Sai Krishna Venigalla Gets An Early Double

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 147.1879

Multiple bets go into the middle preflop, resulting in Sai Krishna Venigalla all in for 251,000 against Paul Saranec, two to his left.

Venigalla: Ace of diamondsAce of hearts
Saranec: Queen of diamondsQueen of hearts

Venigalla asks to hold and Ace of clubsJack of hearts3 of spades results in a happy chuckle from his flopped top set. The 6 of hearts removes any backdoor possibilities for Saranec, leaving him drawing dead before the 6 of diamonds completes the runout.

Sai Krishna Venigalla – 517,000
Paul Saranec – 95,000