Flight H – Almost No Bubble?

Flight H Level 16 . Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 22.159

We almost just had three bust outs in two hands on Table 16.

Hand #1:

Zozimo Cardenas gets all in for his last 88k shortly after the break with King of spades10 of spades from UTG+1. David Carter has him at risk from the hijack with Ace of heartsQueen of clubs.

The board runs out King of hearts4 of diamonds3 of clubs2 of spades5 of spades — Cardenas flops top pair and is elated to see the king on board, only to have running wheel cards come to re-improve Carter to the best hand and send Cardenas to the rail in 23rd, two eliminations from the money.

Hand #2:

On the next hand, action folds to Chen Yang in the hijack and Andrew Esposito three-bets all in for 81,000 on the button. Jordan Lowery cold four-bet jams in the small blind for 188,000 and Yang calls all in for 8k less.

Esposito: Ace of hearts4 of hearts
Lowery: 10 of diamonds10 of spades
Yang: Queen of clubsQueen of spades

Yang has a chance to knock out two and burst the bubble with no hand-for-hand play. Unfortunately for him, the board runs out 6 of diamonds6 of spades4 of spadesAce of spadesAce of clubs to give Esposito the triple and Yang the side pot, leaving Lowery on fumes with zero eliminations when all is said and done.

Andrew Esposito – 263,000
Chen Yang – 208,000
David Carter – 280,000
Jordan Lowery – 8,000
Zozimo Cardenas – Eliminated