Flight J – Barry Greenstein Gives Miki Murzi the Double

Flight J Level 8 . Ante 1000 . Blinds 500.1000 . Entries 160.272

Action folds to Richard Gebhart in the cutoff and he limps, prompting an all-in raise from Miki Murzi on the button. Gebhart calls once it’s his turn to do so, and the two are off to the races.

Murzi: Ace of spades10 of hearts
Gebhart: 7 of clubs7 of spades

The Jack of hearts8 of clubs5 of clubs flop does no favors for Murzi, but the Queen of spades brings his total outs up to 10. The Ace of diamonds completes the board, giving Murzi a pair of aces and earning him the double.

Richard Gebhart – 50,500
Miki Murzi – 40,100