Flight G – Cord Garcia Putting On a Clinic

Level 18 . 08:00 Left . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 38.290

Hand-for-hand play continues with Level 18 nearing the homestretch, and Cord Garcia is making the most of his opportunity as the chip leader.

Garcia opens UTG+1 and is called by Robert Provine in the hijack, who has one of the largest stacks in the room as well. The flop comes 8 of spades5 of spades4 of spades and Garcia bets 60,000. Provine calls. He announces another 180k on the 5 of diamonds turn and Provine looks up at him.

“What’s the worst that can happen?” says Garcia. Provine calls and the river is the 2 of diamonds.

“All in,” says Garcia.

“Nice hand,” responds Provine as he folds 7 of spades7 of clubs face up.

“Is that a fold?” asks Garcia to confirm. Provine says yes, and Garcia shows a bluff with Queen of heartsJack of spades after missing his two overcards and flush draw.

Cord Garcia – 1,505,000
Robert Provine – 510,000