Last Fight A Registration Level

Level 9 . Ante 1200 . Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 94

This is the final 30-minute level in Flight A of the $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series Title Event.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period closes when this level and a 15-minute break comes to a close, levels moving to 40-minute increments at 4:15 pm when Level 10 begins, remaining at 40’s the rest of the event.

Flight B starts at 4 pm, its 30-minute registration levels available until 9:15 pm.

Rinse, repeat Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for the eight remaining opening flights in the tournament. Day 2 is on Monday – labor Day – and the final table livestreams Tuesday at  6 pm.