Flight J – Maury Solano Gets An Early KO

Flight J Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 110

There’s a pile of chips in the middle on a completed board of 10 of clubs5 of spades3 of diamonds7 of spadesJack of spades and Shani Roozbeh is all in for 15,000 from the cutoff.

Maury Solano is in the hijack and immediately drops in calling chips, showing the nuts with Ace of spades6 of spades. Roobzeh’s 7 of diamonds5 of clubs is tabled, a no-good two pair, and he is one of the first few to find the rail in the final flight of the $1,500,000 Guarantee $1,000 Title Event at TCH Dallas.

Registration will remain open until 9:15 p.m. tonight with unlimited re-entries.