6,305,000

Final Table Seat Assignments

Cord Garcia

Level 30 . Ante 125k . Blinds 75k.150k . Entries 9.1879

From a multi-flight starting field of 1,879 entries, Event 19 in the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event – is down to one single, final table of nine participants.

Cord Garcia leads going in to FT action, and we’re livestreaming this event starting at 6 pm at TCHLiVE. The top prize is $258,010, with the final table mincash at $25,870.

Jeffrey Frye Eliminated in 10th Place ($25,870)

Jeffrey Frye

Level 29 . Ante 60k . Blinds 60k.120k . Entries 9.1879

Truong Huynh opens to 500,00 on the button and action’s on Jeffrey Frye in the big blind.

Meanwhile, Cord Garcia has 3.7 million in front of him on a King of spades8 of diamonds2 of diamonds8 of hearts5 of diamonds board and

Cord Garcia has a bet of 3.7 million in front of him, putting Eric Chang to a decision for the majority of his chips in a significant pot. Five minutes go by and Garcia calls clock, with Chang’s hand eventually being ruled dead.

“All in,” says Frye a second later. Huynh announces a call.

Frye: King of clubs9 of hearts
Huynh: Ace of clubs3 of clubs

The board runs out 10 of diamonds9 of diamonds6 of heartsAce of spades7 of spades — Frye flops a pair of nines, but Huynh pulls back in front with a pair of aces on the turn and remains there to eliminate Frye in 10th place. With his elimination, the tournament clock stops with 54:02 remaining in Level 30 for the final nine players to take part in their second celebratory bag-n-tag of the tournament.

We will post a final table seat draw and chip counts shortly. Day 3 will begin at 5 p.m. on Tuesday and will be live-streamed on the TCH Live YouTube Channel at 6 p.m.

Chris Akin Eliminated in 11th Place ($19,790)

Christopher Akin

Level 29 . Ante 60k . Blinds 60k.120k . Entries 10.1879

Cord Garcia chips up to above 12 million without showdowns after an orbit where he takes down every pot. He then opens to 330k in the hijack and Chris Akin defends his big blind.

The flop comes Jack of diamonds4 of diamonds3 of clubs and Akin checks to Garcia, who continuation-bets 420,000. Akin check-raises to 1.1 million and Garcia thinks for a bit before putting in a three-bet to 2.6 million. Akin goes back into the tank, thinking about what to do with his stack of 7.66 million.

“All in,” says Akin, causing Garcia to turn over a flopped set with 4 of hearts4 of clubs before slamming a stack of chips onto the felt in victorious fashion. Akin shows Jack of spades9 of diamonds and needs to hit running cards to stay alive, which he cannot do as a 7 of hearts turn and King of diamonds river finish the runout in the biggest pot of the tournament so far.

Akin’s elimination earns him $19,790 and brings us down to 10 players, just one elimination from calling it for the night. Play continues on two five-handed tables with no hand-for-hand play: the next two places each earn $25,870, meaning there’s no pay jump between 10th and 9th places.

Cord Garcia – 20,985,000

Brendan Dornan Eliminated in 12th Place ($19,790)

Level 29 . Ante 60k . Blinds 60k.120k . Entries 11.1879

Jael Lewis opens to 300k under the gun and Brendan Dornan three-bet shoves from the hijack. Action folds back to Lewis and she snap-calls.

Lewis shows Queen of diamondsQueen of clubs and the air leaves Dornan as he tables Jack of heartsJack of spades.

The board runs out 8 of clubs7 of clubs7 of spades5 of heartsKing of hearts for Lewis to remain on top and win the pot. Dornan’ stack is counted to be 2.55 million and Lewis’s to 2.37 million, earning her the double and leaving Frye with just 180k behind.

Two hands later, Dornan is all in from the big blind, Truong three-bets over an open, making it 3.5 million and forcing an open-fold of two tens. Truong tables two kings, and Dornan’s queen-seven is only able to make one pair, ending his tournament run in 12th place.

Jael Lewis – 5,040,000


Tony Nguyen Eliinated in 13th Place by Chris Akin

Tony Nguyen

Level 29 . Ante 60k . Blinds 60k.120k . Entries 12.1879

Following the break, Tony Nguyen sees action fold to him on the button and he shoves for 495,000. Chris Akin looks him up from the small blind.

Nguyen: King of diamonds5 of diamonds
Akin: King of heartsJack of hearts

Nguyen’s situation goes from bad to worse after a jack on the flop, and he ends up drawing dead by the turn en route to a 13th-place finish, good for $15,430.

With Nguyen’s elimination 12 players remain, and everyone is guaranteed at least $19,790. Play. marches on until nine remain.

Truong Huynh Leads the Final 13

Level 29 . Ante 60k . Blinds 60k.120k . Entries 13.1879

The final 13 players return from a 10-minute break to play another two hours or until four more eliminations occur.

Truong Huynh leads the field with 14.65 million, well clear of Chris Akin’s 10.115 million in second. Jason Bullock (8.175 million), Eric Chang (7.625 million) and Eduardo Cuaderes (7.48 million) round out the top five.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for complete counts from the remainder of the field.

Two All Ins, One Double

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 14.1879

Eduardo Cuaderes opens to 300k under the gun and Cord Garcia calls in the lojack. Eric Chang three-bets to 1 million in the hijack and only Cuaderes calls.

The flop comes 10 of clubs4 of clubs2 of diamonds and Cuaderes slides out 2 million. Chang thinks for a bit and jams around 2.7 million, causing Cuaderes to audibly sigh and announce a fold some 15 seconds later.

As this takes place, Jeffrey Frye gets all in for 1.115 million in the small blind against Jael Lewis, who’s on the button.

Frye: Ace of diamondsJack of clubs
Lewis: 3 of clubs3 of spades

The board runs out Ace of clubsQueen of diamonds4 of hearts4 of diamondsKing of clubs and Frye earns the double with two pair, aces and fours.

Eric Chang – 7,700,000
Eduardo Cuaderes – 7,150,000
Jeffrey Frye – 2,430,000
Jael Lewis – 1,700,000

Mazen Abdallah Eliminated in 14th Place by Truong Huynh

Mazen Abdallah

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 13.1879

Mazen Abdallah open-jams for 1.1 million in the lojack and action folds to Truong Huynh in the big blind, who looks down at his cards and announces a call.

Abdallah: Ace of diamonds6 of diamonds
Huynh: Ace of spadesQueen of spades

The board runs out Queen of hearts8 of diamonds3 of clubs2 of diamonds5 of spades — Huynh flops top pair, top kicker, but Abdallah picks up a backdoor draw to the nut flush on the turn. He’s eliminated when it misses on the river, bringing the field down to 13.

As it happens, Cord Garcia flops a flush against Chris Akin’s two pair and doubles. He then makes a straight and takes another chunk off of him.

Truong Huynh – 14,825,000
Chris Akin – 9,100,000
Cord Garcia – 6,600,000
Mazen Abdallah – Eliminated in 14th Place ($15,430)

Cuaderes Takes from Garcia

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 14.1879

Eduardo Cuaderes opens to 250k in the cutoff and Cord Garcia three-bets to 800,000 on the button.

Cuaderes check-calls barrels of 400k and 600k en route to a completed board of 10 of spades10 of hearts5 of hearts10 of diamonds3 of clubs, where both players check and take the hand to showdown.

Cuaderes tables 5 of diamonds5 of spades for a flopped full house, ultimately counterfeited on the turn. He remarks about the runout as Garcia mucks.

“Listen buddy,” says Garcia. “When you flop a full house, you don’t get to dictate how the board runs out. You just gotta be happy you got it.”

Eduardo Cuaderes – 10,750,000
Cord Garcia – 2,750,000

Michael Jagroo Eliminated in 15th Place by Jason Bullock

Michael Jagroo

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 14.1879

All in preflop and needing help, Michael Jagroo faces off against Jason Bullock, who just eliminated Kamoru Yusuf two hands earlier.

  • Queen of diamonds 5 of hearts for Jagroo
  • Queen of spades Jack of clubs for Bullock

The dealer fans 9 of spades 3 of hearts 8 of diamonds 2 of hearts Queen of hearts and Jagroo is eliminated in 15th place, cashing for $15,430

Jason Bullock – 7,100,000 (71 bb)

Kamoru Yusuf Eliminated in 16th Place by Jason Bullock

Kamoru Yusuf

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 16.1879

Kamoru Yusuf opens to 300,000 in the lojack and Jason Bullock calls in the hijack, as does Jael Lewis in the small blind.

The flop falls Jack of diamonds10 of diamonds5 of spades and Lewis checks. Yusuf announces he’s all in and Bullock does the same, causing Lewis to quickly get rid of her hand.

Yusuf: Ace of diamondsKing of diamonds (Royal Flush draw)
Bullock: Jack of spadesJack of clubs (set of jacks)

Reactions ensue as the hands are shown and the tournament staff comes to sweat the runout. Yusuf pulls out his phone to sweat as well, turning it around to show his face on the screen and narrate his fate.

The turn is the 9 of diamonds. “Bam!” he says as he makes the nut flush. But the river comes 10 of clubs behind to give Bullock a full house.

“Oh my God!” says Yusuf.

“Sorry man,” says Bullock, extending a fist for Yusuf to bump. Yusuf completes it and makes his way to the payouts, while Bullock takes down the pot.

Jason Bullock – 6,450,000
Kamoru Yusuf – Eliminated in 16th Place ($12,520)

Yong Zou Eliminated in 17th Place by Truong Huynh

Yong Zou

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 16.1879

Yong Zou open-jams for 1.89 million in the hijack and receives a call from Truong Huynh in the small blind.

Zou: Ace of clubsQueen of diamonds
Huynh: King of clubsKing of diamonds

The exciting-window-card theme continues with an Ace of hearts bringing hope for Zou, but the King of spades3 of diamonds appears behind it to give Huynh a set of kings. A 2 of diamonds8 of hearts complete the runout and Huynh takes down the pot.

Truong Huynh – 10,800,000
Yong Zou – Eliminated in 17th Place ($12,520)

Joe Jaurigui Eliminated in 18th Place by Jason Bullock

Joe Jauregui

Level 27 . Ante 80k . Blinds 40k.80k . Entries 17.1879

Jason Bullock opens to 210,000 UTG+1 and is called by Jeffrey Frye in the lojack. Joe Jaurigui three-bet jams for 935,000 on the button and Bullock re-jams, forcing Frye out of the pot.

Jaurigui: 7 of spades7 of clubs
Bullock: 8 of diamonds8 of clubs

An eight appears immediately on a 9 of diamonds8 of hearts2 of clubs4 of clubs7 of diamonds runout, giving Bullock a set and leaving Jaurigui drawing dead before finds a meaningless set of his own on the river.

Jason Bullock – 4,100,000
Joe Jaurigui – Eliminated in 18th Place ($12,520)


Seak Doubles, Leaves Jaurigui Short

Level 27 . Ante 80k . Blinds 40k.80k . Entries 18.1879

Action folds around to Joe Jaurigui in the cutoff and he opens to 200k. Por Seak three-bets all in for 685,000 on the button and Jaurigui calls when it’s his turn to do so.

Seak: 4 of spades4 of hearts
Jaurigui: Jack of clubsJack of spades

Seak calls for a four and immediately finds one in the window of a 4 of clubs3 of clubs3 of diamonds flop. He fades a jack on the 6 of hearts turn and 9 of spades river and locks up the double.

Por Seak – 1,570,000
Joe Jaurigui – 810,000

Julian Gaines Done Dirty To Bust In 19th

Julian Gaines

Level 27 . Ante 80k . Blinds 40k.80k . Entries 18.1879

Cord Garcia opens to 200,000 in the hijack and Eric Chang three-bets to 480,000 in the cutoff. Christopher Laieta cold four-bets to 1.1 million on the button and Julian Gaines calls all in for 495,000 in the small blind. Garcia and Chang get out of the way, while the other two table their holdings.

Gaines: Ace of heartsJack of hearts
Laieta: Ace of spades7 of spades

Gaines is elated to see his ace-jack in such great shape, but the table’s reaction does a full 180 after Laieta flops the world on 9 of spades8 of spades5 of diamonds. He completes both draws on running 6 of clubs3 of spades, finishing with the nuts to eliminate Gaines from the tournament.

“Sick cold four(-bet) spot, huh?” says Garcia to Laieta. He wishes Gaines a good game, adding, “at least you lost against the nuts.”

With the elimination of Gaines, we are now down to 18 players and have reached the final two tables of the tournament. Play will continue until we make the final table of nine.

Christopher Laieta – 5,600,000
Julian Gaines – Eliminated in 19th Place ($10,210)

Akin Leads With 19 Left

Level 27 . Ante 80k . Blinds 40k.80k . Entries 19.1879

Nineteen return from break for the start of Level 27 after Angel Castro Pinto was eliminated on the last hand of Level 26 when his king-queen lost to Eric Chang’s ace-six. He earns $10,210 for his finish in 20th place.

Chris Akin leads the field with 10.9 million, joined on the podium by Eduardo Cuaderes (9.37 million) and Truong Huynh (8.825 million).

Two others sit above 5 million — Eric Chang (7.155 million) and Jeffrey Frye (5.74 million).

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for complete counts from the entire field.

Sanchez Eliminates in 21st by Huynh

Felix Sanchez

Level 26 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 20.1879

Felix Sanchez moves in for his last 4 bb and draws Truong Huynh and Julian Gaines as callers.

Both players check the 9 of clubs Jack of clubs 9 of spades flop, Huynh moves in for 8 million plus on the 10 of diamonds turn and Gaines is flummoxed. He stares at the board and his cards for a few moments, then mucks, and likely is glad he did.

Huynh shows King of clubs Queen of spades for a King-high straight, the river Queen of diamonds completes the elimination

Sanchez finishes in 21st place, cashing for $10,210.

Truong Huynh – 9,100,000

Coker Cooked By Akin in 22nd Place

Level 26 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 21.1879

David Coker (pictured) opens to 160,000 in the lojack and calls off the rest, totaling around 800k, after Chris Akin three-bets to put him all in.

Coker: Ace of diamondsKing of diamonds
Akin: Jack of spadesJack of diamonds

The board runs out Queen of hearts7 of spades3 of clubs9 of hearts2 of hearts — no help for Coker — and he is eliminated from the tournament.

Chris Akin – 10,350,000
David Coker – Eliminated in 22nd Place ($8,410)

Meuangkhot Falls to Akin

Level 26 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 22.1879

Jeffrey Meuangkhot (pictured) shoves all in for 650,000 UTG+1 and action folds around to Chris Akin in the small blind, who re-jams and sees a fold behind.

Meuangkhot: Ace of diamondsQueen of diamonds
Akin: 6 of spades6 of diamonds

The board runs out 7 of hearts5 of diamonds4 of clubs3 of diamondsAce of hearts — Akin makes a straight on the turn but Meaungkhot makes a backdoor flush draw. It fails to hit, and he’s eliminated in 25th.

Moments later, Jalal Shamroukh and Mitchell Anderson also are eliminated from the tournament to bring the field down to 22. Their bust outs happen after a pay jump, earning them an additional $1,050 than Meuangkhot.

Chris Akin – 7,600,000
Jeffrey Meuangkhot – Eliminated in 25th Place ($7,360)
Jalal Shamroukh – Eliminated in 24th Place ($8,410)
Mitchell Anderson – Eliminated in 23rd Place ($8,410)

“Ten of Diamonds, Baby!”

Level 26 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 26.1879

Jael Lewis opens to 140,000 in the hijack and Mitchell Anderson calls on the button. Dustin Schoonover three-bet jams for 520,000 in the small blind and Lewis calls, with Anderson folding behind.

Schoonover:Ace of diamondsKing of diamonds
Lewis: King of spades10 of spades

The board runs out 8 of clubs4 of diamonds3 of spades2 of diamonds10 of diamonds, improving both players on the river. Lewis hits her pair of tens, but it gives Schoonover the nuts.

“Ten of diamonds, baby!” exclaims Schoonover. “I knew it was coming!”

Jael Lewis – 6,350,000
Mitchell Anderson – 2,700,000
Dustin Schoonover – 1,280,000

Eric Chang Catches Cord Garcia Bluffing; Kris Burchfield Out in 27th

Level 26 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 26.1879

A heads-up pot brews between Cord Garcia in the hijack and Eric Chang in the cutoff, bringing a flop of Queen of hearts8 of hearts3 of spades. Garcia checks to Chang, who bets 250k, and Garcia check-raises to 650k. Chang calls.

The turn is the Ace of clubs and both players check, bringing the Ace of spades on the river. Garcia thinks for a bit and bets 1.1 million. Chang confirms the amount and wastes no time calling, causing Garcia to shoot his cards straight to the muck.

Chang exchanges his face-down cards for the pot and chips up to 6.95 million, while Garcia now has 2.515 million.

Moments later, Kris Burchfield is eliminated in 27th place, bringing the field down to 26.

With 3 You Get Redraw

Level 26 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 27.1879

Down to the final three tables in the Title Event, let’s take pause at PokerAtlas Tour Executive Tournament director Justin Hammer and TD Kerry 🍔 complete the 27-player redraw.

Here’s the players listed by table, in seat-position order, with chipcounts included.

LANCE GARCIA 4,600,000 8 5
ERIC CHANG 4,660,000 8 6 FRISCO TX




YONG ZOU 2,465,000 14 3 DENTON TX
POR S SEAK 1,495,000 14 6 FORT WORTH TX
JAEL LEWIS 6,810,000 14 8

Final Three Tables Reached

Level 26 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 27.1879

The final seconds tick off the clock in Level 25, and two eliminations immediately ensue as Bill Mai hits the rail and Mitchell Anderson eliminates Mo Arani.

Twenty-seven players remain with the clock paused at 58:06 in Level 26 to do a full redraw of the field. We will post an updated seat draw and entire counts from the field momentarily.

The following players were eliminated in 28th through 36th place.


Cuaderes Doubles Through Garcia

Eduardo Cuaderes

Level 25 . Ante 50k . Blinds 25k.50k . Entries 29.1879

The preflop pot balloons until Eduardo Cuaderes (pictured) is all in for 2,140,000 and Cord Garcia calls to cover.

  • King of diamonds King of spades for Cuaderes
  • Ace of clubs Queen of clubs for Garcia

The dealer spreads a 2 of diamonds Jack of spades Queen of diamonds flop, Cuaderes now does not want a set.

THe runout of 9 of spades 5 of hearts gives Cuaderes the double, Garcia to 4,540,000


David Coker Doubles Thru Angel Castro Pinto

Level 25 . Ante 50k . Blinds 25k.50k . Entries 29.1879

The board reads Jack of hearts9 of hearts8 of diamondsAce of clubs with a small pile already in the middle and heads-up action between Angel Castro Pinto in the big blind and David Coker, who is under the gun.

Castro Pinto has checked and is facing a bet, which he check-jams for Coker’s effective 640,000. Coker calls.

Coker: Jack of spadesJack of clubs
Castro Pinto: 9 of spades8 of clubs

Castro Pinto’s bottom two pair is dead against Coker’s set of jacks, and the 2 of clubs falls on the river to confirm Coker’s double.

David Coker – 1,675,000
Angel Castro Pinto – 675,000

Mo Arani Doubles Thru Jael Lewis

Level 25 . Ante 50k . Blinds 25k.50k . Entries 30.1879

Jael Lewis takes a few more pots from her tablemates and chips up to 7.6 million in the first half of the level. She then opens to 110k in the lojack and sees Mo Arani three-bet jam for 925k in the hijack. She confirms the amount and calls.

Arani: Ace of spadesQueen of clubs
Lewis: 8 of clubs8 of diamonds

After winning round one with pocket eights, Lewis loses round two after the board runs out Ace of heartsKing of clubs6 of spadesAce of clubs5 of spades, giving Arani trips and earning him the double.

Jael Lewis – 6,700,000
Mo Arani – 1,975,000

Bijan Rashidi Out in 32nd

Level 25 . Ante 50k . Blinds 25k.50k . Entries 31.1879

Three players go to a flop of 10 of hearts2 of spades2 of clubs and two checks ensue from Eric Chang, under the gun, and Julian Gaines in the cutoff. Bijan Rashidi goes all in for 355k and both players call, setting up a possible side pot.

The turn is the King of spades and Chang bets 350,000. Gaines folds, showing the 10 of spades as he does.

Rashidi: Ace of hearts3 of hearts
Chang: King of heartsKing of diamonds

Rashidi is dead by the time the cards are on their backs after Chang turns a full house. The Ace of spades completes the runout, not the prettiest card in the deck this time for Rashidi, and he wishes the table a good game before making his way to the payouts.

Eric Chang – 3,550,000
Julian Gaines – 2,500,000
Bijan Rashidi – Eliminated in 32nd Place ($6,410)

Cord Garcia Leads With 33 Remaining

Level 25 . Ante 50k . Blinds 25k.50k . Entries 33.1879

Cord Garcia sits atop the counts through 24 levels in the $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event at TCH Dallas. He has 5.68 million and is joined by two others above 5 million (Jael Lewis – 5.26 million; Mitchell Anderson – 5.125 million).

Truong Huynh (4.7 million) and Kris Burchfield (4.5 million) round out the top five.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for complete counts from the entire field.

Recent eliminations, places 37-45 are as follows.



Chips Exchanging Hands

Level 24 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 35.1879

Kris Burchfield doubles with pocket kings versus the jack-ten of Balaji Ellur on a jack-high board. Ellur loses a little more shortly thereafter.

Burchfield then doubles again through Truong Huynh before Nguyen and Huynh play for stacks on a T-4-2-4 board.

Ellur has pocket twos for a full house, deuces full of fours, and Huynh has the 10 of hearts4 of hearts. The case four comes on the river, causing the table to erupt, and Ellur is eliminated from the tournament.

Huynh now has 4.4 million. Burchfield has 4.2 million.

Jael Lewis Wins “Lucky Setup Spot”

Level 24 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 33.1879

There’s a massive pot brewing on Table 9 between Jael Lewis in the hijack and Mo Arani, who’s on the button. The board reads Ace of clubs8 of hearts2 of spades10 of spades7 of hearts and Lewis is all in for 1.875 and Arani announces a call.

Lewis shows 8 of clubs8 of diamonds for a set of eights, and it beats Arani’s Ace of spades10 of clubs, top two pair.

A tablemate wishes her a nice hand, and she thanks the player, adding that it was a “lucky setup spot” for her to be on the right side of.

Lewis wins another small one afterward and vaults to 5.25 million. Arani falls to 770k.

Recent Eliminations (Places 46-54)

Level 24 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 41.1879

The following players have been eliminated in 46th through 54th places, earning $4,850.


Balaji Ellur “Can’t Miss”

Level 24 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 43.1879

Balaji Ellur raises to 80k UTG+1 and Charles Draughon three-bet shoves for 400k in the cutoff. Ellur calls when action gets back to him.

Draughon: King of spadesKing of hearts
Ellur: 9 of hearts9 of spades

The board runs out Queen of spadesJack of clubs9 of diamondsAce of hearts7 of hearts — the flop gives Ellur a set, leaving Draughon in need of hitting a ten or king to stay alive. He fails to do so and is eliminated in 44th place.

“I told you,” said Draughon to tablemate Truong Huynh. “He can’t miss.”

“Sorry buddy,” responds Huynh.

Ellur now has 3.8 million, and he’s not the only player at his table with a stack. Huynh has 3.1 million and is another one of the largest stacks in the room.

Kris Burchfield Eliminates Matt Newcombe

Kris Burchfield

Level 24 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 48.1879

Kris Burchfield opens to 80k under the gun and Matt Newcombe three-bet jams on his direct left. Action folds back to Burchfield, who asks how much Newcombe is playing.

Newcombe tells Burchfield it’s about 15 big blinds as the dealer counts out 570,000, and Burchfield thinks for a bit before dropping in calling chips.

Newcombe: Ace of heartsQueen of spades
Burchfield: Ace of spades10 of spades

Newcombe has Burchfield dominated going to the 9 of spades5 of hearts3 of spades flop, where Burchfield picks up the nut flush draw and adds eight extra outs. The 9 of diamonds turn is a safe one for Newcombe, but he can’t fade the Jack of spades river and is eliminated in 49th as a result.

Kris Burchfield – 2,650,000

The Legend of The Food Coma

Level 23 . Ante 30k . Blinds 15k.30k . Entries 50.1879

There’s a legend ’round poker tournaments across the globe, one where players head out on dinner break in major tournaments, then come back feeling happy, satisfied, with full bellies and misclicking fingers.

The first level back from dinner removes from 18-25 percent of the overall field in most events, the payout window as busy as at most any stage in the tournament.

Dallas, y’all be just like everyone else, for we’ve lost 22 percent of the field since coming back from dinner.

Y’all done added to .. The Legend of the Food Coma.


Julian Gaines Ascending

Level 23 . Ante 30k . Blinds 15k.30k . Entries 51.1879

Julian Gaines catches heat coming out of the break, having boosted his 2.185 million by at least 50%.

In a recent flurry of hands, Gaines has a bet of 300k in front of him in the lojack on a completed board of King of diamondsQueen of hearts9 of diamonds4 of clubs7 of clubs. There’s already roughly 1 million in the pot, and action is on Sean Lee in the big blind.

Lee goes into the tank for a while before calling and Gaines shows King of spades3 of spades for top pair. Lee mucks.

On the next hand, Kim Stone open-jams UTG+1 for 180,000 and Gaines calls one seat over, the lone taker.

Stone’s Queen of spades8 of spades improves to two pair on a 7 of hearts3 of diamonds2 of heartsQueen of hearts8 of clubs runout to double through Gaines’s unimproved Ace of hearts9 of clubs.

However, Gaines gets a bit back and more on the very next hand. He raises to 100k UTG+1 and Angel Castro Pinto defends his big blind.

Castro Pinto check-calls 200k on Jack of clubs5 of spades2 of hearts, and action checks through to showdown after running King of diamondsKing of hearts complete the board.

Castro Pinto flashes a Jack of diamonds and Gaines beats it with Queen of heartsQueen of diamonds.

Gaines has a bit of a jumbled stack, but it looks to be around 3.35 million. Castro Pinto has 2.2 million, Lee 730k, and Stone 435k.

Jack Saves Taylor From Drowning

Level 22 . Ante 30k . Blinds 15k.30k . Entries

Marcus Taylor and Eric Chang build a 150,000 preflop pot, and that grows exponentially when both stacks get in the middle on the 8 of diamonds 3 of diamonds 7 of clubs flop, Chang has Taylor covered and an extra 1.5 milly behind.

  • Taylor has Queen of hearts Queen of diamonds for an overpair
  • CHang leads with 7 of hearts 8 of hearts for two pair

Chang maintains through the Jack of hearts turn, but the board goes runner-runner Jacks, Jack of diamonds appears and saves Taylor’s Title Event experience.

