Flight I – Balaji Ellur Still on Top at Fifth Break

Level 16. Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 63.410

Seven tables remain in play in Flight I of the PokerAtlas Tour $1,500,000 Guarantee $1,000 Title Event.

Players return from break number five to see Balaji Ellur still atop the counts with 814,000. His next closest competitors are Brian Le (627,000), Alfredo Garza (599,000), Ryan Page (575,000) and James Galloway (573,000).

Fifty-two players will make it into the money, meaning we’re 11 eliminations from hitting that milestone. We’ll go hand-for-hand when one away from the money and continue play once the bubble pops. The final 33 players will bag up and come back tomorrow at 2 p.m. for Day 2.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for a complete list of counts from the field.