Flight I – Aces Can’t Hold for Ashburn Bywaters

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200.300 . Entries 212

Three players hold cards with King of clubsQueen of spades10 of clubs on the board. The lojack checks and so does Campbell Davis in the hijack, prompting Ashburn Bywaters to go all in for 7,700. Only Davis calls.

Bywaters: Ace of spadesAce of clubs (pair of aces)
Davis: Ace of diamondsKing of hearts (pair of kings)

Bywaters needs to fade jacks for a chop and the two remaining kings to double up. The 7 of hearts turn is safe, but the King of spades river improves Davis to trips and sends Bywaters to the rail.

“Nice hand, sir,” says a tablemate.

“It was my first hand!” responds Davis. “I just walked in the door.”

Welcome to Flight I, Mr. Davis

Campbell Davis: 54,500