  • Marcus Taylor – 1,170,000 (39 bb)
  • Eric Chang – 1,500,000 (50 bb)


Recent Eliminations (Places 55-72)

Level 23 . Ante 30k . Blinds 15k.30k . Entries 53.1879

The following players have been eliminated in 55th through 72nd places. Places 55 through 63 earn $4,370, and places 64 through 72 earn $4,050.


Joe Jaurigui Coolers John Brown

Level 23 . Ante 30k . Blinds 15k.30k . Entries 54.1879

Joe Jaurigui limps from the hijack and John Brown raises to 80,000 in the cutoff. Action folds back to Jaurigui and he calls.

The flop comes 7 of hearts7 of diamonds2 of diamonds and Jaurigui checks. Brown continuation-bets 105,000 and Jaurigui calls.

The turn is the 9 of diamonds and Jaurigui checks again. Brown fires a second barrel for 250,000 and Jaurigui slides forward his stack of red 100k chips. Brown calls off the rest.

Brown: Jack of diamonds10 of diamonds
Jaurigui: 2 of clubs2 of spades

After turning a flush, Brown sees he has just one out to a straight flush to stay alive against Jaurigui’s flopped full house, deuces full of sevens. The one outer doesn’t come as the 10 of spades lands, and Brown is eliminated in 56th place as a result.

Jaurigui, the start-of-day chip leader, now looks to be back at the top of the counts or very close to it. He has 2.925 million after taking down the pot.

Mitchell Anderson Leads After Dinner

Level 23 . Ante 30k . Blinds 15k.30k . Entries 62.1879

So, after eating multiple Mr. Brisket meals throughout the week, we get another one thanks to the powers that be at the PokerAtlas Tour. And wow. This was my favorite meal from his smoker during my entire stay.

We resume play in Level 23, but I want to take just another quick second to thank the tour and house staff across the board for everything they did to put on such a successful series. Be sure to thank them if you agree. I know they’ll appreciate it.

Hopefully, players aren’t in too much of a food coma after the 30-minute dinner break to continue playing. Mitchell Anderson leads the field with 3.195 million, just ahead of Jack Peterson’s 3.1 million.

Balaji Ellur (2.71 million), Jael Lewis (2.705 million) and Yong Zou (2.65 million) complete the top five.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for complete counts from the entire field.

Zachary Wolf Doubles and a Bit More

Level 22 . Ante 25k . Blinds 15k.25k . Entries 63.1879

Joe Jaurigui opens to 35,000 in the hijack and Zachary Wolf three-bet jams for 320,000 in the cutoff. Robert Deupree four-bet shoves for 415,000, and Jaurigui goes into the tank for a minute before folding and saying he had ace-queen.

Wolf: King of clubsKing of hearts
Deupree: Jack of spadesJack of hearts

The board runs out 10 of spades6 of spades4 of spades9 of clubs2 of diamonds — Deupree picks up outs to a flush on the flop, but it bricks out and Wolf earns the double.

Joe Jaurigui – 1,775,000
Zachary Wolf – 715,000
Robert Deupree – 105,000

Bill Mai Felts Danny Croy

Level 22 . Ante 25k . Blinds 15k.25k . Entries 66.1879

Danny Croy is down to his last 125,000 and puts it forward onto the felt after action folds to him in the hijack. Bill Mai calls on the button as the lone taker.

Croy: Ace of hearts5 of clubs
Mai: Queen of diamondsJack of diamonds

The runout comes Jack of clubs7 of clubs4 of spades8 of hearts8 of clubs — Mai fl0ps a pair of jacks but Croy picks up four extra outs to an eight-high straight on the turn. Unfortunately for him, the river does him no favors and he’s eliminated in 67th place.

Bill Mai – 2,280,000

Recent Eliminations (Places 73-89)

Level 21 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 70.1879

Level 21 comes to a close and TD Justin 🔨 announces a slight shift in the schedule. We will take a 10-minute break instead of our normal 15s and then play one level, instead of two. After that level, we’ll take a 30-minute dinner break with Mr. Brisket feeding the room.

With the change of plans, we will post complete counts for the field during the next, extended break.

Another two tables worth of players are eliminated from the tournament during Level 21, bringing the field down to 70 players on eight tables going into the second break of the day.

Recent eliminations are as follows, with all remaining players now guaranteed at least $4,050.



Angel Castro Pinto Eliminates Nathan Hays in 78th

Level 21 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 77.1879

Sean Lee opens to 40,000 in the lojack and Nathan Hays three-bet shoves for 435,000 in the hijack. Angel Castro Pinto (pictured) jams over the top for a bit over a million from the cutoff and everyone else gets out of the way.

Hays: Queen of diamonds10 of diamonds
Castro Pinto: Ace of heartsKing of spades

The runout comes 8 of spades6 of hearts4 of diamonds7 of clubs4 of clubs and Castro Pinto’s ace remains the difference in the hand. He takes down the pot and jumps to 1.625 million while Hays bows out in 78th place.

You Killed Caitlin, You Acehole

Level 21 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 81.1879

All-in preflop for 25 bb, Caitlin Comeskey – from the wildly-popular Aceholes poker podcast – is called by PokerAtlas Tour Houston Title Event runner-up Kamoru Yusuf.

  • Ace of hearts King of hearts for Comeskey
  • Ace of clubs Ace of spades for Yusuf, who slowrolls Comeskey by waiting until he can find his phone to record the action before tabling his hand.

The dealer runs out a 9 of clubs 2 of spades 4 of clubs 10 of spades 10 of diamonds board and Comeskey is eliminated in 82nd place, cashing for $3,480.

Kamoru Yusuf – 1,800,000 (90 bb)

Spencer Cheng Out in 83rd

Level 21 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 82.1879

Por Seak opens to 40,000 in the cutoff and Spencer Cheng three-bets to 140,000 in the small blind. Seak announces he’s all in and Cheng thinks for a bit after seeing his 450k stack is the one potentially at risk.

“I call,” announces Cheng after some thought. He tables King of diamondsJack of diamonds and sees Seak turn over Jack of heartsJack of clubs.

Cheng needs to hit a king to stay alive, and he fails to do so as the board runs out Queen of spades7 of hearts3 of clubs7 of clubs2 of diamonds resulting in his elimination from the tournament in 83rd place.

After taking down the pot, Seak finds himself with 1.46 milliion.

Recent Eliminations (Places 91-117)

Level 21 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 90.1879

Ten tables now remain as Level 20 comes to a close. The following players were eliminated during the last level.


Andres Rodriguez Quadruples Up

Level 20 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 92.1879

Andres Rodriguez jams for 35,000 under the gun and is called by UTG+2 and both blinds.

The small blind bets 40,000 on King of spades10 of diamonds9 of spades and clears the other two out.

Rodriguez shows Jack of diamonds4 of diamonds for a gutshot straight draw and is up against 9 of diamonds8 of diamonds. He calls for a queen and spikes it on the river as 3 of clubsQueen of clubs complete the runout — and his straight draw.

Andres Rodriguez – 155,000

Sherri Won’t Win the Title

Level 20 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 101.1879

Zachary Baron raises to 30,000 in the hijack and Sherri Title three-bets all in for her last 65,000. Christian Ramirez cold-calls in the big blind and Baron calls, giving Title a shot at tripling her stack.

Ramirez bets all three streets for 35k, 95k and 125k on a runout of 7 of diamonds6 of hearts2 of spadesJack of clubs8 of clubs and Baron calls all the way to showdown.

Ramirez tables King of diamondsKing of spades and Baron sends his cards to the muck without showing. His pair of kings beats Title’s Ace of clubsQueen of spades and she is eliminated in 102nd place, good for a $3,050 cash.

Meanwhile, Ramirez is up to 970k after the scooped pot and Baron is down to 570k.

Recent Eliminations (Places 117-135)

Level 20 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 111.1879

The following players have been eliminated in 118th through 135th places. Places 118 through 126 earn $2,620, and places 127 through 135 earn $2,400.

126 PHU VO $2,620 KATY TX

Jack Peterson Leads at First Break

Jack Peterson

Level 20 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 117.1879

Players return from the first break of the afternoon with 117 players remaining. Jack Peterson (pictured above) leads the field with 2.805 million, one of only players above 2 million. The other is Day 1 overall chip leader Joe Jaurigui (pictured below), who has built up to 2.095 million.

Others in the top five are Mitchell Anderson (1.63 million), Kris Burchfield (1.6 million) and Matthew Colley (1.485 million).

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for complete counts from the entire field.

Joe Jaurigui

Trevor Lewis Doubles Thru Mazen Abdallah

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 5k.12k . Entries 117.1879

All of the chips go into the middle preflop between Trevor Lewis in the big blind and Mazen Abdallah, who’s under the gun. Lewis at risk for his stack of 259k.

Lewis: King of spadesKing of clubs
Abdallah: 8 of hearts8 of spades

The runout changes nothing, coming 9 of spades4 of diamonds2 of diamondsJack of clubs4 of hearts, and Lewis secures the double at Abdallah’s expense.

Mazen Abdallah – 545,000
Trevor Lewis – 536,000

Tiep Bui Doubles Thru Ryan Page

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 5k.12k . Entries 123.1879

Ryan Page opens to 24,000 under the gun and Tiep Bui three-bet jams for 181,000 UTG+2. Action folds back to Page and he calls for two-thirds of his stack.

Bui: 5 of hearts5 of clubs
Page: Ace of spades10 of spades

Bui calls for a five before the flop Jack of hearts7 of spades3 of diamonds hits the felt. The King of clubs adds four Broadway outs for Page, but the dealer grants Bui’s request with a 5 of spades river to make his double official.

Bui is the all-time cash leader at TCH Dallas with 12 scores at the venue. Will this be lucky number 13?

Tiep Bui – 392,000
Ryan Page – 90,000

Recent Eliminations (Places 136-150)

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 5k.12k . Entries 132.1879

Level 18 comes to a close, and the field is down to 132. All surviving players have already climbed two rungs on the payout ladder, and those less fortunate have been eliminated as follows.

147 BRIAN LE $1,970 RHOME TX


Quads, Anyone?

Level 18 . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 137.1879

Action folds around to Christopher Laieta in the cutoff and he open-shoves for 160,000. Zachary Baron announces a three-bet to 300,000 in the small blind and Kasey Mills folds her big blind to get out of the way.

Laieta: 3 of clubs3 of spades
Baron: Ace of spadesKing of diamonds

An ace appears in the window, but the Ace of hearts5 of clubs3 of heartsKing of spades3 of diamonds runout brings Laieta quads and scores him the easy double.

Christopher Laieta – 340,000
Zachary Baron – 940,000

Nguyen Bluffs Off a Boatload

Level 18 . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 147.1879

We pick up action over at Table 27 with the board complete, a big ole’ pile of betting units in the middle, and the uber-aggressive Truong Nguyen has a stack-covering river bet in front of him, putting Michael Jagroo to the test for Jagroo’s final 424,000.

The board reads 7 of diamonds 4 of clubs 2 of spades Jack of spades 7 of spades and Jagroo eventually has the clock called on him by Nguyen.

Jagroo finds a way to call off his stack and Nguyen immediately lets him know the call was a good one.

  • Jagroo shows 10 of spades 10 of diamonds for two pair, Tens and Sevens
  • Nguyen shows 8 of hearts2 of hearts for a lesser two pair, Sevens and Deuces

Truong Nguyen – 375,000

Michael Jagroo – 1,350,000

Pedro Fernandez Doubles Thru Dwayne Evans

Level 18 . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 138.1879

Pedro Fernandez open-jams for 89,000 under the gun and Dwayne Evans puts in an isolation-raise to 200,000 in the cutoff, resulting in three folds behind.

Fernandez: Ace of clubsJack of clubs
Evans: Ace of hearts10 of spades

The board runs out Queen of clubsJack of hearts4 of diamonds5 of spades2 of spades — Fernandez makes a pair of jacks on the flop but it results in Evans’ three outs being traded for four new ones to Broadway. None come, and Fernandez ships the RayHensonFullDouble.

Pedro Fernandez – 203,000
Dwayne Evans – 690,000

Sai Krishna Venigalla Gets An Early Double

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 147.1879

Multiple bets go into the middle preflop, resulting in Sai Krishna Venigalla all in for 251,000 against Paul Saranec, two to his left.

Venigalla: Ace of diamondsAce of hearts
Saranec: Queen of diamondsQueen of hearts

Venigalla asks to hold and Ace of clubsJack of hearts3 of spades results in a happy chuckle from his flopped top set. The 6 of hearts removes any backdoor possibilities for Saranec, leaving him drawing dead before the 6 of diamonds completes the runout.

Sai Krishna Venigalla – 517,000
Paul Saranec – 95,000

Day 2 Cards in the Air

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 150.1879

Welcome back to #liveupdates for Day 2 of the 1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event at TCH Dallas.

Ten flights have played down to 8% apiece, bringing 150 players back from a field of 1,879 entries. These 150 will play for their share of a prize pool greater than $1.67 million, with Day 2 set to run into the wee hours of the morning as players set their sights on making the final table.

Play resumes with 2:46 remaining in Level 17 with blinds of 4k-8k and an 8k ante. Levels will increase to an hour in length starting in Level 19, and we’ll play until nine remain.

Shuffle up and deal!

Day 2 Seat Assignments

Here’s the seat assignments for the 2 pm Monday Restart in the $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event.

Play resumes at Texas Card House Dallas with 150 players retuning from a 1,879-entry field, playing for a share of the $1,672,310 prize pool.

Joe Jauregui (1,676,000) leads the way

Day 2 Title Event Seat Assignments

Jauragui Bags Top Fight J Stack

Joe Jaurigui bags the biggest of BigBags, topping not just Flight J but all flights in the Title Event, moving forward a massive 1,676,000 stack on to Monday’s 2 pm Day 2 Restart.

THere’s 25 players who earned a Day2Bag from this flight.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for all Day 2 Qualifiers from this flight

Flight J – Sang Le Still Atop Through 15 Levels

Flight J . Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 56.312

Players return from break to the beginning of Level 16 with 56 players remaining, 17 away from the money. Sang Le remains atop the counts with 583,000, just ahead of David Diaz’s 567,000.

Two others have above half a milly — Samir Bhatia (521,000) and Andrey Semikin (506,000). Mazen Abdallah (466,000) is in fifth.

Fifteen levels down, how many more to go? We’re looking at another long day of coverage tomorrow as 150 players will return to play down to a final table of nine, and we’ll need to resemble something human throughout the day. As such, blog coverage from the final Day 1 flights will conclude after 15 hours, and we’ll be back tomorrow from start to finish.

Check back in the morning for results from Flight J, including in-the-money finishers and final chip counts for all who bagged.

We’ll also post the seat draw in the early a.m. Thanks for following. We’ll see you tomorrow before cards go in the air at 2 p.m.

Flight J – Two Doubles Before Break

Flight J . Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 56.312

On the last hand before the end of the level and a 15-minute break, Hoan Nguyen opens to 12,000 UTG+1 and Alem Girma calls in the hijack. David Respaldiza three-bet shoves for 49,000 on the button and Nguyen four-bets to 112,000.

“Oh, you raised!” realizes Girma. “You’re putting me all in!”

“Is that a call?” asks the dealer, briefly misunderstanding what Girma has said. He responds that it isn’t and folds the 8 of clubs7 of clubs, saying it was a hand to crack aces with.

Neither have aces, though. Respaldiza shows Queen of hearts4 of hearts and has three outs against Nguyen’s 5 of clubs5 of hearts.

“I had two overs, too,” adds Girma. The runout comes Queen of clubsJack of spades3 of clubs7 of spades4 of clubs and Respaldiza wins with queens up to double to 112.5k, while Hoan drops to 293.5k.

Meanwhile, Chan Pelton cracks pocket queens with queen-seven on another table and yells to an empty room on break about it being how you enjoy life and that he doesn’t give a you-know-what. Like I said – what goes up must come down. It just doesn’t mean it must stay down.

Flight J – What Goes Up

Flight J . Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 59.312

Jonathan Bennett opens to 10,000 in the hijack from the nine-seat, putting action on Chan Pelton on the other side of the dealer. Pelton stands up to get a better look at Bennett’s stack and announces he’s all in for a little under 300k.

Bennett calls when action gets back to him and shows Ace of heartsQueen of spades, flipping against Pelton’s 8 of diamonds8 of spades.

The flop brings action, falling Jack of hearts8 of hearts3 of hearts to give Pelton a set of eights and Bennett the nut flush draw.

“Oh Mylanta!” says Pelton. The turn is the 9 of hearts, putting Bennett in front with the nut flush and leaving him in need of fading the board pairing on the river to stay alive. The river Queen of clubs falls in his favor to score the double.

Bennett’s stack is counted to be 172,500, and the double brings him up to 357k. Pelton is at 114k after being at 400k not long ago. Gravity.

Flight J – Spencer Cheng Gets a Fresh Double

Flight J . Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 62.312

Teddy Fresh opens to 16,000 UTG+1 and Spencer Cheng three-bet shoves for 56,000.

“I call,” says Cheng and shows Ace of diamondsQueen of hearts. Fresh has the preflop nuts with Ace of spadesAce of clubs, and it holds through the Jack of spades9 of clubs3 of diamonds6 of clubs10 of hearts.

Teddy Fresh – 205,000
Spencer Cheng – 122,000

Flight J – “What the…”

Flight J . Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 66.312

Brian Turck goes all in for his last 10,500 in the hijack and Chan Pelton announces he’s all in over the top from the button. Bradford Hartzell wakes up with a calling hand in the big blind.

Turck: Ace of clubs9 of spades
Pelton: King of hearts9 of clubs
Hartzell: Queen of heartsQueen of clubs

“I’ll be honest with you,” says Pelton to Turck. “I hope you win the main pot, and I win the outside.”

Hartzell nervously sweats the runout and sees a safe flop of 8 of hearts8 of spades5 of diamonds hit the felt. It all turns downhill from there, with running Ace of spadesKing of clubs improving both players beyond his two queens.

“I knew it,” says Hartzell. Pelton’s side-pot stack is counted out to 200.5k and Hartzell finds himself with 12.5k back after paying it off. Pelton goes up to 401k and Turck to 37.5k.

“I told you,” Pelton repeats to Turck. “I hope you win the main, and I win the outside. I’m not trying to be greedy. I’ve been greedy my whole life.”

“What the…?” says tablemate Truc Nguyen to his neighbor with a laugh.

Bless your heart, Chan Pelton.

Flight J – Ken Doubles, Leaves Kennii With Crumbs

Flight J . Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 76.312

Ken Han opens in the lojack and sees Kennii Nguyen three-bet to 37,000. Han responds with a four-bet for the rest of his chips.

“Damn,” responds Nguyen. “Hard to fold this hand. How much is it?”

“One (hundred and) thirty-two, all day,” responds the dealer. Nguyen calls.

Han: Queen of clubsQueen of diamonds
Nguyen: Ace of clubsKing of hearts

“Give me an ace!” exclaims Nguyen before the noncompliant Jack of spades6 of hearts2 of spades flop. Nothing changes as running 8 of clubs4 of clubs finish the runout and with Han’s queens remaining on top.

“Big flip,” says Nguyen as he counts out Han’s total and parts ways with said chips. “Nice hand,” he adds with a gentle tap of the felt.

After the hand, Han is up to 272k and Nguyen is crippled, down to just 12k.

Flight J – Dwayne Evans Holds for the Knockout

Flight J . Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 78.312

A player open-jams for 30,000 in the hijack and Dwayne Evans makes the call after looking down at his cards in the big blind.

Evans has Ace of clubs8 of spades and his ahead of his opponent’s King of diamondsQueen of clubs.

“I got $100 on king-queen, any takers?” says tablemate Chan Pelton, who moments earlier open-jammed just shy of a quarter-million from early position and tabled the eight-three offsuit. There are no takers, and Evans holds through the Ace of hearts10 of hearts9 of hearts4 of clubs7 of clubs runout to win the pot with a pair of aces.

Dwayne Evans – 170,000

Flight I – Peterson Bags Top Stack

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 33.410

Nestor Garcia’s Tens hold against Herbert Montalbano – who tried to get 75o through on the Bag-bubble but did not succeed – and Flight I comes to a close with 33 players advancing to Monday’s 2pm labor Day restart.

Jack Peterson – as he’s done since midway through this flight – leads the charge with a 1,573,000 bag. He’s followed by Mitchell Anderson (1,269,000) Balalj Ellur (997,000) Nestor Garcia (914,000) and Matthew Colley (876,000) making up the top five stacks in the room.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for all Day 2 Qualifiers from this flight.

Here’s all the #19 Flight I Payouts from this flight.

Flight J – Sang Le-ads Through 12 Levels

Flight J . Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 88.312

The final flight of the tournament takes its first post-reg break with 88 players remaining, and Sang Le is on top of the counts with 536,000.

Chan Pelton is next closest with 314,000, followed by Bharath Vellanki with 301,500. Below them, eight players sit within 10 bigs of one another between 243k and 262.5k. Jordan Lowery (262,500) and Brant Jolly (254,000) complete the top five.

Play will continue for three more levels before taking another break. If we make it to the final 39 in that time, all remaining players will earn at least a $1,400 min-cash. Flight J will conclude when 25 players remain, all of whom will join the Day 2 roster with a quick turnaround for tomorrow’s 2 p.m. restart time.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for a full list of counts from the field.

Flight I – Peterson Pursuing Burchfield

Flight I Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 36.410

Back from their final break of the night, the 36 remaining Flight I Title Event players have a bit more work to do before 25 earn Day2Bags.

Jack Peterson is the first person to make a serious run at Kris Burchfield’s top Day 2 stack of 1,641,000. up to tis point, no one was within 400k of Burchfield.

Well, that was then and this is Peterson, who is at 1,630,000 and he some time to run up more.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for all counts.

$258,010 to Title Event Winner

Registration is closed in Event 19 of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event – and the scoreboard shows 1,879 entries.

The players create a prize pool valued at $1,672,310, paying 242 players, with 150 of those players advancing to Monday’s 2 pm Labor Day restart.

The tournament winner is slated to receive the top cash prize of $258,010

Here’s all the tournament payouts.

Title Event Payouts

Flight I – 1 Double, 1 Down, Play On

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 52.410

Alexander Holmes and George Karvounis get their stacks all in on the Flight I bubble, and this could pop the bubble.

  • Queens for Holmes
  • Jacks for Karvounis and Holmes has Karvounis covered
  • Pot expanded to 225,000 from their back-and-forth action, and the board runs out all blanks, until the river, that is, as Karvounis spikes a Jack to remain in the event.

Karvounis moves to 420,000, Holmes down to 95,000

Meanwhile, after this played out, David Shaw was eliminated on an adjacent table when he runs Jacks into Kings –  and the bubble does pop, sending 52 into the money and in search of one of the 33 coveted Day2Bags.


Finger Licker BBQ and NLH Tourney Tomorrow

Ya’ll know there’s one additional tournament at TCH Dallas during this series, right? And y’all know there’s some brisket goodness as a MAJOR reason to be here with betting units in action, amirite?

Welcome to the Finger Licker, aka Event 21 in the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series, a $25,000 Guaranteed $500 starting at 2 pm Monday – that’s Labor Day to you and me –  with 30,000 stacks, unlimited entries, and a complimentary BBQ buffet from 6:15-6:45 pm inside the TCH Dallas tournament arena.

We might even let players from Day 2 in the Title Event join in for BBQ goodness. Yeah, I think they also earn BBQ.

Flight J – 39 Cash 25 Bag

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 312

Registration is closed in Flight H of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event, and the scoreboard shows 312 entries.

The players contribute $277,680 to the prize pool. The combined field is unofficially at 1,879 entries and the prize pool, unofficially, is a few buy-ins shy of  $1,675,000

Play continues tonight until the final 25 players Bag-a-Stack, both making the money and also advancing to Monday’s 2 pm Day 2 restart.

Players finishing tonight in 26-39th place all earn a Day 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Day 2. Players finishing in 26-32nd cash for $1,500, while 33-39th cash for $1,400.

This officially closes tournament registration, we’ll be back soon with final official numbers.

Flight I – Bubble Play

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 53.410

PlkerAtlas Tour Executive Tournament Director Justin Hammer pauses the play clock here in Level 17, peeling two minutes per hand until one more player is eliminated and the final 52 make the money in Flight I of the Title Event.

Play continues post-bubble until 33 bag-a-stack, advancing to Monday’s Labor Day restart at 2 pm.

Welcome, to the bubble.

Flight J – Ignacio With Chip Lead

Flight J . Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 312

That was some run on entries over the last hour as Flight J soars past the 300 mark, with registration about to close on the entire Title Event in a few moments.

Emmanuel Ignacio has the lead right now with a 259,500 stack, followed by Senhao Cao (224,500), Bharath Vellanki (195,000) Sang Le (193,000) and Bradford Hartzell (186,500) making up the top five stacks in the room.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for all live stacks.

Flight I – “Had To Stand Up for It”

Level 15. Ante 5k . Blinds 3k.5k . Entries 57.410

Jiancheng Han opens to 15,000 UTG+1 and action folds around to William Linden in the big blind, who three-bet jams for 86,000. Han calls.

Linden: 8 of spades8 of hearts
Han: Ace of clubsQueen of diamonds

Linden needs his eights to hold to stay alive and acknowledges the bad news as the flop comes Ace of diamonds9 of clubs7 of spades. He stands up to see the 10 of hearts turn give him eight open-ended outs, but he needs none of them as he hits a set on the 8 of diamonds river to re-improve to the best hand and get the RayHensonFullDouble.

“There we go,” says Linden with a chuckle. “Had to stand up for it.”

With the double, Linden has 181k while Han drops to 340k.

Flight I – Balaji Ellur Still on Top at Fifth Break

Level 16. Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 63.410

Seven tables remain in play in Flight I of the PokerAtlas Tour $1,500,000 Guarantee $1,000 Title Event.

Players return from break number five to see Balaji Ellur still atop the counts with 814,000. His next closest competitors are Brian Le (627,000), Alfredo Garza (599,000), Ryan Page (575,000) and James Galloway (573,000).

Fifty-two players will make it into the money, meaning we’re 11 eliminations from hitting that milestone. We’ll go hand-for-hand when one away from the money and continue play once the bubble pops. The final 33 players will bag up and come back tomorrow at 2 p.m. for Day 2.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for a complete list of counts from the field.

Flight J – Jamal Hopkinson Calls Correctly and Holds

Flight J Level 9 . Ante 1200 . Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 160.281

Action is three handed with the board reading Queen of spades6 of clubs5 of hearts3 of diamonds and action checks to Mazen Abdallah on the button, who jams for 22,600, an overbet to the pot. Jamal Hopkinson calls under the gun and the lojack folds.

Abdallah tables Jack of hearts4 of spades for an open-ended straight draw and needs to hit against the Jack of spadesJack of clubs of Hopkinson. He fails to do so as the river brings a board-pairing Queen of diamonds and Hopkinson takes down the pot.

