Flight J – Two Doubles Before Break

Flight J . Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 56.312

On the last hand before the end of the level and a 15-minute break, Hoan Nguyen opens to 12,000 UTG+1 and Alem Girma calls in the hijack. David Respaldiza three-bet shoves for 49,000 on the button and Nguyen four-bets to 112,000.

“Oh, you raised!” realizes Girma. “You’re putting me all in!”

“Is that a call?” asks the dealer, briefly misunderstanding what Girma has said. He responds that it isn’t and folds the 8 of clubs7 of clubs, saying it was a hand to crack aces with.

Neither have aces, though. Respaldiza shows Queen of hearts4 of hearts and has three outs against Nguyen’s 5 of clubs5 of hearts.

“I had two overs, too,” adds Girma. The runout comes Queen of clubsJack of spades3 of clubs7 of spades4 of clubs and Respaldiza wins with queens up to double to 112.5k, while Hoan drops to 293.5k.

Meanwhile, Chan Pelton cracks pocket queens with queen-seven on another table and yells to an empty room on break about it being how you enjoy life and that he doesn’t give a you-know-what. Like I said – what goes up must come down. It just doesn’t mean it must stay down.