Flight F Comes to a Close

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 9.103

Ten players turn to eight in the blink of an eye. Evan Hu is eliminated by Srinivasa Vadlamudi in 10th place after his ace-king loses to pocket jacks, leaving Vadlamudi with around 650K.

The nine remaining players condense onto one table, and Dustin Foster raises in the cutoff. Hoan Nguyen three-bet shoves for around 200k from the small blind and Foster calls.

Nguyen: Ace of diamonds5 of diamonds
Foster: 10 of diamonds10 of clubs

The runout comes King of diamonds9 of hearts4 of clubs2 of spades4 of diamonds and Foster eliminates Nguyen in ninth place with 2:46 remaining in Level 17. This becomes the shortest-running flight of the tournament, finishing 30 seconds earlier than Flight A.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for Day 2 Qualifiers from this flight. Here’s the Day 1 Tournament Cashes from this flight.

And remember: if you didn’t tip your dealer last night on the way out, tonight is another chance for you to do so. Even if you did tip last night, tonight is another chance to do it again. G’night, y’all.