Jamal Hopkinson – 105,500

Flight J – Barry Greenstein Gives Miki Murzi the Double

Flight J Level 8 . Ante 1000 . Blinds 500.1000 . Entries 160.272

Action folds to Richard Gebhart in the cutoff and he limps, prompting an all-in raise from Miki Murzi on the button. Gebhart calls once it’s his turn to do so, and the two are off to the races.

Murzi: Ace of spades10 of hearts
Gebhart: 7 of clubs7 of spades

The Jack of hearts8 of clubs5 of clubs flop does no favors for Murzi, but the Queen of spades brings his total outs up to 10. The Ace of diamonds completes the board, giving Murzi a pair of aces and earning him the double.

Richard Gebhart – 50,500
Miki Murzi – 40,100

Flight I – Baik’s Aces Baked

Level 15. Ante 5k . Blinds 3k.5k . Entries 73.410

One hand after four-flushing Chan Pelton out of Flight I, Daniel Baik minclicks the 11,000 preflop bet from James Gonzales, and Gonzales adds 11k move to cover the raise.

Gonzales moves all in for 62,500 on the 10 of clubs 8 of hearts 5 of clubs flop, Baik calling rapidly.

  • Ace of clubs 8 of clubs for Gonzales for a flush draw and an over.
  • Ace of hearts Ace of diamonds for Baik

Maik remains ahead on the Queen of spades turn, but the river King of clubs is a winner for Gonzales.

Gonzales moves to 185,000, Baik backs up to 265,000

Flight J – Cowboys Good To Salvador Cervantes

Flight J Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 161.242

All of the chips go into the middle preflop in a three-way pot with the big blind having a shot at tripling his stack up to about 35,000. Salvador Cervantes is also all in for 21k more on top from the small blind, and James Beers has both covered from the lojack.

Big Blind: Queen of clubs7 of clubs
Cervantes: King of clubsKing of hearts
Beers: Jack of diamondsJack of clubs

The board runs out Queen of diamonds10 of clubs3 of spadesKing of spades4 of hearts — the big blind flops top pair, still behind Cervantes’ two kings which find a third on the turn. However, Beers picks up an open ender as a result, giving Cervantes a sweat to the clean river for the scoop.

Salvador Cervantes – 80,000
James Beers – 38,500

Flight I – Martinez Doubles Through Robinson

Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 81.410

Ronnie Robinson flops top pair on a 10 of clubs 4 of clubs 7 of spades  board, Guillermo Martinez comes along, then moves all-in for 115,000 over-the-top of Robinson’s 21,000 turn bet when the 4 of hearts appears.

  • Robinson calls, showing 9 of diamonds10 of hearts
  • Martinez flips King of clubsKing of spades

River 3 of diamonds and Martinez earns the RayHensonFullDouble, moving to 295,000, Robinson down to 305,000


Flight J – Ignacio On Top With Three More Levels of Late Reg

Flight J Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 164.245

Flight J players have returned from their second break of the day, and we’re into Level 7 with the field looking to push 250 entries by the time late reg closes next break.

Emmanuel Ignacio leads the field with 212,500, the only player above 200k. Pedro Fernandez (172,000), Alem Girma (159,000), Eric Salazar (152,000 and Jordan Lowery (148,800) complete the top five.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for a full list of counts from the field.

Flight I – Eluid Lopez Lays the Trap

Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 88.410

Eluid Lopez limps UTG+2 and sees a raise to 10,000 in the hijack. Matthew Russell three-bet shoves for 41,500 in the small blind and Lopez limp-jams, forcing the hijack out of the pot.

Russell: King of clubsQueen of hearts
Lopez: Ace of diamondsQueen of clubs

An ace drops right away on the Ace of clubs8 of clubs2 of diamonds6 of spades10 of diamonds runout, ultimately leaving Russell dead by the turn to eliminate him from the tournament.

Eluid Lopez – 175,000

Flight I – Rice Boils Anderson

Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 93,410

Mitchell Anderson opens for 6,500, Shawn Rice moves in for 55,000 and Anderson takes a considerable amount of time debating – as the dealer counts down Rice’s hand – before committing one-seventh of his stack.

  • Rice shows 8 of clubs 8 of spades
  • Anderson quietly turns over Queen of clubs Queen of hearts

The Ace of clubs King of diamonds 6 of hearts flop is uneventful, but Rice scores the turn when the dealer peels 8 of hearts. The river is 5 of hearts and Anderson’s temper boils over. He slams his fist down onto the felt, the chips he was holding in his hand fly out and onto the floor.

  • Shawn Rice – 117,500
  • Mitchell Anderson – 305,000

Flight J – Emmanuel Ignacio With Piles

Flight J Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 161.215

The board reads Queen of spades7 of diamonds5 of clubs8 of hearts with around 20,000 already in the middle of a three-way pot. Emmanuel Ignacio checks in the small blind and Dat Nguyen bets 10,000 UTG+1. The cutoff calls and Ignacio check-raises for the minimum value of 20,000.

Nguyen thinks for a bit and shoves for 34,500, resulting in a tank-fold from the cutoff and a snap-call from Ignacio.

Nguyen shows Ace of clubsQueen of clubs for top pair, top kicker, and he’s drawing dead as Ignacio tables 9 of diamonds6 of diamonds for the nuts. The river 10 of hearts finishes the runout — Ignacio no longer has the nuts, but his ten-high straight is still good to boost him to 235,000 and send Nguyen to the rail.

Six Bills

Flight I Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 98,410

Flight J Level 6 . Ante 600. Blinds 300.600. Entries 205

We are early in Levels 6 and 13, and a quick look at each scoreboard confirms more than 600 total entries today alone, pushing the prize pool comfortably past the $1,500,000 Guarantee, on its way shortly to pass $1.6 and continue to grow, for Flight J registration and its unlimited-entry period doesn’t close until 9:15 pm.

Balaji Ellur Leads Flight I Through Level 12

Level 13 . Ante 3000 . Blinds 1500.3000 . Entries 107.410

Flight I continues to progress with roughly three-quarters of the field down through 12 levels of play. Balaji Ellur leads with 704,500, nearly 200k clear of second-place James Galloway, who has 506,500.

Ryan Page is third, just below the half-milly mark with 493,000, and Jo Liu (428,000) and Ronnie Robinson (365,500) complete the top five.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for a full list of counts from the field.

Flight J – Susan Couron Doubles Up With the Nuts

Flight J Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 157.188

The board reads Queen of spades10 of hearts3 of diamonds with 4,500 in the middle and three-handed action. Samuel Brown checks in the small blind and Susan Couron bets 2,000. The player on the button calls and Brown check-raises to 7,300. Only Couron calls.

Action goes heads up to the 9 of clubs turn and Brown checks. Couron throws out a bet, Brown immediately check-shoves, and Couron calls just as quickly.

Immediately after calling, Couron shows King of heartsJack of clubs for the turned nuts, causing Brown to shrink in his seat before tabling Queen of diamonds10 of spades for his top pair with a straight draw to chop. The river bricks and Couron scores the double.

Susan Couron – 73,300
Samuel Brown – 31,500

Flight I – Gaines Eliminates Carrizales

Level 12 . Ante 2500 . Blinds 1500.2500 . Entries 108.410

Julian Gaines limps UTG, David Carrizales and David Register also limp, Jeffrey Meuangkhot completes and Dennis Krusch checks his option.

The dealer fans Ace of clubs 5 of clubs 5 of diamonds, Gaines opens for 7,000, Carrizales moves in for 22,500, and all but Gaines snap-fold.

Gaines, however, gives a short pause, then commits a small portion of his stack.

  • 7 of spades 7 of clubs for Gaines for two pair
  • Ace of hearts 4 of clubs for Carrizales for a better two pair.

The turn is 2 of clubsCarrizales can improve to a wheel, Gaines drawing to a better flush draw and sevens.

River 8 of clubs completes the flush and the elimination, Gaines moving to 265,500.

Flight I – Ho Gets There Against Hickey

Level 12 . Ante 2500 . Blinds 1500.2500 . Entries 122.410

Jason Hickey rips preflop and Tony Ho makes the call, then exclaims a whoops as the cards are revealed.

  • Ace of hearts King of hearts for Hickey
  • Ace of diamonds Queen of hearts for Ho

Another exclamation from Ho on the 5 of diamonds 6 of hearts Queen of clubs flop, this time for the fact he came from behind to assume the lead. The board pairs 7 of clubs 7 of hearts on its way out, two pair for Ho and he barely has Hickey covered, eliminating his challenger and moving to 125,000


Flight J – Venkata Narahari Alone Above 100K on First Break

Flight J Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 151.168

We’re one-third of the way through the registration period of the final Title Event flight, having surpassed the tournament’s $1.5 million guarantee during the first frame of levels.

During that frame, Venkata Narahari amassed triple what he started with and leads the field with 122k.

The field is bunched below him, with Christopher Odom (99,500), Gary Sixkiller (97,400), Viet Dinh (95,000) and Lonny Weitzel (94,300) at the top of the pack.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for a full list of counts from the field.

Tournament Results Here and at Hendon Mob

Level 12 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries .410

Did you pick up a cash of three in our 2023 PokerAtlas Tour series held concurrently at TCH Dallas and TCH Las Colinas?

If so, check out the additions to your Hendon Mob poker resume.

We still have the Title Event and the Finger Licker BBQ buffet at TCH Dallas, plus the rescheduled $500 Big O on Labor Day at TCH Las Colinas to complete the series.

We thank each and every one of you for your support of both poker rooms and the Poker Atlas Tour.

Flight J – Ilyas Muradi Gets Value

Flight J Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 142.153

Yesterday, we talked about Craig Varnell winning the last tournament before Covid. Today, let’s discuss the first major tournament of the poker world in 2021. Yes, the eight-handed tables, sanitize-every-chair-and-rail-and-Plexiglas era of poker.

Walk with me back to January 2021 when the World Poker Tour went to Seminole Hard Rock for the Lucky Hearts Poker Open. Throngs of poker players came out, resulting in a 1,573-entry field with a prize pool north of $5 million.

Long story short, Muradi qualified from a satellite and parlayed it to a first-place finish, good for $620k and forever having his name on the WPT’s Mike Sexton Champions Cup.

(We are FunTour 2.0 and we approve this message.)

Now, let’s get back to today. Muradi is involved in a pot with around 12,000 in the middle on a board reading Queen of diamondsJack of diamonds2 of hearts5 of diamonds4 of spades. He’s on the button against Phu Vo, UTG+2.

Vo checks to Muradi and calls a bet of 6,000, bringing the 4 of spades river. Vo checks again, Muradi bets 7,500, and Vo thinks for a bit before calling.

Muradi shows him a flopped set with 2 of spades2 of diamonds, and Vo cedes a face-up Ace of clubsQueen of spades. Muradi chips up to 65k and Vo drops to 17k.

Flight I – Gets Some Back from Abdallah

Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 140.410

Mazen Abdallah has his way with Table 25 lately, raking three consecutive pots, including the last one against Nick Pupillo.

Abdallah opens is fourth consecutive pot, this one for 4,500, and Pupillo – from the bb – the the only participant to join in.

The dealer fans the All-Clubs Ace of clubs 10 of clubs 9 of clubs and neither challenger offers a betting unit. Same action for the 4 of hearts turn, Pupillo leading on the 5 of spades river. Abdallah cuts out calling chips, put cannot find a way to release them from his hand and Pupillo rakes.

Both players are at 63,000

Hey Nick, happy first birthday to the wee one, say hi to mom from all of us.


Title Event Reaches $1.5 Million Guarantee in Final Flight

Flight J Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 126

Did anyone actually think that we would get overlay here at TCH Dallas for the inaugural PokerAtlas Tour $1,500,000 Guarantee $1,000 Title Event?

Labor Day is a tough sell for any large tournament, but Texas is a big draw. And as we know, everything is bigger in Texas. The PokerAtlas staff took an aggressive line by putting $1.5 million on a guarantee, and it paid off.

Sure, the chance of overlaying is an exciting prospect for the players out there; but is anybody mad about even more money up for grabs? We didn’t think so.

Touching on the numbers, we entered today with 1,150 entries, needing 1,687 to meet the tournament’s guarantee. The 11 a.m. Flight I added 410 entries, bringing the total up 1,560, and we just passed the mark in the final moments of Level 2 during Flight J.

The scoreboard continues to rise, now displaying 126 entries for Flight J and an unofficial 1,693 for the tournament.

Registration is open for another seven levels plus breaks, closing at 9:15 tonight when Level 10 begins. The sky is the limit now — good luck to everyone in contention.

Flight I – Wyatt Eliminates Moyer

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . 169.410

Kelly Wyatt limps, Dien Le completes, then Michael Moyer moves in for 24,500 from the bb. Wyatt confirms, then completes the bet, while Le steps aside.

  • King of diamonds Jack of hearts for Moyer
  • Ace of hearts 3 of hearts for Wyatt

The dealer fans 10 of diamonds 2 of hearts 10 of spades, different backdoor straight draw for both players. the turn 9 of diamonds gives Moyer a gutter to a Queen and all his paint in live.

Barry Greenstein sends Moyer out of Flight I, he has until 9:15 pm to purchase an entry in this tournament’s final starting flight.

Flight J – Maury Solano Gets An Early KO

Flight J Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 110

There’s a pile of chips in the middle on a completed board of 10 of clubs5 of spades3 of diamonds7 of spadesJack of spades and Shani Roozbeh is all in for 15,000 from the cutoff.

Maury Solano is in the hijack and immediately drops in calling chips, showing the nuts with Ace of spades6 of spades. Roobzeh’s 7 of diamonds5 of clubs is tabled, a no-good two pair, and he is one of the first few to find the rail in the final flight of the $1,500,000 Guarantee $1,000 Title Event at TCH Dallas.

Registration will remain open until 9:15 p.m. tonight with unlimited re-entries.

Flight I – 52 Cash 33 Bag

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 410

Registration is closed in Flight H of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event, and the scoreboard shows 410 entries.

The players contribute $364,900 to the prize pool. The combined field is unofficially at 1,567 entries and the prize pool, unofficially, is a few buy-ins shy of  $1,400,000

Play continues tonight until the final 33 players Bag-a-Stack, both making the money and also advancing to Monday’s 2 pm Day 2 restart.

Players finishing tonight in 34-52th place all earn a Day 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Day 2. Players finishing in 34-42nd cash for $1,500, while 43-52nd cash for $1,400.

All players – whether in possession of a Day2Bag, a Day 1 Cash or eliminated before the money – are eligible to play all 10 Title Event flights, for the PokerAtlas Tour is a Best Stack Forward tour. Bag more than one stack and the BigStack goes in play Monday, while the smaller bag(s) cash out as a Day 2 mincash.

Sunday’s final flight is running now. This tournament officially closes for registration Sunday at 9:15 pm, c’mon down, y’all.

Balaji Ellur On Top As Reg Closes

Level 10 . Ante 1.5k. Blinds 1k.1.5k . Entries 202.410

The third break of the day comes to an end, bringing with it the closing of registration for Flight I with an unofficial 410 entries.

Balaji Ellur leads the field with 272,500. He’s joined by Mitchell Anderson (235,500), Trevor Argue (255,000), Ryan Page (222,500) and Sherri Title (208,000) in the top five.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for a complete list of counts from the field.

II Nguyen Either Way

Level 9 . Ante 1.2k. Blinds 600.1.2k . Entries 201.400

There’s a raise to 3,000 UTG+1 and a call from UTG+2 before Kennii Nguyen announces he’s all in from the hijack.

“Gamble! I didn’t even Look!” says Nguyen. A player on his left thinks for a bit, and Nguyen continues, “I just wanna rebuy!”

Eventually, it folds back to the original raiser, who asks for a count. Nguyen has 30,300 and it’s too much for either of the remaining players to call.

“Oh,” responds Nguyen. “I win either way!”

Kennii Nguyen – 39,300

Flight J – Final Flight is Live

Flight J Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 43

Play has begun for Flight J of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,500,000 Guarantee $1,000 Title Event at TCH Dallas – and this is the final starting flight for the tournament.

Blinds begin at 100.200 with 40,000 starting stacks. The first nine levels last 30 minutes apiece with breaks after 90 minutes of play … with registration and unlimited re-entries through the end of the third break. Registration closes at 9:15 p.m. at the start of Level 10, with blinds bumping up to 40 minutes in length at that time.

One-in-eight players will make it into the money tonight, with play continuing until 8 percent of the starting field remains. Those who make it to the celebratory bag-n-tag will get to return for Monday’s 2 p.m. Day 2 restart.

This is a best-stack forward tournament, meaning we don’t discriminate when accepting additional entries. Feel free to join as many times as you’d like, from as many flights, regardless of how well you do or don’t do. Additional Day 2 bags earn a Day 2 min-cash for each stack removed from play.

Flight I – Ignacio Tames Louisianimal

Level 9 . Ante 1200 . Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 396

Charles Barker open for 5,000, Derek Normand moves in for 26,000, Emmanuel Ignacio moves in for 76,000 and Barker folds.

  • A.3 for the Louisianimal
  • King of diamonds Jack of hearts for the good-read Ignacio

The dealer fans 8 of clubs 9 of clubs 7 of hearts 5 of spades and could there be a chop? nope, river King of hearts and Ignacio gets there FTW, Normand to the cage for a new entry in either this flight or the soon-to-start Flight J – aka the final flight.

Emmanuel Ignacio – 110,000

Joel Deutsch Battling in Flight I

Level 8 . Ante 1,000. Blinds 500.1k . Entries 218.385

We saw Florida’s Joel Deutsch around the room at TCH Dallas yesterday for the first time of the series, and he’s in the action today looking to find a Day 2 bag.

Deutsch has more than two dozen live cashes in 2023 according to his database on The Hendon Mob, including a WSOP Circuit ring in South Florida in February in an $1,100 event, good for $58k.

He’s also had success in Texas, with his largest career score coming in 2021 at a certain place about four hours south of Dallas. The PokerLiveUpdates team was there for that event, and we’re here once more to provide you updates as the tournament unfolds.

Deutsch currently has around 15k, seated on Caitlin Comeskey’s direct left. If you missed our feature on her yesterday, check it out here.

Cruz Flops Trips, Eliminates One

Level 8 . Ante 1k . Blinds 500.1k . Entries 369

We were actually just standing at the bar to grab two waters to go along with the Lyari Cafe samosas we picked up on break, when we hear “one player all in, two players on the side.”

Hey, y’all gonna lay a hand in front of us, we’ll give details.

Shawaiz Chowhan and Alexis Cruz build a 32,600 sidepot preflop to go along with both involved in the 24,000 main pot.

The dealer fans 10 of hearts 5 of diamonds 5 of hearts , 6,000 from Cruz, a call from Chowhan.

Turn is Qc and Cruz moves in for 27,900, a snap-call from Chowhan .. and an immediate gasp as well.

  • Chowhan shows Ace of spades Queen of spades for two pair, top kicker
  • Cruz shows 5 of spades 4 of spades for trips, causing said gasp from Chowhan.
  • River 10 of hearts is an improved two pair for Chowhan, a boat for Cruz, the short-stack shows King of spades Queen of hearts for a lesser kicker and Cruz rakes while scoring the knockout

Alexis Cruz – 112,500

Sonny Leads Flight I After Six Levels

Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 248.350

The field hits tree fiddy on break, bringing us to an official 1,500 entries and counting as Level 7 begins. Registration is open until 4:15 with unlimited entries and re-entries.

Houston’s Sonny Sundara (174,800) vaults to the top of the counts, just ahead of Guillermo Lupercio (173,700).

Neal Son (161,100), David Shaw (154,500) and Trevor Argue (153,200) retain their positions from the Level 4 chip update, still sitting three-four-five in the counts on both breaks of the afternoon.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab at the top of the page for complete counts from the field.

Al Wilson Delivers a Double Dusting

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 332

There’s a bit over 9,000 in the center on a flop of Jack of hearts7 of diamonds4 of diamonds, and four players are in action. Leonard August checks in the lojack and Al Wilson bets 5,000 in the lojack. Daniel Baik jams for 16,100, the player on the button folds, and August re-jams for around 33,000. Wilson calls both jams.

Baik: Queen of heartsJack of diamonds (top pair, jacks)
August: 6 of hearts5 of hearts (open-ended straight draw)
Wilson: Ace of heartsAce of spades (pair of aces)

The 9 of hearts turn adds a flush draw to August’s outs, but it all bricks on the 6 of diamonds river and Wilson’s aces hold for the double knockout.

Wilson is looking to continue a heater from the summer, having taken down the WSOP Circuit Seniors event in Cherokee last month for $50k.

“I’m hoping to win two tournaments this summer!” adds Wilson as he stacks his chips. He’s up to 166k, while Baik and August will have to re-enter if they want to have another shot at this event.

Did Someone Say BBQ?

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 320

Ya’ll know there’s one additional tournament at TCH Dallas during this series, right? And y’all know there’s some brisket goodness as a MAJOR reason to be here with betting units in action, amirite?

Welcome to the Finger Licker, aka Event 21 in the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series, a $25,000 Guaranteed $500 starting at 2 pm Monday – that’s Labor Day to you and me –  with 30,000 stacks, unlimited entries, and a complimentary BBQ buffet from 6:15-6:45 pm inside the TCH Dallas tournament arena.

We might even let players from Day 2 in the Title Event join in for BBQ goodness. Yeah, I think they also earn BBQ.

Darryl Sample Triples Up

Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 312

Kelly Wyatt raises to 1,000 in the hijack and Darryl Sample three-bet jams for 4,900. Ricardo Arechiga cold-calls in the big blind and Wyatt calls as well.

Arechiga and Wyatt check through the Queen of clubs7 of spades6 of diamonds4 of clubs5 of hearts runout and everybody tables their hands.

Sample: 9 of clubs9 of spades (pair of nines)
Arechiga: King of clubsJack of clubs (king high, jack kicker; missed backdoor flush draw)
Wyatt: King of diamonds10 of diamonds (king high, ten kicker)

Sample’s nines hold versus both players’ overcards and he scores the triple.

Kelly Wyatt – 128,500
Ricardo Arechiga 31,000
Darryl Sample – 15,500

Latest to Appear

Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 310

That steady flow of entries and re-entries here in Flight 9 of 10 beings the likes of Shawn Rice, Derek Louisianimal Normand, Jared Ingles, (Derek’s school-years buddy) Bradley Coultas (He hit the $50k Mystery Payday top prize), Aaron (not Allen) Kessler, Nestor Garcia (Hey Nestor, nice to see you, your friends at TVPokerRoom miss you), Sonny (Master Blaster Contender) Sundara, Will Givens (He won the last $1k where we covered his play in Colorado) and Sergio Braga (thanks for the compliments on your winner’s photo, sir)

Three Bills

Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 305

We’re about to move past the $1,300,000 mark as the race to the guarantee shrinks and the Flight I field tops 300 entries.

Registration in this flight and its unlimited-entry period is open until 4:15 pm – the final Last Chance Flight begins at 4 pm with registration and its unlimited-entry period open until 9:15 pm.

Flight I – Michael Orozco Takes a Stack

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 248.290

The board reads 10 of spades6 of clubs3 of hearts with 4,000 in the middle in a three-way pot. The small blind has 10,000 in front of him and action is back on him, facing two all ins from the under-the-gun Michael Orozco and the UTG+1 Marcus Taylor. Orozco barely has Taylor covered with 33,600.

Some time passes, and another player calls a clock. TD Kerry 🍔 comes over and starts the timer, which lasts for less than 15 seconds before a fold takes place.

“I have a set,” announces Orozco as he shows 6 of spades6 of hearts. Taylor confirms it’s good, drawing dead with his bottom two pair 6 of diamonds3 of diamonds, and the river 9 of diamonds makes the hand official.

Michael Orozco – 84,000

$100 Flips Are Fun, Join in Now

Level 4 . Ante 400. Blinds 200.400 . Entries 282

We believe poker should be fun, and flips are a very fun way to win a Title Event seat.

You’re playing for a guaranteed $1,500,000 prize pool, and Flips give you a chance in about 3 minutes to win a seat for just $100, just like Bonnie Weitzel did in this video.

Rake-free offerings from Tecas Card House Dallas and the PokerAtlas Tour.

Let’s have fun today, y’all

Flight I – Kelly Wyatt Leads After Three

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 238.272

Three levels are in the books for Flight I of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event, and we’re up to 272 entries.

Kelly Wyatt leads the field with 142,300, and chips are flying with eight players above 100k. Mehdi Daruwala (134,000), Neal Son (119,400), David Shaw (115,200) and Trevor Argue (111,900) make up the top five.

Late reg with unlimited re-entries remains open until the start of Level 10 at 4:15 p.m. We also have Flight J — the tournament’s final starting flight — at 4 p.m. Registration for that flight closes at 9:15.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab at the top of the page for complete counts from the field.

Flight I – Aces Can’t Hold for Ashburn Bywaters

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 212

Three players hold cards with King of clubsQueen of spades10 of clubs on the board. The lojack checks and so does Campbell Davis in the hijack, prompting Ashburn Bywaters to go all in for 7,700. Only Davis calls.

Bywaters: Ace of spadesAce of clubs (pair of aces)
Davis: Ace of diamondsKing of hearts (pair of kings)

Bywaters needs to fade jacks for a chop and the two remaining kings to double up. The 7 of hearts turn is safe, but the King of spades river improves Davis to trips and sends Bywaters to the rail.

“Nice hand, sir,” says a tablemate.

“It was my first hand!” responds Davis. “I just walked in the door.”

Welcome to Flight I, Mr. Davis

Campbell Davis: 54,500

Flight I – Donald Sawyer Misses, Still Takes Down Pot

Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 190

Action goes heads up to a flop of 9 of spades4 of clubs3 of diamonds with 7,100 in the middle from preflop betting. Donald Sawyer checks in the lojack and Jalal Shamroukh bets 3,600 in the hijack. Sawyer calls.

Both players check the 2 of clubs turn and the river is the Jack of spades. Sawyer looks back at his holdings for a moment and drops 1,400 onto the felt.

“I want to see,” says Shamroukh as he calls.

“I missed,” says Sawyer, showing 5 of hearts2 of hearts for a pair of deuces and an unmade open ender. Shamroukh mucks, and Sawyer’s tutus are good for the pot.

“What do you mean, missed?” jokes another player at the table.

Donald Sawyer – 43,500
Jalal Shamroukh – 34,000

Early Arrivals

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 142

We are midway through the opening stanza in Flight I, do come along with me for a leisurely saunter among the tournament arena here at Texas Card House Dallas to see who has a stack in action.

Among the players I see is Maddie Robinson, Caitlyn Comesky, Bonnie Weitzel, Eunice Choung, Daphne Turner, Susan Couron, Craig Varnell, Mazen Abdullah, Jeremy Ross, Steven Gribin, Emmanuel Ignacio, Guillermi Lupercio, Hieu Dang and Ryan hardin.

