Flight H – Cards In The Air With 1,000+ Entries and Three Flights To Go

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100-200 . Entries 25

Play has begun for Flight H of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,500,000 Guarantee $1,000 Title Event at TCH Dallas.

And we’ve already got over 1,000 entries in the tournament.

Flight G’s entries brings the unofficial total to 998 for the tournament as Flight H starts with late reg and unlimited re-entries available until 9:15 tonight. Of course, tomorrow brings two more flights our way. And if Saturday’s Labor-Day-Weekend 11a flight is challenging 300 runners, how big is Sunday gonna be?

While that question can’t be answered for another 24 hours, we can sure tell you more about Flight H.

Blinds begin at 100-200 with 40,000 starting stacks. The first nine levels last 30 minutes apiece with breaks after 90 minutes of play with registration and unlimited re-entries through the end of the third break. Registration closes at 9:15 p.m. at the start of Level 10, with blinds bumping up to 40 minutes in length at that time.

One-in-eight players will make it into the money tonight, with play continuing until 8% of the starting field remains. Those who make it to the celebratory bag-n-tag will get to return for Monday’s 2 p.m. Day 2 restart.

This is a best-stack forward tournament, meaning we don’t discriminate when accepting additional entries. Feel free to join as many times as you’d like, in as many flights, regardless of how well you do or don’t do. Additional Day 2 bags earn a Day 2 min-cash for each stack removed from play.

This is flight number seven-of-ten, and we expect the prize pool to hit a milly during Flight H. Keep following along to see how we progress toward the $1.5 million guarantee.