Flight H – Bubble Pops, Good Night From Dallas

Flight H Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 20.159

Table 16 has had the most action of the three tables in play throughout the last hour, and it’s fitting stacks would get in on that table once more after Andrew Esposito open-jams on the button.

“Can I get a count?” asks Jordan Lowery, looking to Esposito with a laugh, referencing the recent lamenting over the lack of action elsewhere and the possibility of another big pot ensuing. Esposito has 104K and Lowery puts his stack into the middle.

The other two tables finish and it’s time to turn up the hands in this classic coin-flip situation.

Esposito: King of clubsQueen of diamonds
Lowery: 9 of diamonds9 of clubs

The board runs out with five bricks, and Lowery’s nines hold. The dealer counts his stack to be 111,000, covering by 7k to eliminate Esposito on the bubble.

All remaining players are now in the money: 17-20th places earn $1,400, and 14-16th receive $1,550. The top 13 advance to Monday’s Day 2.