Flight H – Brian Barker’s Turn To Double

Flight H Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2.5k.5k . Entries 25.159

Zozimo Cardenas open-limps UTG+1 and Rubin Chappell limps in the lojack. Action folds to Jordan Lowery in the small blind and he pumps it up to 22,500, only to see Brian Barker three-bet jam for 102,000 in the big blind.

Cardenas goes into the tank for a minute and lets his hand go. Moments later, Chappell announces he’s all in for around 200K effective, forcing Barker out of the pot.

Barker: Queen of spades10 of spades
Chappell: Ace of clubsKing of diamonds

The Ace of hearts9 of hearts8 of clubs flop gives Chappell top pair, top kicker, leaving Barker with four immediate gutshot outs to stay alive and two chances at hitting. He goes two-for-two, as running Jack of clubsJack of spades finish the runout and earn him the double.

Rubin Chappell – 456,000
Brian Barker – 236,500