Y’all playing 30-minute levels while registration is open, 40-minute levels when level 10 begins and registration closes at 4:15 pm, moving to hour-levels on Day 2 when Level 19 begins.

Let’s Play the Pokers

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 90

Kerry 🍔 just put cards in the air, players have 40,000 betting units in front of them, dealres are pitching and the clock is running.

Welcome to Flight 9 of 10 in the $1.5 Million Guaranteed PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event.

We’re here with wire-to-wire coverage until a winner is declared Tuesday night.

I’m @HoldemMedia_Dan, joined by @Hill_Kerby, send us a note via the TwitterX and be sure to give @PokerAtlasTour a follow also, help us build this out.

Final Two Title Event Flights Today

The highlight of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas is down to its final starting day – eight flights down and two more today in the 10-flight $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

The 11 am and 4 pm flights offer 10 total starting flights. Day 2 is on Monday because that’s the Labor Day holiday, and the final table livestream takes place Tuesday. There’s already more than 1,000 entries and more than $1 Million in the prize pool toward the guarantee.

Players open competition in this Best Stack Forward tournament with 40,000 stacks, playing 30-minute levels while registration is open, 40-minute levels when level 10 begins and registration closes, and moving to hour-levels on Day 2 when Level 19 begins.

Opening flights play until the money bubble pops, paying 1-in-8 entries. Play continues until the final 8 percent of each flight Bag-n-Tag, advancing to Monday’s Day 2 Restart at 2 pm.

Day 2 plays down to the final table, that action begins Tuesday at 6 pm.

Flight H – Bubble Pops, Good Night From Dallas

Flight H Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 20.159

Table 16 has had the most action of the three tables in play throughout the last hour, and it’s fitting stacks would get in on that table once more after Andrew Esposito open-jams on the button.

“Can I get a count?” asks Jordan Lowery, looking to Esposito with a laugh, referencing the recent lamenting over the lack of action elsewhere and the possibility of another big pot ensuing. Esposito has 104K and Lowery puts his stack into the middle.

The other two tables finish and it’s time to turn up the hands in this classic coin-flip situation.

Esposito: King of clubsQueen of diamonds
Lowery: 9 of diamonds9 of clubs

The board runs out with five bricks, and Lowery’s nines hold. The dealer counts his stack to be 111,000, covering by 7k to eliminate Esposito on the bubble.

All remaining players are now in the money: 17-20th places earn $1,400, and 14-16th receive $1,550. The top 13 advance to Monday’s Day 2.

Flight H – Bubble Time After All

Flight H Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 21.159

In the blink of an eye, William Vincent is eliminated from the tournament and we begin hand-for-hand play with 21 remaining.

Meanwhile, the recently-crippled Jordan Lowery doubles up four times and springs back to life with 145,000.

Welcome, once again … to the bubble.

Flight H – Almost No Bubble?

Flight H Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 22.159

We almost just had three bust outs in two hands on Table 16.

Hand #1:

Zozimo Cardenas gets all in for his last 88k shortly after the break with King of spades10 of spades from UTG+1. David Carter has him at risk from the hijack with Ace of heartsQueen of clubs.

The board runs out King of hearts4 of diamonds3 of clubs2 of spades5 of spades — Cardenas flops top pair and is elated to see the king on board, only to have running wheel cards come to re-improve Carter to the best hand and send Cardenas to the rail in 23rd, two eliminations from the money.

Hand #2:

On the next hand, action folds to Chen Yang in the hijack and Andrew Esposito three-bets all in for 81,000 on the button. Jordan Lowery cold four-bet jams in the small blind for 188,000 and Yang calls all in for 8k less.

Esposito: Ace of hearts4 of hearts
Lowery: 10 of diamonds10 of spades
Yang: Queen of clubsQueen of spades

Yang has a chance to knock out two and burst the bubble with no hand-for-hand play. Unfortunately for him, the board runs out 6 of diamonds6 of spades4 of spadesAce of spadesAce of clubs to give Esposito the triple and Yang the side pot, leaving Lowery on fumes with zero eliminations when all is said and done.

Andrew Esposito – 263,000
Chen Yang – 208,000
David Carter – 280,000
Jordan Lowery – 8,000
Zozimo Cardenas – Eliminated

Flight H – Trevor Lewis Vaults to the Top

Flight H Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 23.159

Twenty-three return after the fifth break of the night for the start of Level 16. Trevor Lewis wins a massive pot just before the break with ace-nine to nine-seven on a board that contained the other two sevens in the deck, knocking out Primo Niyati in the process. He now has 993,000 after having just 65k three levels ago.

Jael Lewis (672,000), Austin Holland (544,000), Rubin Chappell (498,000) and Zachary Baron (442,000) are also in the top five.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for a complete list of counts that we’ve tracked throughout the tournament.

Flight H – Brian Barker’s Turn To Double

Flight H Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2.5k.5k . Entries 25.159

Zozimo Cardenas open-limps UTG+1 and Rubin Chappell limps in the lojack. Action folds to Jordan Lowery in the small blind and he pumps it up to 22,500, only to see Brian Barker three-bet jam for 102,000 in the big blind.

Cardenas goes into the tank for a minute and lets his hand go. Moments later, Chappell announces he’s all in for around 200K effective, forcing Barker out of the pot.

Barker: Queen of spades10 of spades
Chappell: Ace of clubsKing of diamonds

The Ace of hearts9 of hearts8 of clubs flop gives Chappell top pair, top kicker, leaving Barker with four immediate gutshot outs to stay alive and two chances at hitting. He goes two-for-two, as running Jack of clubsJack of spades finish the runout and earn him the double.

Rubin Chappell – 456,000
Brian Barker – 236,500

Flight H – Eric Chang Doubles Again

Flight H Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2.5k.5k . Entries 25.159

A blind-on-blind battle brings about a six-figure pot after Eric Chang calls a 20k bet from Bobby Kumar with the board reading 9 of clubs8 of spades7 of spades2 of clubs.

The river comes the 6 of diamonds and Kumar bets again, with Chang shoving for 45,500. Kumar calls the difference.

Chang: 5 of clubs3 of clubs
Kumar: 9 of diamonds8 of diamonds

Kumar flops top two pair, but Chang has outs to a flush and a straight after the turn and completes the latter to earn the RayHensonFullDouble.

Kelli Herd and Jason Hickey have been less fortunate, finding the rail to spell two recent eliminations and bring the field down to 25.

Eric Chang – 195,000
Bobby Kumar – 131,500

Flight H – “Always a Sweat”

Flight H Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2.5k.5k . Entries 27.159

Eric Chang gets his stack of 50k into the middle preflop on the button against Kelli Herd, who’s UTG+1.

Chang has the goods, tabling Ace of heartsAce of diamonds, and is way ahead of Herd’s Jack of hearts8 of hearts.

The board runs out Queen of clubs8 of spades7 of clubs2 of diamonds6 of diamonds and Chang’s aces remain best over Herd’s pair of eights.

“Always a sweat,” says Chang of his opponent’s flopped pair.

We’re now down to three full tables in play and seven eliminations from making the money. The top 20 finishers will cash, and the top 13 will advance to Day 2 on Monday at 2 p.m.

Kelli Herd – 175,000
Eric Chang – 112,500

Provine Bags Top Flight G Stack

Level 20 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 23.290

From a starting field of 290 entries, Flight G comes to a close with 23 players advancing to the Labor Day Monday Day 2 Final in our $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

Robert Provine (898,000) bags the top stacks, followed by Trang Dang (857,000) and a roughed-up-the-last-level Cord Garcia (746,000).

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for all Day 2 Qualifiers and their respective chip counts.

Here’s the players who earned a Day 1 Tournament Cash tonight.

Flight H – Travis Twitty Terminated By Jason Hickey

Flight H Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 29.159

Action folds to Jason Hickey on the button and he opens to 8,000. Travis Twitty three-bets to 23,500 in the small blind and Hickey comes over the top to put Twitty all in for around 80k. Twitty wastes no time calling.

Twitty: Ace of spadesKing of diamonds
Hickey: 5 of clubs5 of diamonds

The board runs out Jack of heartsJack of spades9 of spades3 of spades2 of hearts — the paired flop gives Twitty three more outs at a counterfeit two pair, and the third spade on the turn adds flush outs to the tally before the red deuce on the river sends him to the rail.

Jason Hickey: 275,000
Travis Twitty: Eliminated

Flight H – Holland Leads After 12 Levels

Flight H Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 39.159

That’s 12 levels down and 19 away from the money, Flight H players are making their way back to put betting units in action once again.

Austin Holland (554,500) leads the way, followed up Chipcount Mountain by Marquis McCain (350,500), Juan Mend0za (335,000), Caibin Ai (292,500) and Zozimo Cardenas (287,500).

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for full counts for the full field.

Anil John Bubbles Flight G

Level 19. Ante 12k. Blinds 6k.20k . Entries 37.290

All of the chips get into the middle on a King of spades9 of clubs4 of hearts flop between Seyed-Ali Jafari in the small blind and Anil John in the hijack.

John: King of diamondsQueen of clubs (pair of kings)
Jafari: King of hearts9 of spades (top two pair, kings and nines)

The runout finishes 7 of diamonds4 of diamonds and Jafari takes down the pot. His stack is totaled to 160,000 and John’s to 151,000, resulting in John being eliminated from the tournament as the Flight G Bubble Boy. Jafari is up to 345k.

The remaining 37 players are all in the money with the top 23 players advancing to Day 2 on Monday. Places 31-37 earn a $1,400 min-cash and places 24-30 take home $1,550.

With the bubble popping, we will now shift coverage over to Flight H. Stay tuned for continuing coverage throughout the night, including final Flight G results once the celebratory bag-n-tag takes place.

Flight H – William Vincent Herds a Double

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 39/159

There’s 60k in the middle on a board reading King of spades9 of diamonds5 of hearts2 of hearts and William Vincent gets all in for 63,500 from the small blind against Kelli Herd, who’s under the gun.

Vincent shows 5 of clubs5 of spades for a set of fives and has Herd’s Ace of diamondsKing of hearts (top pair, top kicker) dead to the 2 of clubs river, earning a double with his full house, fives full of decues.

William Vincent – 187,000
Kelli Herd – 176,000

Flight G – The Cord Show Rolls On

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 38.290

Just as it was one hour ago, Flight G is one the money bubble, the players just now returning from a 15-minute break.

Cord Garcia, as he’s done since Level 4 WAY back when the sun was out, leads the field. He’s up to a monster 1,455,000 and now 800k clear of his challengers.

Take a look at how the other stacks are surviving the bubble, and surviving the onCordslaught, by checking out the Chip Counts tab above.

Flight G – Le Doubles Through Jayroe

Level 18. Ante 10k. Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 38,290

Down to just 4 bb, Dien Le is all in preflop, called by Denver Jayroe .

  • Queen of spades Jack of spades for Le
  • King of clubs 10 of spades for Jayroe

The 3 of hearts 7 of clubs 3 of clubs flop and Ace of spades turn are clean for Jayroe but the river Jack of diamonds allows Le to continue making a run for a tournament cash, and perhaps a coveted Day2Bag.



Flight G – Cord Garcia Putting On a Clinic

Level 18 . 08:00 Left . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 38.290

Hand-for-hand play continues with Level 18 nearing the homestretch, and Cord Garcia is making the most of his opportunity as the chip leader.

Garcia opens UTG+1 and is called by Robert Provine in the hijack, who has one of the largest stacks in the room as well. The flop comes 8 of spades5 of spades4 of spades and Garcia bets 60,000. Provine calls. He announces another 180k on the 5 of diamonds turn and Provine looks up at him.

“What’s the worst that can happen?” says Garcia. Provine calls and the river is the 2 of diamonds.

“All in,” says Garcia.

“Nice hand,” responds Provine as he folds 7 of spades7 of clubs face up.

“Is that a fold?” asks Garcia to confirm. Provine says yes, and Garcia shows a bluff with Queen of heartsJack of spades after missing his two overcards and flush draw.

Cord Garcia – 1,505,000
Robert Provine – 510,000

Flight G – Bradley Hall Doubles Thru Kasey Mills on the Bubble

Level 18 . 32:00 Left . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 38.290

Action folds to Kasey Mills in the small blind and she goes all in for Event #14 champion Bradley Hall’s effective 93k in the big blind. Hall calls.

Hall shows Ace of diamondsKing of hearts
Mills shows Queen of clubs10 of hearts

The flop comes King of diamondsJack of hearts2 of diamonds, giving Hall top pair, top kicker. However, Mills is live with seven outs to a straight. The turn is the King of clubs, removing the top end of her draw and culling her outs to four, none of which come as the 8 of diamonds river completes the runout.

Bradley Hall – 196,000
Kasey Mills – 112,000

Flight G – BubbGle Play

Level 18 . 38:00 Left . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 38.290

The play clock pauses early in Level 18 with 38 left, two minutes per hand peel until one more elimination is recorded, sending 37 into the money.

Welcome .. to the bubble.

Let’s see if all-in players can resist the Flight G urge demonstrated repeatedly today to move in and immediately start texting. That’s a bad look, y’all, it looks as though you’re texting what your hand is … while your hand is live.

Resist temptation, leave your phone alone when you have a live hand.


Flight H – Alem Girma Gets a KO

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 59/159

A player on the button gets all in for a short stack against Alem Girma, in the small blind.

Girma has Ace of diamondsQueen of spades and his ahead of his opponent’s King of clubsJack of spades.

The board runs out King of diamonds9 of spades6 of heartsAce of spades6 of clubs — Girma sees his opponent flop top pair, only to make a pair of aces on the turn and remain best to score the pot and the knockout.

Alem Girma – 69,500

Flight G – Bubble Nears, William Linden Doubles

Flight G . Level 17 . Ante 8k. Blinds 8k.6k . Entries 41.290

Trung Tran limps under the gun and William Linden shoves for 90,000 UTG+1. Action folds back to Tran and he calls.

Linden tables 9 of diamonds9 of spades and is way ahead of Tran’s 7 of diamonds7 of hearts.

The runout comes 4 of diamonds2 of diamonds2 of clubsKing of diamonds3 of hearts and Linden scores an easy double.

Forty-one players remain in Flight G. We are four eliminations away from reaching the money.


Flight H – 20 Cash 13 Bag

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 159

Registration is closed in Flight H of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event, and the scoreboard shows 159 entries.

The players contribute $141,510 to the prize pool. The combined field is unofficially at 1,157 entries and the prize pool, unofficially, is slightly more than $1,030,000

Play continues tonight until the final 13 players Bag-a-Stack, both making the money and also advancing to Monday’s 2 pm Day 2 restart.

Players finishing tonight in 14-20th place all earn a Day 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Day 2. Players finishing in 14-16th cash for $1,500, while 17-20th cash for $1,400.

All players – whether in possession of a Day2Bag, a Day 1 Cash or eliminated before the money – are eligible to play all 10 Title Event flights, for the PokerAtlas Tour is a Best Stack Forward tour. Bag more than one stack and the BigStack goes in play Monday, while the smaller bag(s) cash out as a Day 2 mincash.

Sunday’s two final flights begins at 11am and 4 pm. This tournament officially closes for registration Sunday at 9:15 pm, c’mon down, y’all.

Flight H – Juan Mendoza Leads As Last Late Reggers Stagger In

Level 10 . Ante 1.5k. Blinds 1k.1.5k . Entries 74/159

Level 9 comes to a close, and players take their third break of the night, the mark for late registration to close in Flight H. The scoreboard displays 159 entries with 74 remaining, and Juan Mendoza leads the field with 280,000.

The final five also include Zozimo Cardenas (247,500), Andrew Esposito (215,000), Jason Fitzpatrick (210,000) and Jael Lewis (191,000).

Flight G – Cord Extensions Chip Lead

Flight G . Level 16 . Ante 6k. Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 49.290

As we’ve seen since early this afternoon, Cord Garcia is distancing the rest of his challengers, now up to an 806,000 stack and 300k clear.

Garcia is being chased up Chipcount Mountain by Michael Fahrenbruch (504,000) Chris Laieta (417,000) Youn Noh (411,000) and Trang Dang (387,000)

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for full-field updates.

Flight H – Jalal Shamroukh Doubles Up

Level 9 . Ante 1,200. Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 75/150

Jason Fitzpatrick raises to 3,000 in the lojack and Jalal Shamroukh three-bets all in for 21,100. Derek Normand is in the small blind and puts in a four-bet that quickly results in Fitzpatrick folding 7 of spades7 of clubs face up.

As for the other two, they’re off to the races with Shamroukh’s 10 of diamonds10 of clubs ahead of Normand’s Ace of spadesKing of spades.

The flop comes Queen of diamonds7 of hearts6 of clubs, causing remarks about Fitzpatrick’s fold after he would have flopped a set. Just like that, the turn comes the 10 of spades to give Shamroukh a set of his own. Shamroukh only needs to fade Normand’s four outs to Broadway, and a jack is nowhere to be found as the 5 of diamonds completes the runout.

Derek Normand – 209,500
Jason Fitzpatrick – 102,500
Jalal Shamroukh – 47,400

Flight G – Madvarapu Triples

Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 53.290

We pick up action with all the preflop betting concluded, Cory Smith all-in for 41,500, Shanmukh Madavarapu all-in for an additional 10,500, and Craig Varnell with the call to both at risk, holding an additional 75,000 behind.

  • 8 of clubs 5 of clubs for Smith
  • Ace of spades 10 of diamonds for Madavarapu
  • King of diamonds Queen of diamonds aka Mom and Dad, for Varnell

The dealer fans 6 of hearts Jack of spades 2 of spades 6 of clubs Barry Greenstein (Ace of hearts), Smith is eliminated, and Madavarapu scoops, moving to 145,500.


Flight H – Aceholes Podcast Co-Host Caitlin Comeskey Lightens Up the Mood

Catelin Comeskey

Level 8 . Ante 1,000. Blinds 500.1k . Entries 88/142

Caitlin Comeskey has been spotted in Flight H of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event, making her way up from Austin’s cash games to take part in this weekend’s festivities.

In addition to being a fierce competitor at the felt, Comeskey is known for her fun personality, as evidenced by her YouTube channel, Caitlin From Texas Poker. ICYMI, her content earned her a  2023 GPI Award as the Rising Star in Content Creation.

Comeskey is the co-host of the Aceholes Podcast alongside Nikki Limo, which has brought guest stars like Chris Moorman, Katie Lindsay, Joey Ingram, Darren Elias, Landon Tice, and more. She’s also appeared on others’ podcasts like Matt Berkey’s Solve For Why and Thinking Poker, hosted by Andrew Brokos.

Comeskey’s largest scores of her tournament career are $60k and $55k, both coming from second-place finishes in Austin. We’ll see if she can top that this weekend.

Caitlin Comeskey – 97,500

Flight G – Thornton Eliminates Jacob

Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 57.290

John Jacob moves in preflop for his last 28,500 and Schuyler Thornton calls from the bb to put Jacob at risk.

  • King of clubs 7 of clubs for Jacob
  • Ace of hearts Queen of clubs for Thornton

The dealer fans 4 of hearts 2 of clubs 8 of spades 8 of hearts Ace of clubs and Thornton scores the elimination, moving to 270,000

The field is 20 from the money at this stage.

Flight G – Trang Dang Doubles With Rockets

Level 14 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 57.290

Multiple bets totaling 50,000 go into the middle preflop between Trang Dang, who’s under the gun, and Rickie Merrit in the lojack.

Action goes check-check on 10 of spades9 of clubs5 of spades before fireworks fly on the 6 of diamonds turn. Dang bets 63,000 and Merritt shoves for 162,500 effective. Dang calls it all off.

Merritt shows Ace of heartsKing of spades and is drawing dead against Dang’s Ace of spadesAce of diamonds before a meaningless 2 of hearts completes the board and scores her the dub.

Trang Dang – 434,000
Rickie Merritt – 195,000

Flight H – Wayne Harmon Leads Through Six Levels

Level 7 . Ante 800. Blinds 400.800 . Entries 91/134

Players return from their second break of the day to play the last three 30-minute levels during the late reg period. Registration with unlimited re-entries will remain open through the next break, closing at 9:15 when Level 10 begins.

OMG, it’s variance — Wayne Harmon holds the chip lead on break with 174,300. He’s just ahead of Andres Rodriguez (166,800) and Sonny Sundara (143,400) on the podium.

Bless your heart, Derek Normand is in fourth with 125,900, and Zozimo Cardenas sits just behind him in fifth with 125,000.

Flight H – Sonny Sundara Chipping Up

Sonny Sundara

Level 6 . Ante 600. Blinds 300.600 . Entries 92/128

Houston legend Ravee “Sonny” Sundara is in action during Flight H and has just chipped up above 100K.

In the hand, Sundara is in the hijack facing an under-the-gun raise to 1,500 from Mohammed Munaf and a call from the lojack. He three-bets to 5,400 and only UTG calls.

Both players check on King of diamondsKing of spades4 of spades and 5 of hearts, bringing the Queen of hearts to complete the board. Munaf checks a third time and Sundara bets 5,000. Munaf opts to call.

Sundara announces a queen, showing Ace of diamondsQueen of spades for two pair, kings and queens. Munaf mucks.

Sundara is known being active on the tables. We even got intel that he was one of the individuals on a list that helped prompt Tour Management to create the “Master Blaster” award. If you haven’t seen it in the room yet, you’re probably not eligible to win it.

Sonny Sundara – 103,000
Mohammed Munaf – 42,000

Who Already Has a Title Event Cash?

Flight G Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 71.290

Flight H . Level 6 . Ante 600. Blinds 300.600 . Entries 125

Here’s the players earning a Day 1 tournament cash through the first six flights in Event 19 of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

Ttile Event Day 1 Payouts

Flight G – The Best Shirt in the Room

Maury Solano

Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1.5k.3k Entries 77.290

El Paso’s Maury Solano is a familiar face across the American Southwest with $632K in Hendon Mob live earnings, mostly from Texas, Vegas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Arizona. He’s also one of the nicest guys you’re going to find in the room.

Solano has been seen in a few shirts that are FunTour 2.0-approved throughout the week, but today’s might be my favorite.

He has a comfortable 135k in front of him early in Level 13.

Flight G – Third Verse, Same as Last Two

level 1`3 . Ante 3k . BLinds 1500.3k . Entries 77.290

Tell me if you’ve heard this one before – tell me if you’ve heard this one before. Cord Garcia retains the chiplead for the third consecutive Flight G break.

Garcia (600,000) leads Trung Tran (375,000), Daniel Marx (374,500), Jianmin Xu (366,000) and Trang Dang (320,000), this group making up the top stacks in the room.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for full-field  counts.

Flight H – Basil Punnus Gets A Knockout With Cowboys

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200-400 . Entries 90/102

There’s over 15k in the middle on Jack of spades10 of diamonds4 of diamonds with three players in action. Basil Punnus bets 5,300 from the small blind and Viet Dinh raises all in for 22,200 under the gun. Ilyas Muradi folds on the button and Punnus calls the remainder.

Dinh has Ace of clubsJack of diamonds for top pair, top kicker, but Punnus shows an overpair with King of heartsKing of clubs and has Dinh in need of improving to win the pot. Running Queen of clubs3 of diamonds leave the situation unchanged and Punnus sends Dinh to the rail.

Basil Punnus – 59,000
Viet Dinh – Eliminated

Flight G – Decker Can’t Flush Out Abualfilat

Level 12 . Ante 2.5k . Blinds 1.5k.2.5k Entries 78.290

Marshal Decker opens for 6,000 and Raed Abualfilat jams for 64,500

  •  Decker shows Jack of hearts Jack of diamonds
  •  Abualfileat turns over Ace of spades Queen of hearts

The world-of-action Jack of spades 6 of spades 4 of clubs flop gives Decker a set, while Abualfileat picks up a backdoor flush draw.

Decker remains in front on the 8 of spades turn, the draw in play for Abualfileat.

River King of spades and Abualfileat is not leaving yet, he doubles with the nut flush.

Flight H – Jeffrey Martensen Over 100K

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200-400 . Entries 81/91

Three levels down for Flight H of the $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event at TCH Dallas, and we’re up to 91 entries as players return from their first break of the day.

Jeffrey Martensen (104,500) leads the pack with the only six-figure stack on break. Andres Rodriguez (81,200), Juan Mendoza (80,700), Caibin Ai (79,000) and Simon Webster (73,600) make up the top five.

Late reg is open until the start of Level 10 at 9:15 pm, and we have two more flights to follow on Sunday.

Flight G – Provine Doubles Through Wheeler

Flight G Level 11. Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 99.290

Brent Wheeler opens for 4,500 and his next-door neighbor Robert Provine pauses for a few clicks before moving in for 42,500. Action folds back to Provide who debates, then calls and immediately grimaces.

  • King of spades King of diamonds for Provine
  • 8 of diamonds 8 of spades for Wheeler

The dealer fans Jack of diamonds 2 of hearts 3 of clubs Jack of clubs Jack of clubs 10 of diamonds, eliciting an I-had-a-Jack groan from a non-competitor, and Provine earns the double, Wheeler down to 39,000.


Flight H – Flush Good With Trips on Board

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200-300 . Entries 75/83

Five players commit 800 into the middle preflop, and the dealer fans out 8 of spades5 of diamonds3 of diamonds. Action checks to Alem Girma UTG+2 and he bets 3,500. Only Satheesh Francis calls, doing so from the big blind.

Francis check-calls 3,500 on the 8 of hearts and another 7,000 on the 8 of diamonds to take the hand to showdown.

After the final call, Girma shrugs as he shows Jack of hearts10 of diamonds for the bluff. Francis slams down King of diamonds2 of diamonds for a flush and takes down the pot.

Satheesh Francis – 69,500
Alem Girma – 35,000

Flight G – Yerva Eliminates Nguyen

Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 110.290

We pick up action on the turn, with Kenni Nguyen betting 5,000 on the 3 of hearts King of hearts 5 of diamonds flop and Venkata Yerva raising to put Nguyen all-in.

“You have Kings again?” asks Nguyen, and Yerva just kind’a grins-n-shrugs.

Nguyen obliges, calls off his remaining betting units, and laughs when he sees he’s behind.

  • Jack of hearts Jack of clubs for Nguyen for second pair
  • 5 of clubs3 of diamonds for Yerva for Bottom Two

“Wow, you have three-five there,” exclaims Nguyen with an additional laugh tossed in. “I guess I’ll be back tomorrow.”

The runout 7 of diamonds 4 of spades commits Nguyen to a Sunday Flight I purchase and pushes Yerva to a 270,000 stack.


Flight G – Gregory Ouzoonian Triples Up

Flight G Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k-2k . Entries 115/290

Thomas Neville open-shoves for 16,000 under the gun and Gregory Ouzoonian calls all in for less from the cutoff, totaling 14,500. Action makes its way to Syed-Ali Jafari in the big blind, who confirms the amount.

“Let’s see,” says Jafari as he checks his cards. He calls with 5 of spades5 of hearts.

