Flight D – Ryane Nhan Gets a Gift on the River

Level 14 . Ante 4,000 . Blinds 2,000-4,000 . Entries 18/105

The board reads King of spadesQueen of spadesJack of spades8 of clubs with three players holding cards. Eden Michaeli bets 25,000 in the big blind and Wilbern Hoffman shoves for 139,500 under the gun. Ryane Nhan calls for the majority of his stack and sends Michaeli into the tank for a while before folding.

Hoffman: King of diamondsJack of clubs
Nhan: Ace of spadesAce of diamonds

Nhan sees his aces are behind, with Hoffman needing to fade an ace, ten or spade to stay alive. The dealer does not comply, bringing the 5 of spades to finish the runout and give Nhan the nut flush. He slams the felt in celebration, while Hoffman exclaims in the opposite manner before making his way from the tournament area.

Eden Michaeli -543,000
Ryane Nhan – 470,000
Wilbern Hoffman – Eliminated