Flight J – What Goes Up

Flight J . Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 59.312

Jonathan Bennett opens to 10,000 in the hijack from the nine-seat, putting action on Chan Pelton on the other side of the dealer. Pelton stands up to get a better look at Bennett’s stack and announces he’s all in for a little under 300k.

Bennett calls when action gets back to him and shows Ace of heartsQueen of spades, flipping against Pelton’s 8 of diamonds8 of spades.

The flop brings action, falling Jack of hearts8 of hearts3 of hearts to give Pelton a set of eights and Bennett the nut flush draw.

“Oh Mylanta!” says Pelton. The turn is the 9 of hearts, putting Bennett in front with the nut flush and leaving him in need of fading the board pairing on the river to stay alive. The river Queen of clubs falls in his favor to score the double.

Bennett’s stack is counted to be 172,500, and the double brings him up to 357k. Pelton is at 114k after being at 400k not long ago. Gravity.