Flight H – Flush Good With Trips on Board

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200-300 . Entries 75/83

Five players commit 800 into the middle preflop, and the dealer fans out 8 of spades5 of diamonds3 of diamonds. Action checks to Alem Girma UTG+2 and he bets 3,500. Only Satheesh Francis calls, doing so from the big blind.

Francis check-calls 3,500 on the 8 of hearts and another 7,000 on the 8 of diamonds to take the hand to showdown.

After the final call, Girma shrugs as he shows Jack of hearts10 of diamonds for the bluff. Francis slams down King of diamonds2 of diamonds for a flush and takes down the pot.

Satheesh Francis – 69,500
Alem Girma – 35,000