Flight I – Michael Orozco Takes a Stack

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 248.290

The board reads 10 of spades6 of clubs3 of hearts with 4,000 in the middle in a three-way pot. The small blind has 10,000 in front of him and action is back on him, facing two all ins from the under-the-gun Michael Orozco and the UTG+1 Marcus Taylor. Orozco barely has Taylor covered with 33,600.

Some time passes, and another player calls a clock. TD Kerry 🍔 comes over and starts the timer, which lasts for less than 15 seconds before a fold takes place.

“I have a set,” announces Orozco as he shows 6 of spades6 of hearts. Taylor confirms it’s good, drawing dead with his bottom two pair 6 of diamonds3 of diamonds, and the river 9 of diamonds makes the hand official.

Michael Orozco – 84,000