Flight C – It’s Never Easy

Level 11 . Ante 2,000 . Blinds 1,500-2,000 . Entries 42/130

There’s a raise to 4,000 UTG+1 and Jose Montes calls in the cutoff. The player on the button three-bet jams for 51,000 and action quickly folds back to Montes, who asks for a count. He wastes no time calling upon hearing the total, and the two are off to the races.

All-In Player: Ace of diamondsKing of hearts
Montes: 8 of clubs8 of spades

The runout comes Jack of hearts10 of clubs6 of hearts7 of hearts2 of spades — Montes finds himself picking up queens to sweat after the flop. Hearts join him after the turn, but the deuce of spades comes safely to earn him the knockout.

Jose Montes – 205,000