Neville has Ace of diamonds5 of diamonds and Ouzoonian has Ace of heartsJack of clubs.

The board runs out Queen of spadesJack of spades2 of clubs3 of spades8 of hearts and Ouzoonian makes a pair of jacks to triple up. Jafari takes the 3K side pot and Neville is eliminated.

Syed-Ali Jafari – 119,000
Gregory Ouzoonian – 45,000

Flight G – 37 Cash 23 Bag

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 134.290

Registration is closed in Flight G of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event, and the scoreboard shows 290 entries.

The players contribute $258,100 to the prize pool. The combined field is unofficially at 998 entries and the prize pool, unofficially, is slightly more than $888,000

Play continues tonight until the final 23 players Bag-a-Stack, both making the money and also advancing to Monday’s 2 pm Day 2 restart.

Players finishing tonight in 24-37th place all earn a Day 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Day 2. Players finishing in 24-30th cash for $1,500, while 31-37th cash for $1,400.

All players – whether in possession of a Day2Bag, a Day 1 Cash or eliminated before the money – are eligible to play all 10 Title Event flights, for the PokerAtlas Tour is a Best Stack Forward tour. Bag more than one stack and the BigStack goes in play Monday, while the smaller bag(s) cash out as a Day 2 mincash.

The 4 pm Flight H is live now, Sunday’s two final flights begins at 11am and 4 pm. This tournament officially closes for registration Sunday at 9:15 pm, c’mon down, y’all.

Flight H – Maddie Robinson “Fresh Off the Plane” – Welcome To Texas Poker

Maddie Robinson poker

Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100-200 . Entries 39/41

Sometimes you recognize a face out of the corner of your eye, and sometimes the universe confirms two seconds later that it’s someone you know.

That was the case for Fort Collins, Colo.’s Maddie Robinson, who I played with two weeks ago back home. Moments later, she confirms that she knows the entire #FunTour2Point0 team from other events we’ve covered.

“I’m fresh off the plane,” says Robinson. “Got here like an hour ago.”

Robinson is fresh off a final table, taking eighth place in the Colorado Poker Championship Main Event last weekend. It was her second straight final table in the event, following a runner-up finish in May’s CPC series. In that edition, Robinson lost heads up to another FunTour 2.0 favorite, Will Givens, who also joined the action today.

Now, Robinson’s here at Texas Card House for the first time, adding that she’s loving it and wishes we had something like that in Colorado.

Robinson’s poker history dates back around a decade, having learned the game from her dad. She remembers the day that he allowed her to take a seat at the game. She also remembers the day he told her, “I think you’ve surpassed me.”

In order to make a run in the tournament, she’ll need to surpass 92% of Flight H and find a bag for Monday’s Day 2.

Keep following along to see how Robinson and the rest of the field fare on this fine Saturday from in the Lone Star State.

Flight G – Cord Continues to Lead

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 282+

Registration is about to close in Flight G – there’s quite a few players in line and that line is open until 4:15 pm, if you’re in line when cards go in the air, you’re good, you have a seat and a stack.

Meanwhile, for those already with a stack, Cord Garcia is punishing this flight, already up to 417,500 and he has a huge lead over No. 2 stack Jeffrey Conroy (281,600) and the rest of the field, including Schuyler Thornton (242,000), Shanmukh Madhavarapu (208,000) and Jared Ingles (195,000) who make up the room’s top-five stacks.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for full-field counts.

Flight H – Cards In The Air With 1,000+ Entries and Three Flights To Go

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100-200 . Entries 25

Play has begun for Flight H of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,500,000 Guarantee $1,000 Title Event at TCH Dallas.

And we’ve already got over 1,000 entries in the tournament.

Flight G’s entries brings the unofficial total to 998 for the tournament as Flight H starts with late reg and unlimited re-entries available until 9:15 tonight. Of course, tomorrow brings two more flights our way. And if Saturday’s Labor-Day-Weekend 11a flight is challenging 300 runners, how big is Sunday gonna be?

While that question can’t be answered for another 24 hours, we can sure tell you more about Flight H.

Blinds begin at 100-200 with 40,000 starting stacks. The first nine levels last 30 minutes apiece with breaks after 90 minutes of play with registration and unlimited re-entries through the end of the third break. Registration closes at 9:15 p.m. at the start of Level 10, with blinds bumping up to 40 minutes in length at that time.

One-in-eight players will make it into the money tonight, with play continuing until 8% of the starting field remains. Those who make it to the celebratory bag-n-tag will get to return for Monday’s 2 p.m. Day 2 restart.

This is a best-stack forward tournament, meaning we don’t discriminate when accepting additional entries. Feel free to join as many times as you’d like, in as many flights, regardless of how well you do or don’t do. Additional Day 2 bags earn a Day 2 min-cash for each stack removed from play.

This is flight number seven-of-ten, and we expect the prize pool to hit a milly during Flight H. Keep following along to see how we progress toward the $1.5 million guarantee.

Did Someone Say BBQ?

Level 9 . Ante 1200 . Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 282

Ya’ll know there’s one additional tournament at TCH Dallas during this series, right? And ya’ll know there’s some sticky-sweet goodness as a MAJOR reason to be here with betting units in action, amirite?

Welcome to the Finger Licker, aka Event 21 in the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – a $25,000 Guaranteed $500 starting at 2 pm –  with 30,000 stacks, unlimited entries, and a complimentary BBQ buffet from 6:15-6:45 pm inside the TCH Dallas tournament arena.

We might even let players from Day 2 in the Title Event join if for BBQ goodness. Yeah, I think they also earn BBQ.

Last G Flight Reg Level

Level 9 . Ante 1200 . Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 274

Well, my personal O/U for Flight G was 275, and there’s 45 minutes left for the overs to win. Ya’ll only need 2 entries for them overs-folk to succeed.

Levels move to 40-minute increments at 4:15 pm, staying there the rest of the day today. Monday’s Day 2 plays two 40-minute levels before the hour-levels kick in … that’s right HOUR-long levels in a 1k!

Latest to Arrive

Level 7 . Ante 800. Blinds 400.800 . Entries 265

Will Givens and Matt Bond are among the most recent original entries in Flight G of our $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event at TCH Dallas.

Givens is making his first series appearance., He said opening weekend’s $500 Dallas Duel that ended up with a $1.239 million prize pool is what enticed him to come to Dallas for the pokers.

Givens knows how to win big-field $1k’s, for thats what his first WSOP Bracelet was in – a tournament where I did his first interview after being awarded his bracelet. Bracelet-legend Loren Klein and Duy Ho were among those at his FT>

Bond is an international-traveling poker player who hails from right down the road in Irving, so this is a chance to play among family and friends.

Bag Up and Chill: Travel Guide to the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

Level 8 . Ante 1k . Blinds 500.1k . Entries 270

Poker Live Updates Founder Dan Ross with Chef Tiffany Derry at Roots Southern Table

Bag up and have a day off in the Dallas/Fort Worth area during the tournament series? Well here are some suggestions for you to enjoy that day off in the surrounding areas of TCH Dallas and Las Colinas. Your first and closest option would be the downtown Dallas area. A good first stop would be the observation deck atop Reunion Tower to get an overview of the city before you explore (there is a restaurant and bar at the top as well).

The Sixth Floor Museum chronicles the infamous assassination of President John F. Kennedy from the room where it happened. It chronicles his presidency, the assassination on that fateful November day, and the myriad conspiracy theories surrounding the event. You can also wander the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza after the museum visit. If you want some other museum options that touch on lighter material then the best stops would be the Dallas Museum of Art, the Nasher Sculpture Center, and Crow Collection.

If fine dining is your thing, then look no further than the restaurant at the Mansion on Turtle Creek, which is famous for its tortilla soup and lobster tacos.

The #FunTour2Point0 crew also highly recommends Roots Southern Table brought to you by chef Tiffany Derry. The duck fat fried chicken, crab fried rice, and the most interesting take on shrimp and grits we’ve ever seen were all fantastic, and the service was second to none as well, be sure to ask for Keanon to serve you. If you want some nightlife options in Dallas after dinner head towards the West End Historic District and Deep Ellum neighborhood.

If you have the time, a drive over to Fort Worth is well worth a day-trip if you want to take in the cowboy culture that made Texas famous. The sister city of Dallas used to be an epicenter of the cattle drives that have been featured in books and television shows like Lonesome Dove and 1883. The Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District still has daily cattle drives that come down the middle of the street.

There are also many museum options in Fort Worth that chronicle the romanticism of the Wild West, including the Kimbell Art Museum, Amon Carter Museum, Cowboy Hall of Fame, and the Will Rogers Memorial Center. When the sun sets on the West in Fort Worth there are many saloons at the ready as well. Two of your first stops should be the historic White Elephant Saloon, and Billy Bob’s, which is rumored to be the largest nightclub in the world.

And if the timing aligns you can catch a Texas Rangers or Dallas Cowboys game over at their massive stadiums in Arlington. Daily tours of both modern coliseums are available as well when the teams are on the road. Enjoy your bag up and chill day off, and we will see you back at the PokerAtlas Tour stop in Dallas when you’re done relaxing maxing and ready for more poker.

Cord Leads after 6 Flight G Level

Cord Garcia

Level 7 . Ante 800. Blinds 400.800 . Entries 253

Six levels in the books, 253 entries recorded, and the OG of Colossus – Cord Garcia – leads the field with a 230,000 stack.

Following Colossus Cord up Chipcount Mountain is Schuyler Thornton (229,100), Mauricio Solano (165,000), Brendan Dornan (156,200) and Trang Dang (125,400) making up the top five stacks in the room.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for full-field counts.

Dang, Curry Runs Into a Boat

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 241

Hieu Dang opens for 1,500, drawing calls from Adrian Curry and Chris Meza.

The dealer fans 10 of clubs 9 of diamonds Jack of clubs, and the trio decline their collective betting options. Turn 4 of spades and Dang goes 3,500, with Curry coming along and Meza departing.

River is 10 of spades, pairing the board. Dang bets 7,500 and Curry wastes little time before calling.

Dang shows 4 of clubs 4 of hearts, the dealer announces Fours full of Tens and Curry chuckles in amazement as he ships chips to Dang.

  • Hieu Dang – 75,000
  • Adrian Curry – 19,500

Sonny Snags One

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 235

Richard Gebhart limps UTG and action folds to Sonny Sundara on the button – who never passes up a chance to raise – and he bumps the action to 2,000. The blinds surrender and Gebhart stops texting to call the bet.

The dealer fans Ace of hearts 4 of clubs 7 of hearts, 2,000 more from Sundara and a check-call from Gebhart.

Turn is Queen of diamonds and the always-aggressive Sundara moves the betting value to 6,400, with a check-fold from Gebhart

  •  Sonny Sundara – 69,000
  • Richard Gebhart – 62,000

Varnell Makes First Series Appearance

Craig Varnell

Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 209

Craig Varnell – winner of the FINAL poker tournament in the world before the pandemic kicked in – drops in this afternoon to be part of our $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

Varnell says he enjoys being able to come to TCH Dallas, as he has friends in the area, making Texas poker tournaments easy for him to place onto his travel schedule.

Walk back in time with me, if you will, to when we started hearing stories about this mysterious flu-like virus going around. A large group of us are in San Jose, CA, putting on one of the world’s most popular tournaments, the Bay 101 Shooting Star, a former WPT tour stop.

People were already calling the room in early March, asking if the tournament would take place due to this Corona thing. Assured the tournament is running, players from across the globe traveled to northern California, 50 miles from San Francisco, to play in this prestigious event.

As the first day of play begins to end, television monitors throughout the room begin moving form sports programming to news flashes about worldwide concerns this virus is ever-expanding, becoming what some fear could be a pandemic.

Soon, the monitors showing NBA games flash up news Utah Jazz player Rudy Gobert has tested positive for the virus. Then the Sacramento Kings and New Orleans Pelicans do not take the court in Sacramento and the NBA season is suspended.

All this happens with cards in the air for opening day of Shooting Star. Tournament Director Matt Savage and crew immediately begin putting plans in play to complete or suspend the poker tournament, and poker room management begin receiving word of countywide reductions in how many people can gather in any public area.

A decision is made to reduce Day 2 play from 90 to 60-minute levels, adding two more hours of play and eliminating the final day’s plans for extended play – reducing the event to just two more days.

By the time cards go in the air for Day 2, gatherings of no more than 250 are allowed in the county. That number is reduced to no more than 50 beginning the next day, and the tournament is set to keep playing that next day, March 13.

Day 2 plays all the way down to a 10-handed final table, with Varnell as chipleader, and the players are offered by Savage their ICM numbers, just in case the county decides all public activities have to stop and the poker room has to close.

The player do not vote to stop, choosing to return on the morning of the 13th to play down to a winner.

Well, you see, what happened was … on the morning of the 13th, one of the 10 remaining players arrived wearing a mask, isolating from the other nine, and coughing rather consistently.

With no one at that time knowing how the virus was transmitted, or how lethal is could be, the other nine immediately opt to take the ICM, bring the event to a close, and leave Santa Clara County – the first county in the world to go into full lockdown – and that lockdown took place just 18 hours after the official tournament end.

Varnell collected his $159,710, topping Kristen Foxen, Tyler Patterson, Ant Zinno, et al, and all left the area.

I flew out of San Jose at 3 pm on a Friday – a time time that is normally one of the world’s busiest airports. I walked through and onto a plane with just 7 other passengers as the world closed behind us a few hours later.


Burchfield Leads Day 1 Qualifiers Through 6 Flights

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 195

Six of the 10 Title Event starting flights are complete and Kris Burchfield has established a Top Stack for Day 2 that is going to be exceptionally hard to catch.

Burchfield demolished his flight, bagging a monster 1,641,000 stack. There’s six additional MillyStacks, but no one within 400,000 of Burchfield at this moment.

Here’s a look at all Day 2 Qualifiers – Title Event through the first six flights.

Quads for Baisyat

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 181

While Level 4 is moving along right now, we harken back to near the end of Level 3 where today’s ActionTable – Table 14 – keeps putting wild hands onto the felt.

There’s an open to 770 UTG, the cutoff calls, then Anwesh Baisyat repops to 4,700, UTG jams for 35,500 and Baisyat calls.

  • Ace of hearts King of hearts for the challenger
  • Queen of spades Queen of hearts for Baisyat

A set for Baisyat on the Queen of clubs 4 of clubs 2 of hearts flop, and while the challenger hits the King of spades turn, Baisyat follows up with quads on the Queen of hearts river for the KO and an 81,100 stack at that moment.

This recap brought to you by felt-side reporter Anwesh Baisyat.

Tweet us your hand recaps and photos to out TwitterX feed @PokerAtlasTour.


Smith Leads on First Break

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 165

Players are back from their first break of the day, and as we look up to the Chip Counts tab, we see Cory Smith (98,500) is leading the field, followed by Jeffrey Turnton (89,000) Jonathan Bennett (88,300) Suju Abraham (85,800) and first-bustout-winner Nicholas Gwynn (82,000)

Exclusive to PokerAtlas-operated events, we offer chip counts for every player at every break, in every tournament, in every PokerAtlas Tour series. This is our innovative, industry-leading offering to provide as much to you as players.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab and see all counts.

Early(ish) Arrivals

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 160

Among those with a 40,000 stack in action in Flight G is Craig Varnell, Cord Garcia, Adrian Curry, Bryan Broussard, Yung Hwang, James Maddux, Kenneth Fults, Rahul Smith, Kasey Mills, Juli Black, Eunice Choung, Susan Couron, Dina Min, Kelly Wyatt, Jeremy Sparkman, Hieu Dang, Mstr Lynch, Tony Ho, Rohith Sontireddy, McCall Bohnsack, Dat Ho and Scott Gordon.

150 Through 2

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 150

The first two 30-minute registration-era levels are complete and the scoreboard shows 150 entries in Flight G – the sixth of 10 starting flights in our $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event at TCH Dallas.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period is available until 4:15 pm when Level 10 begins. Play continues through when the money bubble pops at 1-in-8 entries, all the way down to the final 8 percent of the field advancing to Monday’s Labor Day restart at 2 pm.

We offer three additional starting flights, with starts today at 4pm, Sunday at 11am and the final flight kicking off Sunday at 4 pm.

PokerAtlas Meet-Up Games Now at Las Colinas

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 150

We take a short pause in our tournament reporting to bring you this important announcement coming in to our newsroom.

Cash Games today at TCH Las Colinas add the excitement of Meet-Up Games – with the Poker Atlas staff jumping into the games and splashing pots with PokerAtlas swag.

Be part of the fun today from Noon – 6 pm, be the first in the Meet-Up Games to win a pot while holding 7.2 and we’ll put you in a PokerAtlas hoodie. The house already adds Bad Beat Bacon if your Aces Full get cracked, you KNOW some additional swag gets tossed your way if you are served your bacon.

Jon Friedberg and Justin Hammer are among those hosting games this afternoon at the Las Colinas location. C’mon out, y’all and get your game on.

2 pm Satellite Moves to Las Colinas

Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 135

We’re experiencing a pretty big Saturday over here at TCH Dallas for Flight G in our Title Event, so to help with having enough tables, the final 2 pm 5-seats-guaranteed $150 satellite is shifting to the Texas Card House Las Colinas location, just a short jaunt across town.

The final 9 pm 5-seats-guaranteed $150 satellite stays here at Texas Card House Dallas.

Kings Fall to Aces in Level 1

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 111

Fireworks over at Table 14, where Carlos Hurtado and Nicholas Gwynn are building a massive pot. The flop isn’t even out and Hurtado’s 39,300 stack is in the middle, and it appears Gwynn has a few more betting units in his stack

  • King of hearts King of clubs for Hurtado
  • Ace of spades Ace of diamonds for Gwynn, so Hurtado has slim flush hopes to both his Kings

The dealer fans 6 of diamonds 4 of clubs 10 of hearts and Hurtado is down to two outs.

Turn 10 of spades river 8 of diamonds and there’s a Level 1 elimination and a double-stacked chipleader in Nicholas Gwynn.

Two More Title Event Flights Today

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 80

The highlight of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas is now – six flights down and two more today in the 10-flight $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

There’s two flights – at 11 am and 4 pm today AND Sunday, offering 10 total starting flights. Day 2 is on Monday because that’s the Labor Day holiday, and the final table livestream takes place Tuesday.

Players open competition in this Best Stack Forward tournament with 40,000 stacks, playing 30-minute levels while registration is open, 40-minute levels when level 10 begins and registration closes, and moving to hour-levels on Day 2 when Level 19 begins.

Opening flights play until the money bubble pops, paying 1-in-8 entries. Play continues until the final 8 percent of each flight Bag-n-Tag, advancing to Monday’s Day 2 Restart at 2 pm.

Day 2 plays down to the final table, that action begins Tuesday at 6 pm.


You can win your way in to the Title Event through one of MANY TCH Dallas $150 satellites, and here’s the remaining schedule of $150’s.

  • There’s a final 2 pm satellite today at TCH Las Colinas
  • There’s the Last Chance 9 pm Satellite at TCH Dallas
  • All remaining satellites have 5-seat guaranteed

Flight F Comes to a Close

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 9.103

Ten players turn to eight in the blink of an eye. Evan Hu is eliminated by Srinivasa Vadlamudi in 10th place after his ace-king loses to pocket jacks, leaving Vadlamudi with around 650K.

The nine remaining players condense onto one table, and Dustin Foster raises in the cutoff. Hoan Nguyen three-bet shoves for around 200k from the small blind and Foster calls.

Nguyen: Ace of diamonds5 of diamonds
Foster: 10 of diamonds10 of clubs

The runout comes King of diamonds9 of hearts4 of clubs2 of spades4 of diamonds and Foster eliminates Nguyen in ninth place with 2:46 remaining in Level 17. This becomes the shortest-running flight of the tournament, finishing 30 seconds earlier than Flight A.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for Day 2 Qualifiers from this flight. Here’s the Day 1 Tournament Cashes from this flight.

And remember: if you didn’t tip your dealer last night on the way out, tonight is another chance for you to do so. Even if you did tip last night, tonight is another chance to do it again. G’night, y’all.

Arun Balasubramanian Knocks Out Austin Holland

Level 17. Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 10/103

Three players go to a flop of Ace of diamondsJack of clubs8 of diamonds and action checks to Arun Balasubramanian, who bets 25,000 on the button. Austin Holland check-shoves for 103,000 in the big blind. Balasubramanian thinks for a bit once action is back on him, and he makes the call.

Holland: Queen of diamonds9 of diamonds
Balasubramanian: Ace of hearts6 of spades

Holland has all the outs in the world with flush and gutshot straight draws against Balasubramanian’s top pair. Unfortunately for him, the runout completes 6 of clubs7 of clubs and his draws are left dry. He’s eliminated in 11th place, good for $1,400. Carl Lee and Dean Baranowski also were eliminated since the bubble burst, and we’re two bust outs away from the celebratory bag-n-tag.

Arun Balasubramanian – 813,000

Flight F – Die Hard Bursts the Bubble!

Level 16. Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 13/103

Orez Mokedi open-jams for 60,000 under the gun and sees action fold to Carl Lee in the big blind, who calls.

Mokedi has ace-king and sees Lee turn over two aces. He fails to improve and gets knocked out, ending hand-for-hand play in just six hands.

Tablemate Chris Akin, who a participant in yesterday’s 62-hand “Bubble That Never Ends,” says that he was prepared for another marathon.

“We’re watching Die Hard,” says Akin. “Seriously! I’m streaming it! (pointing to the tv). Come take a seat over here if you want to watch!”

Carl Lee – 260,000
Orez Mokedi – Eliminated

Players Return and Reach the Bubble

Level 16. Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 14/103

Players return from break, and moments later, Andres Rodriguez is eliminated from the tournament to bring us to 14. Hand-for-hand play is now in effect as we have reached the bubble, one elimination away from a $1,400 min-cash.

Chris Akin (546,000) leads the field coming back from break. Arun Balasubramanian (487,000) is second, followed by Evan Hu (420,000). Jiayi Yao (390,000) and Jordan Richard (379,000) round out the top five.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for a full list of counts from break.

Austin Holland Triples Up

Level 15. Ante 5k . Blinds 2.5k.5k . Entries 15/103

Austin Holland has 60,500 and gets all in with two callers, both of whom check to showdown on the 10 of clubs3 of spades3 of clubs6 of hearts5 of clubs runout.

Chris Akin shows King of diamonds9 of diamonds, Carl Lee shows Ace of hearts9 of hearts and Holland tables Ace of clubs8 of clubs. Holland’s rivered flush makes his hand best and he scores a triple as a result.

Chris Akin – 465,000
Carl Lee – 196,000
Austin Holland – 194,000

Dustin Foster Doubles Thru Orez Mokedi

Level 15. Ante 5k . Blinds 2.5k.5k . Entries 15/103

A single-raised pot preflop sees stacks get in on a flop of Queen of diamonds9 of spades4 of diamonds with Dustin Foster all in for 130K on the button versus Orez Mokedi in the cutoff.

“Do you have a set?” a tablemate asks Foster. He nods as he shows 9 of hearts9 of clubs for middle set, way ahead of Mokedi’s Queen of heartsJack of clubs.  The turn 6 of spades and river 7 of diamonds complete the runout and Foster scores the double at Mokedi’s expense.

Dustin Foster – 270,000
Orez Mokedi – 60,000

“Just Relax, It’s Never Easy!”

Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 15/103

Jordan Richard opens to 13,000 in the hijack and Martin Vostry three-bets to 41,500 in the big blind. Richard announces he’s all in and Vostry thinks for a bit before calling to put his remaining 140,000 at risk.

Vostry: Ace of spadesQueen of clubs
Richard: Ace of clubsKing of spades

“Come on!” says Richard upon seeing Vostry’s holdings. The flop comes Queen of spades9 of clubs7 of spades and puts Vostry out in front, causing Richard to let out an expletive before asking why to nobody in particular. The emotional swing continues as running 10 of heartsJack of clubs roll onto the felt to give Richard Broadway and earn him the pot and KO.

“Just relax!” says tablemate Andres Rodriguez to Richard with a laugh. “It’s never easy!”

With Vostry’s bust out, we’re one off the bubble and two away from making it into the money. Buckle up, baby!

Jordan Richard – 325,000
Martin Vostry – Eliminated

Flight F – A Blue Friday

Flight F Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1.5k.3k . Entries 19/102

Dean Baranowski raises to 7,000 under the gun and Blue Rannefeld three-bet shoves from the cutoff. David Coker asks for a count from the small blind, which is totaled to 49,000, and he announces a call. The big blind and Baranowski get out of the way and cards are turned on their backs.

Rannefeld: Ace of diamonds3 of diamonds
Coker: Jack of clubsJack of diamonds

Rannefeld’s situation goes from bad to worse on the King of diamondsJack of hearts5 of hearts flop, but the Queen of hearts turn gives him four gutshot outs to Broadway.

“Stupid,” says Rannefeld during the runout, which completes with a meaningless 2 of spades, and he’s sent to the rail in 20th place.

David Coker – 240,000
Blue Rannefeld – Eliminated

Flight F – Arun Balasubramanian Leads With 22 Remaining

Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1.5k.3k . Entries 22.103

Players take another 15-minute break and return nine away from making the money. c is the clear chip leader with 592,500, more than double all but two other players in the field. Those two, Jiayi Yao (494,000) and Evan Hu (333,500) round out the top three with Chris Akin (273,000) and Orez Mokedi (242,500) making up the top five stacks.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for a complete list of counts from the break.

Flight E Ends With A One, A Two, A One-Two-Three-Four

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k-12k . Entries 14/174

The last hand of Flight E sees Keith Carter get around 250K into the middle preflop from the small blind against Truong Huynh in the hijack.

Carter has Ace of clubsQueen of clubs
Huynh has Ace of diamondsAce of hearts

The board runs out Queen of spades7 of clubs5 of diamonds8 of clubs2 of hearts and Huynh’s aces remain best, eliminating Carter in 15th place. With his elimination, the final 14 players now advance to Day 2 with Huynh’s 1.234 million the likely top stack from the flight.

We’ll post complete end-of-flight shortly along with taking you into the wee hours of the morning as Flight F plays to its conclusion.

4 Flights to Go

Counting down a Friday in Dallas with 16 remaining in Flight E and 28 in Flight F of our $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event, but fear not, this is NOT your final opportunity to put a stack in play, we guarantee it.

There’s 11 am and 4 pm flights both Saturday and Sunday as we take full advantage of Monday being the Labor Day Holiday to push Day 2 over there.

40,000 stacks, 30-minute registration levels and 40-s the rest of your opening day – c’mon down and get the pokers on this weekend.

Flight F – Eunice Choung Can’t Fade the King

Flight F Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 30.103

Matthew Arista opens to 5,500 under the gun and Eunice Choung calls UTG+1. Action folds to Arun Balasubramanian in the big blind and he three-bets to 22,000. Arista thinks for a bit and folds before Choung announces she’s all in.

