Flight J – Dwayne Evans Holds for the Knockout

Flight J . Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 78.312

A player open-jams for 30,000 in the hijack and Dwayne Evans makes the call after looking down at his cards in the big blind.

Evans has Ace of clubs8 of spades and his ahead of his opponent’s King of diamondsQueen of clubs.

“I got $100 on king-queen, any takers?” says tablemate Chan Pelton, who moments earlier open-jammed just shy of a quarter-million from early position and tabled the eight-three offsuit. There are no takers, and Evans holds through the Ace of hearts10 of hearts9 of hearts4 of clubs7 of clubs runout to win the pot with a pair of aces.

Dwayne Evans – 170,000