Flight I – “Had To Stand Up for It”

Level 15. Ante 5k . Blinds 3k.5k . Entries 57.410

Jiancheng Han opens to 15,000 UTG+1 and action folds around to William Linden in the big blind, who three-bet jams for 86,000. Han calls.

Linden: 8 of spades8 of hearts
Han: Ace of clubsQueen of diamonds

Linden needs his eights to hold to stay alive and acknowledges the bad news as the flop comes Ace of diamonds9 of clubs7 of spades. He stands up to see the 10 of hearts turn give him eight open-ended outs, but he needs none of them as he hits a set on the 8 of diamonds river to re-improve to the best hand and get the RayHensonFullDouble.

“There we go,” says Linden with a chuckle. “Had to stand up for it.”

With the double, Linden has 181k while Han drops to 340k.