Arista pats himself on the back as Choung pushes around 100K forward. Balasubramanian pauses for a moment and then calls.

Choung has Jack of heartsJack of diamonds
Balasubramanian has Ace of clubsKing of clubs

The Queen of clubs7 of spades3 of diamonds flop keeps Choung out in front, but she sees doom on the King of diamonds turn. No jack is in sight as the dealer brings the 4 of clubs on board to complete the runout and she’s sent to the rail by Balasubramanian.

Arun Balasubramanian – 297,000
Eunice Choung – Eliminated

Bless Your Heart – Emmanuel Ignacio Bubbles Flight E

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 22/174

After spending most of the day in the top five of the counts, Emmanuel Ignacio finds himself as Flight E’s Bubble Boy.

Ignacio gets all in preflop with Jack of heartsJack of diamonds from the cutoff against Christian Ramirez’s Queen of heartsQueen of diamonds from the lojack.

The board runs out 10 of spades7 of clubs5 of clubsKing of clubs2 of hearts and Ignacio is eliminated from the tournament in 23rd place.

Christian Ramirez – 575,000

All 22 remaining players are now in the money and guaranteed at least $1,400. Play will conclude when we reach the final 14, all of whom will bag-n-tag their chips and advance to Monday’s Day 2.

With the bubble bursting, we will conclude Flight E coverage and shift over to Flight F, which has 33-of-103 players remaining and pays the top 13.

We will publish in-the-money finishers and Day 2 chip counts upon the completion of Flight E.

Flight F – Kenni Does Not Nguyen

Flight F Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 33.103

Down to just 6bb, Kenni Nguyen gets his stack in preflop against a sole challenger, and he needs help.

  • Ace of clubs Jack of diamonds for Nguyen
  • Jack of spades Jack of clubs for the challenger, Micah Goodner

2 of hearts Queen of clubs 5 of diamonds goes the flop, Case Jack on the turn and Nguyen does not, for Micah’s hand is Goodnernuff

Flight E – Mykel Comroe Doubles on the Bubble

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k-8k . Entries 23/174

Mykel Comroe is down to his last 37,000 and rips it in from the lojack. Christian Ramirez confirms the amount, looks down at his cards and slams a stack onto the felt as Comroe tells his tablemates he doesn’t want a call.

Comroe has Ace of diamondsJack of spades
Ramirez has 6 of spades6 of hearts

The board runs out Jack of spades5 of spades5 of diamondsAce of heartsAce of spades and Comroe finishes with aces full, earning the easy double as the bubble plays on.

Christian Ramirez – 460,000
Mykel Comroe – 86,000

Flight F – 13 Cash 8 Bag

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 45.103

Registration is closed in Flight F of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event, and the scoreboard shows 103 entries.

The players contribute $91,670 to the prize pool. The combined field is unofficially at 708 entries and the prize pool, unofficially, is slightly more than $630,000

Play continues tonight until the final eight players Bag-a-Stack, both making the money and also advancing to Monday’s 2 pm Day 2 restart.

Players finishing tonight in 9-13th place all earn a Day 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Day 2. Players finishing in 9-10th cash for $1,500, while 11-13th cash for $1,400.

All players – whether in possession of a Day2Bag, a Day 1 Cash or eliminated before the money – are eligible to play all 10 Title Event flights, for the PokerAtlas Tour is a Best Stack Forward tour. Bag more than one stack and the BigStack goes in play Monday, while the smaller bag(s) cash out as a Day 2 mincash.

Flight F – Mokedi Leads on Reg Break

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 103

Players are coming back from the registration break with Orez Mokedi leading the Flight F players. Mokedi (224,500) sits atop a flight including the likes of Evan Hu (207,500) Jiayi Yao (185,000) Dean Baranowski (182,500) and Chrsitopher Akin (159,000).

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for all counts and all busted individuals through 9 levels of action.

$125 Flips This Weekend

Looking to win a Title Event seat in just a matter of moments? Join us this weekend for $125 no-rake Flips.

Eight players at a table, $125 per person, that equals $1,000, the cost of a Title Event seat.

One single, solitary hand with every player all in preflop. One hand, one Winner, one Title Event entry.

The ONLY prize offered is a Title Event entry, there’s NO cash payout, only a tournament entry.

Ask your friendly local tournament director for details and listen for the next Flip to be called

Flight E – 4 From Money

Flight E Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 26.174

Players in Flight E return from break just four eliminations for Day 1 tournament payouts and 12 from the end of the night when 12 become Day 2 Qualifiers.

We take a look above at the Chip Counts tab – where you can see all live stacks right now – and it appears Sean Lee (510,000 is the chipleader, followed by George Abi-Zeid (489,000) and Dylan Duran (440,000)

PokerAtlas Meet-Up Games Saturday at Las Colinas

Cash Games Saturday at TCH Las Colinas adds the excitement of Meet-Up Games with the Poker Atlas staff jumping into the games and splashing pots with PokerAtlas swag.

Be part of the fun from Noon – 6 pm, be the first in the Meet-Up Games to win a pot while holding 7.2 and we’ll put you in a PokerAtlas hoodie. The house already adds Bad Beat Bacon if your Aces Full get cracked, you KNOW some additional swag gets tossed your way if you are served your bacon.

Jon Friedberg and Justin Hammer are among those hosting games Saturday afternoon at the Las Colinas location. C’mon out, y’all and get your game on.

Flight F – Cai Doubles Through Woo

Flight F Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 90

Daniel Cai’s stack gets in the middle preflop, Jared Woo placing Cai at risk for his 13,000 stack.

  • Ace of spades 3 of spades for Cai
  • King of hearts Jack of hearts for Woo

The dealer-fanned flop 2 of spades 4 of diamonds 8 of clubs  gives Cai a whee; draw and a backdoor flush draw as well.

Woo hits the Jack of spades turn for top pair, but Cai’s flush draw is live.

Turn 5 of spades completes the flush, Cai to 27,000 and Woo to 34,000

Flight E – Fishberg Cracks Kings

Flight E Level 15 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 36.174

There’s an open from Peter Lockwood, a raise to 27,000 from Greg Fishberg, a 4-bet to 80,000 from Robert Deupree, Lockwood undershoves for 52,000, then Fishberg calls the 80k so we can move to a flop.

  • No side action on the 2 of spades Jack of hearts Queen of hearts flop, the dealer flips up a 9 of hearts turn and Fishberg moves in for 135,000. Deupree debates calling from his 190,000 stack, but opts to retain his betting units.
  • Lockwood shows King of clubsKing of diamondsKing of diamonds for an overpair
  • Fishberg shows Queen of clubsQueen of spades that was drawing to two outs postflop, only to get there on the turn

River is 5 of spades, eliminating Lockwood, Fishberg moving to 360,000

Flight F – Leads After 12 Levels

Flight F Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 84

The first six registration-era levels are complete – registration and the unlimited-entry period closes at 9:15 pm when Level 10 begins – in Flight F of the Title Event.

As the players return from break, we take pause to look across the report with every live stack listed, and we see Evan Hu (128,100) as the chipleader, followed by David Sim (121,000) Sean Cha (113,900) Orez Makidi (112,200) and Tiep Bui (105,000) as the top five stacks in the room.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for all the chip counts and all the eliminations in this field.

Flight F – Lee Doubles Through Falk

Flight F Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 80

After a series of preflop raises, Dien Le gets his last 40,000 total in the pot, and he’s called by Stephen Falk.

  • Falk shows Ace of diamondsQueen of hearts
  • Le has King of diamondsKing of spades

The 2 of diamonds2 of spades3 of diamonds flop gives Falk backdoor flush and wheel draws

Le closes the door on all draws with the turn King of clubs FTW

  • Dien Le – 81,500
  • Steven Falk – 41,000

Flight E – Noh Pressures Jafari

Flight E Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 47.174

Action folds to Youn Noh who opens to 8,000, with Seyed-Ali Jafari debating his chances from the bb before coming along.

The dealer fan of 10 of spades 7 of hearts 9 of clubs draws a bet of 11,000 from Noh, a check-call from Jafari.

Turn is Ace of diamonds and Noh bets 22,000 into Jafari’s 61,000 stack, leaving himself 55,000 behind.

Jafari cannot find a call, and Noh rakes.

Flight E – Huynh Leads After 12 Levels

Flight E Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1,500.3k . Entries 49.174

Down to 49 with 22 making the money in Flight E, we see Truong Huynh maintaining his lead, up to 526,000 over the likes of Emmanuel Ignacio (312,000), George Ebi-Azid (286,000), Robert Deupree (259,500) and Sean Lee (237,000).

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for all the chip counts and all the eliminations in this field.

Flight F – William Dehart Stays Alive

Flight F Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300-500 . Entries 58/73

William Dehart gets 10 bigs into the middle in the hijack against Saeed Mazrouei, who’s in the small blind.

Dehart is way ahead with King of spades10 of diamonds against Mazrouei’s Queen of diamonds10 of hearts.

The flop King of diamonds8 of hearts7 of hearts puts Dehart even further ahead, needing to only fade running cards. The 3 of diamonds puts the check mark next to Dehart’s name, and the 6 of spades makes it official.

Saeed Mazrouei – 44,000
William Dehart – 12,000

Flight F – Ask and You Shall Receive

Flight F Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200-400 . Entries 58/71

Tiep Bui has 2,000 in front of him in the lojack and is facing a three-bet jam from Lonny Weitzel in the cutoff for 27,500. Bui covers by 8,000 and is left with a decision for most of his stack. He decides to call, and he doesn’t look happy about it.

He’s even less happy after seeing his 10 of hearts10 of spades is up against Weitzel’s Queen of spadesQueen of diamonds. That is, until a ten appears in the window. The runout finishes with a board displaying 10 of diamonds6 of hearts2 of diamonds9 of spadesJack of hearts, and his set of tens wins the pot and sends Weitzel to the rail.

“I asked for it,” says Bui after the runout. Ask and you shall receive.

Tiep Bui – 63,500
Lonny Weitzel – Eliminated

Flight E – Huynh Wins vs. Nguyen

Flight E Level 12 . Ante 2,500 . Blinds 1,500.2,500 . Entries 55/174

There’s a pile of chips in the middle with three players holding cards and a board reading 7 of spades5 of clubs3 of diamondsJack of clubs. The small blind checks and Alex Nguyen bets 30,000 from the big blind. Truong Huynh raises to 125,000, enough to put both players all in, and the small blind quickly folds.

Nguyen counts out his stack of 80,000 behind and thinks for a bit, audibly wondering what Huynh can have before making the call and tabling the 6 of hearts6 of spades. He’s shown the bad news, with Huynh showing King of spadesJack of spades.

“Ugh,” says Nguyen. “Nice hand.”

The river is the King of clubs and Huynh beats Nguyen, letting out a verbal celebration after taking down the massive pot.

Truong Huynh – 425,000
Alex Nguyen – Eliminated

Flight F – Evan Hu Over 100K On First Break

Flight F Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200-400 . Entries 56/64

The first break comes and goes in Flight F of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event with eight players joining the field during the 15-minute hiatus. We’re now up to 64 entries with reg open until 9:15 p.m. tonight when Level 10 starts.

Evan Hu is the first to crack six figures, amassing 113,600 over the first 90 minutes of play. Only two other players — David Sim (89,400) and Jamie Brown (80,700) have more than two starting stacks, with Song Yi (76,500) just short of that mark.

For the rest of the field, refer to the Chip Counts tab above.

Flight F – Trevor Argue Calls His Shot

Flight F Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200-300 . Entries 49/56

Carl Lee pumps it up to 1,500 in the cutoff and Trevor Argue three-bet jams for 7,500.

“Rebuy!” says Argue as he parts ways with his chips, and Lee calls with Jack of spadesJack of hearts. Argue has 7 of clubs6 of hearts and is way behind.

The runout comes 10 of spades6 of spades4 of hearts4 of spades7 of hearts — Argue makes a pair on the flop and has a shot at winning, but his rivered sevens up is no good to Lee’s turned jacks up.

Carl Lee – 47,000

Flight E – Christian Ramirez Holds To Double

Flight E Level 11 . Ante 2,000 . Blinds 1,000-2,000 . Entries 70/174

Christian Ramirez opens to 4,500 under the gun and receives a call from Youn Noh in the cutoff.

Action goes heads up to a flop of King of clubsJack of clubs8 of hearts and Ramirez announces a bet of 9,000. Noh slides a covering stack forward and Ramirez wastes no time calling all in for 41,000.

Ramirez: King of spadesQueen of clubs
Noh: 8 of clubs5 of clubs

Ramirez is ahead with top pair and fades another club on the Jack of hearts9 of spades runout to secure the double.

Christian Ramirez – 96,000
Youn Noh – 13,000

Flight F – Faces in the Crowd

Flight F Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100-200 . Entries 34/36

The field continues to grow inside TCH Dallas for Flight F of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,500,000 Guarantee $1,000 Title Event. Timothy Sullivan, Trevor Argue, Dean Baranowski, Christopher Meza, Blue Rannefeld, Grace Soria-Hwang and Stephan Thom are among those already in action.

Registration will remain open until approximately 9:15 p.m. this evening with unlimited re-entries during that time.

Flight E – 22 Cash, 14 Bag

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 97.174

Registration is closed in Flight E of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event, and the scoreboard shows 174 entries.

The players contribute $154,860 to the prize pool. The combined field is unofficially at 605 entries and the prize pool, unofficially, is slightly more than $535,000

Play continues tonight until the final 14 players Bag-a-Stack, both making the money and also advancing to Monday’s 2 pm Day 2 restart.

Players finishing tonight in 15-18th place all earn a Day 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Day 2. Players finishing in 19-22th cash for $1,500, while 12-14th cash for $1,400.

All players – whether in possession of a Day2Bag, a Day 1 Cash or eliminated before the money – are eligible to play all 10 Title Event flights, for the PokerAtlas Tour is a Best Stack Forward tour. Bag more than one stack and the BigStack goes in play Monday, while the smaller bag(s) cash out as a Day 2 mincash.

Leads Flight E on Reg Break

Flight E . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 174

That sound you hear is the collective echo of players making way back into TCH Dallas for the end of registration in Flight E.

Gerald Irvin leads the parade with a 204,000 stack, following along in marching order is Robert Dupree (182,500), Parker Schultz (175,000), Emmanuel Ignacio (174,000 and Davad Cadaoas (165,000).

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for full-field numbers.


Flight F Cards in the Air

Flight F Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100-200 . Entries 13

The sixth of 10 flights has begun for the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,500,000 Guarantee $1,000 Title Event at TCH Dallas.

Blinds begin at 100-200 with 40,000 starting stacks. The first nine levels last 30 minutes apiece with breaks after 90 minutes of play with registration and unlimited re-entries through the end of the third break.

Registration closes at 9:15 p.m. at the start of Level 10, with blinds bumping up to 40 minutes in length at that time.

One-in-eight players make it into the money tonight, with play continuing until 8 percent of the starting field remains. Those who make it to the celebratory bag-n-tag return for Monday’s 2 p.m. Day 2 restart.

This is a best stack forward tournament, meaning we don’t discriminate when accepting additional entries. Feel free to join as many times as you’d like, in as many flights, regardless of how well you do or don’t do.

Additional Day 2 bags earn a Day 2 min-cash for each stack removed from play.

Keep it here for all the action throughout all 10 flights in this event.

Detina Doubles

Level 8 . Ante . 1k . Blinds 500.1k . Entries 152

Truong Huynh jams preflop to push four players off a hand, and he’s back in action the next hand, calling from the sb a 2,500 preflop UTG bet from Kenneth Detina, with Michael Crow also coming along.

The flop goes 5 of spades 3 of diamonds Jack of spades, Detina makes it 3,000, Huynh check-raises to 10,000, Crow check-folds and Detina pauses, then calls.

Turn is 9 of spades to complete a potential flush, Huynh jams and Detina flips out a chip to call with nearly-identical stacks.

  • Huynh holds Jack of clubs visible but does not expose his second card for a bit of time, slowroll-peeling back 10 of spades for top pair and a flush draw
  • Detina quickly shows Queen of spadesQueen of clubs for a bigger pair and a better flush draw

River 2 of clubs and the stacks count down.

Detina is at 51,400, Huynh is at about 1,800 shy and the stack ships across.




Bag Up and Chill: Travel Guide to the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

Poker Live Updates Founder Dan Ross with Chef Tiffany Derry at Roots Southern Table

Bag up and have a day off in the Dallas/Fort Worth area during the tournament series? Well here are some suggestions for you to enjoy that day off in the surrounding areas of TCH Dallas and Las Colinas. Your first and closest option would be the downtown Dallas area. A good first stop would be the observation deck atop Reunion Tower to get an overview of the city before you explore (there is a restaurant and bar at the top as well).

The Sixth Floor Museum chronicles the infamous assassination of President John F. Kennedy from the room where it happened. It chronicles his presidency, the assassination on that fateful November day, and the myriad conspiracy theories surrounding the event. You can also wander the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza after the museum visit. If you want some other museum options that touch on lighter material then the best stops would be the Dallas Museum of Art, the Nasher Sculpture Center, and Crow Collection.

If fine dining is your thing, then look no further than the restaurant at the Mansion on Turtle Creek, which is famous for its tortilla soup and lobster tacos.

The #FunTour2Point0 crew also highly recommends Roots Southern Table brought to you by chef Tiffany Derry. The duck fat fried chicken, crab fried rice, and the most interesting take on shrimp and grits we’ve ever seen were all fantastic, and the service was second to none as well, be sure to ask for Keanon to serve you. If you want some nightlife options in Dallas after dinner head towards the West End Historic District and Deep Ellum neighborhood.

If you have the time, a drive over to Fort Worth is well worth a day-trip if you want to take in the cowboy culture that made Texas famous. The sister city of Dallas used to be an epicenter of the cattle drives that have been featured in books and television shows like Lonesome Dove and 1883. The Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District still has daily cattle drives that come down the middle of the street.

There are also many museum options in Fort Worth that chronicle the romanticism of the Wild West, including the Kimbell Art Museum, Amon Carter Museum, Cowboy Hall of Fame, and the Will Rogers Memorial Center. When the sun sets on the West in Fort Worth there are many saloons at the ready as well. Two of your first stops should be the historic White Elephant Saloon, and Billy Bob’s, which is rumored to be the largest nightclub in the world.

And if the timing aligns you can catch a Texas Rangers or Dallas Cowboys game over at their massive stadiums in Arlington. Daily tours of both modern coliseums are available as well when the teams are on the road. Enjoy your bag up and chill day off, and we will see you back at the PokerAtlas Tour stop in Dallas when you’re done relaxing maxing and ready for more poker.

Irvin Assumes Control After 6 Levels

Flight E Level 7 – Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 133

There’s still two hours remaining in registration for Flight E and the field is now at more than 130 entries.

With a quick look up at the Chip Counts tab – where full-field counts and all recorded bustouts live – we see Gerald Irvin has soared past the 200k ceiling, landing at 223,600 as flight chipleader.

Following Irvin up Chipcount Mountain is Six Smith (173,300), Matthew Newcombe (155.900), Pedro Herrera (141,800) and Emmanuel Ignacio (126,100), making up the top-five stacks in the room.

David Shaw – No. 2 in chips on first break, is having a Master Blaster roller-coaster of a morning and afternoon, currently on page 2 of the Leaderboard.


Faces in the Crowd

TJ Cloutier

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 118

We’re enjoying the climate-controlled atmosphere of TCH Dallas on this fine Friday afternoon, and also gathering images of a few of the folk with a stack in play in each of the 10 starting flights of our $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

Please refer to the Photos tab for images from today and earlier in the event.

Bond Drops In

Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 108

Seen in poker tournaments across the globe, and hailing from right down the road in Irving, Matt Bond is one of the latest to drop in at TCH Dallas and enter the $1.5 Milly GTD $1k Title Event.

With more than $2 million in career tournament winnings, Bond is frequently running deep in major events.

Among his most recent 6-figure scores is a victory in a PokerGo High Roller for $153,000 and a $115,000 score in Houston a little more than a year ago.


Burns Pushes Ramirez Away

Flight E Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 96

Christian Ramirez opens for 1,000 and action folds to Michael Burns in the sb who comes along, while Noah Sandler releases his bb and we’re two to a flop.

The dealer backflips 4 of clubs 10 of clubs 4 of spades and both players check. The turn is 3 of spades, Burns leads for 1,200 and Ramirez joins.

River 4 of diamonds, 3,200 more from Brown and Ramirez gives up his pursuit.

  • Michael Burns – 44,000
  • Christian Ramirez – 84,000


Ignacio, Shaw Lead on First Flight E Break

Flight E Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 94

Players are back from their first registration-era break, the scoreboard showing 94 entries now, and the Chip Counts tab showing Emmanuel Ignacio and David Shaw as the first two players to buts through the 100,000-chip ceiling.

Ignacio (115,200) and Shaw (102,000) lead a pack including Kelli Herd (97,600), Christopher Akin (84,200) and Matthew Newcombe (82,500) making up the top five stacks in the room.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for full-field chipcounts through three levels of competition.

Flight E – 55 Through 1

Flight E Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 55

The first 30-minute registration-era level is complete and the scoreboard shows 55 entries for the fifth of 10 flights in the $1.5 Milly GTD $1k PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event.

Levels remain at 30-minute increments until registration closes at 4:15 pm when Level 10 begins and the lengths move to 40-minutes the remainder of the tournament.

We have a 4 pm flight today, with two more opening-flights Saturday AND Sunday – 11am and 4pm

Two More Title Event Flights Today

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 27

The highlight of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas is now – four flights down and two more today in the 10-flight $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

There’s two flights daily – at 11 am and 4 pm today, Saturday AND SUNDAY, offering 10 total starting flights. Day 2 is on Monday because that’s the Labor Day holiday, and the final table livestream takes place Tuesday.

Players open competition in this Best Stack Forward tournament with 40,000 stacks, playing 30-minute levels while registration is open, 40-minute levels when level 10 begins and registration closes, and moving to hour-levels on Day 2 when Level 19 begins.

Opening flights play until the money bubble pops, paying 1-in-8 entries. Play continues until the final 8 percent of each flight Bag-n-Tag, advancing to Monday’s Day 2 Restart at 2 pm.

Day 2 plays down to the final table, that action begins Tuesday at 6 pm.


You can win your way in to the Title Event through one of MANY TCH Dallas $150 satellites, and here’s the remaining schedule of $150’s.

  • There’s 2 pm satellites today and Saturday at TCH Las Colinas
  • There’s 9 pm Satellites at TCH Dallas
  • All remaining satellites have 5-seat guarantees

Yusuf Bags Top Flight D Stack

Kamoru Yusuf

From a starting field of 105 entries, PokerAtlas Tour Houston Title Event runner-up Makoru Yusuf bagging the top stack among 10 Day 2 Qualifiers.

Yusuf tops 7-figures, moving 1,096,000 betting units forward for the 2 pm Monday restart on Labor day.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for all Day 2 Qualifiers and all recorded eliminations from this flight,

Flight D Results in Morning

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 10.105

It is now 3 am and the Blog night comes to a close with 10 players remaining, two away from the end-of-play and establishment of the eight Day 2 Qualifiers.

Please return to the Flight D blog after sunrise for the final numbers for this flight.

We return at 11 am for Flight E. Drive safe, remember to tip your dealer on your way out.

Ten Remain, Kamoru Yusuf Reaches Seven Figures

James Thompson gets his short stack into the middle preflop with pocket jacks against chip leader Kamoru Yusuf’s pocket treys. He’s poised for a double through the ten-high runout, but a three lands on the river to spell the end of his night in 11th place.

With the pot, Yusuf is now the first player in Flight D to reach a milly a milly a milly.

Kamoru Yusuf – 1,100,000
James Thompson – Eliminated in 11th place ($1,550)

The Daniels Get Dusted

Level 17 . Ante 8,000 . Blinds 4,000-8,000 . Entries 11/105

A pair of Daniels — Cai and Baik — have taken 13th and 12th place respectively in the moments following Rebecca Merkin’s elimination. Both receive $1,400 for their efforts.

With 11 remaining, the next three eliminations will each earn $1,550, and we’ll reach the celebratory bag-n-tag when eight players remain.

Flight D – Dani Dayan Wins Multi-Way All In

Level 16 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000-6,000 . Entries 13/105

Dani Dayan limps in from the lojack and Rebecca Merkin shoves all in for 39,000 on the button. Stuart Wilkinson calls in the big blind and Dayan calls as well, creating an empty side pot for all future action.

The flop lands Jack of hearts9 of clubs5 of clubs and Wilkinson checks to Dayan, who bets 120,000.

“How much do you have behind?” asks Wilkinson. Dayan reveals 116,000 behind and Wilkinson thinks for a few moments before raising to put Dayan all in. She wastes no time calling.

Merkin: 10 of spades10 of clubs
Dayan: Jack of diamonds9 of diamonds
Wilkinson: King of spadesQueen of diamonds

Dayan’s top two pair is way ahead, leaving only a ten or running cards to spoil her knockout and scoop. Her hand remains best through the 6 of clubsKing of diamonds runout.

Dani Dayan – 585,000
Stuart Wilkinson – 300,000
Rebecca Merkin – Eliminated in 14th place ($1,400)

William Smith Bubbles Flight D

Level 16 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000-6,000 . Entries 14/105

Phu Vo opens to 15,000 in the cutoff and Stuart Wilkinson calls on the button. Daniel Baik calls in the small blind and William Smith three-bet shoves for 111,000 in the big blind. Only Wilkinson calls.

Smith: Jack of clubs10 of clubs
Wilkinson: 8 of hearts8 of diamonds

Nothing changes on a runout of Queen of clubs5 of hearts4 of heartsQueen of spades3 of clubs and Wilkinson holds to eliminate Smith in 15th place. All remaining players are now in the money and guaranteed at least $1,400.

The clock is back to running, and we march on until eight remain.

Stuart Wilkinson – 735,000
Phu Vo – 188,000
Daniel Baik – 126,000
William Smith – Eliminated

Flight D – Back from Break, Back to the Bubble

Level 16 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000-6,000 . Entries 15/105

The final 15 players in Flight D return from their fifth break of the night, still on the money bubble. One more elimination is needed before everyone locks up at least $1,400.

Kamoru Yusuf leads the field from break with 822,000. The top five also include Stuart Wilkinson (445,000), Jessica Richards (409,000), Ross Fernandez (358,000) and Ryane Nhan (344,000).

Check out the Chip Counts tab above for full counts from the field.

Bless Your Heart, Ray Henson

Level 15 . Ante 5,000 . Blinds 2,500-5,000 . Entries 15/105

Ray Henson stands up to engage with a few players at the other table and give his ears a break from the constant table talk of Eden Michaeli on his direct right. Moments later, Michaeli is all in and all out, his Ace of hearts6 of hearts no good on the 6 of spades5 of clubs3 of spades2 of hearts8 of clubs board against Kamoru Yusuf’s Jack of spadesJack of hearts.

