Flight G – Trang Dang Doubles With Rockets

Level 14 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 57.290

Multiple bets totaling 50,000 go into the middle preflop between Trang Dang, who’s under the gun, and Rickie Merrit in the lojack.

Action goes check-check on 10 of spades9 of clubs5 of spades before fireworks fly on the 6 of diamonds turn. Dang bets 63,000 and Merritt shoves for 162,500 effective. Dang calls it all off.

Merritt shows Ace of heartsKing of spades and is drawing dead against Dang’s Ace of spadesAce of diamonds before a meaningless 2 of hearts completes the board and scores her the dub.

Trang Dang – 434,000
Rickie Merritt – 195,000