Flight H – Sonny Sundara Chipping Up

Sonny Sundara

Level 6 . Ante 600. Blinds 300.600 . Entries 92/128

Houston legend Ravee “Sonny” Sundara is in action during Flight H and has just chipped up above 100K.

In the hand, Sundara is in the hijack facing an under-the-gun raise to 1,500 from Mohammed Munaf and a call from the lojack. He three-bets to 5,400 and only UTG calls.

Both players check on King of diamondsKing of spades4 of spades and 5 of hearts, bringing the Queen of hearts to complete the board. Munaf checks a third time and Sundara bets 5,000. Munaf opts to call.

Sundara announces a queen, showing Ace of diamondsQueen of spades for two pair, kings and queens. Munaf mucks.

Sundara is known being active on the tables. We even got intel that he was one of the individuals on a list that helped prompt Tour Management to create the “Master Blaster” award. If you haven’t seen it in the room yet, you’re probably not eligible to win it.

Sonny Sundara – 103,000
Mohammed Munaf – 42,000