Flight H – “Always a Sweat”

Flight H Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2.5k.5k . Entries 27.159

Eric Chang gets his stack of 50k into the middle preflop on the button against Kelli Herd, who’s UTG+1.

Chang has the goods, tabling Ace of heartsAce of diamonds, and is way ahead of Herd’s Jack of hearts8 of hearts.

The board runs out Queen of clubs8 of spades7 of clubs2 of diamonds6 of diamonds and Chang’s aces remain best over Herd’s pair of eights.

“Always a sweat,” says Chang of his opponent’s flopped pair.

We’re now down to three full tables in play and seven eliminations from making the money. The top 20 finishers will cash, and the top 13 will advance to Day 2 on Monday at 2 p.m.

Kelli Herd – 175,000
Eric Chang – 112,500