Flight G – Bradley Hall Doubles Thru Kasey Mills on the Bubble

Level 18 . 32:00 Left . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 38.290

Action folds to Kasey Mills in the small blind and she goes all in for Event #14 champion Bradley Hall’s effective 93k in the big blind. Hall calls.

Hall shows Ace of diamondsKing of hearts
Mills shows Queen of clubs10 of hearts

The flop comes King of diamondsJack of hearts2 of diamonds, giving Hall top pair, top kicker. However, Mills is live with seven outs to a straight. The turn is the King of clubs, removing the top end of her draw and culling her outs to four, none of which come as the 8 of diamonds river completes the runout.

Bradley Hall – 196,000
Kasey Mills – 112,000