Quads for Baisyat

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 181

While Level 4 is moving along right now, we harken back to near the end of Level 3 where today’s ActionTable – Table 14 – keeps putting wild hands onto the felt.

There’s an open to 770 UTG, the cutoff calls, then Anwesh Baisyat repops to 4,700, UTG jams for 35,500 and Baisyat calls.

  • Ace of hearts King of hearts for the challenger
  • Queen of spades Queen of hearts for Baisyat

A set for Baisyat on the Queen of clubs 4 of clubs 2 of hearts flop, and while the challenger hits the King of spades turn, Baisyat follows up with quads on the Queen of hearts river for the KO and an 81,100 stack at that moment.

This recap brought to you by felt-side reporter Anwesh Baisyat.

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