Flight H – Basil Punnus Gets A Knockout With Cowboys

Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200-400 . Entries 90/102

There’s over 15k in the middle on Jack of spades10 of diamonds4 of diamonds with three players in action. Basil Punnus bets 5,300 from the small blind and Viet Dinh raises all in for 22,200 under the gun. Ilyas Muradi folds on the button and Punnus calls the remainder.

Dinh has Ace of clubsJack of diamonds for top pair, top kicker, but Punnus shows an overpair with King of heartsKing of clubs and has Dinh in need of improving to win the pot. Running Queen of clubs3 of diamonds leave the situation unchanged and Punnus sends Dinh to the rail.

Basil Punnus – 59,000
Viet Dinh – Eliminated