Flight H – Eric Chang Doubles Again

Flight H Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2.5k.5k . Entries 25.159

A blind-on-blind battle brings about a six-figure pot after Eric Chang calls a 20k bet from Bobby Kumar with the board reading 9 of clubs8 of spades7 of spades2 of clubs.

The river comes the 6 of diamonds and Kumar bets again, with Chang shoving for 45,500. Kumar calls the difference.

Chang: 5 of clubs3 of clubs
Kumar: 9 of diamonds8 of diamonds

Kumar flops top two pair, but Chang has outs to a flush and a straight after the turn and completes the latter to earn the RayHensonFullDouble.

Kelli Herd and Jason Hickey have been less fortunate, finding the rail to spell two recent eliminations and bring the field down to 25.

Eric Chang – 195,000
Bobby Kumar – 131,500