Flight G – Gregory Ouzoonian Triples Up

Flight G Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k-2k . Entries 115/290

Thomas Neville open-shoves for 16,000 under the gun and Gregory Ouzoonian calls all in for less from the cutoff, totaling 14,500. Action makes its way to Syed-Ali Jafari in the big blind, who confirms the amount.

“Let’s see,” says Jafari as he checks his cards. He calls with 5 of spades5 of hearts.

Neville has Ace of diamonds5 of diamonds and Ouzoonian has Ace of heartsJack of clubs.

The board runs out Queen of spadesJack of spades2 of clubs3 of spades8 of hearts and Ouzoonian makes a pair of jacks to triple up. Jafari takes the 3K side pot and Neville is eliminated.

Syed-Ali Jafari – 119,000
Gregory Ouzoonian – 45,000