Flight J – Cowboys Good To Salvador Cervantes

Flight J Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 161.242

All of the chips go into the middle preflop in a three-way pot with the big blind having a shot at tripling his stack up to about 35,000. Salvador Cervantes is also all in for 21k more on top from the small blind, and James Beers has both covered from the lojack.

Big Blind: Queen of clubs7 of clubs
Cervantes: King of clubsKing of hearts
Beers: Jack of diamondsJack of clubs

The board runs out Queen of diamonds10 of clubs3 of spadesKing of spades4 of hearts — the big blind flops top pair, still behind Cervantes’ two kings which find a third on the turn. However, Beers picks up an open ender as a result, giving Cervantes a sweat to the clean river for the scoop.

Salvador Cervantes – 80,000
James Beers – 38,500