Flight J – Emmanuel Ignacio With Piles

Flight J Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 161.215

The board reads Queen of spades7 of diamonds5 of clubs8 of hearts with around 20,000 already in the middle of a three-way pot. Emmanuel Ignacio checks in the small blind and Dat Nguyen bets 10,000 UTG+1. The cutoff calls and Ignacio check-raises for the minimum value of 20,000.

Nguyen thinks for a bit and shoves for 34,500, resulting in a tank-fold from the cutoff and a snap-call from Ignacio.

Nguyen shows Ace of clubsQueen of clubs for top pair, top kicker, and he’s drawing dead as Ignacio tables 9 of diamonds6 of diamonds for the nuts. The river 10 of hearts finishes the runout — Ignacio no longer has the nuts, but his ten-high straight is still good to boost him to 235,000 and send Nguyen to the rail.