Jack Saves Taylor From Drowning

Level 22 . Ante 30k . Blinds 15k.30k . Entries

Marcus Taylor and Eric Chang build a 150,000 preflop pot, and that grows exponentially when both stacks get in the middle on the 8 of diamonds 3 of diamonds 7 of clubs flop, Chang has Taylor covered and an extra 1.5 milly behind.

  • Taylor has Queen of hearts Queen of diamonds for an overpair
  • CHang leads with 7 of hearts 8 of hearts for two pair

Chang maintains through the Jack of hearts turn, but the board goes runner-runner Jacks, Jack of diamonds appears and saves Taylor’s Title Event experience.

  • Marcus Taylor – 1,170,000 (39 bb)
  • Eric Chang – 1,500,000 (50 bb)