Flight I – Donald Sawyer Misses, Still Takes Down Pot

Level 2 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 190

Action goes heads up to a flop of 9 of spades4 of clubs3 of diamonds with 7,100 in the middle from preflop betting. Donald Sawyer checks in the lojack and Jalal Shamroukh bets 3,600 in the hijack. Sawyer calls.

Both players check the 2 of clubs turn and the river is the Jack of spades. Sawyer looks back at his holdings for a moment and drops 1,400 onto the felt.

“I want to see,” says Shamroukh as he calls.

“I missed,” says Sawyer, showing 5 of hearts2 of hearts for a pair of deuces and an unmade open ender. Shamroukh mucks, and Sawyer’s tutus are good for the pot.

“What do you mean, missed?” jokes another player at the table.

Donald Sawyer – 43,500
Jalal Shamroukh – 34,000