Flight E – Mykel Comroe Doubles on the Bubble

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k-8k . Entries 23/174

Mykel Comroe is down to his last 37,000 and rips it in from the lojack. Christian Ramirez confirms the amount, looks down at his cards and slams a stack onto the felt as Comroe tells his tablemates he doesn’t want a call.

Comroe has Ace of diamondsJack of spades
Ramirez has 6 of spades6 of hearts

The board runs out Jack of spades5 of spades5 of diamondsAce of heartsAce of spades and Comroe finishes with aces full, earning the easy double as the bubble plays on.

Christian Ramirez – 460,000
Mykel Comroe – 86,000