Flight J – Sang Le Still Atop Through 15 Levels

Flight J . Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 56.312

Players return from break to the beginning of Level 16 with 56 players remaining, 17 away from the money. Sang Le remains atop the counts with 583,000, just ahead of David Diaz’s 567,000.

Two others have above half a milly — Samir Bhatia (521,000) and Andrey Semikin (506,000). Mazen Abdallah (466,000) is in fifth.

Fifteen levels down, how many more to go? We’re looking at another long day of coverage tomorrow as 150 players will return to play down to a final table of nine, and we’ll need to resemble something human throughout the day. As such, blog coverage from the final Day 1 flights will conclude after 15 hours, and we’ll be back tomorrow from start to finish.

Check back in the morning for results from Flight J, including in-the-money finishers and final chip counts for all who bagged.

We’ll also post the seat draw in the early a.m. Thanks for following. We’ll see you tomorrow before cards go in the air at 2 p.m.