Flight J – “What the…”

Flight J . Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 66.312

Brian Turck goes all in for his last 10,500 in the hijack and Chan Pelton announces he’s all in over the top from the button. Bradford Hartzell wakes up with a calling hand in the big blind.

Turck: Ace of clubs9 of spades
Pelton: King of hearts9 of clubs
Hartzell: Queen of heartsQueen of clubs

“I’ll be honest with you,” says Pelton to Turck. “I hope you win the main pot, and I win the outside.”

Hartzell nervously sweats the runout and sees a safe flop of 8 of hearts8 of spades5 of diamonds hit the felt. It all turns downhill from there, with running Ace of spadesKing of clubs improving both players beyond his two queens.

“I knew it,” says Hartzell. Pelton’s side-pot stack is counted out to 200.5k and Hartzell finds himself with 12.5k back after paying it off. Pelton goes up to 401k and Turck to 37.5k.

“I told you,” Pelton repeats to Turck. “I hope you win the main, and I win the outside. I’m not trying to be greedy. I’ve been greedy my whole life.”

“What the…?” says tablemate Truc Nguyen to his neighbor with a laugh.

Bless your heart, Chan Pelton.