Yusuf fills in the details, saying he raised to 15,000 under the gun and got three calls, one from Ross Fernandez in the big blind and another from Michaeli UTG+1.

Once Fernandez checked, Yusuf checked as well. Michaeli bet 18,000, Fernandez called, and Yusuf check-raised to 60,000. Michaeli came over the top for around 200k and Yusuf happily called with the best hand, which held to take Michaeli’s remaining stack..

Another elimination ensues moments later, and we’re down to 15 with hand-for-hand play now in effect on the direct bubble. Bless your heart, Ray Henson. And your ears.

Kamoru Yusuf – 860,000
Ross Fernandez – 222,000
Ray Henson – 215,000
Eden Michaeli – Eliminated

Pham Bags Top Flight C Stack

Level 21 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 10.130

From a starting field of 130 entries, and from a flight that began 13.5 hours ago with a unimaginable 62 bubble hands included, Flight C of our $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event comes to a close with 10 players advancing to Monday’s Day 2 Labor Day Restart at 2 pm.

Trung Pham (1,100,000) tops the field.

Here’s the players who earned a Day 1 tournament cash by finishing in 11-18th palce but did not score a coveted day2Bag.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for all 10 Day 2 Qualifiers and their respective stacks.

Flight D – Ryane Nhan Gets a Gift on the River

Level 14 . Ante 4,000 . Blinds 2,000-4,000 . Entries 18/105

The board reads King of spadesQueen of spadesJack of spades8 of clubs with three players holding cards. Eden Michaeli bets 25,000 in the big blind and Wilbern Hoffman shoves for 139,500 under the gun. Ryane Nhan calls for the majority of his stack and sends Michaeli into the tank for a while before folding.

Hoffman: King of diamondsJack of clubs
Nhan: Ace of spadesAce of diamonds

Nhan sees his aces are behind, with Hoffman needing to fade an ace, ten or spade to stay alive. The dealer does not comply, bringing the 5 of spades to finish the runout and give Nhan the nut flush. He slams the felt in celebration, while Hoffman exclaims in the opposite manner before making his way from the tournament area.

Eden Michaeli -543,000
Ryane Nhan – 470,000
Wilbern Hoffman – Eliminated

Flight C – Eric Graziano Holds With Nines

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k-12k . Entries 16/130

Brendan Eline open-jams for 175,000 UTG+1 and Eric Graziano calls all in for 120,000 in the cutoff.

Eline shows 8 of hearts8 of clubs and sees Graziano pip him with 9 of hearts9 of diamonds.

The uneventful Jack of diamonds10 of clubs2 of spades4 of diamonds6 of diamonds runout leaves Graziano on top for the easy double, taking him up to 170,000 while Eline is left on fumes with 50k.

Flight C now has 16 players remaining as play has taken us into Level 20 with increased blinds of 10k-15k and a 15k ante. We’ll be back shortly with final flight results, including in-the-money finishers and Day 2 baggers.

Flight C – 62 Hands, then Pop

Level 19, 6:00 left . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 17.130

Nikola Mircetic wanders off into the sunset, or moonlight as the case may be, who is the one soul unable to survive 62 hands on the Flight C money bubble and earn a cash.

Mircetic the Merciful ends the 2 hours, 35 minutes of bubble action by being eliminated in 18th place, sending 17 into the money, playing until 10 remain.

Flight C – This Feels Familiar

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k-12k . Entries 18/130

Action folds to Jeffrey Early in the cutoff, who commits his last 60,000. Mo Arani calls on the button and the players table their hands once play finishes on the adjacent table.

Early: Ace of clubsKing of clubs
Arani: 7 of hearts7 of diamonds

The board runs out Ace of heartsJack of hearts10 of spades4 of hearts8 of clubs and Early fades running hearts to stay alive. The bubble continues after 61 hands of hand-for-hand play.

Mo Arani – 889,000
Jeffrey Early – 150,000

Flight C – Mircetic Doubles on Hand 54

Flight C – Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 18.130

On the 54th bubble hand, Nikola Mircetic moves in for 2bb and draws calls from JB O’Daniel and Jason Bullock.

The dealer fans 9 of hearts 8 of spades 10 of hearts and O’Daniel bets 10,000, prompting Bullock to shows his hand to his neighbor before folding.

  • Ace of spades 8 of clubs for O’Daniel
  • 7 of spades 7 of diamonds for Mircetic

The turnQueen of hearts changes nothing, the river 6 of hearts changes a lot, for Mircetic survives and the 55th bubble-hand proceeds.


Flight D – Sonny Sundara Bites the Dust

Level 12 . Ante 2,500 . Blinds 1,500-2,500 . Entries 28/105

Ravee “Sonny” Sundara puts his last 18,000 into the middle under the gun and Daniel Baik calls in the lojack. All remaining players fold.

“Is my queen live?” asks Sundara as he shows Queen of clubs5 of clubs.

‘Uh, yeah” responds Baik, tabling King of spadesJack of diamonds.

The board runs out Jack of spades8 of spades6 of hearts5 of spades2 of clubs and the dealer pushes Baik the pot. The table wishes Sundara a good game as he pauses, realizing the runout was not what he thought.

“I thought I had a flush!” says Sundara with a laugh before making his way from the table.

“There’s a $5-$10 PLO game at Las Colinas,” says Baik. “I’ll join you in shortly.”

“GG Sonny,” adds tablemate Jessica Richards. “Go get ’em, plair.”

Daniel Baik – 147,000
Sonny Sundara – Eliminated

Flight C – Texas Bubble’s Most Wanted List

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 18.130

A total 46 hands ago, 2 full hours ago, 18 friendly-looking souls began an adventure, an adventure into the depths of Bubbleville that no one could imagine.

Time ceased to matter, hands mattered even less, maybe it was the aroma of Mr. Brisket pulling up outside. Whatever the case, these fine folk are now on milk cartons across the state, infamously listed as the Texas Bubble 18.

Returning from a break to begin play one single, solitary hand from the All-Time PokerAtlas Tour record for number of hands on a bubble – already in possession of total time played on the bubble by almost 30 minutes, we present to you the Texas Bubble 18.

Please refer to the Chip Counts Tab for updated counts on the TB18 and all recorded bustouts, the last one just after 9 pm.

Flight C This is The Bubble That Never Ends, Part Deux

Level 18 . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 18.130

  • This is the bubble that never ends
  • It goes on and on, my friend
  • Some people started folding and stalling, not knowing why they were.
  • And, they’ll continue forever, just because
  • This is the bubble that never ends…

That’s 5 hands down, 10 hands down, 15 hands down, 20 hands down, 30 hands down and now FORTY hands played on the money bubble, and they are STILL playing in Flight C of the $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,o00 Title Event


Flight C – Another Bubble Double

Level 18 . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k-10k . Entries 18/130

Jason Bullock open-jams under the gun for 198,000 and action folds to Eduardo Cuaderes in the big blind, who calls.

Bullock shows Jack of spadesJack of hearts and Cuaderes tables Ace of heartsKing of diamonds.

The race is over after the flop on a runout of Queen of clubsJack of clubsJack of diamonds2 of hearts6 of diamonds, causing a raucous from the table due to Bullock’s flopped quads. We are now approaching hand number 40 of hand-for-hand play.

Jason Bullock – 411,000
Eduardo Cuaderes – 375,000

Flight C – Pham Doubles Up Smith

Flight C – Level 18 . Ante 10k. Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 18.130

Two full levels and 30 total hands on the scoreboard clock, more than 90 minutes on a real clock, and the bubble continues in Flight C.

Trung Pham made an effort to pop the bubble by calling the 61,000 all-in from Milton Smith, yet Pham would need to come from behind.

  • 9 of clubs 8 of hearts for Pham, who has 215,000 behind
  • Ace of spades Queen of hearts for Smith

The 5 of clubs Ace of hearts 10 of clubs flop gives Pham a wee bit of a view to a backdoor straight, but the turn 3 of diamonds ends all efforts and SMith doubles.

Now, friends both in and out of the poker room, does Flight C make the money before Flight D does? D is 20 eliminations away.

Flight C – Jose Montes Extends the Bubble

Level 17 . Ante 8,000 . Blinds 4,000-8,000 . Entries 18/130

An early-position player limps and Jose Montes jams for 76,000 in the cutoff. Brian Green calls in the small blind and the original limper folds.

Montes: Ace of diamondsJack of clubs
Green: 5 of spades5 of hearts

Montes needs to improve to win the coin flip and fade becoming the Flight C Bubble Boy. The 6 of spades6 of hearts4 of diamonds flop keeps him behind, but the Jack of spades lands on the turn. The river comes the 3 of spades and Montes wins the pot with jacks up, scoring the double on the final hand of the level.


Flight D – Newcombe Doubles Through Michaeli

Flight D Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 37,105

Matthew Newcombe opens for 5,000, Kamoru Yusuf joins, then Eden Michaeli rather colorfully, excitedly, announces a raise to 30,000 while rapidly sliding his cards back-and-forth across the felt as though he’s trying to rub the face off of them – or light a fire.

The blinds fold, Newcombe moves in to 48,000, Yusuf shrugs and mucks, Michaeli calls while announcing he’s ahead.

  • Newcombe shows Queen of spades Queen of clubs
  • Michaeli shows Ace of hearts Queen of diamonds and rapidly changes his tune about his hand advantage

“Ace,” calls Michaeli, the dealer fans 5 of diamonds 9 of hearts 7 of spades

“Ace,” calls Michaeli, the dealer offers 2 of clubs

“Ace on the river,” Michaeli quotes Barry Greenstein, the dealer offers 7 of clubs

Matthew Newcombe – 106,000

Flight C – Play Marches On

Level 16 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000-6,000 . Entries 18/130

Action is heads up on a completed board of King of hearts9 of hearts7 of diamondsAce of diamonds2 of hearts , and Mo Arani checks from the big blind to put action onto the UTG+2 Trung Pham. Pham slides out a bet of 110,000 and Arani thinks for a bit before check-jamming.

Pham requests a count, and it’s totaled to 339,000. He goes into the tank and eventually puts out chips to call.

Arani tables Queen of heartsJack of hearts for a flush, and it’s good against Pham’s Ace of hearts10 of clubs.  He earns the double and vaults to the top of the counts in the process.

Mo Arani – 870,000
Trung Pham – 339,000

Flight D – 14 Cash, 8 Bag

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 41.105

Registration is closed in Flight D of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event, and the scoreboard shows 105 entries.

The players contribute $93,4500 to the prize pool. The combined field is unofficially at 431 entries and the prize pool, unofficially, is slightly more than $380,000

Play continues tonight until the final eight players Bag-a-Stack, both making the money and also advancing to Monday’s 2 pm Day 2 restart.

Players finishing tonight in 9-14th place all earn a Day 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Day 2. Players finishing in 9-11th cash for $1,500, while 12-14th cash for $1,400.

All players – whether in possession of a Day2Bag, a Day 1 Cash or eliminated before the money – are eligible to play all 10 Title Event flights, for the PokerAtlas Tour is a Best Stack Forward tour. Bag more than one stack and the BigStack goes in play Monday, while the smaller bag(s) cash out as a Day 2 mincash.

Flight D – Driess Leads on Reg Break

Flight D – Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 105

Players in Flight D of the 10-flight Title Event return from break, and the industry-leading, innovative PokerAtlas system identifies Douglas Driess and his 220,000 betting units as leader of this pack.

Charging fast from behind is a group including Daniel Baik (202,000), Ross Fernandez (199,000), Daniel Cai (175,000) and Gary Sixkiller (160,000)

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for full-field chipcounts in this 105-entry field.

Flight C – Play Nears the Bubble After Break

Level 16 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000-6,000 . Entries 20/130

Players return from their fifth break of Flight C in the PokerAtlas Tour $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event with the scoreboard showing 20 remaining players from a field of 130.

In the last three hours, Trung Pham took his stack from 117K to 561K, putting him atop the counts. Mo Arani (409,000), Mark Dunavin (387,000), Trevor Argue (369,000), and Eduardo Cuaderes (365,000) all have above tree fiddy.

Complete counts can be found in the Chip Counts tab above.

Flight D – Dani Dayan Doubles

Level 9 . Ante 1,200 . Blinds 600-1,200 . Entries 13

Facing three limps, Dani Dayan jams all in for 25,000 from the big blind. The first limper calls from the lojack and both other players get out of the way.

Dayan: King of clubsQueen of hearts
Hijack: Ace of clubs9 of diamonds

Dayan connects on the flop of a King of spades10 of clubs2 of diamondsJack of spades4 of hearts runout and earns the easy double with her top pair.

“You called me with ace-nine. That’s like a f-you-I-don’t-respect-you call,” says as she collects her chips.

Dani Dayan – 53,600

Flight D – First-Ever Title Event Runner-Up in Field

Flight D – Level 8 . Ante 1k . Blinds 500.1k . Entries 98

Once upon a time, there was a PokerAtlas Tour Series in Houston, at TCH Houston, in fact, and it was the first PokerAtlas Tour series ever held, its inaugural series.

Kamoru Yusuf played heads-up against Praise Ogwo for the title, Yussuf earning $64,690 as runner-up in the Title Event.

Yusuf has an 80,000 stack today late in Level 8 in Flight D.

Flight C – Jeffrey Frye Scores a Double

Level 15 . Ante 5,000 . Blinds 2,500-5,000 . Entries 21/130

Trevor Argue raises to 13,000 in the hijack and Jeffrey Frye three-bets to 35,000 on the button. The blinds fold and Argue calls, bringing a flop of King of diamonds9 of hearts2 of spades.

Argue checks to Frye, who continuation-bets 20,000, and Argue slides out a stack of chips to put Frye all in for 129,000 effective. Frye snap-calls.

Frye: Ace of clubsKing of spades
Argue: Ace of spades9 of spades

The 10 of clubs turn and 2 of hearts river complete the runout with Frye’s top pair, top kicker remaining best to score the dub.

Trevor Argue – 355,000
Jeffrey Frye – 341,000

Flight D – Three More Levels Of Late Reg

Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400-800 . Entries 62/93

Flight D of the PokerAtlas Tour $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event at TCH Dallas has returned from its second break with 61 players in the field from a total of 93 entries and counting. Registration will remain open for three more levels, closing before the beginning of Level 10 at around 9:15 p.m.

Eden Michaeli holds a commanding chip lead with 233,700, nearly double Alem Girma’s 138,000 second-place stack. Ravee Sundara (125,300), Ross Fernandez (115,700) and Ryan Lincks (112,000) round out the top five.

Flight C – Christopher Akin Holds vs. Cord Garcia

Level 13 . Ante 3,000 . Blinds 1,500-3,000 . Entries 27/130

Cord Garcia raises under the gun and action folds to Christopher Akin three-bets to 20,000 on the button. The big blind calls and Garcia slides out a four-bet of 159,000. Akin thinks for a bit and announces he’s all in, prompting a quick fold from the big blind before Garcia calls off the rest.

Akin shows Queen of spadesQueen of hearts and is flipping against Garcia’s Ace of diamondsKing of hearts for his stack of 204,000.

The 8 of diamonds3 of spades2 of clubs6 of clubs3 of clubs runout comes clean and Akin earns the double, leaving Garcia with about 70,000 for a quick second. Moments later, someone else is in Garcia’s seat as the field reaches 27 with three full tables in play.

Christopher Akin – 431,000
Cord Garcia – Eliminated

Flight D – Jared Ingles Looks for Fourth Cash of the Series

Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300-500 . Entries 60/83

Jared Ingles has been active during the inaugural PokerAtlas Tour, having recorded three in-the-money finishes since the series began. He made the final two tables of the opening $500 Dallas Duel $1M Guaranteed event, earning $7,840, and has also cashed in Event #5 ($500 PLO) and Event #9 ($600 Mystery Payday).

Ingles started the year hot with two second-place finishes in Colorado and Iowa, both good for six-figure scores. He’s slightly above the starting stack through four levels of play, sitting on the direct right of Event #2 winner David Shaw. Shaw has 84,000.

Flight C – Four Tables Remain

Level 13 . Ante 3,000 . Blinds 1,500-3,000 . Entries 36/130

Thirty-six players return from the fourth break in Flight C of the PokerAtlas Tour $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event at TCH Dallas.

JB O’Daniel vaults to the top of the counts, ballooning up to 450,000, well ahead of the next closest competitor in Trevor Argue (351,000). Eleven players have 200K or more, with Tony Love (261,500), Joshua Marzioli (259,000) and Christopher Akin (255,000) completing the top five.

The bubble will burst when 17 players remain, and the top 10 will advance to Monday’s Day 2.

Flight C – Phuoc Nguyen Doubles Thru Jason Bullock

Level 12 . Ante 2,500 . Blinds 1,500-2,500 . Entries 42/130

Jason Bullock opens to 7,000 and Phuoc Nguyen three-bet shoves for 34,000 one seat over. Action folds back to Bullock and he calls.

Nguyen: King of clubsQueen of diamonds
Bullock: Ace of spadesJack of spades

The runout comes Queen of heartsJack of hearts4 of hearts2 of diamonds8 of spades, giving Nguyen a pair of queens that holds to secure the RayHensonFullDouble.

Jason Bullock – 157,000
Phuoc Nguyen – 74,000

Flight D – Three Players Over 100K at First Break

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200-400 . Entries 55/66

Players return from their first break for the beginning of Level 4. Eden Michaeli leads the field with 148,000, more than three-and-a-half starting stacks after 90 minutes of play.

Ryan Lincks (122,300) and Alem Girma (101,500) also have six-figure stacks. Srikanth Cholleti (87,600) and Shanmukh Madhavarapu (87,400) round out the top five.

Registration remains open until the start of Level 10 at around 9:15 tonight.


Flight C – It’s Never Easy

Level 11 . Ante 2,000 . Blinds 1,500-2,000 . Entries 42/130

There’s a raise to 4,000 UTG+1 and Jose Montes calls in the cutoff. The player on the button three-bet jams for 51,000 and action quickly folds back to Montes, who asks for a count. He wastes no time calling upon hearing the total, and the two are off to the races.

All-In Player: Ace of diamondsKing of hearts
Montes: 8 of clubs8 of spades

The runout comes Jack of hearts10 of clubs6 of hearts7 of hearts2 of spades — Montes finds himself picking up queens to sweat after the flop. Hearts join him after the turn, but the deuce of spades comes safely to earn him the knockout.

Jose Montes – 205,000

Flight D – Victoria Vandigriff Shows A Seven-Card Straight

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200-300 . Entries 47/55

Three players go to a flop of Queen of diamonds9 of spades8 of hearts and Thomas Curci checks from the big blind. Victoria Vandigriff checks under the gun and Chen Yang bets 1,500 in the cutoff. Both players call.

The turn brings the 10 of diamonds and Curci checks again. Vandigriff bets 3,500 and receives two calls, taking all three players to the board-completing 7 of clubs. Curci checks again and Vandigriff fires 5,600 into the middle. Yang quickly folds and Curci remarks to Vandigriff with a chuckle as he follows suit.

After winning, Vandigriff shows that she turned the nuts with King of clubsJack of hearts and the pot is shipped her way.

Victoria Vandigriff – 63,000

Flight C – Tiep Bui Goes for His Second Big Score at TCH Dallas

Level 11 . Ante 2,000 . Blinds 1,000-2,000 . Entries 57/130

Tiep Bui’s name can be found atop the list for all-time cashes at TCH Dallas, having made the money in 12 events dating back to 2021. He’s also eighth on the venue’s lifetime tournament earnings leaderboard with more than $131,000.

Bui won $72,330 of that in May 2022 when he took down the $600 buy-in $250K guaranteed Payday Event. He’s since hit a few scores north of $5K and can do even more damage with a deep run in the PokerAtlas Tour $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event.

Bui sat just outside the top five in stacks on the last break but saw his count drop during Level 10. He currently sits at around 75,000 early in Level 11.

Flight D – 44 Through 1

Flight D Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 44

The first 30-minute registration-era level is complete and the scoreboard shows 44 entries for the first of 10 flights in the $1.5 Milly GTD $1k PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event.

Levels remain at 30-minute increments until registration closes at 9:15 pm when Level 10 begins and the lengths move to 40-minutes the remainder of the tournament.

Two more opening-flights tomorrow, Saturday AND Sunday – 11am and 4pm

10 Cash, 17 Bag in Flight C

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 75.130

Registration is closed in Flight C of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event, and the scoreboard shows 130 entries.

The players contribute $115,700 to the prize pool. The combined field is at 326 entries and the prize pool, unofficially, is just shy of $300,000

Play continues tonight until the final 10 players Bag-a-Stack, both making the money and also advancing to Monday’s 2 pm Day 2 restart.

Players finishing tonight in 11-17th place all earn a Day 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Day 2. Players finishing in 11-13th cash for $1,500, while 14-17th cash for $1,400.

All players – whether in possession of a Day2Bag, a Day 1 Cash or eliminated before the money – are eligible to play all 10 Title Event flights, for the PokerAtlas Tour is a Best Stack Forward tour. Bag more than one stack and the BigStack goes in play Monday, while the smaller bag(s) cash out as a Day 2 mincash.

Flight C – Tony Love Leads on Third Break

Level 10 . Ante 1,500 . Blinds 1,000-1,500 . Entries 70/130

Tony Love leads the field through nine levels of play in the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event, riding a recent heater up to 192,500.

Joshua Marzioli (175,000), Stuart Wilkinson (170,000), Jason Bullock (167,000) and Jacob Phillips (160,000) round out the top five.

For a full list of player counts on break, check out the Chip Counts tab above.

Flight D Cards in the Air

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100-200 . Entries 17

The fourth flight has begun for the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,500,000 Guarantee $1,000 Title Event at TCH Dallas.

Blinds begin at 100-200 with 40,000 starting stacks. The first nine levels last 30 minutes apiece with breaks after 90 minutes of play with registration and unlimited re-entries through the end of the third break. Registration closes at 9:15 p.m. at the start of Level 10, with blinds bumping up to 40 minutes in length at that time.

One-in-eight players will make it into the money tonight, with play continuing until 8% of the starting field remains. Those who make it to the celebratory bag-n-tag will get to return for Monday’s 2 p.m. Day 2 restart.

This is a best stack forward tournament, meaning we don’t discriminate when accepting additional entries. Feel free to join as many times as you’d like, in as many flights, regardless of how well you do or don’t do. Additional Day 2 bags earn a Day 2 min-cash for each stack removed from play.

Keep it here for all the action throughout all 10 flights in this event.

Satellites Are as Hot as the Weather

We’re only into the third of 10 starting flights for the PokerAtlas Tour $1.5 Million Title Event. The fourth flight is set to begin with outside temperature reading a balmy 99, and field sizes are larger than yesterday’s first two flights.

So are today’s satellites, which provide an opportunity to jump into the $1,000 buy-in Title Event at a discount. Satellites are $150 and award one seat for every eight players.

The 2 p.m. satellite has 20 minutes remaining in late registration, closing at 4:30. It currently has an even 100 entries and will award at least 12 seats to the Title Event. This morning’s 9 a.m. event drew 88 entries and gave away 11 seats.

We’ve got you covered with a third satellite later tonight, starting at 9 p.m. Registration closes at 11:30.

Friday and Saturday will run satellites at 2 p.m. and 9 p.m., too. Giddy up.

Eduardo Cuaderes Triples Up

Level 8 . Ante 1,000 . Blinds 500-1,000 . Entries 80/118

Three players get stacks in on a flop of  King of heartsJack of clubs10 of clubs after Justin Allen calls all-in bets from Eduardo Cuaderes and Rees Scruggs.

Cuaderes shows Jack of hearts10 of hearts as the shortest stack, 29,800. His two pair is behind Scruggs’ top two pair with King of clubsJack of spades, and Allen’s Ace of heartsKing of spades needs an ace or queen for the double knockout.

“I was worried about that,” Cuaderes tells Scruggs. The 3 of hearts turn changes nothing, and Scruggs calls for a five. Unfortunately for him, the 10 of diamonds lands on the river and improves Cuaderes to a full house, tens full of jacks.

“Ten!” remarks Cuaderes while hitting the felt with a fist. “Got it!”

Scruggs takes the side pot, while Allen is left with crumbs that are dusted off moments later. Meanwhile, Event #20 runner-up Cord Garcia takes a seat at the table and will look to find a one-bullet bag as the day continues.

Eduardo Cuaderes – 102,000
Cord Garcia – 30,000
Rees Scruggs – 14,200
Justin Allen – eliminated

Flight C – Peters Eclipses 150K Through Six Levels

Flight C – Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries – 74/108

Flight C is over 100 entries as players return from their second break of the afternoon, and registration remains open until the beginning of Level 10 at 4:15 p.m.

David Peters leads the field with 153,200, tripling his stack over the last 90 minutes of play. Stuart Wilkerson (130,900), Joshua Marzioli (124,000), Jason Bullock (123,600) and Jacob Phillips (122,500) round out the top five.

A full list of players can be found on the Chip Counts tab.

Bag Up and Chill: Travel Guide to the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

Poker Live Updates Founder Dan Ross with Chef Tiffany Derry at Roots Southern Table

Bag up and have a day off in the Dallas/Fort Worth area during the tournament series? Well here are some suggestions for you to enjoy that day off in the surrounding areas of TCH Dallas and Las Colinas. Your first and closest option would be the downtown Dallas area. A good first stop would be the observation deck atop Reunion Tower to get an overview of the city before you explore (there is a restaurant and bar at the top as well).

The Sixth Floor Museum chronicles the infamous assassination of President John F. Kennedy from the room where it happened. It chronicles his presidency, the assassination on that fateful November day, and the myriad conspiracy theories surrounding the event. You can also wander the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza after the museum visit. If you want some other museum options that touch on lighter material then the best stops would be the Dallas Museum of Art, the Nasher Sculpture Center, and Crow Collection.

If fine dining is your thing, then look no further than the restaurant at the Mansion on Turtle Creek, which is famous for its tortilla soup and lobster tacos.

The #FunTour2Point0 crew also highly recommends Roots Southern Table brought to you by chef Tiffany Derry. The duck fat fried chicken, crab fried rice, and the most interesting take on shrimp and grits we’ve ever seen were all fantastic, and the service was second to none as well, be sure to ask for Keanon to serve you. If you want some nightlife options in Dallas after dinner head towards the West End Historic District and Deep Ellum neighborhood.

If you have the time, a drive over to Fort Worth is well worth a day-trip if you want to take in the cowboy culture that made Texas famous. The sister city of Dallas used to be an epicenter of the cattle drives that have been featured in books and television shows like Lonesome Dove and 1883. The Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District still has daily cattle drives that come down the middle of the street.

There are also many museum options in Fort Worth that chronicle the romanticism of the Wild West, including the Kimbell Art Museum, Amon Carter Museum, Cowboy Hall of Fame, and the Will Rogers Memorial Center. When the sun sets on the West in Fort Worth there are many saloons at the ready as well. Two of your first stops should be the historic White Elephant Saloon, and Billy Bob’s, which is rumored to be the largest nightclub in the world.

