Flight F – Eunice Choung Can’t Fade the King

Flight F Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 30.103

Matthew Arista opens to 5,500 under the gun and Eunice Choung calls UTG+1. Action folds to Arun Balasubramanian in the big blind and he three-bets to 22,000. Arista thinks for a bit and folds before Choung announces she’s all in.

Arista pats himself on the back as Choung pushes around 100K forward. Balasubramanian pauses for a moment and then calls.

Choung has Jack of heartsJack of diamonds
Balasubramanian has Ace of clubsKing of clubs

The Queen of clubs7 of spades3 of diamonds flop keeps Choung out in front, but she sees doom on the King of diamonds turn. No jack is in sight as the dealer brings the 4 of clubs on board to complete the runout and she’s sent to the rail by Balasubramanian.

Arun Balasubramanian – 297,000
Eunice Choung – Eliminated