“Just Relax, It’s Never Easy!”

Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 15/103

Jordan Richard opens to 13,000 in the hijack and Martin Vostry three-bets to 41,500 in the big blind. Richard announces he’s all in and Vostry thinks for a bit before calling to put his remaining 140,000 at risk.

Vostry: Ace of spadesQueen of clubs
Richard: Ace of clubsKing of spades

“Come on!” says Richard upon seeing Vostry’s holdings. The flop comes Queen of spades9 of clubs7 of spades and puts Vostry out in front, causing Richard to let out an expletive before asking why to nobody in particular. The emotional swing continues as running 10 of heartsJack of clubs roll onto the felt to give Richard Broadway and earn him the pot and KO.

“Just relax!” says tablemate Andres Rodriguez to Richard with a laugh. “It’s never easy!”

With Vostry’s bust out, we’re one off the bubble and two away from making it into the money. Buckle up, baby!

Jordan Richard – 325,000
Martin Vostry – Eliminated