And if the timing aligns you can catch a Texas Rangers or Dallas Cowboys game over at their massive stadiums in Arlington. Daily tours of both modern coliseums are available as well when the teams are on the road. Enjoy your bag up and chill day off, and we will see you back at the PokerAtlas Tour stop in Dallas when you’re done relaxing maxing and ready for more poker.

5-Handed for PLO High Roller Title

Level 17 . Ante 15k. Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 5.49

Cards are in the air for the final day in the $100,000 Guaranteed $2,500 PLO High Roller, action shifting over to TCH Dallas to play down to a winner.

Here’s a look at the players in seat-position order with chipcounts included.

Seat 2: Ricardo Alvarado – 855,000
Seat 3: Cord Garcia – 640,000
Seat 6: Stephen Brown – 300,000
Seat 8: Dien Le – 805,000
Seat 9: Jiayi Yao – 780,000

Here is the remaining prize pool up for grabs:

1: $36,700
2: $24,500
3: $16,500
4: $12,000
5: $8,500

Johnson Leads Flight C on First Break

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 83

Players in Flight C are back from first break and Rudolph Johnson – as he did a few times yesterday – sits atop the chipcounts.

Johnson (109,300) leads a pack including JB O’Daniel (107,300) Eric Graziano (104,200) Joshua Marzioli (95,700) and Jason Bullock (90,500) making up the top-five stacks in the room.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for full-field counts and all recorded eliminations.

Up to 69 in Flight C

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 69

New arrivals for Flight C of the $1.5 Milly GTD $1k Title Event include Kamoru Yusuf (more on him in a bit), Brian Green, Brant Jolly, Garrett Jones, Alan Cummins, Bradley Coultas, Stuart Wilkinson, Jeffrey Early, Nikola Mircetic, Daniel Saad, Yimi Soto, Mark Toulouse, and Arkaduisz Podsiadlo

Early Arrivals for Flight C

Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 53

Among the first to place a 40,000 betting-unit stack in play for Flight C is Ali Bahrami, Dora Coyle, Gil George, Rudolph Johnson, Gerald Henderson, Joel Woods, Trevor Argue and Herbert Montalbado.

Nice start to the day, with 22 seated when cards started being pitched, up to 53 now and expected to to 100 by end-of-reg at 4:15 pm

49 Through 1

Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 49

The first 30-minute registration-era level is complete and the scoreboard shows 49 entries for the first of 10 flights in the $1.5 Milly GTD $1k PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event.

Levels remain at 30-minute increments until registration closes at 4:15 pm when Level 10 begins and the lengths move to 40-minutes the remainder of the tournament.

Flight D begins today at 4 pm, registration until 9:15 pm

Two More Title Event Flights Today

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 22

The highlight of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas is now – two flights down and two more today in the opening two flights of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

There’s two flights daily – at 11 am and 4 pm through the weekend. That’s right, y’all, opening flights on SUNDAY also, offering 10 total starting flights. Day 2 is on Monday because that’s the Labor Day holiday, and the final table livestream takes place Tuesday.

Players open competition in this Best Stack Forward tournament with 40,000 stacks, playing 30-minute levels while registration is open, 40-minute levels when level 10 begins and registration closes, and moving to hour-levels on Day 2 when Level 19 begins.

Opening flights play until the money bubble pops, paying 1-in-8 entries. Play continues until the final 8 percent of each flight Bag-n-Tag, advancing to Monday’s Day 2 Restart at 2 pm.

Day 2 plays down to the final table, that action begins Tuesday at 4 pm.


You can win your way in to the Title Event through one of MANY TCH Dallas $150 satellites, and here’s the remaining schedule of $150’s.

  • Today – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Friday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Saturday – 2 pm and 9 pm

Burchfield Bags A Flight B Monster Stack

Level 18, 39:29 Left . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 8.97

Kris Burchfield krushes the final levels of Flight B, not only bagging 3x his nearest competitor, but he posts a number that shall be exceptionally difficult to match as the Title Event  moves along.

Are you sitting down, y’all?

Burchfield bags 1,641,000 – simply a Master Blasterful performance.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for all eight Day 2 Qualifiers and their respective stacks.

Bubble Time in B

Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 14.97

Floor staff pause the play clock midway through Level 15 with 14 competitors engaged in chip battle, awaiting one additional removal before 13 cash and the final 8 bag-up for the night.

Welcome, to the bubble.

We’ll return soon with the final Day 1 payouts and the Day 2 qualifiers.

Flight B – Burchfield Doubles Through Xiong

Flight B Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 20.97

After a series of preflop bets, only flight chipleader Ying Xiong and the omnipresent Kris Burchfield go to the flop late in Level 13.

Xiong opens for 15,000 on the dealer fan of 5 of diamonds Queen of clubs 7 of diamonds, Burchfield 3-bets to 40,000 and Xiong comes along.

Turn is 3 of spades, Burchfield announces all-in for 98,000 and Xiong calls, then verbally grimaces.

  • Burchfield shows Ace of diamonds Queen of diamonds for TopTop and the nut flush draw
  • Xiong shows Mom and Dad, aka King of clubs Queen of hearts, drawing to 3 outs.

The river 2 of clubs is not one of Xiong’s outs and Burchfield doubles.

  • Kris Burchfield – 325,000

Flight B – Xiong Leads After 12 Levels

Flight B Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 23.97

Three’s likely only one more 15-minute break coming before Flight B closes for the night at 8 players moving on.

Just back from break, we see Ying Xiong as flight leader with a 472,500 stack, followed by Terry Morales (412,500), Jason Fitzpatrick (406,500), Jacob Allen (303,000) and Amir Alpert (266,000) as the top-five stacks in the room.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for full-field counts.

Flight A – Mountain Bags Top Stack

Joshua Mountain

Flight A – Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 8.99

Play in the inaugural flight of the inaugural PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series Title Event comes to a close with eight players moving on to Monday’s Day 2 Restart at 2 pm.

Joshua Mountain owned this flight, leading from 2nd break on to its conclusion, bagging  a monster 1,173,000 stack.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab to see all eight players and their official Day 2 Bags.

Flight B – 13 Cash, 8 Bag

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 50.97

Registration is closed in Flight A of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event, and the scoreboard shows 97 entries.

The players contribute $86,330 to the prize pool.

Play continues tonight until the final eight players Bag-a-Stack, both making the money and also advancing to Monday’s 2 pm Day 2 restart.

Players finishing tonight in 9-13th place all earn a Day 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Day 2. Players finishing in 9-10th cash for $1,500, while 11-3th cash for $1,400.

All players – whether in possession of a Day2Bag, a Day 1 Cash or eliminated before the money – are eligible to play all 10 Title Event flights, for the PokerAtlas Tour is a Best Stack Forward tour. Bag more than one stack and the BigStack goes in play Monday, while the smaller bag(s) cash out as a Day 2 mincash.

Allen Leads on Reg Break

Flight B – Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries – 97

Flight B is at 97 entries as registration closes and cards go back in the air. This flight’s players are back from break, so let’s take pause and observe the full-filed chip counts under the Chip Counts tab above.

Jacob Allen (285,000) is the leader, with Aakash Karki (252,000) Paul Saranec (168,000) Amir Alpert (159,000) and Jack Peterson (155,500) making up the top five in the room.


Flight A – Money Bubble

Flight A Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 14.99

Kerry Burger pauses the play clock with 27:23 remaining in Level 16 with 14 players left in Flight A, peeling tow minutes per hand from the clock until one finds a Jackrabbit Hazy IPA Railbird and 13 make the money.

Welcome, to the bubble.

13 cash tonight, 8 Bag-a-Stack.

Two More Flights Tomorrow, and the Next Day, and …

There’s 10 total starting flights in our $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event taking place at TCH Dallas.

There’s 11 am and 4 pm through the weekend. That’s right, y’all, opening flights on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and SUNDAY also. Day 2 is on Monday because that’s the Labor Day holiday, and the final table livestream takes place Tuesday.

Players open competition in this Best Stack Forward tournament with 40,000 stacks, playing 30-minute levels while registration is open, 40-minute levels when level 10 begins and registration closes, and moving to hour-levels on Day 2 when Level 19 begins. How’s THAT for a BIG $1k structure.

Opening flights play until the money bubble pops, paying 1-in-8 entries. Play continues until the final 8 percent of each flight Bag-n-Tag, advancing to Monday’s Day 2 Restart at 2 pm.

Day 2 plays down to the final table, that action begins Tuesday at 6 pm.


You can win your way in to the Title Event through one of MANY TCH Dallas $150 satellites, and here’s the remaining schedule of $150’s.

  • Tonight – 9 pm
  • Thursday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Friday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Saturday – 2 pm and 9 pm

Flight B – Galvan Leads on Break

Flight B – Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries – 78

Flight B is up to 78 entries – that’s 177 total for 2 flights with registration open for another 90 minutes. This flight’s players are back from break, so let’s take pause and observe the full-filed chip counts under the Chip Counts tab above.

Ruben Galvan (171,000) is the leader, with Aakash Karki (165,500) Keyavash Hemyari (120,000) Terry Morales (111,500) and Gary Sixkiller (103,300) making up the top five in the room.

Alexander Finds the Chop Call

Flight A Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 19,.99

One hand after betting big preflop from the bb to snag an uncontested pot, Jafar Kamarei opens preflop from the sb for a 500-chip shy of 4x and DJ Alexander pauses for a bit before calling from the bb.

Both players check the King of diamonds 2 of spades 2 of hearts flop, Kamarei goes 10,000 on the 5 of hearts turn with Alexander check-calling.

River is 9 of diamonds and Kamarei makes it 18,000 to go.

Alexander pauses, contemplates, and calls.

  • Kamarei shows Ace of diamonds 7 of hearts for Ace-high
  • Alexander chuckles as he shows Ace of clubs 4 of clubs for the chop and the players rake back their own bets to add to their stacks of 177,000 for Alexander, 108.000 for Kamarei.

Faces in the Crowd

Flight A . Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 20.99

Flight B . Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 71

When you are named after the tournament – or when the tournament is named after you – well, you get your photo in the blog, that’s how we do the PokerAtlas Tour Title Event with Sherri Title here.

Please refer to the Photos tab all event long for additional images of Faces in the Crowd.

Flight B – Allen Pushes Others Away

Flight B – Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 69

Jacob Allen opens by limping UTG, Kyle Birdwell raises to 1,300, Thang Hoang calls from the bb and Allen completes the action.

An action flop of Queen of clubs King of diamonds Ace of diamonds sees Birdwell open the betting for 2,000, a check-call from Hoang, then Allen raises to 6,000. Birdwell senses a trap and departs, Hoang opts to see another card.

The likely-unconnected 8 of hearts falls, Hoang checks again, Allen bets 50 percent of all his chips – 16,000 – and Hoang mucks.

Flight A – Mountain Maintains Lead

Flight A – Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 26.99

Half of the remaining field earns a cash today in the opening Title event flight. Among those 26 participants, Joshua Mountain has a substantial lead, sitting with a 405,500 betting-unit stack.

Attempting to close the gap on Mountain is Joshua Adcock, Rudolph Johnson, Sean Lee and Sai Venigalla who make up the top0-five in the event.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for full-field chip counts and eliminations.


Flight B – Mattingly Takes from Rau

Flight B – Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 56

Christopher Rau opens for 1,100 and his only caller is James Mattingly from the bb.

Rau makes it 2,000 on the Queen of hearts 7 of diamonds Ace of clubs flop, Mattingly check-calls.

Both players check the 3 of hearts turn, Mattingly assumes the aggression and puts out a stack of all but his six 5k chips. The stack, wehen you look at it closely, is only 1,700, but it looks impressive, i mpresive enough for Rau to snap-fold.

Flight A – Down to 27

Flight A – Level 12 . Ante 2500 . Blinds 1500.2500 . Entries 27.99

Down to 27 players – with 13 cashing and 8 bagging – in Flight A of the $1.5 Milly GTD $1k Title Event. Let’s take a look at the new table layouts as the final three tables are in action.

Table 12

  1. Joshua Mountain
  2. Joe Napolitano
  3. Sai Venigalla
  4. Michael Crow
  5. Jose Terrones
  6. Reggy West
  7. Badr Imejjane
  8. Ahmed Nimer
  9. Michael Velasquez

Table 13

  1. Wes Tucker
  2. Alan Cummins
  3. Peter Lockwood
  4. Suju Abraham
  5. Jafar Kamarei
  6. Christopher Pearson
  7. DJ Alexander
  8. Aaron Hohenstein
  9. Jason Bullock

Table 14

  1. William Smith
  2. Rudolph Johnson
  3. Rodney Anderson
  4. Sean Lee
  5. Joshua Adcock
  6. Chris Laieta
  7. Kendall Copp
  8. Daniel Marx
  9. Bijan Rashidi

Flight B – Morales Leads on Break

Flight B Level 4. Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 52

Coming back from first freak in tonight’s Title Event Flight B and we see two players – Terry Morales and Chase Edgar – cracking the 100k chip ceiling after just three levels of action.

Morales (104,500) and Edgar (100,300) lead a field including Mark Toulouse (73,000) Gary Sixkiller (72,500) and Kiran Suresh (62,700) making up the top five stacks in the room.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for full-field counts and all eliminations.

Flight A – Tournament Day 1 Mincashes Established

Flight A Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 44.99

PokerAtlas Tour TD Justin Hammer has established the baseline payouts of $1,400 and $1,550 for each Day 1 Flight in the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Dallas Title Event.

For today’s Flight A, than means 9-10th place cash for $1,500, while 11-13th earn $1,400.

Day 1 tournament cash earners complete their performance with a payout and are eligible to enter as many of the remaining flights as they want, for TCH Dallas and the PokerAtlas Tour are Best Stack Forward entities.

Flight B – Early Arrivals

Flight B Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 31

We are early in Level 2 for Flight B, come along with me on a leisurely saunter among the TCH Dallas tournament tables and let’s see who has a live stack in action for the Title Event.

Among those I spy with my little iPad Jordan Richard, Jack Peterson, Christopher Meza, Travis Bone, Grayson Norwood, Gary Sixkiller, Kasey Mills, Paul Sarnec and Keyavash Hemyari

13 Cash, 8 Bag in Flight A

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 51.99

Registration is closed in Flight A of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event, and the scoreboard shows 99 entries.

The players contribute $88,110 to the prize pool.

Play continues tonight until the final eight players Bag-a-Stack, both making the money and also advancing to Monday’s 2 pm Day 2 restart.

Players finishing tonight in 9-13th place all earn a Day 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Day 2.

All players – whether in possession of a Day2Bag, a Day 1 Cash or eliminated before the money – are eligible to play all 10 Title Event flights, for the PokerAtlas Tour is a Best Stack Forward tour. Bag more than one stack and the BigStack goes in play Monday, while the smaller bag(s) cash out as a Day 2 mincash.

Mountain Tops Chipcounts

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 99

Cards are about to go back in the air and registration ends when Level 10 begins in Flight A. We take a look at chipcounts on break and see Joshua Mountain atop Chipcount Mountain with a 294,000 stack.

In pursuit of Mountain are hikers Rudolph Johnson (193,500), Ahmed Nimer (173,000), Thi Nguyen (149,500), and Song Yi (133,500) making up the top five stacks in the room.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for full-field counts and all recorded eliminations.

Starting Flight B

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 13

Cards are in the air for the second of 10 flights in Event 19 of 21 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,500,000 Guarantee $1,000 Title Event at TCH Dallas.

Players begin competition with 40,000 stacks and play 30-minute levels while registration and the unlimited-entry period is open. Levels move to 40-minute increments when Level 10 begins and registration closes at 9:15 pm.

Play continues tonight until the money bubble pops with 1-in-8 entries remaining, then keeps going until down to the final 8 percent of the starting field. Everyone with a live stack when play ends all advance – in the money – to Monday’s 2 pm Labor Day restart.

This is a Best Stack Forward event, so all players can enter all flights, cash in all flights and Bag-a-Stack in all flights. Lesser stacks are removed from play on Labor Day and receive a Day 2 mincash, the BigStack continues in action.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 10 flights in this event.

Last Fight A Registration Level

Level 9 . Ante 1200 . Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 94

This is the final 30-minute level in Flight A of the $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series Title Event.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period closes when this level and a 15-minute break comes to a close, levels moving to 40-minute increments at 4:15 pm when Level 10 begins, remaining at 40’s the rest of the event.

Flight B starts at 4 pm, its 30-minute registration levels available until 9:15 pm.

Rinse, repeat Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the eight remaining opening flights in the tournament. Day 2 is on Monday – labor Day – and the final table livestreams Tuesday at  6 pm.

Mircetic Doubles Through Johnson

Level 8 . Ante 1k . Blinds 500.1k . Entries 90

Following a series of preflop raises, Nikola Mircetic moves in for his last 24,500 and Rodney Johnson calls to out Mircetic at risk.

  • Queens for Mircetic
  • Ace of diamonds Jack of clubs for Johnson

The dealer fans a 7 of spades Queen of diamonds 8 of hearts flop, a set for Mircetic, Johnson holding on to a backdoor Broadway draw. Turn 2 of clubs and Mircetic doubles.

  • Nikola Mircetic – 51,500
  • Rodney Johnson – 92,500

Bag Up and Chill: Travel Guide to the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

Poker Live Updates Founder Dan Ross with Chef Tiffany Derry at Roots Southern Table

Bag up and have a day off in the Dallas/Fort Worth area during the tournament series? Well here are some suggestions for you to enjoy that day off in the surrounding areas of TCH Dallas and Las Colinas. Your first and closest option would be the downtown Dallas area. A good first stop would be the observation deck atop Reunion Tower to get an overview of the city before you explore (there is a restaurant and bar at the top as well).

The Sixth Floor Museum chronicles the infamous assassination of President John F. Kennedy from the room where it happened. It chronicles his presidency, the assassination on that fateful November day, and the myriad conspiracy theories surrounding the event. You can also wander the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza after the museum visit. If you want some other museum options that touch on lighter material then the best stops would be the Dallas Museum of Art, the Nasher Sculpture Center, and Crow Collection.

If fine dining is your thing, then look no further than the restaurant at the Mansion on Turtle Creek, which is famous for its tortilla soup and lobster tacos.

The #FunTour2Point0 crew also highly recommends Roots Southern Table brought to you by chef Tiffany Derry. The duck fat fried chicken, crab fried rice, and the most interesting take on shrimp and grits we’ve ever seen were all fantastic, and the service was second to none as well, be sure to ask for Keanon to serve you. If you want some nightlife options in Dallas after dinner head towards the West End Historic District and Deep Ellum neighborhood.

If you have the time, a drive over to Fort Worth is well worth a day-trip if you want to take in the cowboy culture that made Texas famous. The sister city of Dallas used to be an epicenter of the cattle drives that have been featured in books and television shows like Lonesome Dove and 1883. The Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District still has daily cattle drives that come down the middle of the street.

There are also many museum options in Fort Worth that chronicle the romanticism of the Wild West, including the Kimbell Art Museum, Amon Carter Museum, Cowboy Hall of Fame, and the Will Rogers Memorial Center. When the sun sets on the West in Fort Worth there are many saloons at the ready as well. Two of your first stops should be the historic White Elephant Saloon, and Billy Bob’s, which is rumored to be the largest nightclub in the world.

And if the timing aligns you can catch a Texas Rangers or Dallas Cowboys game over at their massive stadiums in Arlington. Daily tours of both modern coliseums are available as well when the teams are on the road. Enjoy your bag up and chill day off, and we will see you back at the PokerAtlas Tour stop in Dallas when you’re done relaxing maxing and ready for more poker.

Pearson Moves to Top of Chip Counts

Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 86

Chris Pearson moves to the top of Chipcount Mountain as Flight A players take their second scheduled 15-minute break of the day in the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

Pearson is at 190,200 after six 30-minute registration-era levels, followed up the mountain by Thi Nguyen (143,500), Rahul Smith (139,900), Trevor Argue (137,000) and Ahmed Nimer (120,600) making up the room’s Top-Five stacks.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for full-field chipcounts and all recorded bustouts, courtesy of the TCH Dallas dealers and the innovative, industry-leading PokerAtlas Table Captain system.


Friendly Folk at Table 14

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 85

One hand after a limped-pot was taken down with little action over at Table 14, the friendly folk get back in play with Ahmed Nimer limping, James Oestreich completing and Ruben Galvan checking his option.

The dealer fans Queen of diamonds 7 of clubs 4 of hearts , Nimer bets 1,000, Oestreich check-calls and Galvan check-folds.

Turn is 9 of spades, Nimer makes it 2,000 and Oestreich check-folds. Like we said, it is a friendly lot over there.

Nothing to See Here, Folks

Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300,.500.  Entries 75

Chris Laieta opens for 1,500, Keoni Akao comes along from the button and bb Randal Tekavec also calls.

The all-Diamonds flop goes 2 of diamonds Jack of diamonds King of diamonds, a bet of 2,100 from Laieta, a call from Akao and a check-fold from Tekavac.

The remaining two players check down the 9 of hearts 6 of clubs runout and Laieta shows Ace of diamonds Jack of spades for middle pair, top kicker and a flush draw that never materialized.

Akao shows Ace of hearts Jack of clubs for middle pair, top kicker as well.

Chop it up, nothing to see here, folks, you are free to move about the cabin, your mileage may vary.

Love’s Scary Minclicks

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200,.400.  Entries 67

Marquis McCain opens for 1,200, his next-door neighbor Reggy West snap-calls from the button, then Tony Love minraises to 2,500 from the SB. Action goes back around to McCain, who clicks back to 7,500, West departs and Love joins.

The dealer fans 7 of diamonds 5 of diamonds Jack of hearts, McCain goes 7,500 and Love check-minclicks to 15,000. McCain picks up his remaining stack consisting of five white 5k chips, shuffles them in his hand and releases his cards.

Tony Love – 62,000



NLH High Roller Stream Plays Tonight

The final day of the $100,000 Guaranteed $2,500 NLH High Roller begins at 2 pm when the final six players return to the TCH LiVE stream stage over at TCH Dallas.

Action is being recorded to play back on 30-minute delay on the YouTube channel starting tonight at 8 pm. You can catch the action right here in the blog on the NLH High Roller page see who takes home the top prize and PokerAtlas Tour trophy.

Here is a look at the official chip counts at the end of Day 1 in the High Roller event.

Seat 1: Paul Lentschke – 1,310,000
Seat 2: Jonathan Bennett – 1,020,000
Seat 5: Bradley Coultas – 220,000
Seat 6: Milton Smith – 715,000
Seat 7: Jonathan Steitz – 595,000
Seat 9: Tony Nguyen – 880,000

Remaining Payouts:

  1. $56,200
  2. $37,000
  3. $24,500
  4. $17,000
  5. $12,500
  6. $9,500

Johnson Speeds to Early Lead

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200,.400.  Entries 67

Players are back from first break and as we take our first look at full-field chipcounts we see Rudolph Johnson with a very fast start to his chip-building.

Johnson (158,100) leads a field including Thi Nguyen (101,300), TCH Houston’s Wes Tucker (88,400), Suju Abraham (82,200), and Rahul Smith (77,400) making up the top five stacks.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for all chip counts and all recorded tournament eliminations. This updates after every break.

Take Your First Break, Y’all

Level First Break . Entries 65

There’s 15-minute breaks throughout opening-day play for each of the 10 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event flights, the first of those underway right now.

We’ll return with updated chipcounts for every player in the tournament, it is what we do for every player, every break, every tournament, every PokerAtlas Tour series – we are the ONLY tour to provide this depth of content to the poker community.

New(ish) Arrivals

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 60

Among the most recent to join the Flight A action is Chris Laeita, Kyle Birdwell, Nikola Mircetic, Ruben Galvan, Trevor Argue and Ahmed Nimer.

Flight B starts today at 4 pm.

There’s two flights per day – 11 am and 4 pm starts – through Sunday, with Day 2 on Labord Day and the final table Tuesday afternoon.

42 Through 1

Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 42

The first 30-minute registration-era level is complete and the scoreboard shows 42 entries for the first of 10 flights in the $1.5 Milly GTD $1k PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Title Event.

Levels remain at 30-minute increments until registration closes at 4:15 pm when Level 10 begins and the lengths move to 40-minutes the remainder of the tournament.

Welcome to the Title Event

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 22

The highlight of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas beings now with the opening two flights of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

There’s two flights daily – at 11 am and 4 pm through the weekend. That’s right, y’all, opening flights on SUNDAY also, offering 10 total starting flights. Day 2 is on Monday because that’s the Labor Day holiday, and the final table livestream takes place Tuesday.

Players open competition in this Best Stack Forward tournament with 40,000 stacks, playing 30-minute levels while registration is open, 40-minute levels when level 10 begins and registration closes, and moving to hour-levels on Day 2 when Level 19 begins.

Opening flights play until the money bubble pops, paying 1-in-8 entries. Play continues until the final 8 percent of each flight Bag-n-Tag, advancing to Monday’s Day 2 Restart at 2 pm.

Day 2 plays down to the final table, that action begins Tuesday at 6 pm.


You can win your way in to the Title Event through one of MANY TCH Dallas $150 satellites, and here’s the remaining schedule of $150’s.

  • Today – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Tomorrow – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Friday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Saturday – 2 pm and 9 pm

$1.5 Million GTD Title Event Begins Wednesday

The highlight of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas beings Wednesday with the opening two flights of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

There’s two flights daily – at 11 am and 4 pm through the weekend. That’s right, y’all, opening flights on SUNDAY also, offering 10 total starting flights. Day 2 is on Monday because that’s the Labor Day holiday, and the final table livestream takes place Tuesday.

Players open competition in this Best Stack Forward tournament with 40,000 stacks, playing 30-minute levels while registration is open, 40-minute levels when level 10 begins and registration closes, and moving to hour-levels on Day 2 when Level 19 begins.

Opening flights play until the money bubble pops, paying 1-in-8 entries. Play continues until the final 8 percent of each flight Bag-n-Tag, advancing to Monday’s Day 2 Restart at 2 pm.

Day 2 plays down to the final table, that action begins Tuesday at 6 pm.


You can win your way in to the Title Event through one of MANY TCH Dallas $150 satellites, and here’s the remaining schedule of $150’s.

  • 20 seats guaranteed today at 7 pm, we already had 20-seaters at 11 am and 3pm
  • Wednesday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Thursday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Friday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Saturday – 2 pm and 9 pm

Day 3 Title Event FInal Table Chip Counts

Day 2 Title Event Level 28 Counts

Flight J Title Event Final Chip Counts

Flight I Title Event Final Chip Counts

Flight H Title Event Final Chip Counts

Flight G Title Event Final Chip Counts

Flight F Title Event Final Chip Counts

Flight E Title Event Final Chip Counts

Flight D Title Event Final Chip Counts

Flight C Title Event Final Chip Counts

Flight B Title Event Final Chip Counts

Flight A Title Event Final Chip Counts

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