Pedro Fernandez Doubles Thru Dwayne Evans

Level 18 . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 138.1879

Pedro Fernandez open-jams for 89,000 under the gun and Dwayne Evans puts in an isolation-raise to 200,000 in the cutoff, resulting in three folds behind.

Fernandez: Ace of clubsJack of clubs
Evans: Ace of hearts10 of spades

The board runs out Queen of clubsJack of hearts4 of diamonds5 of spades2 of spades — Fernandez makes a pair of jacks on the flop but it results in Evans’ three outs being traded for four new ones to Broadway. None come, and Fernandez ships the RayHensonFullDouble.

Pedro Fernandez – 203,000
Dwayne Evans – 690,000