Flight H – Travis Twitty Terminated By Jason Hickey

Flight H Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 29.159

Action folds to Jason Hickey on the button and he opens to 8,000. Travis Twitty three-bets to 23,500 in the small blind and Hickey comes over the top to put Twitty all in for around 80k. Twitty wastes no time calling.

Twitty: Ace of spadesKing of diamonds
Hickey: 5 of clubs5 of diamonds

The board runs out Jack of heartsJack of spades9 of spades3 of spades2 of hearts — the paired flop gives Twitty three more outs at a counterfeit two pair, and the third spade on the turn adds flush outs to the tally before the red deuce on the river sends him to the rail.

Jason Hickey: 275,000
Travis Twitty: Eliminated