Flight J – Susan Couron Doubles Up With the Nuts

Flight J Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 157.188

The board reads Queen of spades10 of hearts3 of diamonds with 4,500 in the middle and three-handed action. Samuel Brown checks in the small blind and Susan Couron bets 2,000. The player on the button calls and Brown check-raises to 7,300. Only Couron calls.

Action goes heads up to the 9 of clubs turn and Brown checks. Couron throws out a bet, Brown immediately check-shoves, and Couron calls just as quickly.

Immediately after calling, Couron shows King of heartsJack of clubs for the turned nuts, causing Brown to shrink in his seat before tabling Queen of diamonds10 of spades for his top pair with a straight draw to chop. The river bricks and Couron scores the double.

Susan Couron – 73,300
Samuel Brown – 31,500